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Document ID: SCOD-423KZE

Netfinity 5000 - Installing OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0

Applicable to: World-Wide

Netfinity 5000 Installation Instructions for OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0
Revision Level: 1.0
Updated: 11/06/98

Supported Systems
8659-12Y, 1SY, 22Y, 2SY, 31Y, 3RY, R2Y, RSY, S2Y, SSY

Follow the Network Operating System (NOS) installation instructions provided in this document sequentially unless you are instructed differently. Windows and messages might differ from those in this document. These instructions and the accompanying diskettes are for U.S. English installations. Other languages might require additional steps beyond the instructions in this document.

This document contains the following
1.0 What you will need

2.0 Where to download device drivers/files

3.0 Quick installation instructions for experienced users

4.0 Detailed installation instructions
4.1 Setting up the hardware for NOS installation
4.2 Setting up the BIOS
4.3 Configuring hard disk drives using the integrated SCSI controller
4.4 Running the IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Installation Program using the integrated SCSI controller, IBM PC ServeRAID II, 3-L, or 3-H Adapter

Appendix A: Configuring arrays using the IBM ServeRAID II, 3-L, or 3-H Adapter

Appendix B: Installing OS/2 FixPak XR_W038 (or later), MPTS FixPak WR08506, or LANServer FixPak IP08506
B.1 Where you can find OS/2 FixPak XR_W038 (or later) and related necessary fixes
B.2 Where you can find CSF (Corrective Services Facility)
B.3 Creating FixPak diskettes
B.4 The installation process
B.4.1 Before installing
B.4.2 Installing from a started OS/2 partition
B.5 Installing MPTS FixPak WR08506
B.6 Installing LANServer FixPak IP08506
B.7 Backout instructions

Appendix C: Installing the S3 Trio V2/GX Device Driver for OS/2

Appendix D: Installing the Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Device Driver

1.0 What you will need
A licensed copy of OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0

A Phillips screwdriver (for removing thumbscrews) if using a rack-mounted model.

Supported hard disk drives. Refer to http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/compat/ for a list of supported options and part numbers for your server.

IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Installation Diskette for CD-ROM, v1.00 (part number 33L3647) or later.

IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Diskette 1 for CD-ROM, v1.00 (part number 33L3646) or later.

Note: The IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server diskettes are only available from the IBM bulletin board system (BBS) or file transfer protocol (FTP) site (see section 2.0 Where to Download Device Drivers/Files).

IBM Netfinity Advanced System Management Processor Device Driver Diskette, v1.03 (part number 36L9883) or later.

IBM Netfinity 5000 Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette, (REV 35) v1.00 (part number 33L3660) or later.

IBM Netfinity and PC Server Ethernet Controller and IBM Netfinity 10/100 Fault Tolerant Device Driver Diskette, v2.01A (part number 33L3654) or later.

Note: This diskette is shipped with the server or you can get filename 33L3654.EXE from the IBM bulletin board system (BBS) or file transfer protocol (FTP) site (see 2.0 Where to Download Device Drivers/Files).

7800 Family Manager Diskette (OS/2 Warp Server SMP 4.0, Win NT 4.0, Win 95, Win NT 3.51, NetWare 3.1x & 4x) v2.11 S3 (part number 10L9293) or later.

Note: This diskette image is included in Diskette Factory from ServerGuide 4.0.2 (or later) or you can get the 10L9293.EXE file from the IBM bulletin board system (BBS) or file transfer protocol (FTP) site (see 2.0 Where to Download Device Drivers/Files).

IBM Netfinity S3 Trio V2/GX Device Driver For OS/2 Diskette, v3.03.26 (part number 24L8036) or later.

Note: This diskette image is included in Diskette Factory from ServerGuide 4.0.2 (or later) or you can get the 24L8036.EXE file from the IBM BBS, FTP site, or Web site (see 2.0 Where to Download Device Drivers/Files).

If you have added a PC ServeRAID II, 3-L, or 3-H adapter, you will need:

IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette, v3.01 (part number 01K7556) or later.

IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette, v3.01 (part number 01K7558) or later.

If IBM ServeRAID BIOS is not version 3.01 (or later), you also will need IBM ServeRAID BIOS Firmware Update Diskette version 3.01 or later.

Note: These diskette images are included in Diskette Factory from ServerGuide 4.0.4 (or later) or you can get the 01K7556.EXE, 01K7558.EXE, 01K7560.EXE, and 01K7561.EXE files from the IBM BBS, FTP site, or Web site (see 2.0 Where to Download Device Drivers/Files).

One blank diskette for each of the above device driver diskettes that you are using for your particular installation.

OS/2 FixPak XR_W038 (or later). This FixPak is available from the sites listed under 2.0 Where to Download Device Drivers/Files.

MPTS FixPak WR08506. This FixPak is available from the sites listed under 2.0 Where to Download Device Drivers/Files.

LANServer FixPak IP08506. This FixPak is available from the sites listed under 2.0 Where to Download Device Drivers/Files.

