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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3QJRCQ

TP General - Mwave 2.24 installation support for OS/2 Warp

Applicable to: World-Wide

This procedure is for the Mwave version 2.24 drivers on the IBM ThinkPad 755CE/CD/CsE/CV/CDV/CX , 760C/CD/E/ED/XD, and 765D series machines. It is designed to work as is for all versions of OS/2 Warp 3.x and 4.x.

Note: Mwave 2.24 is not supported with any version of OS/2 2.1x.

The files listed in this procedure are available on the Database by double-clicking on the document links

The ThinkPad should be placed on AC power and logged off of any network connections prior to beginning the Mwave installation. Failure to do so can cause various inconsistencies in the Mwave installation which will prevent Mwave from functioning normally. After successful installation, the ThinkPad can be run as it was before.

Obtain the files from IBM as shown in the following table for the version of OS/2 and model of ThinkPad being used. Place the files into a temporary directory, run each and follow the instructions to create the diskettes as listed. You will need the following disks:

- System Program Service Diskette
- Audio Features Diskette for OS/2 Warp (Mwave v.2.24)
- Utility Diskette(s) for OS/2 Warp

Files for TP 755CE/CSE/CD/CV/CDV/CX
Files for TP 760C/CD/E/ED/X/XD, 765D
Files for TP 765D

Note :
1. Utility Disk for DOS - ThinkPad 760,765 is only needed if ThinkPad Personalization is desired during ThinkPad features installation.

System Update Disk:
Consult the README file on the System Update disk for the respective system being used and follow the instructions for use.

Base Multimedia Support:
If Multimedia Software support was not installed during the installation of OS/2 Warp, then use Selective Install to install the support. The hardware selection on the System Configuration page should be 'None'. For the ThinkPad 755CD/CDV and 760CD/ED series, CD-ROM support must be present (i.e. support should have been installed when OS/2 was installed) in the machine during the install of Multimedia support in order to get a CD Audio object in the Multimedia folder. Perform a proper shut down and reboot the system.

Note : If the you have attempted to install the Multimedia support with a sound device or if multiple Digital Audio or other icons appear in the Multimedia folder, then Multimedia support must be removed completely and reinstalled. Use Selective Uninstall in the System Setup folder to remove Multimedia support.

ThinkPad Features and Mwave Management Device Driver Installation:
If ThinkPad Features for OS/2 have already been installed from base OS/2 installation, then Step 1 may be skipped.

1. Install the ThinkPad Features for OS/2 using the INSTALL2 program from either the Utility diskette 1 v3.32 (755 Series) or the Utility Disk OS/2 (760 Series). The INSTALL2 program can be run from an OS/2 window. Remove the check on the Install Personalization Editor, select Install, and follow the instructions to complete the installation.

2. Go into Device Driver Install from System Setup, insert either the Utility diskette 2 v3.32 (755 Series) or the Utility Disk OS/2 (760 Series), select Install and choose the ThinkPad System Management Device Driver (make sure to HIGHLIGHT this selection). Perform a proper shut down and reboot the system. Verify that the line:


is placed in the CONFIG.SYS. This driver MUST be present in order for Mwave to function. For best results, this line should come before the Mwave lines in CONFIG.SYS as shown in the sample CONFIG.SYS on the following page.

OS/2 Mwave Support:
1.) Insert the ThinkPad Mwave OS/2 disk 1 into the floppy drive.
2.) From an OS/2 Window, type a:\setup and press Enter.
3.) If this is the first time you are doing the installation, it will ask you where you want to install the drives. Click on OK to accept the default. If you are installing on top of an older version, it will inform you that it is going to overwrite the existing drivers. Click on OK to continue.
4.) After the installation has been completed, remove the diskette from the floppy drive, click on OK, then shutdown and restart the computer.

During boot up, there should be a message 'MWAVEDD.SYS (v2.125B)' and an icon should appear on the Desktop titled "Mwave for OS/2."

