| Aptiva - Mwave Level 20D drivers (28.8Kbps data/14.4Kbps fax) and MIDI samples for Windows 95 (UK) | 20D | 15-01-98 | 16-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20dduk.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20dd1uk.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20dd2uk.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20dd3uk.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20dm1uk.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20dm2uk.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20dm3uk.exe |
| Aptiva - Mwave Level 20D drivers (33.6Kbps data/14.4Kbps fax) and MIDI samples for Windows 95 (US-Canadian English) | 20D | 10-04-98 | 09-04-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20ddus.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20dd1us.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20dd2us.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20dd3us.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20dm1us.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20dm2us.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20dm3us.exe |
| Aptiva - Mwave Level 20E drivers (33.6Kbps data/14.4Kbps fax) and MIDI samples for Windows 95 (US-Canadian English) | 20E | 01-10-97 | 16-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20edus.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20ed1us.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20ed2us.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20ed3us.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20dm1us.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20dm2us.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20dm3us.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20ep11.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20ep11.exe |
| Aptiva - Mwave Level 60AE7 drivers (28.8Kbps data/14.4Kbps fax) and MIDI samples for OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 (US) | 60AE7 | 25-07-96 | 02-02-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/mwdos01.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/mwdos02.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/mwmidi01.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/mwmidi02.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/mwmidi03.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/mwos201.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/mwos202.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/mwos2vsd.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/mwwin01.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/mwwin02.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/mwwin03.exe |
| Aptiva - Mwave removal instructions | | 19-06-98 | 12-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/mxxremov.pdf, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/axxremov.pdf, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/cxxremov.pdf, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/sxxremov.pdf |
| Aptiva - Patch for Mwave Level 20E drivers | | 10-04-98 | 16-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20ep11.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/20ep11.exe |
| Aptiva - SETUPFR.EXE install package for Mwave Level 20D drivers (28.8Kbps data/14.4Kbps fax) and MIDI samples for Windows 95 (France) | 20D | 29-05-98 | 16-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/setupfr.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/readmefr.txt |
| Aptiva - SETUPGR.EXE install package for Mwave Level 20D drivers (28.8Kbps data/14.4Kbps fax) and MIDI samples for Windows 95 (Germany) | 20D | 29-05-98 | 16-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/setupgr.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/readmegr.txt |
| Aptiva - SETUPIT.EXE install package for Mwave Level 20D drivers (28.8Kbps data/14.4Kbps fax) and MIDI samples for Windows 95 (Italy) | 20D | 29-05-98 | 16-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/readmeit.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/setupit.exe |
| Aptiva - SETUPSP.EXE install package for Mwave Level 20D drivers (28.8Kbps data/14.4Kbps fax) and MIDI samples for Windows 95 (Spain) | 20D | 29-05-98 | 16-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/setupsp.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/readmesp.txt |
| Aptiva - SETUP.EXE install package for Mwave Level 20D drivers (33.6Kbps data/14.4Kbps fax) and MIDI samples for Windows 95 (US-Canadian English) | 20D | 17-04-98 | 09-04-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/setup.exe |
| Aptiva - Upgrade for Aptiva Communication Center for OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 systems | 1.6 | 25-03-97 | 14-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accos2_1.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accos2_2.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accos2_3.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accos2_4.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accos2_1.txt |
| OS/2 | | | | | |
| Aptiva - OS/2 Warp Installation Assistance Kit | 1.0 | 08-07-96 | 29-12-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/aptwarp2.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/aptwarp2.txt |
| Printers | | | | | |
| Aptiva - Improve printing with Hewlett-Packard printers and Ring Central | 1.0 | 13-01-97 | 14-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rchpfix.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rchpfix.txt |
| Reference Disks | | | | | |
| PS/1 - 2123 Starter Diskette | v1.3 | 06-05-92 | 07-12-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/refdisks/25sxstr.exe |
| Software Installation/Configuration | | | | | |
| Aptiva - Windows 98 Registry update to remove prompt for Windows 98 CD | | 26-01-99 | 26-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/wininst.reg |
| Software Updates | | | | | |
| Aptiva - MediaMatics DVD Express Installation Utility | | 21-04-99 | 18-02-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/restdvd.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/restdvd.txt |
