KB Articles for Microsoft Visual Basic for Windows
- Q31789: Converting Between Decimal, Octal, and Binary Numbers
- Q32730: Use Logical AND to Determine Which Bits Are Set in an Integer
- Q52070: Example of PPMT and PMT Financial Functions in Basic
- Q59765: ISAMCVT.EXE Fails to Convert db/LIB File, Try Packing First
- Q69158: ISAMCVT Doesn’t Properly Convert db/LIB Date Fields
- Q71453: Using a Wacom HD-648A Tablet with Pen Windows
- Q74340: ALC Values Supported by the Microsoft Recognizer
- Q74341: Creating Pen Windows Dictionaries
- Q74387: Connecting a Tablet to COM2
- Q74394: Microsoft Recognizer Supports Only Horizontal Writing
- Q74648: PRB: Insufficient Disk Space Error When Setup Copies Files
- Q75040: Flow-of-Control During Recognition
- Q75842: RCRESULT rectBoundInk Field Is in Client Coordinates
- Q77243: BUG: LinkTimeOut of -1 Waits Only 6553.5 Secs Before Time Out
- Q77738: BUG: Extra Click Event If Double-Click When Mouse Button Down
- Q76068: PRB: Pen Cursor Does Not Appear When Tablet Used
- Q76069: PRB: Help File Missing Green Text Using WACOM Tablet
- Q76550: FIX: Undocumented Separator Property of a VB Menu Item
- Q76553: FIX: Can’t Have Menu with No Caption Bar/Buttons/Control Box
- Q78073: PRB: Clipboard.SetData Gives Invalid Format Message with Icon
- Q78079: FIX: Printing with HPPCL5A.DRV to HP LaserJet III Cuts Line
- Q78773: FIX: Right Mouse Button Causes Remote Control Menus
- Q79242: BUG: Some Property Values May Be Incorrect in Maximized Form
- Q79386: PRB: High Granularity Setting Affects Windows/VB Form Resizing
- Q79597: PRB:Parameter Mismatch Error When Pass Properties by Reference
- Q79764: Use SetHandleCount to Open More than 15 Files at Once in VB
- Q79800: PRB: Pen-Based Computer Unavailable While Running AfterDark
- Q79871: Applications That Run with or Without Pen Extensions
- Q80143: BUG: Text Formatting Lost When Edit Text Dialog Box Used
- Q80325: Application Cannot Define Subset of the Gestures
- Q80912: FIX: Graph Custom Control Incompatible w/ HP II Series Printer
- Q80934: Common Dialog Custom Control: FilterIndex Can Be Negative
- Q81187: BUG: Gauge Custom Control: Valid NeedleWidth Range 1 to 32767
- Q81220: How to Use More than One Type of Font in Picture Box
- Q81222: Example of Sharing a Form Between Projects in VB for Windows
- Q81223: FIX: Animated Button Custom Control: Caption May Be Truncated
- Q85109: VB3 How to Edit Grid Cells in VB Using Overlapped Text Box
- Q85573: Pen-Compatible DIP Switch Settings for Wacom 510C Tablet
- Q86031: DOC: Pen Documentation in Windows Resource Kit Incorrect
- Q86044: DOC: SetRecogHook() Function Documented Incorrectly
- Q86051: DOC: WM_HOOKRCRESULT Message Missing from Pen Documentation
- Q86262: DOC: PENWIN.DLL Requires Windows 3.1
- Q86407: PRB: Windows Write Does Not Load under Pen Windows
- Q86776: How to Use a Linked Paintbrush Object with OLECLIEN.VBX
- Q86874: BUG: PrintForm() Does Not Print Ink from Control
- Q86921: Tap and Tap-and-Hold Pointer Events
- Q88991: Visual Basic for MS-DOS: Memory Management Questions & Answers
- Q89540: PRB: 15-Sec Hang During Critical Error Handling on Pen System
- Q87006: BUG: Dictionary Receives No DIRQ_SYMBOLGRAPH Message
