Upgrading a System From a Remote Server in AIX 3.2.4 From Tape


About this document
Procedure to upgrade

About this document

This document describes how to upgrade a system or install PTFs from a server with a tape device connected. This is applicable to AIX Version 3.

Procedure to upgrade

In order to upgrade a system or install PTFs from a server with a tape device connected to it, first copy the software to hard disk for future installation on the server, export the NFS filesystem from the server, then NFS mount the filesystem on the client. The following steps describe the procedure to do this.

On the server

  1. Create a separate file system by entering the following:
        smitty jfs

  2. To mount the user-created file system, enter:
          mount <filesystem>       (e.g. mount /usr/sys/inst.images)

  3. To copy the installation image to hard disk for installation, enter:
        smitty bffcreate

    NOTE: If you select all, ensure that you have enough file space in your user-created file system (e.g. /usr/sys/inst.images) for the entire tape since the EXTEND file systems if space needed? option does not allocate more file system space if needed. Press Enter to copy the files to hard disk.

  4. To add the file system for NFS exporting, enter:
        smitty mknfsexp

On the client(s)

  1. Create the directory you will be using to access the software, enter:
         mkdir -p /pathname/directory       (e.g. mkdir -p /usr/sys/inst.images)
  2. In order to NFS mount the file system on the client, enter the following:
        smitty mknfsmnt

    NOTE: Host will be the host name or IP address of the server. Press Enter to NFS mount the file system.

  3. In order to install products on the client, your input device in SMIT would now be the directory of the NFS mounted file system (e.g. /usr/sys/inst.images)

Upgrading a System From a Remote Server in AIX 3.2.4 From Tape: ITEM: FAX
Dated: 1999/09/24~00:00 Category: anz
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