| Aptiva - 2136/37 - Update of MSPORTS.INF to correct ASCII text in Device Manager (Sweden) | | 22-01-98 | 17-12-98 | ftp://ftp.pc.ibm.com/pub/special/haze/msports.inf, ftp://ftp.pc.ibm.com/pub/special/haze/msports.exe |
| Aptiva - 2140/2142 Internet Explorer 4.0 update for Access Aptiva | | 01-12-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accie4.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accie4_1.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accie4_2.exe |
| Aptiva - 2140/2142 Internet Explorer 4.0 updates for Microsoft DirectX 5.0 and Crystal Audio drivers | | 06-11-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/214x_dx5.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/214x_dx5.txt |
| Aptiva - 2144/2168-Mxx (US Only) Software updates for models with Win 3.1 / OS/2 Warp installed | 1.00 | 06-10-95 | 25-03-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/mfix.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/mfix.txt |
| Aptiva - 2144/2168 Corrects problems with the charting functions within Wall Street Money | | 23-02-96 | 25-03-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/wallst.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/wallst.txt |
| Aptiva - 2144/2168 (SL-H) Update for Launchpad errors on models preloaded with OS/2 and Windows 3.11 | | 23-04-97 | 25-03-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/kidstsr.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/kidstsr.txt |
| Aptiva - AudioStation upgrade for use on Windows 95 systems with Mwave version 20D installed (France) | AudioStation 2 | 15-01-98 | 14-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/audstfr.exe |
| Aptiva - AudioStation upgrade for use on Windows 95 systems with Mwave version 20D installed (Germany) | AudioStation 2 | 15-01-98 | 14-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/audstgr.exe |
| Aptiva - AudioStation upgrade for use on Windows 95 systems with Mwave version 20D installed (Italy) | AudioStation 2 | 15-01-98 | 14-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/audstit.exe |
| Aptiva - AudioStation upgrade for use on Windows 95 systems with Mwave version 20D installed (Japan) | AudioStation 2 | 15-01-98 | 14-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/japn0117.exe |
| Aptiva - AudioStation upgrade for use on Windows 95 systems with Mwave version 20D installed (Netherlands) | AudioStation 2 | 15-01-98 | 14-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/audstnl.exe |
| Aptiva - AudioStation upgrade for use on Windows 95 systems with Mwave version 20D installed (Spain) | AudioStation 2 | 15-01-98 | 14-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/audstsp.exe |
| Aptiva - AudioStation upgrade for use on Windows 95 systems with Mwave version 20D installed (US-Canadian English) | 1.8.10 | 06-11-97 | 14-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/audstuse.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/audstuse.exe |
| Aptiva - Australian Updates for Modem Software and Ring Central Registration | | 25-06-97 | 16-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/ausupdat.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/ausupd1.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/ausupd2.txt |
| Aptiva - Error message when running Aptiva Adventure on French Aptivas | | 17-08-98 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/aptadvup.exe |
| Aptiva - Faxworks voice Fix | | 11-06-96 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/fwv95-1.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/fwv95-2.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/fwv95.txt |
| Aptiva - Fix for international registration problem with Ring Central | | 15-06-98 | 18-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/dosrcreg.com |
| Aptiva - Fix for Runtime 438 Error in Update Connector | | 13-02-98 | 09-02-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/ucocxfix.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/ucocxfix.txt |
| Aptiva - Fix To Allow Mwave To Dial Out Using Lotus Organizer | | 18-04-97 | 16-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/lotmwave.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/lotmwave.txt |
| Aptiva - Improve printing with Hewlett-Packard printers and Ring Central | 1.0 | 13-01-97 | 14-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rchpfix.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rchpfix.txt |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Brazil) | | 27-10-97 | 27-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdbr.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Denmark) | | 27-10-97 | 27-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupddk.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Finland) | | 27-10-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdsu.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (France) | | 27-10-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdfr.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Germany) | | 27-10-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdgr.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Italy) | | 27-10-97 | 27-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdit.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Netherlands) | | 27-10-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdnl.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Norway) | | 27-10-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdno.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Portugal) | | 27-10-97 | 27-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdpo.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Spain) | | 27-10-97 | 27-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdsp.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Sweden) | | 27-10-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdsv.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (United Kingdom) | | 27-10-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupduk.exe |