- Q87225: SYSTEM.INI Settings Required for Windows Pen Extensions
- Q90485: Passing Ink Between Hedit Controls
- Q90486: SAMPLE: Annotating a Text File with Ink
- Q90904: Access Key in Label Before Control with No TabStop Problem
- Q93214: Name Property Cannot Be Set When Using Implicit Property
- Q93215: Making Enter Key in Directory List Box Act Like Double-Click
- Q93435: FIX: GPF/UAE When Converting String > 32K to Double Precision
- Q94012: Visual Basic MCI Control TimeFormat Property Information
- Q94185: FIX: VB MCITEST CD Player Sample Displays Incorrect Track
- Q94695: Error: Executable code not allowed in module level of a form
- Q94701: Understanding Pen Driver Functionality Under Windows
- Q94780: ISAMCVT Problems Converting BTRIEVE Files
- Q94892: FIX: GPF When Making .EXE File If Forms Saved as Binary
- Q95430: BUG: GPF/UAE If Multi-Select Controls w/ No Common Properties
- Q95514: FIX: Focus Rectangle Remains When Grid Loses Focus
- Q98626: SAMPLE: Annotating and Printing Text and Ink Together
- Q98627: SAMPLE: Advanced ALC_ Sample and ShowKeyboard() Sample
- Q98681: SAMPLE: VIEW Demonstrates Drawing Ink at a Slower Rate
- Q100191: FIX: VB Pro Setup Fails to Correctly Associate .HLP Files
- Q100194: PRB: Some ATI Video Drivers Hang When Using MSOUTLIN.VBX
- Q100367: FIX: Referencing Data Object Gives Error: Object not an Array
- Q100611: FIX: VB 2.0 Prof Demo Causes Error: Invalid File Format
- Q100613: FIX: Data Access Setup Can Give Incorrect Error Message
- Q100633: PACKING.LST for Professional Edition of VB 3.0 for Windows
- Q100781: INFO: Developer Services Offers Solution Provider Packages
- Q99251: FILE: VBRUN300.EXE Resolves GP Fault in KRNL286
- Q99797: Simple Training Techniques for a Recognizer
- Q99812: BUG: GP Fault with Visual Basic DDE Sample & Word for Windows
- Q99872: FIX: Wrong Menu Click Event After Hiding Menu
- Q101257: FIX: Incorrect Behavior in MaskedEdit BorderStyle Property
- Q101553: BUG: Bad Result If Multiple Aggregate Functions in SQL Stmt
- Q101742: How to Open dBASE Table with Nonstandard File Extension
- Q101877: GRiD 2260 PEN Pointing Device is Disabled in Virtual Machine
- Q103225: SmallCap.exe - Process Nonclient Msgs w/Msg Blaster Ctrl
- Q105808: FIX: Overflow in VB version 3.0 ICONWRKS Sample Program
- Q104339: PRB: TableDefs Not Updated When SQL Statement Creates Table
- Q104393: How to Get Control Dimensions from VBGetControlProperty
- Q104685: How to Retrieve Hidden/System Files Using Dir[$]() Function
- Q109741: HOWTO: Scroll a Form When VB Forms are Limited to Screen Size
- Q109801: PRB: MDI Child Form Painted Twice When Moved Before Loaded
- Q108340: HOWTO: Determine Visual Basic 3.0 Trappable Errors
- Q108469: VB 3.0 DATACONS.TXT: Const Constant Values for Data Access
- Q108709: Expected Expression Error: Dynamic Array Not OK in User-Type
- Q108710: PRB: Extra Repaint of VB CDK Graphical Custom Control
- Q108812: BackColor Erases Existing Graphics on Form or Picture Control
- Q107850: VB CDK Cannot Access the Properties of the VB System Objects
- Q110308: HOWTO: Encrypt a String with Password Security
- Q110723: Documentation and Features for Visual Basic’s 3.0 Data Manager
- Q112770: VB3 PRB: Making .EXE Error: Wrong Version of Runtime DLL
