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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MIGR-47TJ5W

TP 570 - Installing Windows 95 and its device drivers

Applicable to: World-Wide

Installing software for Windows 95
This document describes the installation procedures for Windows 95 and its software for your ThinkPad computer.
The following versions of Windows 95 are available for your computer: Service Pack Version 1 (OSR1)
OEM Service Release Version 2.1 (OSR2.1)
OEM Service Release Version 2.5 (OSR2.5)
The SP1 can be downloaded from the Microsoft Web site

Overall procedure
1 Have the Windows 95 installation package in hand.
2 Back up your software and personal data files on the hard disk.
3 Install Windows 95.

To perform these procedures you will require the following additional files:

Device Driver

Diskette/Package Name

ThinkPad Configuration program

Utility Features for Windows 98

Display driver

Video Features package (NM2200) for Windows 95/98

PC Card support software

Card Soft PCMCIA Driver for Windows 95

Audio device driver

Audio Features for Windows 95/98

TrackPoint driver

TrackPoint Driver I for Windows 95/98

ThinkPad modem driver

Modem Driver for Windows 95/98/NT

ThinkPad UltraBay hot/warm swap driver

Utility Driver II for Windows 95/98

TP 570 Windows 95 Supplement Diskette

Supplement File Diskette III for Windows 95

a) The ThinkPad Configuration program is supported by Windows 95 OSR2.0 and later.
b) You need to install Internet Explorer Version 4.0 or later.

Installation of Windows 95 OEM Service Release 0/ OEM Service Release 1
1. Copy all the cabinet files and installation programs to your hard disk.
1-1. Make a temporary directory (for instance, C:\WIN95) and make sure enough hard-disk space is
available to store the cabinet files and installation programs (the required free space vary depending on
the language of Windows 95).
1-2. Copy all the cabinet (.CAB) files and installation programs from \WIN95 directory of Windows 95 retail

Type "COPY src_cd:\WIN95\*.* tgt_drv:\tgt_dir" and press Enter.

src_cd: Drive letter of CD-ROM drive (e.g. D, E,..)
tgt_drv:\tgt_dir: Drive letter and temporary directory made in 1-1 (e.g. C:\WIN95)

2. Copy updated files from the Windows 95 Supplement diskette to the temporary directory created in step 1-1.
2-1. Insert Windows 95 supplement file diskette into a floppy drive.
2-2. Type "COPY A:\OSR0INF\*.* tgt_drv:\tgt_dir" and press Enter

tgt_drv:\tgt_dir: Drive letter and temporary directory made in 1-1 (e.g. C:\WIN95)

3. Start Installation from the temporary directory.
3-1. Run "SETUP.EXE" in the temporary directory
3-2. Refer to the Windows 95 documentation and instructions on the screen to complete the installation.
4. If needed, apply Windows 95 Service Pack 1 available from Microsoft Internet home page.
5. If additional hard drive free space is needed, remove all the files in the temporary directory after installation is completed.

Installation of Windows 95 OEM Service Release 2 (OSR2), OEM Service Release 2.1 (OSR2.1).
1. Copy all the cabinet files and installation programs to your hard disk.
1-1. Make a temporary directory (for instance, C:\WIN95) and make sure enough hard disk space is available to store the cabinet files and installation programs (the required free space vary depending on the language of Windows 95).

1-2. Copy all the cabinet (.CAB) files and installation programs from \WIN95 directory of Windows 95 OSR2 CD.

Type "COPY src_cd:\WIN95\*.* tgt_drv:\tgt_dir" and press Enter

src_cd: Drive letter of CD-ROM drive (e.g. C, D,..)
tgt_drv:\tgt_dir: Drive letter and temporary directory made in 1-1 (e.g. C:\WIN95)

2. Copy updated files from Windows 95 supplement file diskette to the temporary directory.
2-1. Insert Windows 95 supplement file diskette into a floppy drive.
2-2. Type "COPY a:\OSR2INF\*.* tgt_drv:\tgt_dir" and press Enter.
2-3. Type "COPY a:\CARDBUS\*.* tgt_drv:\tgt_dir" and press Enter.

tgt_drv:\tgt_dir: Drive letter and temporary directory made in 1-1 (e.g. C:\WIN95)3. Start Installation from the temporary directory
3-1. Run "SETUP.EXE" in the temporary directory
3-2. Refer to the Windows 95 documentation and instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

Next step is to install some fix modules on Windows 95 OSR2.X.

4. Install PC Card driver fix.
4-1. Insert Windows 95 supplement file diskette into a floppy drive.
4-2. Run "A:\QFE444\PCCARDUP.EXE".
4-3. Reboot the system.

5. Replace Unimodem drivers to support Intel Video Phone application.
5-1. Insert Windows 95 supplement file diskette into a floppy drive.
5-2. From the command prompt, go to C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM (or SYSTEM subdirectory under the directory where Windows 95 installed).
5-3. Rename a couple of files as follows.
Type "REN UNIMDM.TSP UNIMDM.BAK" and press Enter.
5-4. Copy new files as follows.
Type "COPY A:\UNIMODEM\*.*".

The last step is to install OSR 2.X. To install the OSR2.X, refer to its documentation. As for USB Supplement file update, please see \other\usb folder (Windows 95 SR2.1) in your Windows 95 backup CD-ROM.