| Aptiva - Internet Explorer 4.0 updates for Desktop Customization, Aptiva Demo, Kidsroom, MPEG Sound, sage.vxd file and Update Connector | | 11-11-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/aptie4us.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/aptie4us.txt |
| Aptiva - Phone numbers in Wall Street Money not in French | | 11-02-98 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/cer.exe |
| Aptiva - RingCentral modem delay update | | 11-03-98 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/vrnfix.exe |
| Aptiva - RingCentral outgoing message low volume fix | | 11-03-98 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/waveamp.exe |
| Aptiva - Update Connector runtime 367 error fix | | 10-02-99 | 10-02-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/367fix.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/367fix.bat |
| Aptiva - Upgrade for Aptiva Communication Center for OS/2 & DOS/Windows 3.1 systems | 1.6 | 25-03-97 | 14-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accos2_1.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accos2_2.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accos2_3.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accos2_4.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accos2_1.txt |
| Aptiva - Upgrade for Aptiva Communications Center under Windows '95 (US) | 1.6.1 | 11-07-96 | 15-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accwin_1.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accwin_2.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accwin_3.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accwin_4.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accwin.txt |
| Aptiva - Upgrade for Aptiva Communications Center under Windows 95 (Brazil) | 1.6.1 | 26-09-97 | 15-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw1br.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw2br.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw3br.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw4br.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accread.txt |
| Aptiva - Upgrade for Aptiva Communications Center under Windows 95 (France) | 1.6.1 | 26-09-97 | 15-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw1fr.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw2fr.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw3fr.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accread.txt |
| Aptiva - Upgrade for Aptiva Communications Center under Windows 95 (Germany) | 1.6.1 | 15-01-98 | 15-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw1gr.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw2gr.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw3gr.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw4gr.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accread.txt |
| Aptiva - Upgrade for Aptiva Communications Center under Windows 95 (Italy) | 1.6.1 | 26-09-97 | 15-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw1it.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw2it.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw3it.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw4it.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accread.txt |
| Aptiva - Upgrade for Aptiva Communications Center under Windows 95 (Netherlands) | 1.6.1 | 26-09-97 | 15-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accread.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw1nl.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw2nl.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw3nl.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw4nl.exe |
| Aptiva - Upgrade for Aptiva Communications Center under Windows 95 (Spain) | 1.6.1 | 26-09-97 | 15-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw1sp.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw2sp.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw3sp.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw4sp.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accread.txt |
| Aptiva - Upgrade for Aptiva Communications Center under Windows 95 (Sweden) | 1.6.1 | 26-09-97 | 15-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw1sv.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw2sv.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw3sv.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accw4sv.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/accread.txt |
| Aptiva - Windows 95 Help File index update (Canadian-French) | | 16-10-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/windows.cnt |
| Aptiva - Windows 95 MPEG Update | 1.21 | 17-05-96 | 16-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/w95mpeg.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/w95mpeg.txt |
| Aptiva - Works communications tool update | | 17-09-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/workcom.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/workcom.exe |
| Aptiva 2161-C3D DVD Player Software | | 28-08-98 | 07-04-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/c3ddvdup.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/c3ddvd.txt |
| Utility | | | | | |
| Aptiva - 2139/2153 Vital Product Data Update Utility | | 09-04-99 | 09-04-99 | ftp://ftp.pc.ibm.com/pub/special/haze/flyvpd.exe |
| Video | | | | | |
| Aptiva -- ATI Version 4.35 Drivers (Italian, Spanish) | 4.35 | 07-04-98 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/ati435it.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/ati435sp.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/ati435si.exe |
| Aptiva -- ATI Version 4.35 video drivers (Dutch) | 4.35 | 07-04-98 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/ati435nl.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/ati435nl.exe |
| Aptiva -- ATI Version 4.35 video drivers (French/German) | 4.35 | 07-04-98 | 06-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/ati435fr.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/ati435gr.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/ati435fg.exe |