- Q113333: How To Print Picture Box Contents Using StretchDIBits
- Q113686: FIX: Lost MouseDown Event with Command Button & Check Box
- Q113900: FIX: dBASE & FoxPro Memos Corrupted During Concurrent Addnew
- Q115238: HOWTO: Get and Set Diskette Media ID in VB for MS-DOS
- Q116030: BUG: Help Compiler Indents Text Laid Out Above Bulleted Text
- Q116042: Compatibility Layer Doesn’t Support Some Paradox 4.x Types
- Q118767: PRB: Custom Control or Library Not Working with VB 4.0
- Q117263: How to Clear the Text of MaskedEdit Control w/o Clearing Mask
- Q120073: How to Rotate a Pen Windows Application
- Q119736: How to Implement the BackColor Property in VBX Custom Control
- Q121096: BUG: Wrong Menu with Maximized MDI Child and No Control Box
- Q124709: PATCH: Out of Memory Error w/ AddNew/Update on Dynaset/Table
- Q126675: BUG: Menu Lost if Caption Changed on Menu with Only WindowList
- Q126742: VB3 How to Size a Picture Box Dynamically to Fit an AVI Image
- Q127028: How to Bind Data Controls Across Multiple Forms in VB 4.0
- Q127029: PRB: Type Mismatch with Default Prop of VB4 Data Access Object
- Q129286: PRB: Clone Won’t Support All ListFields & ListIndexes Methods
- Q129287: INFO: Differences Between Exclamation Mark (!) & Dot (.) Syntax
- Q129288: PRB: VB 4.0 EXEs Are Different When Compared Byte-by-Byte
- Q129388: INFO: How Null String Pointers Behave in Visual Basic 4.0
- Q129446: PRB: Can’t Have Multiple Declare Statements for Same Function
- Q129447: PRB: Can’t Watch Properties or Fields Used in a WITH Statement
- Q129448: PRB: Using Reserved Keywords as Types
- Q129449: PRB: Object Created w/NEW Instantiated When Passed as Argument
- Q129450: PRB: "For Each" Behavior on Dynamically Changing Control Array
- Q129514: PRB: Loading and Unloading DLLs in the Design Environment
- Q129634: Jet DB Engines Process ‘Data Has Changed’ Error Differently
- Q129635: INFO: User-Defined Collections Are 1-Based Not 0-Based
- Q129636: PRB: "Ambiguous name detected" Compile-Time Error in VB 4.0
- Q129638: PRB: Visible Controls on MDIChild Report as Invisible
- Q129700: PRB: Compile Out of Memory If too Many Public Members in Class
- Q129705: How DBCS Characters Are Used Depends on the Operating System
- Q129709: PRB: Run-Time Overflow Error w/Byte-Type Counter in For Loop
- Q129712: PRB: Capitalization in Visual Basic 4.0 Differs from 3.0
- Q129731: BUG: ODBC OrdinalPosition Differs with dbSQLPassThrough
- Q129732: INFO: Data Access Objects Have Properties Based on Database Type
- Q129733: VB 4.0 Calls the FreezeEvents Method to Inform OLE Controls
- Q129739: How to Determine If VB 4.0 App Was Launched as OLE Server
- Q129740: BUG: Grid FixedAlignment Prop Accepts Value for Non-Fixed Cell
- Q129741: PRB: Call List Takes Longer to Display
- Q129795: PRB: Excel Doesn’t Use Container’s Name for Embedded Objects
- Q129796: HOWTO: 32-Bit App Can Determine When a Shelled Process Ends
- Q129797: HOWTO: Launch a Win32 Application from Visual Basic
- Q129798: How to Display a Task Modal Dialog from a 32-Bit DLL
- Q129799: BUG: Data Control Errors Do Not Populate Error Object
- Q129800: PRB: VB/VB Apps Won’t Run if Windows NT OLE Service Stopped
- Q129801: HOWTO: Create and Use a Minimal OLE Automation Server
