Using MemMaker with MS-DOS Multiple Configuration Menus |
The information in this article applies to:
Microsoft MS-DOS operating system versions 6.0, 6.2, 6.21, 6.22
You can use MemMaker with multiple configurations, but doing so requires
that you create separate configuration files to run MemMaker. The "MS-DOS
User's Guide" for version 6.0 and 6.2 explains this procedure in detail in
Chapter 6 (pages 151 to 154).
This article explains why these separate configuration files are necessary.
MemMaker removes all references to memory managers, the FILES=
statement, the BUFFERS= statement, and the DOS= statement. It then
adds the following statements at the top of the CONFIG.SYS file:
DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE <settings>
[Everything else remains in the same order]
NOTE: The <setting> and <settings> are determined by MemMaker for your
specific installation and configuration.
Because of this design, MemMaker cannot work with configuration files
containing Multi-Config sections that reference multiple memory
managers or have different memory configurations.
MemMaker also uses a program called SIZER.EXE to determine memory
requirements for device drivers and terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR)
programs. MemMaker analyzes the contents of the entire CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT files (regardless of Multi-Config headings) to calculate the
optimum memory configuration for your system. Because the files are viewed
as a single unit, each individual configuration will not be optimized after
you run MemMaker.
Additional query words:
6.22 6.00 6.20 MULTICONFIG
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