The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft MS-DOS operating system version 5.0
Shadow RAM is included on most recent computers. It improves system
performance by copying code in ROM to faster RAM. Usually, a computer
with shadow RAM has a built-in setup program that can be used to
configure, or even disable, RAM shadowing. However, on some computers
shadow RAM cannot be disabled.
MORE INFORMATIONWhat Is Shadow RAM and Why Do Machines Use It?
Every MS-DOS computer has hardware code that is built into ROM. Such
code includes the instructions in the BIOS, as well as code for
specific hardware adapters, such as video adapters. For example, EGA
and VGA adapters usually include ROM that contains code for
manipulating the display.
In general, ROM operates much more slowly than RAM. Because hardware
code is typically stored in ROM, performance can suffer each time
hardware code is executed. Performance can be improved by copying code
in the slow ROMs into RAM, and executing the code from RAM instead.
The RAM that contains the copied code is called "shadow RAM." Although
RAM shadowing can dramatically improve performance, it uses some
additional RAM, which is then no longer available to applications.
How Does Shadow RAM Work?
80386 machines, and 80286 machines using the NEAT or LEAP chip sets
(from Chips & Technologies), can remap memory addresses. On such
systems, the BIOS copies itself into extended memory and then remaps
that piece of extended memory to occupy the address that was used by
the original ROM. Some BIOSes will do this for video adapter ROMs as
well. The net result is that the user's available extended memory
drops by 64K-128K, and hardware code runs from RAM. The original ROM
is no longer used during that session.
In machine X, the BIOS resides in the segment from F000-FFFFh. On
bootup, the BIOS copies itself into a piece of extended memory, and
then remaps that memory to respond to addresses in the F000-FFFFh
range. Therefore, any attempts by the system to call program code in
those addresses will be answered by the "shadow" code in RAM, rather
than by the original ROM.
The 80386 (and 80286 with NEAT or LEAP chip sets) also have the
capability to protect RAM from being overwritten. So, once the shadow
RAM is created, that memory is usually protected so that it behaves
like the original ROM. That is, any accidental attempts to overwrite
the code in those areas will fail, and the memory will be unchanged.
Why Disable Shadow RAM?
Many BIOSes allow RAM shadowing to be disabled. (The method for doing
this varies from machine to machine; the customer should refer to his
or her user's manual for their machine, or contact their OEM.) The
usual reason for disabling shadow RAM is to reclaim extended memory
for use by other programs. It should only be done as a last resort,
because disabling shadow RAM usually slows down a machine noticeably.
(Some lower-quality computers may slow down so much that they become
nearly unusable.) Because of the cost in performance, in most cases,
shadow RAM should be left enabled.
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