OS/2 Mwave Audio Support:
1.) Insert the Mwave Audio for OS/2 Warp disk into the floppy drive.
2.) From an OS/2 Window, type a:\setup and press Enter.
3.) Select the IBM Mwave Adapter (this is the default) and then click on Install.
4.) It will ask if you want the installation to modify the config.sys file for you. Click on Yes to continue.
5.) It will ask the number of Mwave devices in your computer. Make sure it says 1 and then click on OK to continue.
6.) Click on OK. Click on OK again to complete the installation.
7.) Remove the diskette from the floppy drive. Perform a proper shut down and reboot the system.

OS/2 Mwave MIDI Support:
For Mwave MIDI support, run the SETUP command from the ThinkPad OS/2 MIDI Support Disk from an OS/2 window. For OS/2 for Windows packages (Red Label), answer 'Yes' to the 'Do you want your Windows MIDI Synthesizer to use this set of MIDI Samples' prompt. For all versions of OS/2 Warp, answer 'Yes' to the to the prompts for OS/2 MIDI samples. When the program asks for 'Disk 2', insert ThinkPad MIDI Samples Disk 2. For 'Disk 3' use MIDI Samples Disk 3 and so on through all five of the MIDI samples diskettes.

Note : If OS/2 Warp is installed on a different partition from DOS/Windows, AND OS/2 Warp Blue Label is being used, answer 'No' to the prompt for the Windows MIDI samples if no updates to the Native DOS/Windows side are desired.

The OS/2 CONFIG.SYS should reflect the following changes:
REM ***********************************************************
REM Note: The Mwave MWAVEVDD.SYS device driver MUST be loaded *
REM before the VEMM.SYS OS/2 driver in the CONFIG.SYS. *
REM ***********************************************************

DEVICE=C:\MWAVEOS2\BIN\mwbd0400.sys BUS=1150000
(This line will usually be near the COM.SYS driver.)




Note that these changes should be in the order shown with the only exception as noted for the Mwave device to function properly. It also adds C:\MWAVEOS2\BIN to the LIBPATH=, SET PATH=, and the SET DPATH= lines.

Reinstallation of Mwave:
If the Mwave installation becomes damaged and fails to function properly, it will be necessary to fully remove all Mwave AND Multimedia support prior to reinstallation. This is necessary to insure a clean reinstall of all features.

For OS/2 Warp:
- Edit the CONFIG.SYS and remove all references to \MWAVEOS2.
- Do a Selective Uninstall of Multimedia support and delete the Multimedia and Mwave folders from the Desktop.
- Shutdown and reboot the system.
- Use the Drives object to remove the \MMOS2 and \MWAVEOS2 subdirectories.
- Proceed with the installation as outlined above.

WINOS2 Mwave support can be reinstalled independently of OS/2 support, i.e. if OS/2 Mwave support is working correctly, then it is not necessary to remove/reinstall OS/2 support in order to reinstall WINOS2 support. In general, WINOS2 Mwave support does not need to be removed before it is reinstalled.

Miscellaneous Application Considerations:
For FaxWorks for OS/2, the modem should be set up as a Class 2 device.

For HyperACCESS, the modem type should be set up as an 'Mwave Windsurfer Comm Adapter' or 'Mwave 28,800 bps Modem' on whichever port (COM1 or COM2 only) that the modem is set for.

For communications programs that do not have a specific selection for the Mwave modem, choose a Hayes compatible.

For the modem to function with OS/2 telecommunications/fax programs, it must be initialized with the Mwave Modem icon in the Mwave for OS/2 folder. The Discriminator function will also launch. Both Modem and Discriminator will not be visible on the Desktop, but will show up in the Window List and can be switched to if necessary.

For IBM LAN Distance to function properly, edit the PROTOCOL.INI file and add PCMCIA=YES to the [COMx] stanza. If the modem fails to connect successfully to the LAN Distance server at high speed (19200 to 28800), then it will be necessary to set the modem speed to 14400 for proper operation.

