LED 231 or E1F7 occur during a netboot of sp nodes for an installation, migration, maintenance or diagnostic. LED 231 will occur in MCA type nodes and LED E1F7 will occur in PCI type nodes.
It is recommended that you have some knowledge of SP before attempting to follow this document.
This document applies to AIX versions 4.2.x and 4.3.x, also to PSSP 2.x and 3.x.
This procedure assumed that you did not receive any errors when executing setup_server on any of the nodes. If you received errors when running setup_server, please correct the errors or call Supportline before you can follow this procedure. setup_server will get executed when you run the setup_server command or the spbootins command below.
spbootins -r {install | customize | disk | maintenance | diag | migrate } -l <node_number>
For this example, install node #4 called spsn4. Now, run the spbootins -r install -l 4 command. It should have completed without any errors, then proceed to netboot the node. It should have hung with LED E1F7.
splstdata -b
The following is the output specifically for node #4:
4 spsn4 10005AFA2F25 0 install hdisk0 bos.obj.ssp.421 Sun_Jan__2_15:14:51 bos.obj.ssp.421 aix421 PSSP-2.4
NOTE: Make sure the preceding settings are correct.
The entry should appear similar to the following:
spsn4.aix.dfw.ibm.com:bf=/tftpboot/spsn4.aix.dfw.ibm.com:ip= ha=10005AFA2F25:sa=
-r-------- 1 nobody system 72 Jan 13 08:13 spsn4-new-srvtab
NOTE: The above file will use the initial hostname of the node.
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root system 33 Jan 13 08:13 spsn4.aix.dfw.ibm.com@ -> /tftpboot/spot_aix421.rs6k.up.ent -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 118 Jan 13 08:13 spsn4.aix.dfw.ibm.com.config_info -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 1293 Jan 13 08:13 spsn4.aix.dfw.ibm.com.info -rw-r--r-- 1 root system 774 Jan 13 08:13 spsn4.aix.dfw.ibm.com.install_info
lsnim -l <reliable name of node_>
Output will be similar to the following:
spsn4: class = machines type = standalone platform = rs6k netboot_kernel = up if1 = spnet_en0 spsn4 10005AFA2F25 ent cable_type1 = bnc Cstate = BOS installation has been enabled prev_state = ready for a NIM operation Mstate = currently running boot = boot bosinst_data = noprompt lpp_source = lppsource_aix421 mksysb = mksysb_1 nim_script = nim_script script = psspscript spot = spot_aix421 cpuid = 000245375700 control = master
Make sure the MAC address is the same as the entries in the /etc/bootptab file.
If you are missing entries in the /etc/bootptab file, the /tftpboot directory or the lsnim command output, set the node back to disk and run setup_server.
If all of the preceding entries exist, continue with the next step.
sphrdwrad -l <node_number>
WARNING: Any nodes specified will be powered off to acquire the Ethernet addresses.
delnimclient -l <node_number>
If the MAC address is the same, run a ping test. If the ping test fails, make sure the Ethernet on the Control Work Station (CWS) is fine. If no problems are detected and you cannot ping the en0 interface on the nodes, there may be a hardware issue. If the ping test is successful, continue with the procedure.
bootps dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/bootpd bootpd /etc/bootptab tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/sbin/tftpd tftpd -nisrv
bootps dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/bootpd bootpd /etc/bootptab tftp dgram udp6 SRC nobody /usr/sbin/tftpd tftpd -n
If the entries appear fine, run the refresh -s inetd command. Return to the MANUAL NODE CONDITIONING SCREEN and continue with the procedure. Ensure that bootp packets are sent and received. If packets are not being received, go to step 5. If bootp does send and receive packets, check to see if tftpd is running. You should be able to see te bootp packets sent and received incrementing up. If it only sent and the receiving is not incrementing, then proceed with step 5.
grep bootps /etc/services
Sample output:
bootps 67/udp # bootp server port
netstat -an |grep 67Make sure this line displays in the output:
udp 0 0 *.67 *.*
refresh -s inetd
ps -ef |grep bootpIf a bootp process displays, kill it, open a new terminal on the CWS, and run the /tmp/bootpd.log script.
bootpd -s -d -d -d -d -d
By completing this step on the s1term where the manual node conditioning was performed, bootp should receive packets and start with the installation. If it still does not receive packets, review the debug output.