ThinkPad Configuration program installation

  1. Start Windows 95/98.
  2. Extract the drivers onto the hard disk by running the file. To do this, you can select Start->Run and specify the path and filename of the file you downloaded, or you can double-click on the file in Windows Explorer. This will extract the drivers.
  3. Click on Start -> Run...
  4. Type in x:\<path name>\SETUP.EXE. Then click on OK. where x: is the drive letter and <path name> is the path you extracted the files to. Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W98\UTILITY\
  5. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Display driver installation
Windows 95 (Retail Version, Service Pack 1)

  1. Boot Windows 95.
  2. Extract the drivers onto the hard drive.
  3. Click on Start -> Settings -> Control Panel.
  4. Double-click on the Display icon.
  5. Select the Settings tab.
  6. Click on the Change Display Type... button.
  7. Click on the Change... button under 'Adapter type' field.
  8. Click on the Have Disk... button.
  9. Specify the directory where the driver files are extracted. Then click on OK' button. Then audio driver list appears. Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\DISPLAY.
  10. Windows 95 finds 'NeoMagic MagicMedia 256AV' then click on the OK button. Windows 95 copies all the driver files to the hard disk.
  11. After the driver files are copied, click on the Close button to close the 'Change Display Type' window.
  12. Select the desired color depth, resolution, and font.
  13. Click on the Close button to close the 'Display Properties' window.
  14. Click on the Yes button to restart Windows 95.

Windows 95 (OSR2: OEM Service Release 2)

  1. Boot Windows 95.
  2. Extract the drivers onto the hard drive.
  3. Click on Start -> Settings -> Control Panel.
  4. Double-click on the Display icon.
  5. Select the Settings tab.
  6. Click on the Advanced Properties button.
  7. Click on the Change... button in the 'Adapter' tab.
  8. Click on the Have Disk... button.
  9. Specify the directory where the driver files are extracted. Then click on OK button. Then audio driver list appears. Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\DISPLAY.
  10. Make sure the source path is set to A:\ and click on the OK button.
  11. Windows 95 finds 'NeoMagic MagicMedia 256AV' then click on the OK button. Windows 95 copies all the driver files to the hard disk.
  12. After the driver files are copied, click on the Close button to close the 'Advanced Display Properties' window.
  13. Select the desired color depth, resolution, and font.
  14. Click on the Close button to close the 'Display Properties' window.
  15. Click on the Yes button to restart Windows 95.

PC Card support software installation

  1. Start Windows 95.
  2. Remove any PC Cards from the computer.
  3. Extract the drivers onto the hard drive.
  4. Click on Start -> Run...
  5. Specify SETUP.EXE with the full path name where you unpacked the driver files and press Enter. Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\PCCARD\
  6. Follow the instructions on the screen. Accept all defaults during CardWorks installation process.
  7. Reboot the system.

Audio device driver installation

  1. Start Windows 95.
  2. Extract the drivers onto the hard drive.
  3. Click on Start -> Run.
  4. Specify the installation program SETUP.EXE with full path you extracted in the step 2 and click on OK. Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\AUDIO\.
  5. Click on the Uninstall Crystal Driver button at the pop-up window, and then select Shut Down. Re-start Windows 95.
  6. When Windows 95 detects "Unknown Device", it will show the "Update Device Driver Wizard" window, click the Next button.
  7. Click Other Locations... and specify the directory where the driver files are extracted and click on the OK button. Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\AUDIO\
  8. It will then identify the device as a "Crystal PnP Audio System CODEC".
  9. Click Finish.
  10. If you get a Insert Disk window, press OK.
  11. In the "Copy files from:" box, specify the directory where the driver files are extracted and click on the OK button. Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\AUDIO\
  12. Windows 95 will now detect the PCI Multimedia Audio Device.
  13. Click Next -> Other Location... Specify the directory where the driver files are extracted. Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\AUDIO\
  14. Click OK, then click on Finish.
  15. At the Insert Disk window, click OK.
  16. In the "Copy files from:" box, specify the directory where the driver files are extracted and click on the OK button. Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\AUDIO\

It will then identify the device as a "Crystal SoundFusion(TM) PCI Audio Accelerator".

TrackPoint driver installation

  1. Start Windows 95.
  2. Extract the drivers onto the hard drive.
  3. Click on Start -> Settings -> Control Panel.
  4. Double-click on the Mouse icon.
  5. Click on the General tab.
  6. Click on Change.
  7. Click on Have Disk.
  8. Specify the directory where the driver files are extracted. Default path is C:\DRIVERS\WIN\TPOINT\. Then click on OK button. Then mouse driver list appears.
  9. Select PS/2 TrackPoint in the list.
  10. Click on OK.
  11. Click on Close in the "Mouse Properties" window.
  12. Restart your computer to make the new settings active.

ThinkPad modem driver installation

  1. Start Windows 95/98.
  2. Extract the drivers onto the hard disk.
  3. Click on Start -> Run...
  4. Type in "x:\<path name>\SETUP.EXE". Then click on OK. where x: is the drive letter and <path name> is the path you extracted the files to. Default path is C:\DRIVERS\WIN\MODEM
  5. Follow the instructions on the screen.

ThinkPad UltraBay hot/warm swap driver installation

  1. Start Windows 95/98.
  2. Extract the drivers onto the hard disk.
  3. Click on Start -> Settings -> Control Panel.
  4. Double click on the Add New Hardware icon.
  5. At the 'Begin installing your new hardware window, Select Next.
  6. When prompted 'Do you want Windows to search for your new hardware?' choose No, I want to select the hardware from a list and click Next.
  7. Under Hardware types, select Other devices and click Next.
  8. At the 'Select the manufacturer' window, click on the Have Disk... button.
  9. Specify the directory where the driver files are extracted and click on the OK button. The Driver list will appear. Default path is C:\DRIVERS\W9X\BASEATCH\
  10. Select ThinkPad UltraBase Hot-Attach Driver and click .
  11. Click the Finish button.
  12. Restart the operating system.

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Document Category

Software Installation/Configuration, Windows 95

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 570

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