KB Articles for Microsoft SourceSafe
- Q123427: Use FIXPROJ.EXE to Fix Project Errors in SourceSafe
- Q123467: HOWTO: How to Create a New Database in SourceSafe
- Q123469: PRB: How to Handle the "invalid serial number" Error
- Q123470: INFO: How SourceSafe Selects a Viewer for a File
- Q123471: HOWTO: Change the Data Directory Location
- Q123472: HOWTO: Create a Unique SRCSAFE.INI File
- Q123473: HOWTO: Increase Performance in SourceSafe
- Q123474: HOWTO: Logon With a Name Other than the System Logon
- Q123476: PRB:SoureSafe "Error locking file" on Windows NT or Multi-User
- Q124525: INFO: How SourceSafe Locks Files in the DATA Directory
- Q124526: HOWTO: Use the Windows Command Line
- Q124528: PRB: How to Handle the Error "INI in 2.2 format"
- Q124529: HOWTO: Access SourceSafe Code From a Central Directory
- Q124530: INFO: Visual SourceSafe Project Oriented Version Control
- Q126786: HOWTO: Remove or Change a Label
- Q127061: FIX: Add File Dialog Forces Uppercase Filename
- Q127104: HOWTO: Set Up Multiple SourceSafe Databases
- Q127188: DOC: SourceSafe Undocumented Command Line Switches
- Q127189: DOCERR: Additional SourceSafe INI Settings
- Q127993: PRB: Corrupt Binary File After Merging with SourceSafe
- Q128238: BUG: SourceSafe Update Command Fails on Large Binary File
- Q128636: HOWTO: Set Up SourceSafe for Replication Under Windows NT
- Q128723: HOWTO: Reference a Time on the Command Line
- Q129112: How to Install SourceSafe on a Windows 95 Workstation
- Q129186: PRB: Delta Labels Are Not Converted with DELTA_SS.EXE
- Q129189: BUG: SourceSafe Suddenly Terminates After Running a Long Time
- Q129190: FIX: SourceSafe Command Line Fails to Create Output File
- Q129192: BUG: Keyword Expansion Fails on the Macintosh
- Q129193: FIX: File Added with No Extension is Handled Incorrectly
- Q131022: INFO: Required Network Rights for the SourceSafe Directories
- Q131023: DOC: How to Set Up a Shadow Directory
- Q131092: PRB: Keyword Expansion Is Case Sensitive
- Q131093: PRB: SourceSafe 3.1 Cannot Use UNC Names
- Q131094: Gray State Check Boxes in SourceSafe
- Q131445: FIX: "Timeout Locking File: UM" Error Occurs at Startup
- Q131446: FIX: File or Project Not Found If Add or Rename Long Filename
- Q131447: HOWTO: Use PHYSICAL Command to Find SourceSafe Database File
- Q131449: HOWTO: Troubleshoot "Out of Memory" Errors
- Q131450: INFO: Description of Files in the \SS\DATA Directory
- Q131451: How to Upgrade SourceSafe Manually
- Q131772: INFO: Setting Compare to Checksum Speeds GET Command
- Q131773: INFO: Setting Compare to Time Increases Speed of GET Command
- Q131895: SourceSafe Knowledge Base As Help File (June 1995)
- Q131955: BUG: Cannot Set Project Level Rights with SourceSafe’s SSADMIN
- Q131956: HOWTO: Run the Macintosh SourceSafe SSADMIN Tool
- Q133017: PRB: Branching Files in SourceSafe Causes Lost Disk Space
- Q133018: INFO: Visual SourceSafe Setup Registration Settings
- Q133054: HOWTO: Detect and Fix Database Corruption Errors in SSafe
- Q130140: FIX: SourceSafe Might Not Get Long Filenames on Windows NT
- Q130141: HOWTO: Install SourceSafe on a Windows Client Workstation
- Q130142: HOWTO: Install SourceSafe on a Windows NT Client Workstation
- Q130144: PRB: SourceSafe for Windows Setup Fails w/ Novell VLM.EXE 1.1
- Q130145: BUG: SourceSafe and Windows Debug Kernel Causes Termination
- Q130176: Project versus File Labeling in SourceSafe
- Q130178: FIXPRNT Fixes Database Errors Reported by ANALYZE.EXE
- Q130270: BUG: SourceSafe Reports a Date/Time of 1/1/70
- Q130272: PRB: SourceSafe Appears to Use the Incorrect Date/Time
- Q132421: PRB: Lock_Mode = lockfile Causes "Timeout Locking File" Error
- Q132703: HOWTO: Set Up SourceSafe for the Macintosh Manually
- Q132891: INFO: The Meaning of v.# for User Name in SourceSafe
- Q132892: INFO: SourceSafe Might Modify Some Files
- Q132921: INFO: Branching or Separating SourceSafe Files and Projects
- Q132922: INFO: Sharing SourceSafe Files
- Q132923: INFO: Sharing SourceSafe Projects
- Q132929: PRB: "DDE Connection Failed" When Viewing a File
- Q132931: FIX: Drag/Drop Executes Create and Add with Insufficient Rights
- Q132971: INFO: Merging SourceSafe Files
- Q135357: PRB: Sync Between Visual SourceSafe and VB Is Delayed
- Q135643: INFO: Basic Troubleshooting Converting from Delta to SourceSafe
- Q135644: PRB: Deleted Project Files Are Not Converted with DELTA_SS.EXE
- Q135720: PRB: Moving Project in SourceSafe Explorer Causes Error in VB
- Q135994: PRB: Visual SourceSafe Explorer Checks Out .FRM Without .FRX
- Q135995: Visual SourceSafe Integration with Visual Basic 4.0 and 5.0
- Q134369: Microsoft SourceSafe Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Q134834: PRB: SourceSafe Fails with Norton Desktop Version 3.0
- Q136019: FAQ: Visual SourceSafe Integration with Visual C++ 4.0
- Q136020: INFO: Glyphs in Visual C++ with Source Code Control Enabled
- Q136021: HOWTO: Move or Rename Files Used with Visual C++
- Q136325: INFO: Three Types of Drag-and-Drop with Visual SourceSafe
- Q136399: INFO: Visual Basic and Source Code Control Glyphs
- Q136400: INFO: Changing Visual SourceSafe User Name in Visual Basic
- Q136401: PRB: Data Path Errors Starting SourceSafe
- Q136541: PRB: Visual SourceSafe Books Online Help Viewer Crashes
- Q139001: PRB: Visual C++ Integration Does Not Recognize .CLW Files
- Q139298: HOWTO: Include Specific File Revisions in a Project Label
- Q139299: FIX: Ampersand (&) Appears as Underscore (_) in the Explorer
