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OpenGL 1.1 for AIX: Reference Manual

GLwCreateMDrawingArea Function


Creates an instance of a GLwMDrawingArea widget and returns the associated widget ID.


OpenGL C bindings library: libXGLW.a

C Syntax

#include <X11/GLW/GLwMDraw.h>
Widget GLwCreateMDrawingArea(Parent, Name,
          ArgumentList, ArgumentCount)
   Widget    Parent;
   String    Name;
   ArgList    ArgumentList;
   Cardinal    ArgumentCount;


The GLwCreateMDrawingArea function creates an instance of a GLwMDrawingArea widget and returns the associated widget ID. For a complete definition of GLwMDrawingArea and its associated resources, see the GLwMDrawingArea widget.


Parent Specifies the parent widget ID name.
Name Specifies the name of the created widget.
ArgumentList Specifies the argument list.
ArgumentCount Specifies the number of attribute/value pairs in the ArgumentList parameter.


/usr/include/GL/GLwDrawA.h Contains the GLwDrawingArea widget definitions derived from the Xt.
/usr/include/GL/GLwDrawAP.h Contains GLwDrawingArea widget private definitions.
/usr/include/GL/GLwMDrawA.h Contains the GLwMDrawingArea widget definitions derived from Motif.
/usr/include/GL/GLwMDrawAP.h Contains GLwMDrawingArea widget private definitions.

Related Information

The GLwDrawingArea or GLwMDrawingArea widget.

OpenGL Overview.

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