IBM's remote support services are known around the world for quality and timeliness. Our support centers are here to help you get the most out of our IBM software and systems. No matter what service you use, our expert technical engineers are ready to assist.
We provide telephone and electronic access to highly trained specialists as well as account management services and consultation services. For business critical applications we offer complete, specialized services tailored around your specific needs.
Users have direct access to a team of technical specialists. These specialists are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your questions about the operation of your IBM system and current releases of eligible programs. IBM's trained specialists have years of experience. They are up to date on technical function and operations, have access to the programmers and engineers who developed the system, and use the latest tools and databases to respond quickly and accurately to your questions.
Whether you choose to communicate by phone or electronically, our integrated call management system will get you to the correct team. Plus, you have access to more electronic services.
Suppport Line is very flexible to meet your specific needs. It comes in one-, three-, and five-year terms. You can pay by the month for unlimited usage or pay by the hour. You can also choose whether you would like prime shift or around-the-clock coverage.
Advanced Support Operational Support provides you with the highest level of remote support available by IBM. This service is tailored to meet the unique needs of your company's business critical systems.
With this service you receive personalized service from your designated advocate. We will assist you with problem determination and problem source identification as well as ensure that all your calls into the support center are being handled appropriately.
Consult Line leverages your skills by using IBM's technical expertise to analyze your situation and give you the recommendations that you need. A Consult Line analyst is only a phone call away.
If you choose not to become an AIX Support Line member, we provide a free, limited problem reporting service called Program Services. When you use this service, you are limited to reporting suspected software defects in IBM products, and phone support is not available. You can report suspected software defects to us through the Internet, email, fax, or U.S. Postal Service.
Keep your business running
The environment:
Today's business environment is tough, competitive, and fast. If you skip a beat, you do not get another chance. Every second counts and is worth hundreds of dollars. Your information system plays a crucial role in managing your business and should be protected from downtime by the experts who know it the best - IBM.
Advanced Support Operational Support provides you with the highest level of remote support provided by IBM, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. This service is tailored to meet the unique support needs of your company's business critical systems, because you know your requirements better than anyone.
The service:
IBM's Advanced Support Operational Support helps you keep your crucial systems up and running and helps you manage your business. It provides:
The options:
Based on your requirements, we offer many options to further enhance this unique offering. Some examples include:
What you need:
Advanced Support is available via special bid only. For assistance in submitting a bid, see your IBM marketing team or contact IBM inside Sales.
Personalized technical support when you need it:
You want support for your operations from someone who knows your system environment. With IBM Account Advocate Service, a specialist is assigned to your account, providing a single point of contact and escalation assistance from the time you report a problem until the problem is resolved.
Receive support from a Account Advocate:
Account Advocate Service is like having a technical advocate on your support team to ensure your calls receive the appropriate level of attention and priority.
With the Account Advocate Service, an IBM specialist who is a member of an Account Advocate team is assigned to your account and becomes familiar with your business and system environments.
Your Account Advocate helps answer how-to questions and assists you with problem determination and problem source identification. In addition, your Account Advocate works with you from the time you place the call until your questions are answered or your problem is resolved and can even perform collaborative PD/PSI with support technicians at selected vendor support centers.
Your Account Advocate is available during prime shift from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in your time zone, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. If you have the full-shift Support Line option (24 hours, 7 days per week), your calls outside of prime shift hour are handled by Support Line personnel and are reviewed by the Account Advocate team the next business day.
Simplify and accelerate the support process:
Because your Account Advocate is familiar with your system environment your calls receive response without the initial start-up questions you usually answer when you place a service call. To further expedite problem resolution, your Technical Advocate can access your system remotely if your system is set up for electronic access.
Your Account Advocate calls you once a month to help maintain a close working relationship and to review your support issues. You have peace of mind knowing that your Account Advocate is ensuring that your problems are receiving the appropriate level of attention.
Consult Line is a support service that picks up where Support Line leaves off. It is designed to fulfill those customer needs that are beyond the intended scope of Support Line. With Consult Line, support is customized to meet the user's unique needs.
Consult Line support is offered in those areas where we have in-house skill that is available within the user's time frame. It is provided via a scheduled callback during our normal business hours, and can also be scheduled during off hours.
Consult Line is expected to assist with complex installation planning, in-depth technical assistance for customized performance tuning, non-IBM written application testing and debugging, system/network design, and intensive step by step customer task support.
Call IBM to schedule a conference call with you and just the experts you need. Consult Line experts have a vast wealth of knowledge and experience in I/S technological issues. Areas of expertise include: