1.All Documents\ by Last Update / Machine Type / Doc Type (Continued) - Page 196

DOS/Windows 3.x
TP 770X - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS)DSHY-42QLVU
TP 770X - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS)DSHY-42QLVU
Windows 95
TP 770X - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS)DSHY-42QLVU
Windows 98
TP 770X - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS)DSHY-42QLVU
Windows NT
TP 770X - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS)DSHY-42QLVU
Parts Information
Crossbrand - Accessories (Pointing Devices)DETR-3TAG4Q
Parts Information
Crossbrand - Accessories (Pointing Devices)DETR-3TAG4Q
Parts Information
Crossbrand - Accessories (Pointing Devices)DETR-3TAG4Q
Parts Information
Crossbrand - Accessories (Pointing Devices)DETR-3TAG4Q
Parts Information
Crossbrand - Accessories (Pointing Devices)DETR-3TAG4Q
Parts Information
Crossbrand - Accessories (Pointing Devices)DETR-3TAG4Q
Parts Information
Crossbrand - Accessories (Pointing Devices)DETR-3TAG4Q
System Support Disks
TP 770,770E/ED - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS)DSHY-3P2MCB
DOS/Windows 3.x
TP 770,770E/ED - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS)DSHY-3P2MCB
TP 770,770E/ED - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS)DSHY-3P2MCB
Windows 2000 Beta
TP 770,770E/ED - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS)DSHY-3P2MCB
Windows 95
TP 770,770E/ED - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS)DSHY-3P2MCB
Windows 98
TP 770,770E/ED - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS)DSHY-3P2MCB
Windows NT
TP 770,770E/ED - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS)DSHY-3P2MCB
Parts Information
Options Part Number Lookup IndexVLAR-3T6RJP
Marketing P/N to FRU P/N Listing - MemoryVLAR-3TR234
Marketing P/N to FRU P/N Listing - Input DevicesVLAR-3TQV54
Marketing P/N to FRU P/N Listing - PowerVLAR-3TR2ED
Marketing P/N to FRU P/N Listing - DVD DrivesVLAR-3TQVUU
Marketing P/N to FRU P/N Listing - Tape DrivesVLAR-3TQVLP
Marketing P/N to FRU P/N Listing - ModemsVLAR-3TQV93
Marketing P/N to FRU P/N Listing - Processor UpgradesVLAR-3TQVHT
Marketing P/N to FRU P/N Listing - Expansion/EnclosuresVLAR-3TQU8T
Marketing P/N to FRU P/N Listing - MiscellaneousVLAR-3TR29E
Marketing P/N to FRU P/N Listing - MultimediaVLAR-3TQVDX
Marketing P/N to FRU P/N Listing - Diskette/ZIP DrivesVLAR-3TQW2G
Marketing P/N to FRU P/N Listing - Computer TelephonyVLAR-44JMUZ
Marketing P/N to FRU P/N Listing - Emulation AdaptersVLAR-3TQU5F
Marketing P/N to FRU P/N Listing - Communication AdaptersVLAR-3TQTZG
Marketing P/N to FRU P/N Listing - CD-ROM/Optical DrivesVLAR-3TQVQE
Service Hints & Tips
Clustering - Fibre Channel RAID Controller and EXP15 tray ID switchMCGN-45PQ5Z
Preloaded Software Information
Aptiva - 2134/2176 Software (Japan phase 1)DETR-3SMHUA
Aptiva - 2134/2176 Software (Taiwan)DETR-3SMJXX
Aptiva - 2134/2176 Software (Latin America/Brazil)DETR-3SJQJR
Aptiva - 2134/2176 Software (Europe/Middle East/Africa)DETR-3SJPXP
Aptiva - 2134-361/440/445 SoftwareDETR-3SJPMT
Aptiva - 2134/2176 Software (Japan phase 2)DETR-3SMJHN
Aptiva - 2134/2176 Software (US/Canada English)DETR-3SMGZ8
Aptiva - 2134/2176 Software (Canadian French)DETR-3SMHB7
Preloaded Software Information
Aptiva - 2136 Software (China)DETR-3SPSNN
Aptiva - 2136 Software (Canada - French)DETR-3SPS9H
Aptiva - 2136 Software (Taiwan)DETR-3SPSAE
Aptiva - 2136 Software (Netherlands)DETR-3SPRLB