- Q139358: INFO: Readme.wri: Section 1, Software Installation Information
- Q139359: INFO: Readme.wri: Section 2, General Notes and Tips
- Q139360: INFO: Readme.wri: Section 4, Documentation Notes
- Q139361: INFO: Readme.wri: Section 3, Issues and Considerations
- Q139362: INFO: Readme.wri: Section 5, New Features of Visual SourceSafe
- Q139672: FIX: Initialization Var Shadow_SetTime Set to Invalid Value
- Q139729: FIX: Visual SourceSafe Cannot Associate File That Has 2 Periods
- Q139891: INFO: Visual SourceSafe Installation is Processor Specific
- Q138147: HOWTO: Use the SourceSafe Explorer to Modify the Ss.ini File
- Q138148: Visual SourceSafe Directory Listing
- Q138296: HOWTO: Use UNC Paths in Visual SourceSafe
- Q138298: INFO: Visual SourceSafe System Capacities and Specifications
- Q138299: INFO: Legal Visual SourceSafe Naming Conventions
- Q138343: INFO: New Features of Ddconv.exe in Visual SourceSafe
- Q138344: HOWTO: Set up a Shadow Dir in Visual SourceSafe Administrator
- Q138345: PRB: Error "File <filename> Not Found" When Adding Files
- Q138385: INFO: Visual SourceSafe Shortcut Keys
- Q138433: PRB: Unable to Open <path Name> When Running Analyze
- Q138475: HOWTO: Set Up Multiple Check Outs on a Project Basis
- Q138479: INFO: Required Rights for SourceSafe Commands
- Q138480: BUG: Using the Keyboard in SourceSafe Administrator May Fail
- Q143114: PRB: Trouble Installing Multiple Servers from Single Computer
- Q145744: PRB: Client Installed from ReadOnly Server Won’t Start
- Q142092: BUG: Report to File "Access to File Denied" Error Message
- Q142156: PRB: Cannot See Objects on Back Tabs If Using VB SSTAB Control
- Q142157: DOC: Merge Branches Option Doesn’t Work at Project Level
- Q142463: FIX: Non-SourceSafe Visual Test Files Show Up as Checked Out
- Q142509: FIX: List of Problems Solved by Visual SourceSafe 4.0
- Q142580: BUGLIST: List of Problems in Visual SourceSafe 4.0
- Q142763: PRB: Path Problems on Client Installation of SourceSafe
- Q142959: FIX: YMD Date Format Causes Improper History Selection
- Q141016: FIX: Visual SourceSafe Books Online Help Is for Visual Basic
- Q141209: BUG: Delete User Help Error: "No Additional Help Is Available"
- Q141353: PRB: Check-in That Uses Drag and Drop Causes Application Error
- Q141398: FIX: "Source Control" Does Not Appear in Tools Menu w/ MIPS
- Q141501: How to Add SourceSafe for Unix to SourceSafe for Windows
- Q141504: HOWTO: Make SourceSafe Keyword Expansion Work in Text Docs
- Q141547: FIX: Visual SourceSafe Help System Searches for Wrong HLP File
- Q141548: PRB: 16-Bit Visual Basic Requires 16-Bit SourceSafe
- Q140316: INFO: All Variable Settings for Visual SourceSafe .INI File
- Q140317: DOC: Visual SourceSafe Treats Binary Files Differently
- Q140319: FIX: Can’t Save ‘Assume Project Based on Working Dir’ Setting
- Q140320: HOWTO: List the Current Version of All Files in a Project
- Q140361: FIX: Comment_Template Setting Does Not Work in Srcsafe.ini File
- Q140362: BUG: PVCS_SS Does Not Work with PVCS for Windows NT
- Q140363: FIX: Visual SourceSafe Slows as It Increases Processor Usage
- Q140537: HOWTO: Change the Data Directory Location for Integration Apps
- Q140593: PRB: Error "File Names.dat may be corrupt" Appears
- Q140594: PRB: Local SSADMIN Writes to Local (Not Server) Srcsafe.ini
- Q146017: PRB: History in Explorer Differs from History File w/ Keywords
- Q147173: PRB: Visual C++ Seems to Hang - Updating Source Control Status
- Q147585: INFO: The Mssccprj.scc File and How Is It Used
- Q147837: FIX: "File not Found" Error Message During Check In
- Q147906: DOC: Rights.bak File Is Not Necessarily Present
- Q148511: INFO: Default Content of the Srcsafe.ini File
- Q148512: INFO:Description of the Properties/About Command Line Commands
- Q148513: HOWTO: Use Pin and Label for Quality Assurance
- Q148812: HOWTO: Configure Visual SourceSafe Explorer to Use System Font
- Q148892: BUG: SourceSafe File Not Found Error When VB Deletes .FRX File
- Q150064: HOWTO: Branch to a Specific Version of a Project
- Q150293: INFO: Visual Basic & Visual SourceSafe Add-In Options
- Q150417: PRB: Read-Only SSTab Does Not Display Child Controls Properly
- Q150419: PRB: "Add Files to SourceSafe" Add-in Menu Item is Disabled
- Q150642: HOWTO: Use SSInt.exe in Visual SourceSafe
- Q150643: PRB: Setting Wrong System Date Causes Lost Project History
- Q150644: INFO: Quotes Required in Command Line for Names with Spaces
- Q150645: INFO: Minor Inconsistencies in the Header Log for <filename>
- Q150648: HOWTO: Resolve Files Checked Out by an Unavailable User
- Q150961: FIX: Error Accessing Source Code Control System
- Q149378: PRB: File Not Found Error When You Add New Users
- Q149382: INFO: Setting Options You Can Modify in the Srcsafe.ini File
- Q149678: BUG: File Dates Do Not Change After a Rollback
- Q149788: BUG: Visual SourceSafe Books Online Isn’t Properly Installed
- Q151000: FIX: Problems with the Task Bar in Windows 95
- Q151002: FIX: No Response to Natural Keyboard Right-Mouse Button
- Q151004: FIX: "PRG" File Type Missing in FoxPro File Group
- Q151354: Sslogin Utility to Validate User Name and Password
- Q151411: FIX: New Version of Ssscc.dll Available
- Q151703: FIX: Cannot Print a SourceSafe Report From Windows 95
- Q151975: INFO: List of SourceSafe Error Messages Documented on the Web
- Q152807: INFO: Error Messages from Analyze Tool of Visual SourceSafe
- Q154008: What Microsoft Products Does VSS Integrate with?
