AIX Version 4 Quick Installation Guide


About this document
    Related documentation
Steps for installing

About this document

This document contains information on quick installation for AIX 4.

Related documentation

Installing and using your AIX system
Managing your AIX system

Steps for installing

  1. Prepare for AIX installation and startup

    If you are installing from a network installation server, follow the instructions in the Network Installation Management Guide and Reference corresponding to your AIX version instead of those in this document.

    Make sure your hardware installation is complete, including all external devices, such as CD-ROM drives and tape drives. See your system unit's documentation for installation instructions.

    Turn on the system unit and attached devices if they are not already on.

    If you are installing over an existing version of AIX, make a backup copy of your system software and data.

    If your system needs to communicate with other systems and access their resources, ensure you have the following information before proceeding. Contact your system and network administrators for the correct information for your system.

  2. Locate and insert Volume 1 of the AIX installation tape or CD-ROM

    If you are installing from tape, you could just have one volume. If your tape or CD-ROM drive will not open, see the section "To Start the System" in Chapter 2 of the Installation Guide corresponding to your AIX version.

  3. Installing AIX

    The "About Your Machine" document attached to your system unit box indicates if AIX is pre-installed in your machine.

    If AIX is pre-installed, go to step 10.

    If you are installing AIX or upgrading from a previous version of AIX, shut down and turn off your system unit.

    Some systems have a key mode switch on the front of the machine. If your system unit has a key mode switch, continue to step 4. Otherwise, go to step 5.

  4. Start the system with key mode switch

    Turn the key mode switch on the system unit to the position labeled Service.

    Make sure all external devices attached to the system unit, such as CD-ROM drives, tape drives, and terminals, are turned on. Only the tape or CD-ROM drive from which you will install AIX should contain a tape or CD-ROM.

    Turn on the system unit. If your system will not start, refer to Chapter 9 of the Installation Guide corresponding to your AIX version for troubleshooting information.

    Continue to step 6.

  5. Start the system without key mode switch

    Make sure all external devices attached to the system unit, such as CD-ROM drives, tape drives, and terminals, are turned on. Only the tape or CD-ROM drive from which you will install AIX should contain a tape or CD-ROM.

    Turn on the system unit.

    Initialization indicators (text or icons) will appear on the attached display or ASCII terminal as the system starts up. When these indicators begin to appear, press the F5 key if you are using a display and keyboard or the number 5 key if you are using an ASCII terminal. The indicators will continue to display and, after the last icon or abbreviation appears, the system will reboot from the installation media.

    If your system will not start, refer to Chapter 9 of the Installation Guide of your AIX version for troubleshooting information.

  6. Select the console and installation language

    After several minutes, text will appear on displays and terminals attached to your system.

    If you are using an ASCII terminal and the text is garbled, make sure the terminal's settings are the same as those listed in Chapter 2 of the Installation Guide of your AIX version.

  7. Start installation or change the installation settings

    Based on the current configuration, your system automatically determines defaults for the installation and system settings. The following screen allows you to accept or change these default installation settings.

        *            Welcome to Base Operating System             * 
        *              Installation and Maintenance               * 
        *                                                         * 
        *     Type the number of your choice and press Enter.     * 
        *                                                         * 
        *     1. Start Installation Now with Default Settings     * 
        *                                                         * 
        *     2. Change/Show Installation Settings and Install    * 
        *                                                         * 
        *     3. Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery       * 
        *                                                         * 
    88 Help

  8. Changing the installation settings

    The following screen displays the current installation and system settings.

                   Installation and Settings 
    Either type 0 and press Enter to install with current 
    settings, or type the number of the setting you want to 
    change and press Enter. 
        1 System Settings                        Current Choice: 
            Method of Installation...............Migration 
            Disk Where You Want to Install.......hdisk0 
        2 Primary Language Environment Settings  (After Install): 
            Cultural Convention..................English (United States) 
            Language.............................English (United States) 
            Keyboard.............................English (United States) 
        3 Install Trusted Computing 
    >>> 0 Install with the settings listed above. 
        88 Help? 
        99 Previous Menu 
    >>> Choice [0]: 

    There are three methods of installation:

    New and complete overwrite -
    Completely overwrites a previous installation of AIX and all other data on the installation disk. This is the only option available for machines without a previous level of AIX already installed.
    Preservation install -
    Overwrites data in the / (root), /var, /tmp and /usr directories, but preserves data in the rest of the volume group. This is the default installation method for AIX Version 3.1 and AIX Version 4.2.
    Migration install -
    This method updates all levels of AIX Version 3.2 or AIX Version 4.1 to the current level of AIX. Application files and configuration data are preserved on the disk where AIX is being installed.

    For help with these settings, enter 88 or refer to the Installation Guide of your AIX version.

    After you have viewed or changed the settings, enter 0 to install AIX.

  9. Wait for installation of the base operating system

    Base operating system installation will continue for as little as 15 minutes or as much as three hours, depending on your machine and installation method.

    During this time, if your system has a key mode switch, place it in the Normal or OK position so that your system will reboot normally after installation.

    If your system unit does not have a key mode switch, then allow your system to reboot without interruption after the installation completes.

    NOTE: If you are migrating from AIX Version 4.1, you may not see the installation assistant. In this case, go directly to step 13.

  10. Are you using a graphical display or an ASCII terminal?

    If you chose a graphical display as your console, go to step 11.

    If you chose an ASCII terminal as your console, go to step 12.

  11. Using the graphical installation assistant

    The graphical installation assistant guides you through installation tasks. For help with an item, click on the "i" next to that item. For overall help, select the Help menu in the upper right-hand corner of the installation assistant window.

    You can change these configuration parameters now or accept the defaults by selecting Tasks Completed - Exit to AIX Login. You can return to the installation assistant at any time by logging in as root and entering install_assist.

        *                        * 
        *       Graphical        * 
        *        Install         * 
        *       Assistant        * 
        *                        * 

    After you exit the installation assistant, go to step 13.

  12. Using the ASCII installation assistant

    The ASCII installation assistant displays menus describing the choices and actions necessary during installation. You can change these configuration parameters now or accept the defaults by selecting Tasks Completed - Exit to AIX Login. You can return to the installation assistant at any time by logging in as root and entering install_assist.

    Installation Assistant 
    Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
    Set Date and Time
    Set root Password 
    Set Installation Device 
    Configure Network Communications 
    Manage System Storage and Paging Space (rootvg) 
    Manage Language Environment 
    Create Users 
    Define Printers 
    Import Existing Volume Groups 
    Install Software Applications 
    Back Up the System 
    Tasks Completed-Exit to AIX Login 
        F1=Help    F2=Refresh    F3=Cancel    F8=Image 
        F9=Shell   F10=Exit      Enter=Do 
  13. Log in to AIX

    Log in as root or one of the users you created during AIX installation. Your system is ready to use.

    NOTE: Further configuration may be required if your system will be used to serve resources (for example, if your system is a print or file server). Refer to the section "Related documentation" of this document for a list of publications to assist you.

AIX Version 4 Quick Installation Guide: ITEM: FAX
Dated: 2000/11/06~00:00 Category: anz
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