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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3SXKW5

Servers - Possible drive failures in 3518/3519 enclosure (U.S. and Canada only)

Applicable to: Canada, United States

When the server is powered up, the following error is displayed by the ServeRAID or ServeRAID II Adapter:

"The Drive Configuration Has Changed"

"The following drives are not responding:"

"(old state)/(new state)"

" Your System has a configuration error due to the above conditions"

"Press F4 - Retry command"

"Press F5 - Update Adapter Configuration to exclude non-responding Drives"

" Warning : non-responding drives will be set to DDD"

"Press F10 - Exit without any change"

---------------------- OR -----------------------------

When the system is powered up, the non-RAID SCSI Adapter BIOS loads. The following is a example of what the BIOS may
display if there is a CD-ROM and one hard drive attached to the non-RAID SCSI adapter:

SCSI ID #0 IBMDFHSS2W Drive C: (80h)
Press <CTRL A> For SCSISelect (TM) Utility
<<< Press <F1> to resume, <F2> setup

NOTE: The drives in the external enclosure are not recognized.


All of the following must be true for this tip to apply:

- The enclosure is a IBM Type 3518 model 001 or Type 3519 model R01 configured with supported hard drives.

- The 3518/3519 is connected to the external port of any supported SCSI Controller/Adapter or ServeRAID/ServeRAID II Controller/Adapter that is properly configured in any supported IBM PC Server or Netfinity server using a supported SCSI cable.

- The 3518 enclosure is configured with a SCSI Repeater Card option p/n 40H4869 / FRU p/n 94G5565, or Option p/n 94G7585 / FRU p/n 93H6409.

- The 3519 enclosure is configured with a SCSI Repeater Card option p/n 94G7585 / FRU p/n 93H6409 (ships standard with the 3519 enclosure).


1- Configure the 3518 enclosure using the SCSI Repeater Card option p/n 94G7585 FRU p/n 07L8624.

NOTE: The 3519 enclosure ships configured with the FRU p/n07L8624. There is no fix for the symptom as it relates to the 3519 at this time. Use the workaround below.


1- Do NOT press F4 at the system message, power off, then power on the 3518/3519 Enclosure.

-------------------------- OR ------------------------------

1- Cycle the power on each of the drives using the switch on the front of the drives that are located in the 3518/3519 to recover the drive status.

2- Power off, then power on the server to reset the SCSI Adapter


- Refer to RETAIN TIP Record #H125499 for issues specific to drives configured in a 3518 Enclosure.

- Refer to ECA012 and ECA015 for issues related to Hard Drive failures.

Use standard Warranty Replacement Procedures when replacing the Repeater Card.

SCSISelect is a trademark of Adaptec, Inc.

PSY2, D/T3518, D/T8638, D/T8640, D/T8641, D/T8642, D/T8650, D/T8651, D/T8644, UNCLASSIFIED, HEALTH, D/T3519, P/N40H4869, P/N94G5565, P/N94G7585, P/N93H6409, P/N07L8624

Search Keywords

PSY2, D/T3518, D/T8638, D/T8640, D/T8641, D/T8642, D/T8650, D/T8651, D/T8644, UNCLASSIFIED, HEALTH, D/T3519, P/N40H4869, P/N94G5565, P/N94G7585, P/N93H6409, P/N07L8624

Hint Category


Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 3500, Netfinity 7000, PC Server 300, PC Server 315, PC Server 320, PC Server 500, PC Server 704, PC Server 720, Rack/Storage Enclosures

Machine Type

8644, 8651, 8640, 8638, 8641, 8650, 8642, 3518, 3519




Retain Tip (if applicable)


Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes