Usually you would create a remote print queue to print to an IBM 3130 network attached printer, but sometimes you may want to use the capabilities supplied by using the ftp command. If you ftp to a 3130, you can gain two things. You can print files, and you can get the 3130 queue status cleanly without using the AIX lpstat command. This document describes how to use this capability.
This information applies to AIX Versions 3.2.5, 4.1.5 and later.
The 3130 must be LAN attached and ftp enabled on the 3130.
230- 230- Welcome to AFCCU2 ftp 230- 230- Use SITE PCL to indicate that PCL data is to be printed. 230- Use SITE POSTSCRIPT to indicate that PostScript data is to be printed. 230- Use SITE TEXT to indicate that a text file is to be printed. 230- Use SITE SPOOL to store files as they transferred to the printer. 230- Use SITE DIRECT to print files as they transferred to the printer. 230- Use PUT/SEND to transfer a file to the printer. 230- Use SITE OPTION to set spool options. 230- Use SITE PRINT to spool a file that has been transferred to the printer. 230- Use SITE STATUS to view the queue status. 230- Use SITE CANCEL to cancel a job on the queue. 230- Use SITE SPACE to see amount of free spool space. 230- Use SITE STACKER to set output stacker option 230- 230- The printer is currently set to SPOOL. 230- The printer's output stacker is currently not specified. 230- 230- 230- For help use SITE HELP [command] 230- 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
214- The following SITE commands are recognized (* =>'s unimplemented). UMASK PCL DIRECT SPACE IDLE POSTSCRIPT OPTION STACKER CHMOD TEXT PRINT CANCEL HELP SPOOL STATUS 214 Direct comments to ftp-bugs@psf3130.
214- Queue status : Queue Dev Status Job Files &nbs p; User PP % Blks Cp Rnk ------- ----- --------- --- ------------------ ---------- ---- -- ----- --- --- afccu2 pcl READY afccu2 ps READY 214 End of queue status request.
ftp> site space 214- Spool space : There is 386036 KB of free spool space. 214 End of spool space request.
This assumes you have already logged in to the 3130 with ftp.
Example dialog:
ftp> put /etc/hosts 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening data connection for hosts. 226 Transfer complete. 1892 bytes sent in 0.001171 seconds (1578 Kbytes/s) local: /etc/hosts remote: /etc/hosts ftp> site print /etc/hosts 214- Print : 214 End of print request. ftp> site status 214- Queue status : Queue Dev Status Job Files &nbs p; User PP % Blks Cp Rnk ------- ----- --------- --- ------------------ ---------- ---- -- ----- --- --- afccu2 pcl RUNNING 227 hosts &nbs p; me@tesch.a 0 0 2 1 1 afccu2 ps READY 214 End of queue status request.