Aptiva - 2136 Software (UK)DETR-3SPS2Z
Aptiva - 2136 Software (Canada - English)DETR-3SPS7P
Aptiva - 2136 Software (Sweden)DETR-3SPRXF
Aptiva - 2136 Software (German)DETR-3SPS5C
Aptiva - 2136 Software (Finland)DETR-3SPRZJ
Aptiva - 2136 Software (Norway)DETR-3SPRVV
Aptiva - 2136 Software (French)DETR-3SPS46
Aptiva - 2136 Software (US)DETR-3SPSUX
Preloaded Software Information
Aptiva - 2137/2138 Software (German)DETR-3SGSJZ
Aptiva - 2137 Software (Canada-English)DETR-3SGSDX
Aptiva - 2137/2138 Software (UK)DETR-3SGSGL
Aptiva - 2137 Software (Japanese)DETR-3SGSSV
Aptiva - 2137 Software (US)DETR-3SGSAL
Aptiva - 2137 Software (China)DETR-3SPQ7V
Aptiva - 2137 Software (Swedish)DETR-3SGSQ4
Aptiva - 2137 Software (Australia)DETR-3T6R7H
Aptiva - 2137 Software (Canada-French)DETR-3SGSCC
Aptiva - 2137/2138 Software (Finnish)DETR-3SGSRR
Aptiva - 2137 Software (Latin America)DETR-3T6QXQ
Aptiva - 2137/2138 Software (French)DETR-3SGSHJ
Aptiva - 2137 Software (Taiwan/Hong Kong)DETR-3SPQ3W
Aptiva - 2137/2138 Software (Spanish)DETR-3SGSLB
Aptiva - E85, E96 SoftwareDETR-3UFLFN
Aptiva - 2137/2138 Software (Italian)DETR-3SGSMZ
Preloaded Software Information
Aptiva - 2138 Software (France and Sweden, Windows 98)DETR-3XAREL
Aptiva - 2137/2138 Software (German)DETR-3SGSJZ
Aptiva - 2137/2138 Software (UK)DETR-3SGSGL
Aptiva - 2138 Software (China)DETR-3SPQD9
Aptiva - 2137 Software (Swedish)DETR-3SGSQ4
Aptiva - 2137/2138 Software (Finnish)DETR-3SGSRR
Aptiva - 2138 Software (Taiwan/Hong Kong)DETR-3SPQAD
Aptiva - 2137/2138 Software (French)DETR-3SGSHJ
Aptiva - 2138 Software (US/Canada English)DETR-3SPNX2
Aptiva - 2137/2138 Software (Spanish)DETR-3SGSLB
Aptiva - E85, E96 SoftwareDETR-3UFLFN
Aptiva - 2138 Software (Japan)DETR-3SPPCT
Aptiva - 2137/2138 Software (Italian)DETR-3SGSMZ
Preloaded Software Information
Aptiva - 2139/2153 Software (Japan)DETR-3WDP28
Aptiva - 2139/2153 Software (Australia/New Zealand)DETR-3WDPPH
Aptiva - 2139/2153 Software (Canada - English)DETR-3VXP6F
Aptiva - 2139/2153 Software (Canada - French)DETR-3VXQ36
Aptiva - 2139/2153 Software (US)DETR-3VYMTK
Aptiva - 2139/2153 Software (China)DETR-3WDPHV
Service Hints & Tips
DVD Drives
Aptiva - 2139 - Some DVD movies only show up as a black screenDETR-45FJKV
Aptiva - 2139 - Some DVD movies only show up as a black screenDETR-45FJKV
Preloaded Software Information
Aptiva - 2140/2142 Software (Mexico)DETR-3SHUBF
Aptiva - 2140/2142 Software (International English)DETR-3SGQP8
Aptiva - 2140/2142 Software (French)DETR-3SHN9H
Preloaded Software Information
Aptiva - 2140/2142 Software (International English)DETR-3SGQP8
Aptiva - 2140/2142 Software (French)DETR-3SHN9H
Preloaded Software Information
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level - H, Windows 95, Latin America/Brazil)DETR-3T4QHD
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level - H, DOS/Windows, Japan)DETR-3T4QWK
Aptiva - 2144 Software (Service Level G, North America)DETR-3T6L6N
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level - H, OS/2, US/Canada)DETR-3T4KNY
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software index (Europe, Middle East, Africa)DETR-3SXSLU
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level - H, Load A, Europe/Middle East/Africa)DETR-3T4P8V
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software index (Australia, New Zealand, ASEAN)DETR-3SXSZU
Aptiva - 2144-120 Software (Service Level I - Europe, Middle East, Africa)DETR-3SVNAZ