2.0 Where to download device drivers/files
IBM BBS (U.S.): 1-919-517-0001

IBM FTP site: ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/pc_servers/

IBM U.S. Web site: http://www.pc.ibm.com/us/searchfiles.html

For countries outside the U.S., begin at http://www.pc.ibm.com

If you are very familiar with SCSI, hardware, and the installation process, continue with 3.0 Quick Installation Instructions for Experienced Users. If not, continue with 4.0 Detailed Installation Instructions.

3.0 Quick installation instructions for experienced users
IMPORTANT NOTE: OS/2 currently only supports one CD-ROM device installed in the server during NOS installation. Additional CD-ROM devices can be installed into the server AFTER completion of the NOS installation Verify that there is only one CD-ROM device in the server before continuing. Refer to APAR PJ24628 for more information.

There are replacement OS/2 installation diskettes available on the IBM sites listed under 2.0 Where to Download Device Drivers/Files. These diskettes have all the necessary drivers already included. These diskettes contain modifications from the standard OS/2 installation diskettes that are approved by OS/2 development for support of the Netfinity 5000. These diskettes are available as 33L3647.EXE and 33L3646.EXE. If you choose to make the modifications, follow the steps listed below.

When installing disk controllers, be aware that disk controllers installed in slot 5 (the slot nearest the processors) will be seen by the OS/2 installation program prior to the Integrated Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) Controller, possibly affecting your startup (boot) order. Only put disk controllers in slot 5 if you want to start OS/2 from a disk controller other than the Integrated SCSI Controller.

1. If you are using the Integrated SCSI Controller:
a. On a separate machine, using a standard text editor, edit the CONFIG.SYS file from OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Diskette 1 for CD-ROM, v1.00 by adding the line:


b. Copy the AIC7870.ADD device driver from the A:\OS2 directory of the 7800 Family Manager Diskette (OS/2 Warp Server SMP 4.0, Win NT 4.0, Win 95, Win NT 3.51, NetWare 3.1x & 4x) v2.11 S3 over the existing AIC7870.ADD on IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Diskette 1 for CD-ROM, v1.00. You might need to delete some of the existing files on the diskette
to make room. Examples of removable files include:

SBCD2.ADD, and any of the various AHA****.ADD files.

Note: To prevent a problem where the OS/2 installation program keeps removing the AIC7870.ADD device driver during installation, the device driver must be copied to c:\os2\boot from diskette 1 after the initial file copy is complete and before the final restart (reboot). FAILURE TO DO THIS STEP WILL RESULT IN TRAP 0002 MESSAGES, SYSTEM HANGS, AND TRAP 000D MESSAGES.

2. If you are using the PC ServeRAID II, 3-L, or 3-H adapter:
On a separate machine, using a standard text editor, copy IPSRAID.ADD from the IBM ServeRAID Device Driver Diskette, v3.01 to IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Diskette 1 for CD-ROM.

Edit the CONFIG.SYS file from IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Diskette 1 for CD-ROM by adding the following lines to the top of CONFIG.SYS:


IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have installed a PC ServeRAID II, 3-L, or 3-H adapter, use the OS/2 installation diskette and disk 1 to get to a command prompt during the next restart (reboot). Copy the good IPSRAID.ADD from disk 1 to the OS2\BOOT directory. Failure to copy this device driver the hard disk drive might result in system lockups and inability to access the hard disk drive.

Note: To prevent error messages on diskette start up, you will need to REM out the device drivers in CONFIG.SYS that you erased from the diskette.

3. If you plan to use the S3 Trio V2/GX device driver for OS/2 that is shipped with the server on the IBM Netfinity S3 Trio Device Driver for OS/2 Diskette, v.3.03.26 to allow higher video resolutions, use the VGA video driver during NOS installation. You can install this new video driver ONLY AFTER the NOS installation is complete and FixPak 38 (or greater) has been applied.
See Appendix C for device driver installation details.

4. At the Configuration window, click the bottom check mark for Adapter and Protocol Services. Add any additional network adapters and necessary protocols.

If you are using the integrated 10/100 MBPS Ethernet adapter, select Change Adapter; then, Other Adapter. Insert the IBM Netfinity and PC Server Ethernet Controller and IBM Netfinity 10/100 Fault Tolerant Driver Diskette, v2.01A (or later) into the diskette drive. Select AMD PCNet Family Ethernet Adapter, and under Type of LAN, select Ethernet; then, click OK.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have installed a PC ServeRAID II, 3-L, or 3-H adapter, use the IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Installation Diskette for CD-ROM, v1.00 and IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Diskette 1 for CD-ROM, v1.00 to get to a command prompt during the next restart (reboot). Copy the good IPSRAID.ADD from IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Diskette 1 for CD-ROM, v1.00 to the OS2\BOOT directory. Failure to copy this device driver to the hard disk drive might result in system lockups and the inability to access the hard disk drive.