- Q154080: PRB: Visual SourceSafe Journal File Not Updated
- Q154081: HOWTO: Use a Template for Comments When Checking In Files
- Q154279: PRB: Visual SourceSafe Status Truncates Filenames to 20 Char
- Q154400: PRB: Cannot Map File to the Project "$" Message in Dev Studio
- Q154470: BUG: Long File Name Working Directory Not Created
- Q154486: PRB: Access Denied or File Locked When Log In to SourceSafe
- Q154828: PRB: Visual Basic Module Shuffle Looks Like Entire File Change
- Q154829: PRB: Rights by Project Are Not Always Inherited
- Q154834: PRB: Checking Out Forms and MAK File Loses Changes in Memory
- Q154835: BUG: "Project History Options" Won’t Search for Labels in File
- Q154968: HOWTO: Customize the Differences Window
- Q153285: INFO: Will VSS 5.0 Be Able to Read a VSS 6.0 Database?
- Q153493: HOWTO: Perform a RollBack Without Losing History
- Q153500: HOWTO: Recover Disk Space in Visual SourceSafe
- Q153501: PRB: "Error reading from file" When Logging into SourceSafe
- Q153502: PRB: Unable to Open Project Error When Running Analyze
- Q153503: BUG: Fonts are Corrupt or Extremely Large in Windows 95
- Q153506: PRB: Cannot Set Working Directory by Using .ini File
- Q153508: DOC: User’s Guide Gives Wrong Required Windows NT Version
- Q153511: PRB: Shared Project, Branch Menu Option Is Not Available
- Q153871: FIX: How to Install When Setup Fails on Novell
- Q153872: INFO: DDConv Messages of Visual SourceSafe 4.0
- Q153873: HOWTO: Upgrade from SourceSafe 3.x to Visual SourceSafe 4.0
- Q153925: FAQ: How Can I Find Out if My VSS Database Has Been Upgraded?
- Q155054: PRB: Visual SourceSafe Occasionally Saves .FRX File as Text
- Q155055: PRB: Problem Adding VB File from Other Drive to VSS Project
- Q155390: PRB: Unable to Add Project Error in Visual Basic Integration
- Q155391: PRB: ACME Setup Problems During 16-bit Installation of VSS 4.0
- Q155394: PRB: Double Quotes in DIR Path in INI File Can Result in Crash
- Q155437: PRB: "Invalid DOS Path" Error Message
- Q155438: PRB: "Directory Not Found" When Using Macintosh Client 4.00a
- Q155584: PRB: Files Missing or Not Displayed in GUI Interface
- Q155631: PRB: Message "Error Writing to File" When Checking In File
- Q155678: HOWTO: Share Files Under Source-Code Control in Visual C++
- Q155754: PRB: File Could Not Be Mapped to the SourceSafe Project
- Q155783: FIX: Share Dialog Box Appears Unexpectedly
- Q155784: SourceSafe Alpha/MIPS Files Not on VB Enterprise CD-ROMs
- Q155888: PRB: Binary Files with Keyword Expansion Corrupted
- Q155889: BUG: File Loses One Byte When Checked Out
- Q155971: 32-bit SSEXP.EXE Doesn’t Work but 16-bit SSEXP.EXE Does
- Q155976: PRB: Output from SourceSafe Command Lines Is Truncated
- Q156448: INFO: Some Files and Projects are Upper Case after Upgrade
- Q156451: FIX: DDCONV Causes GP Fault During Database Conversion
- Q156454: FIX: Adding File Causes Error if Name Contains a Space
- Q156513: INFO: Which Visual C++ Files to Add to Source-Code Control
- Q156717: PRB: Rollback of Shared File Forces a Branch
- Q156872: BUG: Errors Checking In or Out a Custom Resource File (.RES)
- Q156878: FIX: Checking Out .vbp Overwrites Unsaved Changes in Project
- Q157082: FIX: Rollback of a Shared File Rolls to Unexpected Version
- Q157527: INFO: New Visual SourceSafe Commands and Functionality
- Q157533: PRB: PVCS to SourceSafe Conversion Fails
- Q157636: HOWTO: Set Up Source Code Control with Visual SourceSafe
- Q157714: INFO: How SourceSafe Stores Log Files
- Q157715: PRB: VSS OLE Add-in Model Not Supported by Visual Basic 4.0
- Q157716: BUG: Invalid Handle Message When Attempting a Show Diffs
- Q157717: INFO: VSS 5.0 Readme: Sec. 2, General Notes and Tips
- Q157718: INFO: VSS 5.0 Readme: Sec. 3, New Features in Visual SourceSafe
- Q157719: INFO: VSS 5.0 Readme: Sec. 4 & 5, VSS 4.0/VSS Home Page Users
- Q157720: INFO: VSS 5.0 Readme: Sec. 1, Software Installation Information
- Q157813: FIX: Branch or Rollback of Shared File May Cause Corruption
- Q157883: How Can I Get VSS and Visual InterDev Integration Working?