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level - H, Load H, Europe/Middle East/Africa)DETR-3T4P4S
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level - H, Load I, Europe/Middle East/Africa)DETR-3T4PD8
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level - H, Dos/Windows, Latin America/Brazil)DETR-3T4QLX
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level C/D, Latin America/Brazil)DETR-3TANUV
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level - H, OS/2 with Dictation, US/Canada)DETR-3T4L4A
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software index (North America)DETR-3SXSHB
Aptiva - 2144 Software (Service Level F, Asia/Pacific)DETR-3T6KGB
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level C/D, Asia/Pacific)DETR-3TAP3W
Aptiva - 2144 Software (Service Level F, North America)DETR-3T6KYC
Aptiva - 2144 Software (Service Level F, DOS/Windows/Warp, Latin America/Brazil)DETR-3T6KPF
Aptiva - 2144 Software (Service Level F, DOS/Windows, Latin America/Brazil)DETR-3TTPAE
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level - H, Windows 95, Asia/Pacific - South)DETR-3T4QSD
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level H, OS/2, Latin America/Brazil)DETR-3T4QF2
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level C/D/E, Europe/Middle East/Africa)DETR-3TANPM
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software index (Japan)DETR-3SXSXU
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level - H, OS/2, Asia/Pacific-South)DETR-3T4QPQ
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software index (Latin America, Brazil)DETR-3SXSRD
Aptiva - 2144 Software (Service Level F, Japan)DETR-3T6KC8
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level - H, Windows 95, US/Canada)DETR-3T4L7P
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level - H, Load G, Europe/Middle East/Africa)DETR-3T4P2W
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level C/D, US/Canada English)DETR-3TANCW
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level - H, Load F, Europe/Middle East/Africa)DETR-3T4NWG
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level - H, Load B, Europe/Middle East/Africa)DETR-3T4PBK
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software index (China, Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong)DETR-3SXSVV
Aptiva - Preload Backup P/Ns (Service Level I)SSCT-3C4KFV
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level - H, Windows 95, Japan)DETR-3T4R2R
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level - H, Load E, Europe/Middle East/Africa)DETR-3T4NU7
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level C, DOS/Warp/Windows, Japan)DETR-3TAP93
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level C/D, Canadian French)DETR-3TANLW
Aptiva - 2144/2168 Software (Service Level C, DOS/Windows, Japan)DETR-3TAP6L
Preloaded Software Information
Aptiva - 2139/2153 Software (Japan)DETR-3WDP28
Aptiva - 2153 Software (Brazil)DETR-3XYQ84
Aptiva - 2139/2153 Software (Australia/New Zealand)DETR-3WDPPH
Aptiva - 2139/2153 Software (Canada - English)DETR-3VXP6F
Aptiva - 2139/2153 Software (Canada - French)DETR-3VXQ36
Aptiva - 2139/2153 Software (US)DETR-3VYMTK
Aptiva - 2153 Software (Taiwan, Hong Kong)DETR-3WZH5Z
Aptiva - 2139/2153 Software (China)DETR-3WDPHV
Preloaded Software Information
Aptiva - 2156 Software (US)DETR-3Z3H3B

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