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Preloaded Software Information

Document ID: DDSE-3U3QXM

PC Server 310 - Installing SCO (8639-MXT)

Applicable to: World-Wide

PC Server 310

Drive Interface
IBM PCI SCSI-2 Fast adapter (Adaptec 2940 chip-set)

SCO Unix 3.2 v4.2 and OpenDesktop/Server v3.0 has not been certified on the 8639-MXT at this time.

Software Requirements:
SCO Open Server v5.00 - v5.0.4:
Obtain the Support Level Supplement oss431a.boot from the "/SLS" directory on the SCO BBS. It can be accessed through anonymous ftp (ftp.sco.com) or through the World Wide Web (ftp://www.sco.com). This supplement consists of a replacement BOOT diskette. It is Unix "Z" compressed and will require a Unix system to uncompress and convert to diskette.

For OpenServer v5.00 only:
Obtain the Support Level Supplement oss431a from the "/SLS" directory on the SCO BBS. This supplement consists of a modified device driver that will enable SCO OpenServer v5.00 to be installed and function correctly on the mca/pci bus system. This file is not required for OpenServer v5.0.2 and v5.0.4.

For SCO OpenServer v5.00 and v5.0.2 only:
Click here -> to download the PC Server 310 7800 Family Manager diskette. This self-extracting file (under DOS or OS/2) will create a diskette containing a newer alad325 BTLD (Boot Time Loadable Driver) which supports all IBM PCI SCSI-2 controllers (Adaptec 7870 and 7880 chip-sets) running SCO OpenServer v5.00 and v5.0.2. SCO OpenServer v5.0.4 already includes this new driver!

Drivers are also provided on the IBM BBS (919-517-0001), anonymous ftp (ftp.pc.ibm.com), and the World Wide Web (http://www.us.pc.ibm.com/files.html).

Installation Instructions for SCO OpenServer v5.00 and v5.0.2 only:
Insert the oss431a.boot replacement BOOT diskette and power on the system.

Type the following at the BOOT: prompt: defbootstr link=alad325 Sdsk=alad(0,x,0) <Enter>. Where x = scsi ID of device and Sdsk = boot drive.

Insert the alad325 BTLD when prompted and press <Enter>. While this is loading, a message stating that "Table io_init contains (at 21) another routine named aladinit" may occur followed by a prompt to replace a module, add aladinit (a), or do nothing (n). At the prompt, type "21" to replace aladinit. Continue with the installation.

Install Release Supplement D, Networking Supplement 1.0.0, and Advanced Hardware Supplement 5.2 (refer to the SCO OpenServer Supplements section). Install any other supplements as necessary. When complete, the Unix kernel will be re-linked. Shutdown and restart the system for the changes to take affect.

For SCO OpenServer v5.0.4:
Type the following at the BOOT: prompt: defbootstr Sdsk=alad(0,x,0) <Enter>. Where x = scsi-ID of device and Sdsk = boot drive. No BTLD is required.

For mouse, select "Low Resolution Keyboard Mouse" (two button mouse).

For video, it is recommended to select "IBM VGA" to install. This can be changed later as necessary through scoadmin or the video configuration manager after installation.

At media selection, select the options (bus, scsi-id, etc) for your system and continue with the installation. If more than one scsi controller is identified, be sure to select the adapter/driver connected to the installation device.

Network Adapter:
It is recommended that you select "deferred" for the network adapter until the Advanced Hardware Supplement for the operating system can be applied (see the SCO OpenServer Supplements section). This supplement contains updated network drivers and patches. The Advanced Hardware Supplement is already included in SCO OpenServer v5.0.4.

The rest of the installation should proceed normally.

For SCO OpenServer v5.00 ONLY:
Insert the oss431a.boot replacement BOOT diskette and power on the system.

Type the following at the BOOT: prompt: defbootstr link=alad325 Sdsk=alad(0,x,0) <Enter>. Where x = scsi ID of device and Sdsk = boot drive.

Insert the alad325 BTLD when prompted and press <Enter>. While this is loading, a message stating that "Table io_init contains (at 21) another routine named aladinit" may occur followed by a prompt to replace a module, add aladinit (a), or do nothing (n). At the prompt, type "21" to replace aladinit. Continue with the installation.

When the "Safe to Power Off" message is displayed, insert the oss431a.boot replacement BOOT diskette and press <Enter> to restart the system.

At the BOOT: prompt, type the following: hd(40)unix dump=hd(41) swap=hd(41) root=hd(42) Sdsk=alad(0,x,0) <Enter>

After displaying the hardware device configuration screen, the following message may appear: "CONFIG: itimer: Not installed ERROR: unable to open /dev/log." These errors may be safely ignored.

At the prompt to press <Ctrl + D> to proceed with normal startup, enter the ROOT password to boot into system maintenance mode.

Remove the oss431a.boot replacement BOOT diskette and insert the oss431a supplement diskette. At the command prompt, type: installpkg <Enter>

When prompted for the names of the packages to install, type: nmi pic <Enter>

A message will be displayed that the drivers already exists and asks whether you want to replace them with the newer versions. Answer "Y" to replace both.

The kernel must be re-linked at this point. Type the following at the command prompt: /etc/conf/cf.d/link_unix -y <Enter>

Remove the oss431a supplement diskette and type: reboot to restart the system.

Install Release Supplement D, Networking Supplement 1.0.0, and Advanced Hardware Supplement 5.2. Click here -> to view the SCO OpenServer Supplements. Install any other supplements as necessary. When complete, the Unix kernel will be re-linked. Shutdown and restart the system for the changes to take affect.

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IBM PC Server

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PC Server 310

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