- Q157982: INFO: Understanding Promotions
- Q157983: INFO: Platform Considerations with OLE Automation
- Q157985: INFO: Anyone Can Run SSARC.EXE if There Is No Admin Password
- Q158160: PRB: Cloaked Projects are Deployed
- Q158218: INFO: Support Options for Visual SourceSafe
- Q158219: HOWTO: Use SourceSafe Over a RAS or ISDN Connection
- Q158430: FIX: VSS 4.x Integration with VC 4.x under Windows NT 4.0
- Q158431: HOWTO: Deploy a Project Adds Two .GIF Files
- Q158469: INFO: Time Difference in Checking Out vs. Getting File in Source
- Q158471: PRB: ‘File not found’ When Attempting Command Line Check In
- Q158475: HOWTO: Find Missing Versions in the Project History Dialog Box
- Q158701: PRB: Error When Renaming a File That Is Checked Out
- Q158702: INFO: How ANALYZE Passes Work
- Q158914: PRB: Web Root Busy Opening Source-Controlled Web
- Q161576: PRB: Cannot Checkout a File When Multiple Checkouts are Enabled
- Q161577: HOWTO: Use Keyword Expansion in HTML Files
- Q161578: BUG: Duplicate Entries Appear in Open Database Dialog Box
- Q161610: PRB: SSARC/SSRESTOR Change 4.0 Database to 4.0a/5.0 Format
- Q161727: PRB: SCC API Error "Project Created" Occurs When Opening a PJX
- Q160888: PRB: VSS Explorer Error: "This Is an Integration Only Project"
- Q160914: PRB: The Data File for <file> (<physical file>) Was Not Found
- Q159270: INFO: How the Merge Process Works in Visual SourceSafe
- Q159278: PRB: Can Log on to a Locked Visual SourceSafe Database
- Q159690: PRB: Problem Adding Objects Created in VBA to SourceSafe
- Q159774: DOCERR: Adding Visual C++ Projects to Source Control
- Q159775: PRB: General Protection Fault Occurs On VSS Launch
- Q159776: FIX: VC++ Crash When Adding Test Case Under Source-Code Control
- Q159777: BUG: Invalid Syntax Error When Logging On to Visual SourceSafe
- Q162113: PRB: Project Modification Not Reflected in Shadow Directory
- Q162114: HOWTO: How To Issue a Recursive GET Based on a Project Label
- Q162300: HOWTO: Converting VFP3 Source Control Projects to VFP5
- Q162530: PRB: Invalid Handle on Client When Journal_Text Set to Bad Path
- Q162533: FIX: "File or Project Not Found" Errors Between Mac & PC Clients
- Q162820: PRB: SourceSafe/MS Access Does Not Allow Project Sharing
- Q162823: ACC97: SourceSafe Integration Alerts Do Not Use Office Assistant
- Q162825: ACC97: Customizing Command Bar Does Not Prompt for Check-Out
- Q162851: ACC97: "Couldn’t find object" Error Checking Out Table/Query
- Q162929: ACC97: Err Msg: "Could not create a valid file name" in VSS
- Q162931: PRB: SourceSafe Commands not Available for RunCommand Method
- Q162932: PRB: VSS Integration Dialog Box Does Not Respond to Keyboard
- Q162933: ACC97: User Without Permissions Can Check Out an Object in VSS
- Q165237: FIX: Word 97 Document Added to Visual SourceSafe as Text File
- Q165417: DOC: Toolbar_Size Not Implemented in VSS 5
- Q165496: INFO: VSS Integration With MS Word and MS Excel
- Q165776: FIX: Admin Cannot See Files with Project Security Enabled
- Q165831: PRB: Anonymous User in NT Admin Group Breaks Source Control
- Q165883: Errors with Large Recursive Branch and Share Operations
- Q163056: ACC97: Access IPF Using Find on Object That Is Checked In
- Q163278: ACC97: Err Checking Out Data Object with Linked Exchange Table
- Q163343: ACC97: No SourceSafe Symbols in Large Icon View
- Q163345: ACC97: Error Running Switchboard Manager in SourceSafe Database
- Q163346: ACC97: Linked Table Manager Doesn’t Prompt You to Check Out Data
- Q163347: PRB: Project Created but No Objects If Add to VSS Is Canceled
- Q163348: ACC97: Tables That Appear to Be Checked In in VSS Are Not
- Q163349: ACC97: IPF Adding DB with Large Number of Objects to VSS 4.0
- Q163438: PRB: Warning Message in MS Access After Installing ODE Tools
- Q163509: ACC97: Object Description Property Not Saved in SourceSafe
- Q163704: ACC97: Some Access Commands Don’t Prompt to Check Out VSS Module
- Q163705: ACC97: Error "Invalid DOS 8.3 Name" Adding DB to SourceSafe
- Q163797: HOWTO: Lock a SourceSafe Database
- Q163843: INFO: Managing Linked Tables When You Create a New DB from VSS
- Q164152: VC Hangs When Clicking Advanced Button on Source Control
- Q164238: ACC97: Duplicate Relationships Multiply in Back-End Database
- Q164585: FIX: VSS Log Files Not Deleted Correctly on NetWare
- Q164684: PRB: VFP/VSS File Could Not Be Mapped to SourceSafe Project
- Q164941: INFO: Command Line Equivalent of "Build Tree" Option
- Q167134: HOWTO: Open Visual SourceSafe to a Specific Project
- Q167258: PRB: Analyze Leaves Files with .old Extension in Database