| Aptiva - 2134/2176 SIS 6205 video driver for Windows 95 | 4.0 | 13-06-97 | 06-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/sis6205.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/sis6205.txt |
| Aptiva - 2144/2168 Trident 9680 video driver for OS/2 Warp | 1.4 | 18-04-97 | 06-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/trid_os2.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/trid_os2.txt |
| Aptiva - 2144/2168 Trident 9680 video driver for Windows 3.x | UX6.4 | 18-04-97 | 06-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/trid_w31.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/trid_w31.txt |
| Aptiva - 2144/2168 Trident 9680 video driver for Windows 95 | UX6.4 | 18-04-97 | 06-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/trid_w95.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/trid_w95.txt |
| Aptiva - 2153 Update for IDE and AGP drivers | 1 | 22-10-98 | 06-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/agpide.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/agpide.txt |
| Aptiva - 2163/2164 Video BIOS update | | 20-01-99 | 02-04-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rvflsh.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rvflsh.exe |
| Aptiva - 2168-M91 Matrox Millennium video driver for OS/2 Warp | 1.11 | 21-05-96 | 06-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/m91video.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/m91video.txt |
| Aptiva - ATI Version 4.35 video drivers (English) | 4.35 | 07-04-98 | 05-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/ati435us.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/ati435us.exe |
| Aptiva - Cirrus Logic 5426/5428 video drivers | | 16-06-95 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/ps1/c5426_28.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/ps1/c5426_28.txt |
| Aptiva - Cirrus Logic 5430/5434 video drivers for Windows 3.1x | | 16-06-95 | 09-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/ps1/c5430_34.exe |
| Aptiva - MPEG Installation for Win 3.1 | | 21-05-96 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/mpeginst.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/mpeginst.txt |
| Aptiva - Windows 95 MPEG Update | 1.21 | 17-05-96 | 16-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/w95mpeg.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/w95mpeg.txt |
| Windows 95 | | | | | |
| Aptiva -- USB update for OSR2 preloaded systems (Brazil) | | 04-12-97 | 11-09-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdbr.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdbr.exe |
| Aptiva -- USB update for OSR2 preloaded systems (Denmark) | | 04-12-97 | 27-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupddk.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupddk.exe |
| Aptiva -- USB update for OSR2 preloaded systems (Finland) | | 04-12-97 | 11-09-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdsu.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdsu.exe |
| Aptiva -- USB update for OSR2 preloaded systems (France) | | 04-12-97 | 11-09-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdfr.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdfr.exe |
| Aptiva -- USB update for OSR2 preloaded systems (Germany) | | 04-12-97 | 11-09-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdgr.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdgr.exe |
| Aptiva -- USB update for OSR2 preloaded systems (Greece) | | 04-12-97 | 27-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdgk.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdgk.exe |
| Aptiva -- USB update for OSR2 preloaded systems (Italy) | | 04-12-97 | 11-09-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdit.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdit.exe |
| Aptiva -- USB update for OSR2 preloaded systems (Japan) | | 04-12-97 | 11-09-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdjp.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdjp.exe |
| Aptiva -- USB update for OSR2 preloaded systems (Netherlands) | | 04-12-97 | 11-09-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdnl.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdnl.exe |
| Aptiva -- USB update for OSR2 preloaded systems (Norway) | | 19-12-97 | 11-09-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdno.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdno.exe |
| Aptiva -- USB update for OSR2 preloaded systems (Portugal) | | 04-12-97 | 11-09-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdpo.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdpo.exe |
| Aptiva -- USB update for OSR2 preloaded systems (Spain) | | 04-12-97 | 11-09-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdsp.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdsp.exe |
| Aptiva -- USB update for OSR2 preloaded systems (Sweden) | | 04-12-97 | 30-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdsv.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdsv.exe |
| Aptiva -- USB update for OSR2 preloaded systems (UK) | | 04-12-97 | 22-12-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupduk.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupduk.txt |
| Aptiva -- USB update for OSR2 preloaded systems (US) | | 04-12-97 | 23-09-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdus.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/usbupdus.txt |
| Aptiva - 2134/2176/2159 CD AutoPlay driver update for APM/Rapid Resume support on systems with ATI video | | 21-04-97 | 15-03-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/cdvsdupd.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/cdvsdupd.txt |
| Aptiva - 2136/37 - Update of MSPORTS.INF to correct ASCII text in Device Manager (Sweden) | | 22-01-98 | 17-12-98 | ftp://ftp.pc.ibm.com/pub/special/haze/msports.inf, ftp://ftp.pc.ibm.com/pub/special/haze/msports.exe |
| Aptiva - 2140/2142 - Incorrect characters in Device Manager on Italian systems | | 26-01-99 | 05-03-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/devfix.reg |
| Aptiva - 2144/2168 Recovery diskette for Axx models preloaded with Windows 95 | | 28-07-97 | 29-12-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/o95us0i1.exe |
