The purpose of this document is to give a brief overview of the migration process which allows SNA profiles to be converted from the format used by SNA Services/6000 V1.2, SNA Server/6000 V2, SNA Server/6000 V3, and Communications Server Version 4 for AIX to the format used by Communications Server Versions 5 and 6 for AIX. This document is one in a series of documents that aid in Communications Server Versions 5 and 6 configuration. This document applies to AIX Versions 4.x.
For more information, see the Communications Server for AIX Migration Guide, SC31-8585.
The SecureWay Software Support Bulletin monthly newsletter available online at:
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Before upgrading the AIX operating system, and before installing Communications Server V5 or V6, complete the following steps.
exportsna [-C] -f [filename] [-S SecurityFile]filename specifies the output file that will contain all of the exported SNA Services profiles.
The -C switch instructs the exportsna command to export from the committed configuration database. This is not an option on some earlier versions of the SNA software.
The option for the security file is only needed if security is being used.
Upgrade the AIX Operating System to AIX Version 4.1.5 or a later version. The
next step is to install Communications Server Version 5 or 6.
Before installing the base level media (,,, or,
first check the Communications Server for AIX support page
for any available recommended maintenance updates (PTFs) that might
supersede the level on hand. Since the introduction of the product, there have
been numerous updates and enhancements which minimize the impact
on some legacy environments brought about by this version's strict adherence
to the SNA/APPN architecture. It is advised to have available and installed, the
current recommended maintenance level before proceeding with the migration
from an earlier version. After installing the base media and any applicable
PTFs, proceed with the migration by converting the old profiles according to
the following guidelines.
The overall migration process has two parts: converting the version 1.2 profiles to version 4.2 format, and then converting the version 4.2 format to version 5/6 format.
NOTE: Profiles from v2, v3 and v4 all share the same format.
Migrate the SNA Services Version 1.2 profiles to Communications Server V4.2 format with the following command:
migratesna -s [sourcefile] [-t <targetfile>] [-l <network.cpname>]
NOTE: Because SNA Services/6000 allowed multiple control points and later SNA products allowed only one, the fully qualified local control point name should be the computer's single control point name. This name must be unique on your SNA network. One common convention is to use the system's TCP/IP host name as its SNA cp name also.
Migrate the version 4.2 profiles to version 5 or version 6 format with the following command:
snamig -o -f OldTextConfigFile [-S OldSecurityFile]OldTextConfigFile is the same file name as targetfile from the preceding section of this document.
The -S option, for security definitions, should only be used if security is being used and a security file was exported prior to upgrading SNA. If this is the case, the OldSecurityFile is the same file as SecurityFile from the preceding section.
The default settings for the optional flags of this command create the following file names for the converted profiles:
/etc/sna/sna_node.cfg /etc/sna/sna_domn.cfg /etc/sna/sna_tps
Please refer to the Quick Beginnings Guide (GC31-8583) for further information
on starting and using Communications Server for AIX Version 5 and 6.