In AIX 3.2.x, the installp command will return the following error message if the required version of installp is not on the system.
0503-211 installp: A lexical error occurred for ... on line ..., column ... An unexpected character, ... was found (hexadecimal value ...). The character will be treated as a SPACE. Use local problem reporting procedures.
You can correct this error by loading the installp PTF from the installation or update media.
Your install/update media will contain the necessary installp PTF. You can find the PTF number by getting the table of contents from the media and searching it. To get the table of contents from the media, run:
installp -qld<norewind device> > /tmp/tape.tocwhere <norewind device> is the name of the tape drive in no-rewind mode (for example, /dev/rmt0.1).
Now search /tmp/tape.toc for the string "Application Installation Utilities". If the string is found, the install/update media is at level 3.2.4 or post-3.2.4. If the string is not found, the media is at a pre-3.2.4 level. Follow the steps in the section below that corresponds to the media level.
installp -BNXacgq -d<norewind_device>.1 bos.obj 2>&1 | \ tee /tmp/installptf.logwhere:
<norewind_device> is the name to the tape drive in no-rewind mode. Example: /dev/rmt0.1 UXXXXXX is the PTF number. | is the pipe character. \ is the backslash character used for line continuation.
lslpp -A U403173 | pg
If U403173 is already on the system, skip to step 2. If it is not already on the system, install U403173 from the PTF tape using the procedures in the Service Updates chapter of the AIX 3.2 Installation Guide (SC23-2341). Be sure to answer yes to the "automatically install prerequisites" prompt.
NOTE: If you cannot find the number for the installp PTF on your tape, use the following chart as a guideline for locating the installp PTF.
U418610 (shipped after 5-26-93) U417395 (shipped after 4-22-93) U416878 (shipped after 4-14-93) U416450 (shipped after 4-2-93) U414603 (shipped after 3-11-93) U414085 (shipped after 3-3-93) U413425 (shipped after 2-5-93) U413366 (shipped after 1-28-93) U412397 (shipped after 12-4-92) U411711 (shipped after 11-25-92) U410179 (shipped after 11-9-92) U409490 (shipped after 9-23-92) U406852 (shipped after 8-4-92)
After applying the installp PTF, you should be able to install your other PTFs without receiving the lexical error message.