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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3CUCV7

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TP 760EL - Clarification of Video Chipsets

Applicable to: World-Wide

Subject :
Clarification of TP760EL Video Chipsets, Video Drivers
There has been some confusion on the 760EL models with regard to video chip sets and applicable device drivers.

1. The 760EL models announced October 96, with TFT LCDs & 133Mhz processors have the 9385 video chipsets. specifically the 9547-U4K, U4G and U4T models.

2. These machines use the "K" Video Driver diskettes as opposed to the 9320 equipped models which use the "G" video driver diskettes:
for DOS/WIN3.1 VFTPKW31 instead of VFTPGW31 DoubleClick here to access
for OS2 VFTPKOS2 instead of VFTPGOS2 DoubleClick here to access

3. The following video drivers support both 9320 and 9385 video chipsets and therefore are applicable to all 760EL models.
for WIN95 VFTPGW95 DoubleClick here to access
for WIN NT 3.51 VFTP3WNT DoubleClick here to access
for WIN NT 4.0 VFTP4WNT DoubleClick here to access

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 760EL/ELD

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