5. Install FixPak XR_W038 (or later), MPTS FixPak WR08506, and LAN Server IP08506. See Appendix B for details.

6. Install the S3 Trio V2/GX device driver for OS/2. See Appendix C for details.

4.0 Detailed installation instructions

4.1 Setting up the hardware for NOS installation
1. Unplug the server.
If a tower model, use the lever on the left center of the server to release the side cover; then, remove the cover by pushing it toward the rear of the server.

If a rack-mounted model, remove the top-access panel by loosening the thumbscrew at the back-center of the server; then, pushing the panel toward the rear of the server.

2. For the initial installation, install all microprocessors you plan to use and remove all adapters and devices that are not required to get the base operating system installed. (For example, if installing multiple network adapters only install one at this time. If a tape drive or external SCSI devices will be used, disconnect them temporarily.)

After the operating system is starting without errors, reinstall the removed adapters and devices one at a time. This procedure simplifies the installation process.

When installing an additional microprocessor, be sure that a voltage regulator module (VRM) is installed in the available VRM slot (located on the system board near the hard disk drive enclosure fan).

To install the VRM, first release the tab holding the fan and slide the fan partially out of the server to make room. Insert the VRM into the VRM slot according to the instructions that came with the microprocessor. Reinsert the fan after installing the VRM.

If you plan to use an external direct access storage device (DASD) enclosure, the following instructions will not apply. Refer to the documentation provided with the external enclosure for proper set up; then, continue with 4.2 Setting up the BIOS.

3. Reinstall the side panel or top access cover.

4. Plug in the server.

5. Install the desired number of hot-swap hard disk drives into the hot-swap bays.
For tower models, begin with the left-most bay and continue to the right.
For rack-mounted models , begin with the top bay and continue downward.

IMPORTANT NOTE: OS/2 currently only supports one CD-ROM device installed in the server during NOS installation. Additional CD-ROM devices can be installed into the server AFTER completion of the NOS installation. Verify that there is only one CD-ROM device in the server before continuing. Refer to APAR PJ24628 for more information.

4.2 Setting up the BIOS
1. Turn on the server; then, press F1 when the IBM logo appears to enter Configuration/Setup.

2. When the Configuration/Setup Utility menu appears, move the highlighted selection to Load Default Settings and press Enter. Press Enter again to return to the Configuration/Setup Utility menu.

3. Select Date and Time and verify the settings; then, press Esc to return to the Configuration/Setup Utility main menu.

4. Ensure that you are at the latest level of BIOS and Service Processor, as follows:
a. Determine the version of BIOS and Service Processor running on your server:
1. Highlight the menu option System Information and press Enter.
2. Select Product Data and press Enter. The Flash EEPROM Revision Level field contains the BIOS version. The numbers in position 5, 6, and 7 of the level are the current BIOS level. For example, MOKT21AUS is BIOS level 21A, U.S. English.
3. The SP ROM Build Level field contains the Service Processor version. The numbers in positions 5, 6, and 7 of the Build Level are the current Service Processor level. For example, MOET35A is Service Processor Level 35.
4. Press Esc twice to return to the Configuration/Setup Utility menu.

b. At another computer, find the latest level of BIOS and Service Processor Flash available by checking the IBM Web, FTP, or BBS site. If you determine that neither your BIOS nor your Service Processor needs to be updated, continue with step 5.

c. If your BIOS needs to be updated:
1. Download the appropriate image at the other computer and build the diskette image by running the .EXE file. Answer Y on the last page of the licensing agreement. The current diskette image is 33L3644.EXE and is labeled IBM Netfinity 5000 Flash BIOS Update Diskette, v1.01.
2. Exit Setup and save the settings.
3. Start (boot) with the BIOS diskette in the server and answer the question appropriately. After the BIOS update is complete, you might receive a '162 Configuration has changed' error on start up. Ignore this message. Setup will start and you can continue by returning to step 2 at the beginning of 4.2 Setting Up the BIOS.
Note: If you do not see the '162 Configuration has changed' message at start up, you will need to press F1 when the F1/F2 messages appear. This will enable you to enter the Configuration/Setup Utility.

d. If your Service Processor needs to be updated:
1. Download the appropriate image at the other computer and build the diskette image by running the .EXE file. Answer Y on the last page of the licensing agreement. The current diskette image is 33L3360.EXE and is labeled IBM Netfinity 5000 Advanced System Management Processor Firmware Update Diskette, (REV 35) v1.00.
2. Exit Setup and save the settings if you have not already done so.
3. Start (boot) with the Service Processor diskette in the server and press Enter when prompted. When the system returns to the command prompt, the update is complete and the server can be restarted. The Service Processor update normally takes between 5 and 10 minutes to complete.

5. Select Start Options and press Enter.

6. Verify and change if necessary the Startup Device sequence to match the following list:

First Startup Device: Diskette 0
Second Startup Device: Hard Disk 0
Third Startup Device: Disabled
Fourth Startup Device: Disabled

7. Press Esc to return to the main menu.

8. Select Save Settings on the Configuration/Setup Utility window and press Enter twice; then, select Exit Setup and select Yes, exit the Setup Utility.

