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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-427S9T

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TP 1400 - System will not boot from a CD

Applicable to: World-Wide

The system will not boot from a CD. This failure effects some but not all bootable CDs. This symptom is most likely to be seen while using the IBM Recovery CD.

Any Thinkpad i 1400 Series that is using the BIOS v3.0 R01-A5H.

How to check the BIOS version:
1. Press F1 at the IBM logo screen during boot
2. Select 'Startup Configuration'
3. Set 'Silent Boot' to Disabled
4. The BIOS version will now be displayed at the lower left of the screen during the system boot (eg. ....-R01-A5H-...)

The solution to this issue is to upgrade the system BIOS to v3.0 R01-A6A or later. To download the latest BIOS revision, click here.

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad i Series 1400

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