Use this procedure if you get an error message stating that any volume group is locked.
Possible error messages are:
0516-366 putlvodm: volume group rootvg is locked, try again 0516-367 putlvodm: Warning: Volume group rootvg is locked. This command will continue retries until lock is free. If lock is inadvertent and needs to be removed, execute varyonvg onto active volume group to clear the volume group lockThis document applies to all versions of AIX.
For AIX Versions 3.1 or 3.2
Unlock the volume group by entering:
putlvodm -K `getlvodm -v [vgname]`
vgname is the name of the locked volume group. Note the grave marks (back tics) before getlvodm and after vgname. In the event the grave marks cannot be typed, break down the command into its component parts:
getlvodm -v rootvg
Sample output:
putlvodm -K 00005264c192a1a3
For machines running AIX Versions 3.1 and 3.2, please see /usr/lpp/bos/README in the Logical Volume Manager section for a discussion of the preceding procedure.
For AIX Versions 4.x
Enter the following command:
chvg -u [vgname]
Dated: 2000/10/02~00:00 Category: krn
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