9. The server will restart.
If you DO NOT receive a '162 Configuration change has occurred' message during POST, continue with 4.3 Configuring Hard Disk Drives Using the Integrated SCSI Controller.

If you DO receive a '162 Configuration change has occurred' message during POST, press Enter to select Continue; then, press Enter again.

10. At the Diagnostic/Setup Utility window, press Esc; then, press Enter to select Yes, save and exit the Setup Utility.

Note: If you have added the PC ServeRAID II, 3-L, or 3-H adapter, see Appendix A for hard disk drive configuration and operating system installation instructions. Otherwise, continue with 4.3 Configuring Hard Disk Drives Using the Integrated SCSI Controller.

4.3 Configuring hard disk drives using the integrated SCSI controller
1. Start (boot) the server and press Ctrl A when prompted.

2. Select which adapter you want to configure.

Note: Channel B is attached to the internally connected drives. If you are using both channels of the integrated Adaptec disk controller, be sure to repeat steps 2 through 5 for both channels.

3. Select Configure/View Host Adapter Settings.

4. Select SCSI Device Configuration.

5. For Device IDs of hard disk drives and other startable (bootable) devices, make sure Send Start Unit Command is set to Yes. Devices are numbered from for the built-in SCSI backplane.

For tower models, SCSI ID 0 is the left-most bay.
For rack-mounted models, SCSI ID 0 is the top bay.

6. Press Esc once to return to the Configuration window.

7. Select Boot Device Options.

8. Verify that the SCSI Boot Channel and Boot SCSI ID match the SCSI channel and drive ID that you plan to use for the boot partition for OS/2.

Note: The Netfinity 5000 assigns SCSI IDs from left-to-right in tower models or from top-to-bottom in rack-mounted models (starting at 0 and continuing to 4).

9. Press Esc twice to confirm the changes you made.

10. Select SCSI Disk Utilities.

11. Format each hard disk drive individually by pressing Enter while it is highlighted, selecting Format Disk, and responding Yes twice. Formatting might take some time.

12. When all formatting is complete, exit the SCSISelect utility.

4.4 Running the IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Installation Program using the integrated SCSI controller, IBM PC ServeRAID II, 3-L, or 3-H Adapter
Note: If you are using the integrated SCSI controller and have installed one or more IBM PC ServeRAID II, 3-L, or 3-H adapters in the server, you must make sure that the AIC7870.ADD device driver appears prior to the IPSRAID.ADD in the CONFIG.SYS or the server will appear to hang after the first restart during the installation.

1. Insert the IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Installation Diskette for CD-ROM, v1.00 into the diskette drive and insert the OS/2 Warp Server Version 4.0 Advanced SMP CD into the CD-ROM drive and restart the server.

2. Insert IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Diskette 1 for CD-ROM, v1.00 when prompted.

3. At the Welcome window, press Enter, and press Enter again after reading the Important Licensing Information window.

4. Select Advanced Installation.

5. Select 2. Specify your own installation partition, and press Enter.

6. Move to a free space and press Enter. Select Create Partition.... Type the size of the partition. The boot partition must be on the first logical drive created, and must NOT exceed 2047MB in size. All other partitions can be up to 512GB using HPFS386, and 2047MB for FAT partitions.

7. Select Primary Partition for the first partition and Logical Partition for all others.

Note: It is only a requirement that the Primary Partition be set on the first logical drive. Selecting Primary Partition on other logical drives will change the drive letter assignments for the server, which might not always be desirable.

8. Select Create at Start of FreeSpace.

9. Repeat steps 6-8 until all space on the drive has been allocated to partitions. Up to 4 partitions are possible per drive or array.

10. Press Tab to change to different logical drives and repeat steps 6 through 8 until all logical drives are allocated.

11. Go back to the first logical drive and use the arrow keys to select the partition you want to contain the operating system.

12. Press Enter to bring up FDISK options again and select Set Installable.

13. Type the name of the partition.

14. Press F3 twice to exit the FDISK program.

15. Reinsert the IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Installation Diskette for CD-ROM, v1.00 into the diskette drive and restart the server.

16. Insert IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Diskette 1 for CD-ROM, v1.00 when prompted.

17. At the Welcome window, press Enter, and Enter again after reading the Important Licensing Information window.

18. Select Advanced Installation.

19. Select 1. Accept the drive.

20. Select HPFS or FAT file system and press Enter to format the installation partition.

21. After formatting is complete, OS/2 will perform an operating system file copy. At the end of the file copy, you will be prompted to remove the diskette and restart the server. BEFORE you press Enter, press F3 to go to the command prompt.

22. At the command prompt, type:


Then, press Enter.

23. Type: exit (when prompted on-screen).

24. Remove the IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Installation Diskette for CD-ROM, v1.00 from A:, and restart the server by pressing Enter.

25. You might receive a Virus Warning on restart (reboot), this is normal. Select Change is expected.

26. At the System Configuration window, click OK, or select any items you want to configure (although, these may be added after installation) and click OK.

27. Select a default printer or accept no default printer; then, click OK.

28. Select Video Graphics Array (VGA) video driver and click OK.

Note: If you plan to use the S3 Trio V2/GX device driver for OS/2 that is shipped with the server on the IBM Netfinity S3 Trio V2/GX Device Driver for OS/2 Diskette, v.3.03.26 to allow higher video resolutions, use the VGA video driver during NOS installation. You can install the S3 Trio V2/GX device driver for OS/2 ONLY AFTER the NOS installation is complete and OS/2 FixPak 38 (or later) has been applied. See Appendix C for device driver installation details.

29. At the System Configuration window, click OK.

30. At the OS/2 Warp Server Setup and Installation window, deselect any additional products you will not need and click Install. By default, all items are selected.

Note: If you plan to install multiple CD-ROM drives, do not select the Multi-media Software Support option.

31. Under Advanced Options, select Add existing programs to your Desktop and click OK.

32. At the Information window, type your personal information and click OK. This step is optional.

33. At the OS/2 Warp Server Setup and Installation window, select any additional services you require and click OK.

34. At the Configuration window, click any red arrows and configure necessary options. All gray checks denote default settings, which you may accept or change (you should review all default values). Teal checks represent acceptably configured and reviewed options.

If you have installed more than 128MB of memory in the server, it is necessary to set the Cache Size on the 386 HPFS check mark. Click the Specify size: radio button and type a value in the blank on the right. The value typed should leave AT LEAST 64MB of memory for the operating system. The maximum value allowed within the window is 99999KB.

The password must be at least 6 characters long. If you type a password of less than 6 characters, the password will default to PASSWORD.

35. When all options are correctly configured, click Install; then, click OK to complete the installation.

Note: During the installation the server will restart twice.

36. Install OS/2 FixPak XR_W038 (or later), MPTS FixPak WR08506, and LANServer FixPak IP08506. See Appendix B for details.

37. Install the S3 Trio V2/GX device driver for OS/2. See Appendix C for details.

Appendix A: Configuring arrays using the IBM ServeRAID II, 3-L, or 3-H Adapter
1. Upon initial start up, an error message similar to the following might be encountered:

- Following drives not responding (oldstate:newstate:ch:bay)
- Identifiers for the following drives do not match configuration ...

Press F10 Exit without change.

2. If the BIOS version of the IBM PC ServeRAID II, 3-L, or 3-H adapter is already 3.01, start (boot) IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette, v3.01 and continue with step 5.

If the BIOS version of the IBM PC ServeRAID II, 3-L, or 3-H adapter is NOT 3.01 (or later), start (boot) IBM ServeRAID BIOS Firmware Update Diskette, v3.01 (or later) and continue with step 3.

3. At the IBM DOS 6.1 Startup menu, select Option 1, ServeRAID II BIOS and FIRMWARE update and press Enter. The utility then updates the server BIOS and Firmware.

4. Remove the ServeRAID BIOS Firmware Update Diskette and insert the IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette, v3.01. Restart the server and repeat step 1 if necessary.

5. If you received the message described in step 1, do the following:
Select Advanced Functions, then Init/View/Synchronize Config, and finally Initialize Configuration.
Confirm the initialization request with a Yes. After initializing, exit to the main menu.
Otherwise, continue with step 6.

6. On the main menu, select Create/Delete/Copy Log Drive and press Enter.

7. Select Create Disk Array.

8. Use the arrow keys to select RDY drives for each new array. Press Enter on each highlighted drive to change to ONL and add it to the array.

9. Press Esc when finished selecting drives, and then press Enter.

10. Select Define Logical Drive.

11. Select an array on which to define a drive.

12. Specify the RAID level for the new logical drive and press Enter.

13. Specify size for the new logical drive by keeping or over-typing the size presented (the maximum size for a logical drive under OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 is 512GB), and confirm with a Yes.

14. A message stating that All logical drives must be INITIALIZED after being created appears. Press Enter. Confirm the command to initialize the new logical drive with a Yes.

If a RAID-5 logical drive was defined, a message stating that All RAID-5 logical drives must be SYNCHRONIZED after initialization appears. Confirm synchronization of the new logical drive with a Yes.

The synchronization process will take place in the background. It is safe to continue the installation while this synchronization occurs. The synchronization is designed to complete in the background while normal server operation takes place.

15. Press Esc to return to the main menu. Select Advanced Functions and then select Backup IPS ServeRAID Config.

16. Verify that the IBM ServeRAID DOS Configuration Diskette, v3.01 is not write-protected.

17. In the window Config box, type the name of the file where the configuration will be saved or press Enter to accept the default; then, select Yes to confirm.

18. Exit the utility, ignoring the message to back up the RAID configuration and again confirm with a Yes.

Note: The procedure outlined in steps 19 through 26 disables the integrated Adaptec controller startup (boot) capability. You can still access devices attached to it with the proper device drivers loaded.

