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Tips & Hints
UFO 96 - The DOS file manager
for Windows 95/98
A DEMCOM product
You do not want to miss the two-window
file manager even while using Windows 95/98?
How would you like a file manager which provides the comfort of long file names in Windows
95/98 but which can be used as fast as a DOS program; a file manager which has the Windows
95/98 Start Menu integrated but which still runs in a DOS box. A file manager that can be
used like a "commander" you might already know.
You are surfing the Net or visiting BBSs?
In this case a file manager which automatically displays the "file_id.diz"-info
files in archives is made for you. You need a file manager which treats archives like
subdirectories and which supports the four most important archiver programs (ARJ, PkZip,
LHArc, and RAR). Your file manager has to allow you to view and modify files directly in
archives. An intergrated UUencoder/decoder would be very helpful when sending data through
the internet.
You have to do a lot file
organisation and you need fast and solid file management functions?
We have for you a file manager which provides time estimations during the copying of
files, which calculates the size of subdirectories in the background, which provides a
skilled FileFind and which searches for all necessary archiver programs and installed
application by itself.
For you security has the highest priotity?
Your file manager should keep a logfile, it should warn you if programs residently
stay in the memory, if you want it it should delete files irrevocably so that they cannot
be restored. A display of remaining Laptop-battery energy can revent bad surprises.
Or do you just need a reliable file manager?
For you we have developed UFO 96, the DOS file manager which supports Windows 95/98.
The change to UFO 96 is easy; you will regain standards in UFO 96 to which you are used to
from other products.
Additional functions
SAA concurring multifile editor, System-Info-Tool ("PC Equipment"), extensive
Online-Help, Drag & Drop, Display of file infos at HTML-, WAV-, GIF-, PCX-, BMP-, MOD,
and S3M-files.