| Aptiva - 2144/2168 Recovery diskette for Mxx models preloaded with Windows 95 | | 28-07-97 | 29-12-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/w95us1q1.exe |
| Aptiva - 2144/2168 Trident 9680 video driver for Windows 95 | UX6.4 | 18-04-97 | 06-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/trid_w95.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/trid_w95.txt |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Brazil) | | 27-10-97 | 27-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdbr.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Denmark) | | 27-10-97 | 27-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupddk.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Finland) | | 27-10-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdsu.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (France) | | 27-10-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdfr.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Germany) | | 27-10-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdgr.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Italy) | | 27-10-97 | 27-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdit.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Netherlands) | | 27-10-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdnl.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Norway) | | 27-10-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdno.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Portugal) | | 27-10-97 | 27-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdpo.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Spain) | | 27-10-97 | 27-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdsp.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (Sweden) | | 27-10-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupdsv.exe |
| Aptiva - International IOS fix (United Kingdom) | | 27-10-97 | 09-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupd.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/rmmupduk.exe |
| Aptiva - IOS Error Fix Disk | 1.0 | 17-03-97 | 11-09-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/iosfix.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/iosfix.txt |
| Aptiva - Restore corrupted or deleted files and directories on Windows 95 preloads | 1.0 | 18-04-97 | 12-03-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/aptrstor.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/aptrstor.txt |
| Aptiva - Update For Aptiva 21xx-Mxx Systems Upgraded From Windows 3.11 / OS/2 Warp to Windows 95 Using the IBM Windows 95 Upgrade Kit. | | 18-04-97 | 11-09-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/w95upfix.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/w95upfix.txt |
| Aptiva - Update Parallel and Serial Port Names in Simplified Chinese | | 12-08-98 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/portupcn.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/portupcn.txt |
| Aptiva - Windows 95 CD-ROM Patch | 1.0 | 13-03-97 | 14-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/optcdfix.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/optcdfix.txt |
| Aptiva - Windows 95 MPEG Update | 1.21 | 17-05-96 | 16-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/w95mpeg.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/w95mpeg.txt |
| Aptiva - Windows 95 update diskette | 1.00 | 22-01-96 | 29-12-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/w95apt.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/w95apt.txt |
| Aptiva - Windows 95 Upgrade Fix Diskette (Aptiva Mxx Systems Only) | | 29-03-96 | 29-12-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/w95mxx.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/w95mxx.txt |
| Aptiva - "R0 Fax Document" in the "New" menu of the 2136-E40 | | 12-03-98 | 11-09-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/r0faxrem.exe |
| Windows 98 | | | | | |
| Aptiva - Windows 98 Registry update to remove prompt for Windows 98 CD | | 26-01-99 | 26-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/aptiva/wininst.reg |
IBM IntelliStation | | | | | |
| Audio | | | | | |
| IBM IntelliStation E Pro (Type 6893) - QD3T11A - Crystal Audio for Windows 95/98 | | 10-09-98 | 23-12-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/qd3t11a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/qd3t11a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro - HO3T04WA - Crystal Audio for Windows 95 (Japanese) | 1.0 | 28-10-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/ho3t04wa.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t12a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro - HO4T05WA - Crystal Audio for Windows NT (Japanese) | 1.0 | 28-10-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/ho4t05wa.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo4t10a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro - ZO3T01DA - Crystal Audio for Windows 95 (Finnish) | 1.0 | 28-10-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t01da.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t12a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro - ZO3T01FA - Crystal Audio for Windows 95 (Portugese) | 1.0 | 28-10-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t01fa.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t12a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro - ZO3T02CA - Crystal Audio for Windows 95 (Swedish) | 1.0 | 28-10-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t02ca.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t12a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro - ZO3T02GA - Crystal Audio for Windows 95 (Norwegian) | 1.0 | 28-10-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t02ga.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t12a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro - ZO3T02HA - Crystal Audio for Windows 95 (Dutch) | 1.0 | 28-10-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t02ha.exe, fpt://ftp.pc.ibm.com/pub/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t12a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro - ZO3T03LA - Crystal Audio for Windows 95 (Danish) | 1.0 | 28-10-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t03la.