- Q167262: PRB: Unable to Open User Login File
- Q167263: PRB: <filename> is Already Open
- Q167273: FIX: VSS Editor/Viewer Removes and Replaces Characters
- Q167274: FIX: Analyze May Hang When Running on Large Databases
- Q167290: HOWTO: Enable Visual SourceSafe Locking
- Q167592: ACC97: SourceSafe Integration Tips
- Q167737: FIX: Deploy to a Unix Server Via FTP Fails
- Q167847: ACC97: IPF Executing VSS Add and Create Commands at Same Time
- Q170749: INFO: What Window Position Values in Some INI Variables Mean
- Q170750: INFO: End of Line Character Settings for Visual SourceSafe
- Q170984: ACC97: Results Dialog Box Remains After First Check Out
- Q169257: INFO: Actions That Perform an Implicit GET
- Q169260: HOWTO: No Command Line Equivalent for Some Web Features
- Q169278: ACC97: MS Access Hangs Adding DB to VSS While in Break Mode
- Q169279: ACC97: Error in Documenter If Object Can’t Be Checked Out
- Q169535: INFO: Cannot Set EOL Option from the Visual SourceSafe GUI
- Q169927: HOWTO: Get History Using SourceSafe OLE Automation in C++
- Q169928: HOWTO: Open a SourceSafe Database with OLE Automation in C++
- Q166259: INFO: Visual Interdev/Visual SourceSafe Integration Discussion
- Q166260: PRB: No Workspace or Project Files Found in Selected SCC Project
- Q166261: BUG: "File is Exclusively Checked Out" Error
- Q166305: HOWTO: Reconnecting a Visual C++ Project to Source Control
- Q166469: FIX: Multiple Check In Fails with Keyword Expansion
- Q166680: PRB: Read-Only Visual SourceSafe User Can Modify Web Projects
- Q166896: PRB: Header Files in External Dep Folder Aren’t Added to SCC
- Q168247: BUG: Keywords Cause New Version When "Undo Check Out" Set
- Q168634: INFO: When -d Switch of Analyze Deletes Files
- Q168635: INFO: Explanation of Diff_Ignore
- Q168844: FIX: Undo Check Out Not Behaving as Expected
- Q171116: HOWTO: Enable VSS Integration with FrontPage and Visual InterDev
- Q171346: PRB: Filter String Exceeds the Maximum Length of 511
- Q171350: BUG: Analyze Always Updates aaaaaaaa.cnt
- Q171534: FIX: Source Code Control Integration Holds .dat Files Open
- Q171535: FIX: ANALYZE Crashes When No Log Entries Found in Log File
- Q172096: FIX: Forms Under Source Control Open Slowly
- Q172157: PRB: Do Not Use SourceSafe When Running SSARC or SSRESTO
- Q172158: PRB: Setup Error: "You must have NT administrative privileges"
- Q172337: FIX: SSARC & SSRESTOR Do Not Store Macintosh Resource Fork Data
- Q172376: PRB: Ddcerr.log Reports "DDCONV initializing" During Upgrade
- Q174650: PRB: VBG Files Do Not Appear to Work with Visual SourceSafe
- Q174651: PRB: Unexpected Message: "Add this project to SourceSafe" in VB
- Q174873: FIX: Lost Net Connection Causes Source Code Control to Hang
- Q174874: FIX: Branched Files Restored to New Database Cause Corruption
- Q174875: FIX: Bogus "File is exclusively checked out" Error
- Q174876: FIX: "Invalid DOS Path" to SSADMIN.INI on Unix
- Q174877: FIX: Selecting a File in SourceSafe Explorer Causes Refresh
- Q174878: FIX: Large Buttons When Resetting Toolbar
- Q174879: FIX: Incorrect Syntax on Keywords May Delete Text
- Q175758: HOWTO: Trap Visual SourceSafe OLE Errors
- Q175760: INFO: Contents of Analyze Window Limited to ~30,000 Characters
- Q175950: HOWTO: Change the Name of a Visual SourceSafe Database
- Q173065: PRB: Problems After Branching Integrated DevStudio Projects
- Q173387: PRB: Restoring an Archive of an Entire Database
- Q173405: PRB: Misleading Message When Checking Out Older File Version
- Q176350: HOWTO: Open Visual SourceSafe to a Specific Database
- Q176351: BUG: Referenced Project Causes "Failed to Reload the Project"
- Q176352: FIX: VSSItem Does Not Handle Strings Greater Than 128 Bytes
- Q176353: FIX: SourceSafe OLE Automation Does Not Support Label Comments
- Q176551: FIX: Automation Events Not Received by VBasic Applications
- Q176553: INFO: Database Architecture Changes in 4.0, 4.0a, and 5.0
- Q176732: PRB: Read-Only Files in Shadow Folder Are Not Updated
- Q176875: INFO: The Primary Functions of Ssarc.exe and Ssrestor.exe
- Q176878: PRB: Replacing Names.dat File Changes Long File Names
- Q176909: HOWTO: Move a VSS Database or Project to New Location
- Q177409: BUG: "Failed to Reload Project" Error When Checking In VB File
- Q178398: SssccSP2.exe: "The Database is Unavailable…" When Opening Proj
- Q180945: HOWTO: Disconnect a Project from Source Control
- Q181089: INFO: Dialog Box Appears Even When No Conflicts Exist
- Q181717: FIX: Analyze Problems with Open Log Files