19. Remove the diskette, restart the server, and press Ctrl A when prompted.

20. Select the channel you want to configure.

Note: If you are using both channels of the integrated Adaptec disk controller, be sure to repeat steps 21 through 26 for both channels.

21. Select Configure/View Host Adapter Settings.

22. Select Advanced Configuration Options.

23. Set Host Adapter BIOS to Disabled:scan bus if non-start (non-boot) devices are attached to the internal Adaptec controller, such as a CD-ROM or tape drive. If no devices are attached, set Host Adapter BIOS to Disabled:NOT scan.

24. Press Esc twice, confirming the changes you made.

25. Press Esc a third time to return to the Bus:Device:Channel selection window.

26. When all formatting is complete, press Esc and select Yes to exit the SCSISelect utility.

27. Continue with 4.4 Running the IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Installation Program Using the Integrated SCSI Controller, IBM PC ServeRAID II, 3-L, or 3-H Adapter to complete the OS/2 Warp Server v4.0 SMP installation process.

Appendix B: Installing OS/2 FixPak XR_W038 (or later), MPTS FixPak WR08506, or LANServer FixPak IP08506

B.1 Where you can find OS/2 FixPak XR_W038 (or later) and related necessary fixes
OS/2 FixPak 38: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/os2/fixes/v3.0warp/english- us/xr_w038/

MPTS FixPak WR08506: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/mpts/fixes/english-us/wr08506_smp/

LANServer FixPak IP08506: ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/lan/fixes/lsv5.0_smp/english- us/ip08506/

Note: The above file names and directories might vary slightly depending upon the language you are using. Beginning at the ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/ps/products/<PRODUCT>/fixes/ directory enables you to choose different language FixPaks (where <PRODUCT> is one of the four products listed in the above FTP sites).

B.2 Where you can find CSF (Corrective Services Facility) (An excerpt from OS/2 FixPak XR_W038 README.1ST)
The Corrective Service Facility disk images are available in the WKICKR.ZIP file from many places, including,
but not limited to, the following:

CompuServe: Subscribers can download from the OS/2 Support Forum (GO OS2SUPPO), in Library 23, IBM FILE.

IBM OS/2 BBS: Subscribers can download from the Software Download Library. U.S. customers who are not subscribers can call 1-800-547-1283 for information on how to subscribe.

Internet (FTP): Anonymous FTP to ftp.software.ibm.com (IP Address in the /ps/products/os2/fixes directory.

Internet (WWW): Point your Web Browser at ftp://service.boulder.ibm.com/ps/products/os2/fixes

Prodigy: Subscribers can download from the OS2CLUB in the Download Library, IBM Files, Fixes area. Files are updated weekly and are available on Friday.

PCC BBS: Customers can call the IBM Personal Computer Company BBS In Raleigh NC, and download from the public area. You can access this BBS at 1-919-517-0001.

AOL: America OnLine subscribers can download from the OS/2 Area.

Follow the instruction contained in the WKICKR.TXT file to create the Corrective Service Facility (CSF) disks. Label them as:

CSF DISK Diskette 1 (SP DISK 1)
CSF DISK Diskette 2 (SP DISK 2)

B.3 Creating FixPak diskettes
Use LOADDSKF.EXE to create the diskettes. For each disk image, place a 2MB HD (1.44MB formatted) diskette in A.

WARNING: DO NOT use a 1MB (720KB formatted) diskette because you might have problems trying to install this FixPak.

For each diskette image in the FixPak, do the following:

Enter LOADDSKF XR_W038.?DK A: /F (? can be 1 through 9, A through Z).

Label the diskette as FixPak XR_W038.

Corrective Service Diskette ? (CSF DISK ?)

Note: For diskette images ADK through ZDK (if they exist), use the numbers 10 through 36.

XR_W038.ADK = Corrective Service Diskette 10 (CSF DISK 10)
XR_W038.BDK = Corrective Service Diskette 11 (CSF DISK 11)
XR_W038.CDK = Corrective Service Diskette 12 (CSF DISK 12)
XR_W038.DDK = Corrective Service Diskette 13 (CSF DISK 13)
... and so on.

B.4 The installation process

B.4.1 Before installing
Before installing any FixPak, run CHKDSK /F against all drives on your server to correct any file system errors that might be present. You cannot do this while OS/2 is active. You must shut down and run CHKDSK by one of the following methods:

Start (boot) using the IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Installation Diskette for CD-ROM, v1.00 and IBM Netfinity 5000 OS/2 Warp Server SMP v4.0 Diskette 1 for CD-ROM, v1.00 you used to install OS/2. If your file system is HPFS, put the diskette with CHKDSK and UHPFS.DLL on it in your A drive before issuing the CHKDSK command.

Start (boot) using the Utilities disk you created via the Create Utility Diskettes icon in the System Setup folder.

Start (boot) using a different OS/2 partition.

B.4.2 Installing from a started OS/2 partition
Note: You can use a diskette drive other than A with this method. If your 3.5 inch diskette drive is B, use B where A is mentioned in the following steps (this method only).