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t12a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro - ZO3T04EA - Crystal Audio for Windows 95 (Spanish) | 1.0 | 28-10-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t04ea.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t12a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro - ZO3T04IA - Crystal Audio for Windows 95 (Italian) | 1.0 | 28-10-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t04ia.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t12a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro - ZO3T04JA - Crystal Audio for Windows 95 (German) | 1.0 | 28-10-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t04ja.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t12a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro - ZO3T04KA - Crystal Audio for Windows 95 (French) | 1.0 | 28-10-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t04ka.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t12a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro - ZO4T05IA - Crystal Audio for Windows NT (Italian) | 1.0 | 28-10-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo4t05ia.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo4t10a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro - ZO4T05JA - Crystal Audio for Windows NT (German) | 1.0 | 28-10-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo4t05ja.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo4t10a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro - ZO4T05KA - Crystal Audio for Windows NT (French) | 1.0 | 28-10-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo4t05ka.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo4t10a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro (Type 6889, 6897) - QD3Z11US - Crystal Audio for Windows 95/98 | 4.05.2720-1 | 29-04-99 | 17-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/qd3z11us.exe |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro (Type 6889, 6897)/IntelliStation E Pro (Type 6893) - QD4Z06US - Crystal Audio for Windows NT 4.0 | | 29-04-99 | 12-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/qd4z06us.exe |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro (Type 6898) - ZO4T05EA - Crystal Audio for Windows NT (Danish) | 1.0 | 28-10-97 | 06-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo4t05ea.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo4t10a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro (Type 6898)/IBM PC300PL (Type 6562, 6592) - ZO4T10A - Crystal Audio for Windows NT | 1.0 | 30-09-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo4t10a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo4t10a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro/IBM PC300GL (Type 6561, 6591) - ZO3T12A - Crystal Audio for Windows 95 (English) | 1.0 | 28-10-97 | 16-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t12a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t12a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation Z Pro - ZO2T01A - Crystal Audio drivers for Windows 3.11 | none | 27-03-97 | 25-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo2t01a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo2201a.exe |
| IBM IntelliStation Z Pro - ZO3T06A - Crystal Audio drivers for Windows 95 | none | 26-03-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t06a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t06a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation Z Pro (Type 6865) - QD3T10A - Crystal Audio for Windows 95/98 | | 05-10-98 | 10-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/qd3t10a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/qd3t10a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation Z Pro (Type 6865) - QD4T07A - Crystal Audio for Windows NT | | 05-10-98 | 06-10-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/qd4t07a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/qd4t07a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation Z Pro (Type 6899) - ZO4T07A - Crystal Audio for Windows NT | | 30-05-97 | 11-02-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo4t07a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo4t07a.txt |
| IBM PC300XL/IBM IntelliStation M Pro - ZO4T08A - Crystal Audio for Windows NT | 1.51.6c | 08-05-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo4t08a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo4t08a.txt |
| IBM PC/IBM IntelliStation M Pro (Type 6888) - ZO3T08A - Crystal Audio for Windows 95 | 4.03.2010 | 20-06-97 | 25-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t08a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo3t08a.txt, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/update.bat, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/update.txt |
| BIOS | | | | | |
| IBM IntelliStation E Pro (Type 6893)/IBM PC300PL (Type 6862, 6872, 6892) - NVJT44A - Flash BIOS update | 41a | 28-04-99 | 10-04-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/nvjt44a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/nvj244a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/nvjt44a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro (Type 6888)/IBM PC300XL (Type 6588) - NEJT17A - Flash BIOS update | 17a | 08-04-99 | 14-04-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/nejt17a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/nejt17a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro (Type 6889, 6897) - NUJT34A - Flash BIOS update | 34a | 15-02-99 | 25-02-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/nujt34a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/nuj234a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/nujt34a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro (Type 6898) - NGJT34A - Flash BIOS update | 33a | 11-05-99 | 27-05-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/ngjt34a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/ngj234a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/ngjt34a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation Z Pro (Type 6865) - NYJT24A - Flash BIOS update | v22a | 10-05-99 | 07-03-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/nyjt24a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/nyj224a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/nyut24a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/nyjt24a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation Z Pro (Type 6899) - NKJT18A - Flash BIOS update | 18a | 08-04-99 | 12-04-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/nkjt18a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/nkj218a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/nkjt18a.txt |