For successful coexistence with IBM TCP/IP, IBM LAN Requestor and/or Netware Requestor for OS/2; all of the MMOS2 and Mwave drivers, with the exception of the MWAVEVDD.SYS driver, should come after the TCP/IP lines in the CONFIG.SYS file.

For CD audio on the 755CD/CDV and 760CD/ED to function, the Auxiliary Control must be running from the Mwave for OS/2 folder. This is not necessary if the CD is set for Digital Transfer.

If Audio is playing and an incoming telephone signal is detected by the modem, then the Mwave Manager will terminate the Audio automatically to free up the necessary Mwave resources for the Discriminator/Modem. Audio should resume after the Modem is through with its process (telephone, FAX, or Modem).

It is possible to use a PCMCIA modem and the DSP modem at the same time. For best results, install OS/2 with the Infrared enabled as COM1, Serial disabled, and the DSP modem at COM2 (defaults). Use the ThinkPad Features to disable Infrared and Serial. Install PCMCIA support and select PCMCIA Modem/FAX as the device. The PCMCIA modem will show up as COM1 to applications. It is not possible to use the Serial ports or the Infrared in this configuration due to interrupt conflicts.

WINOS2 Mwave Support:
For OS/2 Warp for Windows (Red label):
Reboot the system back into native DOS, start Windows and run the SETUP program on the ThinkPad Mwave for Windows Disk 1. Click here for the instructions. Restart Windows for the changes to take effect.

For all other versions of OS/2 Warp 3.x and 4.x:
Run the SETUP program on the ThinkPad Mwave for Windows Disk 1 and follow the instructions. Make sure to run the SETUP program from a WINOS2 Full Screen session for best results.

The following two lines should be added/appended in the AUTOEXEC.BAT in the
root of the bootable drive:


Note: If it becomes necessary to use Selective Install to reinstall WINOS2 support, these two lines will need to be manually added back to the AUTOEXEC.BAT for Mwave to function in WINOS2 sessions.

For MIDI support on all versions of OS/2 Warp, run the SETUP program on the ThinkPad Mwave Windows MIDI Support Disk. Select 'Complete MIDI Sample Install'. The specified path should be the same as used for the OS/2 MIDI samples installed in the previous steps, this is:


by default. Answer 'Yes' to the prompts to have the OS/2 and WIN-OS2 Mwave MIDI Synthesizers to use this set of MIDI Samples. If MIDI samples were installed under OS/2, then select 'Cancel' when prompted for MIDI Samples Disk 2. Otherwise, when the program asks for 'Disk 2', insert ThinkPad MIDI Samples Disk 1. For 'Disk 3' use MIDI Samples Disk 2 and so on through all five MIDI samples diskettes.

The first use of MIDI from the Media Player will give a warning 'This file may not play correctly with the default MIDI setup'. Check the 'Don't display this warning in the future' box and continue.

For WINOS2 sessions, the modem will function reliably with telecommunications programs only. The FaxWorks for Windows (Callcenter) will work reliably under WINOS2. FaxWorks for OS/2 included in the Bonus Pak for OS/2 Warp works fine with WINOS2 applications for faxing. FaxWorks PRO for OS/2 also works.

Other Mwave Fixes and Utilities ***

The following is a list and description other Mwave fixes and enhancements that are available from the IBM PC Company BBS and other vendors.

File Name



Updated FaxWorks Callcenter for Windows.
Necessary for full function of MWave


Updated MODEM.INF for RAS and WFWG.
For version 1.10 and 2.x MWave


Upgrade to allo Voice over Data capability.
For version 2.x MWave only


Fix for Lotus modem aware applications and the MWave modem. For version 2.x MWave only. Available from Lotus BBS at 415-691-0401.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Mwave, OS/2

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 755CE/CSE, ThinkPad 755CX, ThinkPad 755CV, ThinkPad 755CD, ThinkPad 755CDV, ThinkPad 760C, ThinkPad 760E, ThinkPad 760CD, ThinkPad 760ED, ThinkPad 760XD, ThinkPad 765D

Machine Type

9545, 9546




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