- Q181718: PRB: "Error Updating the SourceSafe Database via DDCONVW.EXE"
- Q181719: PRB: "Cannot Access the ClassView Information File…"
- Q183728: BUG: "Failed To Reload Project" Err Opening VB Group File
- Q183735: PRB: Saving a File in FrontPage Does a Silent Check In
- Q184354: BUG: Working Folder for Subproject Not Inherited from Parent
- Q184357: PRB: Visual C++ Opens Project in Wrong VSS Database
- Q187648: INFO: FrontPage and VID Local Files on a Source Controlled Web
- Q185696: INFO: "Invalid DOS path <drive>:<path>" when Adding Files
- Q188905: FIX: Sharing a File from Command Line Causes Corruption
- Q188906: PRB: No Command Line Equivalent for Move…File
- Q186236: PRB: SCC Project Opens Very Slowly with Norton Anti Virus
- Q186320: INFO: Determining if a Web Project is Source Code Controlled
- Q186356: FIX: Source Code Controlled VFP Project Compiles Slow
- Q186360: PRB: Visual Merge Doesn’t Happen When Expected
- Q186361: INFO: ERR "…Some links may not be restored"
- Q186402: PRB: Err "User Admin Not Found" When You Log On to VSS Database
- Q186420: PRB: Status.dat File Is too Large
- Q186469: PRB: Rights from Parent Project not Inherited
- Q189109: BUG: Printing ‘Find in Files’ Adds alt-0176 After File Name
- Q189110: PRB: "File Already Open" Error w/VSS DB on Unix Server
- Q190758: BUG: Recalculate Links Does Not Update File Version Number
- Q190881: Analyze6.exe Utility for Visual SourceSafe
- Q191289: HOWTO: Enable Event Error Logging for FrontPage 98 & SourceSafe
- Q193091: FIX: VSS OLE Automation Error Message "Bad Access Parameter"
- Q193273: BUG: FTP Creates Recursive Subfolders When Deploying
- Q193577: HOWTO: Pin Multiple Files in Visual SourceSafe
- Q193578: BUG: Rollback Causes File Label Corruption
- Q193579: FIX: SSAPI: Mssccprj.scc File Does Not Have SCC_Aux_Path Info
- Q193580: PRB: Checking Out Structure.cnf in VSS Causes FrontPage Error
- Q193581: HOWTO: Use Archive Wizard to Archive with a Specific Version
- Q193582: PRB: Project Base Class Is Added to Visual SourceSafe
- Q193583: INFO: SSInt.exe Is Added to Visual SourceSafe 6.0
- Q193584: FIX: Files Always Opened with Default Visual SourceSafe Viewer
- Q193585: BUG: Recursive History Fails if Used With -f- Switch
- Q193586: PRB: Error "Rights.Dat is already open" When Running Ddupd.exe
- Q193619: FIX: Get from Project History Does Not Display Get Dialog Box
- Q193939: HOWTO: Use a Project and File Object’s SCC PEMs
- Q194503: PRB: VFP6/VSS6 File Could Not Be Mapped to SourceSafe Project
- Q194618: INFO: Fast Get Only Works When Compare = Checksum
- Q194826: HOWTO: Designate a Visual SourceSafe Project as a Web Project
- Q195019: FIX: Checking Out a .frm File Without a .vbp File Causes GPF
- Q195020: INFO: VB Project in a Shared Location Overwrites Modifications
- Q195021: FIX: "Version not found" After Running ssarc -d -v
- Q195022: PRB: VB: "File could not be mapped to the SourceSafe Project"
- Q195024: INFO: Visual SourceSafe Creates a VSSVer.scc File
- Q195025: BUG: VFP: "SCC API error "Reload File" occurred on file"
- Q195026: FIX: Links Are Not Updated After Renaming a Project
- Q195836: PRB: Visual C++ Integration: "Specify Working Directory" Dialog
- Q195952: PRB: VID and VSS Out of Sync, Resulting in Possible Data Loss
- Q196195: PRB: VSSVer.scc Added to FrontPage Web
- Q196196: FIX: Analyze Creates New GUID When Repairing the UM.dat
- Q196197: PRB: Getting a File From Project Label Using OLE Automation
- Q196279: FIX: "File or Project not Found" Adding Files Via Integration
- Q196599: FIX: Visual SourceSafe Hangs With Recursive Get on $/ With Label
- Q197050: FIX: "Version Not Found" Error With Command Line GET
- Q197230: HOWTO: Deploy Visual SourceSafe Across a Proxy Server
- Q199003: PRB: Visual InterDev Permissions for Users Who Are Not Local Adm
- Q199035: PRB: Solution and Web Files Are Added to Different Databases
- Q203017: PRB: "Only one database connection is supported at one time"
- Q200979: FIX: File Corruption Occurs When Shadowed
- Q201378: HOWTO: Remove a Virus From a File in Visual SourceSafe
- Q201394: PRB: Only Project Folders Restored from Archive
- Q201431: HOWTO: Write Automation for Visual SourceSafe 5.0/6.0
- Q201565: PRB: Visual Basic Read-only .exp/.lib Files Cause Compile Error
- Q201649: FAQ: Visual SourceSafe Integration with Visual Basic 6.0
- Q206665: FIX: Project Settings Not Updated for All Projects
- Q214486: INFO: How SourceSafe Uses the DATA Directory
- Q214493: FIX: Project Differences Report for Identical Files
- Q214607: BUG: Cannot Add a Secured VBA Module to SourceSafe.
- Q220876: HOWTO: Restore an Entire Database Archive with Restore Wizard
- Q220969: INFO: Description of Files in the DATA Directory
- Q220971: SAMPLE: VSSAddin.exe Notifies Administrator of SourceSafe Events
- Q219405: SAMPLE: SSApplet.exe Connects to SourceSafe via Web Using Java
- Q216115: HOWTO: Set Up Multiple Databases in Visual SourceSafe 6.0
- Q216391: BUG: VSS History Not Updated for Modified Word Documents
- Q216986: BUG: QueryInterface Returning E_NOINTERFACE
- Q223128: FIX: Problems Saving Visual Basic Form to Visual SourceSafe
- Q221118: HOWTO: Upgrade a VSS5 Database to VSS6 Using Archive Utility
- Q221146: INFO: Description of Visual SourceSafe Versions, Build Numbers
- Q221175: INFO: Visual SourceSafe 6 Installation Creates Registry Entries
- Q221564: HOWTO: Uninstall Visual SourceSafe 6.0
- Q221576: INFO: How the Fast Get Operation Works in Visual SourceSafe
- Q228927: FIX: Integration Slow Update w/Source Code Control Status
- Q230702: FIX: Errors When Renaming or Deleting a Project in VSS
- Q231412: INFO: Limitations of PVCS_SS.exe
- Q231612: HOWTO: Use a SourceSafe Database with Multiple Web Servers
- Q234526: PRB: Visual SourceSafe 6.0 SP3 Netsetup Installation Problem
- Q234822: MOD2000:Undo Check Out Doesn’t Update the VSS SCC Status Window
- Q234826: MOD2000: Source Code Control Check Out Status Tab Is Blank
- Q234827: MOD2000:Unnecessary Error When You Cancel Adding Project to VSS
- Q234828: MOD2000: Confusing Error Adding Project to Visual SourceSafe
- Q234831: MOD2000: Deleting VSSODE Module Damages VSS Control Connection
- Q234832: MOD2000: Inconsistent Menu Behavior Using Check Out from VBA
- Q234833: MOD2000: UNDONE in Title After Showing Differences in VSS Add-in
- Q234835: MOD2000: Errors After You Rename Project in VSS Explorer
- Q234837: MOD2000: Renamed Objects Lose Connection to VSS
- Q234838: MOD2000: Deleted Modules Not Are Removed from VSS Control
- Q234839: MOD2000: Admin Can’t Check In File with VBA Source Code Control
- Q234840: MOD2000: "Get Object from SourceSafe" Command Gets New Object
- Q234865: MOD2000: Setting Up VBE/VSS for Multiuser Development
- Q236057: PRB: User BIOS Reset Causes Problems with SourceSafe
- Q236479: ACC2000: New Tables & Pages Deleted When You Undo VSS Checkout
- Q236495: MOD2000: VSS Login Allows Access with a Blank UserName from VBE
- Q236520: MOD2000: Save Project Prompt w/ Close, Add to VSS, or P&D Wizard
- Q236552: MOD2000: Errors When Clicking Get in Get Object from SourceSafe
- Q236810: FIX: Command Line GET Fails with "Unable to finish writing" Err
- Q236951: PRB: VI Projects Do Not Appear or Added to Wrong VSS Database
- Q237184: FIX: Err Branching from Label "You do not have access rights.."
- Q237357: BUG: SSEXP Stops Responding w/ Invalid Page Fault During Checkin
- Q237681: PRB: Version not found Error in InterDev after rolling back a fi
- Q237798: BUG: SSRESTOR Fails with "Error reading from file"
- Q237804: BUG: Deploying Shadow Files to a Live Web Site Fails
- Q237843: HOWTO: Synchronize a SourceControlled VFP Project Between Users
- Q237847: INFO: The Role of the PJM File in VSS and VFP Integration
- Q237966: VSS Explorer Closes with Rename
- Q235253: MOD2000: Configure Files & Projects for VBE/VSS Integration
- Q235606: FIX: Errors from Project Differences Window
- Q238155: HOWTO: Create a New Database in Visual SourceSafe
- Q238182: BUG: GET on a Pinned and Labeled File Gets Wrong Version
- Q238188: BUG: Branching a file gives "A more recent version is checked ou
- Q238242: BUG: OLE Automation Returns "Element not found" Error
- Q238255: HOWTO: Install VSS to a Novell NetWare Server
- Q238272: BUG: Show Difference Causes VSS to Hang on Large Text Files
- Q238345: FIX: Visual SourceSafe OLE Automation Returns Out of Memory
- Q240052: HOWTO: Specifying a VSS Database Using the Command Line
- Q240883: Shadow Folders Are Not Updated When You Use Mapped Drives
- Q241963: INFO: SourceSafe Integration Changes with 2000 Server Extensions
- Q244016: HOWTO: Back Up a Visual SourceSafe Database
- Q244019: HOWTO: How to Retrieve Deleted Files in Visual SourceSafe
- Q244953: HOWTO: Implement SourceSafe Integration with FrontPage 2000
- Q244960: FIX: Analyze and DDUPD Return "Out of Memory"
- Q244961: FIX: Analyze.exe -f Replaces Project Data Files with 0 Byte File
- Q243337: PRB: Errors with Integration After Enabling P & M
- Q243682: INFO: Synching Up a Web Project with Visual SourceSafe
- Q246123: HOWTO: Add Web Projects to Multiple SourceSafe Databases
- Q246814: INFO: New Features of Visual SourceSafe 6.0
- Q246872: INFO: Installation Information for Visual SourceSafe 6.0
- Q246873: INFO: Visual SourceSafe 6.0 Installation From Visual Studio 6.0
- Q246874: INFO: Visual SourceSafe 6.0 Installation From Visual C++ 6.0
- Q246875: HOWTO: Visual SourceSafe 6.0 Installation From Visual Basic 6.0
- Q246876: INFO: Visual SourceSafe 6.0 Installation as Stand Alone Product
- Q246910: INFO: How Label Promotions Work in Visual SourceSafe 6.0
- Q246914: HOWTO: Manually Promote a Label in Visual SourceSafe
- Q248078: BUG: VSSVersion Collection Does Not Give Filenames
- Q248194: BUG: get_Version Returns S_OK Even if the Version Does Not Exist
- Q248240: BUG: Using SourceSafe in Multiple Time Zones
- Q248466: INFO: File Checked Out in Working Directory May Not by Replaced
- Q248690: PRB: OLE Automation: CheckOut Recursive Fails