1. Insert CSF DISK Diskette 1 into drive A.

2. Open an OS/2 window or full-screen session.

3. Type A:\SERVICE and press the Enter key.

Note: You could also use the Drives object for A and double click the SERVICE.EXE Icon to start the installation.

4. Follow the displayed instructions. When prompted to insert Corrective Service Diskette 1 (not CSF DISK Diskette 1), place FixPak XR_W038 Corrective Service Diskette 1 in drive A. Repeat for the rest of the FixPak disks when requested to do so.

Note: It can take a considerable length of time for the Corrective Service Facility to scan your hard disk for serviceable files. In some cases, it has taken as long as 40 minutes. Please be patient and allow this process to complete.

5. If this is the first OS/2 Warp FixPak you have applied to this server, then type the path to the ARCHIVE directory where a copy of replaced files will be stored (for example, D:\ARCHIVE).

This ARCHIVE directory is not related to the ARCHIVES directory built into OS/2 Warp 3.0. Please specify a different path You must specify a different ARCHIVE directory for each product to be serviced. If this is not the first OS/2 Warp FixPak, then type the path to the BACKUP directory where a copy of replaced files will be stored (for example, D:\BACKUP).

You must specify a different BACKUP directory for each product to be serviced. For either case, make sure there is sufficient space available on the drive you specify. Even though these files are kept in compressed (PACK2) format, they require between 7MB and 12MB of disk space.

6. Click OK.

7. You will see an Application in use dialog box showing a list of locked files that cannot be serviced while the server is running. You are given two choices, Continue or Restart. Select Continue.

8. During the installation process you might see messages about Archiving, Updating, and Deferring service.

Archiving: Saves a compressed copy of the original file in the ARCHIVE or BACKUP path you specified.

Updating: Means the original files are replaced with the new ones from this FixPak.

Deferring service: Means the file to be updated is currently in use by the server and cannot be updated. The new files from the FixPak are placed in unpacked format in the \IBMCSFLK\FIX directory on the drive with the most free space. They are processed by the locked file device driver during restart after you shut down the server.

9. Select No for a re-display of the Product List after the first part of the FixPak application process has completed (if the message is displayed).

10. Click Cancel and Exit to close the Corrective Service Facility window if necessary.

11. Shut down and restart your server.

If you applied service to the OS/2 partition that you used for server start up, you will see the following during restart.

The locked file driver is loaded.
Processing locked files
Processing complete

The server will do one automatic restart after the Locked File Device Driver installation is complete.

B.5 Installing MPTS FixPak WR08506
WARNING: If you are using FixPak 28 or less, before installing the FixPak, ARCHOFF.EXE (located on the ServicePak) must be executed to rename any ARCHIVE logs that have been created by previously installed FixPaks. This FixPak might not install properly if ARCHOFF.EXE is not run prior to starting SERVICE. With the ServicePak Tool diskette in the A drive, type A:ARCHOFF at an OS/2 command prompt to execute the preinstallation program.

WR08506.INF, located on the MPTS Corrective Service diskette, contains installation, and other useful information about this FixPak. Please review before installation of service. The CSF2-B is used for installation of this ServicePak and is considerably different from previous FixPaks. Once downloaded, diskettes can be made in the same manner as the CSF diskettes using LOADDSKF.

To install this FixPak, return to Step 1 of B.4.2 Installing from a Started OS/2 Partition and follow the instructions there.

B.6 Installing LANServer FixPak IP08506 (An excerpt from IP08506.ZIP README.Y2K)
1. To install these SelectPaks, first unzip the IPxnnnn.ZIP file into a temporary directory, where x is the letter for the country and nnnn is the SelectPak number.

When you unzip the .ZIP file, you should get the following files:

README.Y2K (This file)
IPXnnnn.CMD (The installation program for the SelectPak)
IP_nnnn.MSG (A file used by the installation program)
IP_nnnn.SPK (The zip file used by the installation program)
PREREQ.LVL (A file used by the installation program)

2. Run the IPXnnnn.CMD file from the temporary directory, where nnnn is the SelectPak number. You can put all the parameters on a command line, or if you leave out the parameters, it will prompt you for them. You can also type IPXnnnn? to get information about the required parameters. The parameters are as follows.

/L: for the log file (defaults to \OS2\INSTALL\IP_nnnn.LOG)

/S: for the source path of your ZIP file (defaults to the current directory)

/T: for the target drive for your update (the drive with your \IBMLAN directory)

/D: for the RIPL drive for your update (0 = RIPL not installed)

/B: for the drive that contains your operating system (only needed if you do not specify a log file)

/K: to indicate your backup preference (0 = NO, 1 = backup to \IBMLAN\NETPROG)

/V: to indicate your verification preference (0 = doesnt verify, null = prompt for verify, 1 = verifies OK)

CAUTION: Specifying /V:0 indicates that you did not accept the specified input and your input will be erased, then you will be prompted for input. Leaving /V: null or not specifying this parameter will allow you to verify input. When /V:1 is typed on the command line, no verification takes place. Use of /V:1 is intended for unattended installations.

