Using bootlist in Maintenance Mode in AIX 3.1 or 3.2


About this document
Reasons you may need to run the bootlist command

About this document

This document applies to AIX Versions 3.1 or 3.2.

Reasons you may need to run the bootlist command

You may need to run the bootlist command if the system hangs on an alternating LED 223/229, alternating LED 225/229, alternating LED 233/235, alternating LED 221/229, solid LED 221, or solid LED 721 in AIX 3.1 or AIX 3.2 during boot up. These LEDs indicate that the system cannot locate the boot image.

Other situations may also require that the bootlist command be run. If the bootlist command needs to be run, follow the procedure below.


Complete the following steps to run the bootlist command.

  1. Turn the key to the Service position.

  2. While booting from the hard disk, watch for the light on the diskette drive. When you see the light, turn the key to Normal position.

  3. If the machine boots successfully and gives you a login prompt, log in as root and go to step 10. If the machine does not boot successfully, continue with the next step.

  4. If the machine did not boot successfully with the previous method, you will need to boot in maintenance mode. To do this, turn the key to the Service position.

  5. With BOSboot or installation media of the same version and level as the operating system, boot the system.

    WARNING: If you boot a 3.2 system with 3.1 media, or boot a 3.1
    system with 3.2 media, then you will not be able to use
    the standard scripts (getrootfs or /etc/continue) to
    bring your workstation into full maintenance mode.

    Moreover, performing the scripts on a 3.1 system with
    3.2 boot media may actually remove some files and
    prevent your system from booting successfully in normal
    mode until missing files (/etc/mount and /etc/umount) are
    replaced on the disk.

    • For information on BOSboot diskettes, refer to the product documentation.
    • If booting from diskettes, when you see LED c07, insert the next diskette. This may be the optional display extensions diskette (required for AIX 3.2.5) or the display diskette.
    • If you have AIX 3.2.5, used a fddi network install, and selected that option for the install device, you will need the communications extensions diskette. If this diskette is not available, you can build it from another system with fddi installed or call your branch office for assistance.

    Follow the prompts to the installation/maintenance menu.

  6. Choose the maintenance shell (option 5 for AIX 3.1, option 4 for AIX 3.2).

  7. Determine the hdisk# to use with the getrootfs or /etc/continue command. If you have only one disk, then hdisk0 is the proper hdisk# to use. If you have more than one disk, do the following:

    • For AIX 3.2.4 or later:

      Execute the following command:


      The output indicates the disk that should be used with the getrootfs command in the next step.

    • For AIX 3.1 to 3.2.3e:

      Execute the following command:

         lqueryvg -Atp hdisk# | grep hd5
      for each hdisk# (hdisk0, hdisk1, etc.) until you get output similar to the following:
         00005264feb3631c.2  hd5 1
      The exact output you get will be different but will follow the form:
         large_number.x  hd5 1

      You may find more than one disk with this output. These will all be disks which belong to the rootvg volume group. Any of the disks identified to be in rootvg may be used in the following step.

  8. Now access the fixed disk that contains the boot logical volume (hd5) by running /etc/continue (for AIX 3.1) or getrootfs (for AIX 3.2). (# is the number of the fixed disk, determined in step 7.)

    For AIX 3.1 only, enter:

       /etc/continue [hdisk#]

    For AIX 3.2 only, enter:

       getrootfs [hdisk#]

    If you get errors from /etc/continue or getrootfs, do not continue with the rest of this procedure. Correct the problem causing the error. If you need assistance correcting the problem causing the error, contact one of the following:

    All of the preceding avenues for assistance may be billable.

  9. For AIX 3.2.4 or greater, enter the following command:
  10. Determine which disk is the boot disk with the lslv command. The boot disk will be shown in the PV1 column of the lslv output.
       lslv -m hd5
  11. Use the bootlist command to rebuild the boot list. (# is the number of the fixed disk, determined with the previous command.)
       bootlist -m normal [hdisk#]
  12. With the key in Normal position, shut down and reboot. Enter:
       shutdown -Fr
  13. If running the bootlist command did not fix the problem and you need further assistance, contact one of the following:

    • local branch office
    • your point of sale
    • your AIX support center

    All of the preceding avenues for assistance may be billable.

Using bootlist in Maintenance Mode in AIX 3.1 or 3.2: ITEM: FAX
Dated: 2000/10/16~00:00 Category: krn
This HTML file was generated 2001/03/08~16:06:08
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