- Q248691: INFO: DDUPD Takes Data Folder Rather Than Srcsafe.ini on Command
- Q248760: FIX: Project Log <physical filename> Share (From Another Proj)
- Q250834: INFO: Create File List of Project at a Particular Time or Label
- Q252887: BUG: Truncated File Listing with Visual SourceSafe
- Q253301: FIX: Regular Users Cannot Open VSS Database on W2K Computers
- Q254494: FIX: Analyze -F Causes Inconsistencies Error Messages
- Q255230: FIX: Memory Leak in OLE Automation for Visual SourceSafe
- Q255911: INFO: Integrating SourceSafe on Novell w/V InterDev or FrontPage
- Q257989: HOWTO: Pin and Unpin Files in VSS from OLE Automation in VC++
- Q257990: HOWTO: Obtain List of Pinned Files from OLE Automation in VC++
- Q258144: HOWTO: Get a List of All Pinned Files from OLE Automation in VB
- Q258146: HOWTO: Pin/Unpin files in SourceSafe from OLE Automation in VB
- Q258551: BUG: Incorrect Error Message When You Install VSS 5.0 Y2K
- Q266429: BUG: "Invalid DOS Path" Error with VSS Command Line GET
- Q272931: PRB: Get on a project label returns the wrong version of a file
- Q274051: INFO: Anti-Virus Software May Impact VSS Performance
- Q275926: FIX: Analyze -F Overwrites Analyze.Log File if Folder Not Empty
- Q282816: HOWTO: Remove a Visual Basic Project from Visual SourceSafe
- Q282819: PRB: Wrong Path When You Connect to Database on Novell Server
- Q279182: FIX: Replace Write Ignored When Make Writable Is Enabled
- Q279184: FIX: Multiple Checkout Setting Disables Checkout Option
- Q279188: FIX: VSS Doesn’t Provide Feedback When It Deletes Projects
- Q279191: FIX: Analyze.exe Fails to Repair/Remove Orphaned Files in VSS
- Q279192: FIX: Names.Dat Corruption Is Not Repaired by Analyze Utility
- Q279228: FIX: OLE Automation Created w/VSS 5.0 Does Not Work on VSS 6.0
- Q283618: INFO: Security Considerations When Using Automatic User Login
- Q289738: FIX: History of a Label Does Not Show the Files from Subproject
- Q285104: PRB: SSARC.exe with the -X Switch Does Not Recurse Through Delet
- Q285105: Invalid Access Code When Creating Large Archive File Reports
- Q300712: Label Promotion After Share Pin and Branch Operation Fails
- Q301289: BUG: VSS 6.0 Appears to "Hang" When Establishing Working Folder
- Q304539: BUG: Deploying Web Project by Label Returns "Version Not Found"
- Q304687: HOWTO: SSAFE: Select Nondefault Database Location
- Q307780: INFO: Administrator Changes Not Reflected Until App Restarted
- Q308102: PRB: End of Line Errors Can Occur If UTF8 Files are Interpreted
- Q308896: PRB: Error in Ss.ini Remotely Accessing Default-Location DB
- Q305024: PRB: Source Code Control Not Available as Visual Basic Add-In
- Q309035: BETA-INFO: [SSAFE] - Saving Web Form Generates 3 Dialogs
- Q310326: DOC: SourceSafe - Change Password Topic in Help is Incorrect
- Q313898: BUG: StartUp Project Changes When You "Get Latest Version"
- Q313993: BUG: VSS Database Truncates Stored Procedures Larger Than 4 KB
- Q317519: PRB: Incorrect Time and Date in .resx File Added from VS .NET
- Q317523: PRB: "Only One Database Connection at a Time Is Supported" Error
- Q317542: BUG: Cannot Unbind a Deleted and Destroyed VSS Project
- Q317574: PRB: "Unspecified Error" After Renaming a .NET Subproject in VSS
- Q317649: PRB: Cannot Add Filenames Containing UTF-8 Characters to VSS SCC
- Q317659: PRB: If You Rebind Only the Solution File, Change Can’t Check In
- Q317883: HOW TO: Manage Your Visual SourceSafe Configuration for VS .NET
- Q317925: BUG: Location Files Are Checked Out from the Original Project Af
- Q317938: PRB: *Source Control cache is not always updated when it should
- Q317939: PRB: Can’t Convert to FrontPage Web Project After Unbinding
- Q317941: PRB: FrontPage Web Projects Are Only Partially Under Source Code
- Q317957: PRB: Connection Information Is Broken After You Check In Without
- Q315639: BUG: Problems When You Automatically Check Out Files
- Q318056: BUG: Shutdown When Config Manager Triggers Checkout of Solution
- Q318060: DOC: List of Possible Errors When You Check Out a File from Visu
- Q318061: BUG: Reloading the Solution from Visual SourceSafe Changes the S
- Q318082: PRB: Prompt to Check Out Large XSD File When You View the XML
- Q318109: PRB: Changes Not Saved When You Bind Solution to Another Project
- Q318298: PRB: Cannot Add Project to Source Control in VS .NET IDE
- Q318346: BUG: No Merge Warning After User Changes the Binding Information
- Q318885: BUG: Cannot Check In Files After You Change Web Access Method
- Q319318: HOW TO: Change Source Control Providers w/ MSSCCI Providers
- Q319899: VSS Show Differences Option Incorrectly Marks Files as Different
- Q320309: PRB: "File or Project Not Found" Err Msg When You Add User Right
- Q320317: How to Connect to a Visual SourceSafe Database Over the Internet
- Q320318: PRB: VB Projects Cannot Connect to Relocated VSS Database
- Q320319: PRB: "Um.dat May Be Corrupt" Err Msg When You Start SourceSafe
- Q320860: PRB: "Operation Could Not Be Completed" Err Msg
- Q323693: PRB: Err Msg When You Add File with Long Name to VSS Database
- Q323698: PRB: "There Is a Diff Chain Size Mismatch in File" Error Message
- Q321088: PRB: "Out of Memory" Err Msg When You Archive or Restore 2 GB
- Q321105: How to Obtain Visual SourceSafe 6.0c
- Q321107: INFO: Visual SourceSafe Integration Is Not Available
- Q321139: INFO: List of Bugs Fixed in Visual SourceSafe 6.0 Service Pack 6
- Q321485: How to Verify VSS User Name and Password from a Command Prompt