For example, if you need to install IP08266, you could use the following commands:

pkunzip2 -d ip08266.zip c:\temp
cd temp
ipx8266.cmd /S:c:\temp /B:c /T:c /K:1

Note: If you have more than one drive with an IBMLAN directory that needs to be updated, you must run the command file for the SelectPak once for each drive to be updated.

B.7 Backout instructions
If you need to backout these fixes, you can do this only if you have chosen to backup the files during the installation (that is, you answered Yes to the backup question).

If you have chosen to back up the files, the old files will be in the \IBMLAN\NETPROG directory with a .P2K extension. Copy the .P2K files in this directory (LSERROR.P2K, LSAUDIT.P2K, and NET.P2K) to .EXE files with the same name. Backout is complete.

For example, if you ran the installation from C:\TEMP and your IBMLAN directory is on D, you would use the following commands:

cd ibmlan\netprog
copy lserror.p2k lserror.exe
copy lsaudit.p2k lsaudit.exe
copy net.p2k net.exe

Appendix C: Installing the S3 Trio V2/GX Device Driver for OS/2
Appendix C is an excerpt from the README.TXT of IBM Netfinity S3 Trio V2/GX Device Driver for OS/2 Diskette, v3.03.26.

1. Start the server in VGA mode. If the server was not installed in VGA mode, this can be accomplished by pressing ALT F1 when the OS/2 logo appears in the upper left hand corner of the monitor during start up. From the Recovery Choices window, press V to reset primary video display to VGA and restart the server.

2. Insert IBM Netfinity S3 Trio V2/GX Device Driver for OS/2 Diskette, v3.03.26 into drive A or any other diskette drive. In the following sequence the A drive is assumed.

3. Open an OS/2 full-screen or OS/2 window session.

4. At the OS/2 command prompt, type the following command to copy all necessary files to the OS/2 drive:

A:SETUP (where A is the diskette drive which contains the device driver installation diskette).

Press Enter. Due to the limitations with a single pass installation. A dialog box might come up during installation with the message, The installed adapter does not support the selected display driver. Do you want to continue-. Continue the installation by selecting the Yes button.

Press Enter. Setup will then identify your chip set. When prompted to do so, press Enter to continue.

5. When the Monitor Configuration/Selection Utility window appears, the Install Using Defaults for Monitor Type choice is preselected. Select OK. Do NOT select Install Using Display Adapter Utility Program since this method of setting refresh rates is not supported in this device driver version.

Note: DSPINSTL determines the hardware configuration by creating the \OS2\SVGADATA.PMI file. If the \OS2\SVGADATA.PMI file has not been created, the adapter will not be supported. This process can take several seconds and will blackout the screen.

6. When the installation is complete, shut down your server, remove the diskette, and restart your computer.

7. When the server has restarted:
a. Open the OS/2 System Folder.
b. Open the System Setup Folder.
c. Open the System object.
d. When the Settings notebook (for OS/2 v3.0) or System Properties (for OS/2 v4.0) appears, select Screen Tab.

8. If your monitor has been detected as Plug-and-Play (DDC) compatible, continue with step 9.

If your monitor has NOT been detected as Plug-and-Play (DDC) compatible, on page 2 of Screen Tab, select your display from the display list. If your display does not appear in the list, select Default.

Restart your computer to ensure all refresh rate options are available.

9. When the server has restarted:
a. Open the System object and select page 1 of Screen Tab, as in step 7.
b. Select the desired screen resolution and a screen refresh rate.
c. Close the Settings notebook or System Properties.
d. Perform a shutdown and restart your computer.

If the selected vertical refresh rate is not supported by your monitor, delete \OS2\VIDEO.CFG file and restart. This will set the refresh rate to the default value. A new refresh rate can then be selected using the procedure described above.

During the installation of this device driver, DISPLAY.LOG and DSPINSTL.LOG files are created in the OS2\INSTALL directory. These files identify the OS/2 system files that were updated and indicate whether the installation was successful. The contents of these files might be useful if you need to report an installation problem to IBM.

The display driver should be reinstalled with any changes in video hardware configuration. Not re-installing the device driver might result in serious system problems.

When starting a WIN-OS/2 session, you should launch the session via one of the WIN-OS/2 icons located in the Command Prompts folder within the OS/2 System icon.

Appendix D: Installing the Netfinity Advanced System Management PCI Adapter Device Driver
Note: Advanced Service Processor is designed to be used with Netfinity software for System Monitoring.

1. Open an OS/2 window. At the command prompt:
a. Type: A:
b. Press Enter.
c. Type: CD OS2
d. Press Enter.
e. Type: SETUP
f. Press Enter.

2. Select n to select the default path for installation.

3. Press any key to exit; at the command prompt:
a. Type: exit
b. Press Enter.

4. Select Shutdown from the OS/2 desktop and restart (reboot) the server.

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