| Bus Master IDE | | | | | |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro (Type 6898) - PIIX4 - Bus Master IDE for Windows 95 | 1.0 | 21-01-98 | 22-02-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/piix4.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/piix4.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro/IBM PC - Z21T07A - Bus Master IDE for OS/2 | 1.0 | 08-05-97 | 25-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/z21t07a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/z21t07a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro/IBM PC - Z21T09A - Bus Master IDE for OS/2 | 1.0 | 14-01-98 | 06-04-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/z21t09a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/z21t09a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro/IBM PC - Z23Z11US - Bus Master IDE for Windows 95 | 3.0 | 30-04-99 | 25-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/z23z11us.exe |
| IBM IntelliStation Z Pro - Z21T06A - Bus Master IDE for OS/2 | 2.06 | 24-03-97 | 16-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/z21t06a.exe |
| IBM IntelliStation/IBM PC - Z24T11A - Bus Master IDE for Windows NT | 1.69 | 26-03-97 | 25-11-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/z24t11a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/z24t11a.txt |
| CD-ROM Drives | | | | | |
| IBM IntelliStation Z Pro - Z51T05A - 16X Max CD-ROM drivers for OS/2 | 1.50 | 26-03-97 | 28-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/z51t05a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/z51t05a.txt |
| IBM PC300XL/IBM IntelliStation M Pro - FLASH12J - Firmware update for Sony 16X Max CD-ROM | 1.2j | 07-10-97 | 28-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/flash12j.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/flash12j.txt |
| IBM PC/IBM IntelliStation M Pro - Z51T06A - 24X IDE CD-ROM | none | 18-08-97 | 28-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/z51t06a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/z51t06a.txt |
| Diagnostics | | | | | |
| IBM IntelliStation/IBM PC - T3GT20A - IBM enhanced diagnostics diskette | none | 04-11-98 | 19-03-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/t3gt20a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/t3gt20a.txt |
| DOS/Windows 3.x | | | | | |
| IBM IntelliStation Z Pro - ZO2T01A - Crystal Audio drivers for Windows 3.11 | none | 27-03-97 | 25-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo2t01a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zo2201a.exe |
| Hard Drives | | | | | |
| IBM IntelliStation E Pro/IBM IntelliStation M Pro (Type 6889, 6898) - UPDATEBB - Seagate "BigBear" hard file microcode update | | 16-09-98 | 22-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/updatebb.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/updatebb.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro/IBM PC - ZP6T04A - IBM IDE hard disk monitor for Windows 95/NT | 2.0 | 26-08-97 | 22-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zp6t04a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zp6t04a.txt |
| IBM PC300XL/IBM IntelliStation M Pro - ZP6T02A - SMART application for Windows 95, NT 3.51, and NT 4.0 | 1.0 | 08-05-97 | 22-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zp6t02a.exe |
| IBM PC/IBM IntelliStation - ZP1T06A - IBM IDE hard disk monitor for OS/2 | 2.0 | 18-08-97 | 13-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zp1t06a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zp1t06a.txt |
| Infrared | | | | | |
| IBM PC300XL/IBM IntelliStation - Z41T01A - InfraRed/TranXit application for OS/2 | 47 | 24-03-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/z41t01a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/z41201a.exe |
| IBM PC300XL/IBM IntelliStation - Z43T06A - InfraRed/TranXit application for Windows 95 | 1.0 | 13-05-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/z43t06a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/z43206a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/z43t06a.txt |
| IBM PC300XL/IBM IntelliStation - ZQ6T00A - PDA (HP200LX) for InfraRed | 1.8 | 27-03-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zq6t00a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zq6t00a.txt |
| IBM PC300XL/IBM IntelliStation - ZS3T01A - InfraRed select mode driver for Windows 95 | 1.0 | 27-03-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zs3t01a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zs3t01a.txt |
| Networking | | | | | |
| IBM IntelliStation E Pro (Type 6893)/IntelliStation M Pro (Type 6889, 6897) - Q37T13A - Intel Ethernet | | 16-06-98 | 12-01-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/q37t13a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/q37213a.exe |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro - ZJJT01A - IBM Token Ring adapter flash utility | none | 13-11-97 | 14-08-98 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zjjt01a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/zjjt01a.txt |
| IBM IntelliStation M Pro (Type 6898)/IBM PC300PL - Q37T07A - Intel Ethernet | none | 27-08-97 | 15-04-99 | ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/q37t07a.exe, ftp://ftp.infania.net/pccbbs/commercial_desktop/q37t07a.txt |