- Q129802: PRB: Can’t Have Fixed Length Strings >32K in 32-bit Windows
- Q129803: INFO: Variable Coercion Rules in Visual Basic
- Q129827: Use ByVal to Pass a Control as an Argument to a DLL or VBX
- Q129828: MODEL Structure is Read-Only in Visual Basic 4.0
- Q129836: PRB: Object Variable Not Set Error If Object Not Instantiated
- Q129837: Nested OLE Objects Are Destroyed When Parents Are Destroyed
- Q129838: BUG: GPF in Excel After Using Excel Spreadsheet in OLE Control
- Q129852: PRB: GetActiveWindow Behaves Differently Under Windows NT
- Q129853: PRB: Exceeded Limits on Array Sizes of User Defined Types
- Q129856: Use DAO GetRows Method to Fill Variant Arrays
- Q129857: When to Use the New 3.0 DAO TypeLib in Visual Basic
- Q129867: How to Debug Typelib Shadowing
- Q129868: How to Pass a UDT to an OLE Automation Server in VB 4.0
- Q129869: Why GUIDs Change On Every Recompile Of OLE Automation Server
- Q129871: PRB: "Object not a Collection" Trying to Read Array Element
- Q129872: PRB: Wrong Number of Arguments Error When Call Math Functions
- Q129873: Why Property Pages Might Be Missing on OLE Controls
- Q129876: Error Trapping Options in the Advanced Options Dialog
- Q129879: How to Import Relationships Using DAO in a VB 4.0 Program
- Q129882: How to Optimize SQL Queries in Visual Basic 3.0 and 4.0
- Q129883: PRB: Dynaset, Snapshot, and Table Objects No Longer Available
- Q129884: PRB: HWNDs on OLE Controls Are Not Persistent
- Q129885: FIX: OLE Server Terminate Not Fired If Client Uses ‘End’
- Q129886: HOWTO: Optimize OLE Calls in Visual Basic
- Q129887: Introducing the Powerful New Picture Object in VB 4.0
- Q129888: How to Customize the Setup Wizard in Visual Basic Version 4.0
- Q129894: PRB: Can’t Get Tabstrip Control to Support Hot-Key Activation
- Q129895: PRB: OPTION PRIVATE Statement Has No Effect in Visual Basic
- Q129897: PRB: Procedure too Large Error When Compiling in VB 4.0
- Q129898: PRB: Naming Conflicts Between Variables and Objects
- Q129903: PRB: Setting Form to Nothing Does Not Unload Form
- Q129925: Requery Method Not Available on PassThrough Queries
- Q129927: HOWTO: Determine If a Table or Query Exists
- Q129928: PRB: ‘For Each’ with ‘Delete’ Doesn’t Work for DAO Collections
- Q129930: PRB: Compile-Time Error Occurs Instead of Run-Time Error
- Q129931: Using For Each to Loop Through Arrays Is Not Recommended
- Q129933: PRB: Comparing Bookmarks Generates Type Mismatch Error
- Q129935: PRB: Non-Reserved Word w/ Colon Behaves Differently in VB 4.0
- Q129938: PRB: Moving Off ‘Sub’ Doesn’t Create ‘End Sub’
- Q129939: PRB: Err.Raise Doesn’t Always Generate Expected Error
- Q129940: PRB: Out of Stack Space Error Caused by Property Procedure
- Q129941: PRB:Unexpected Results When Raise Method Propogates OLE Errors
- Q129942: PRB: Using TypeOf as Part of an If Statement Fails
- Q129943: INFO: OLE Controls Must Be Registered
- Q129944: INFO: Do Not Define Functions in DLLs that Raise an Exception
- Q129945: PRB: hCtl May Be Invalidated by Visual Basic
- Q129946: PRB: Object Instances Are Not Freed from Memory
- Q129947: INFO: Win32 Replacement for the hmemcpy Function
- Q129949: PRB: Empty Sub Procedures Are Not Persistent
- Q130645: How to Use DAO to Assign or View Permissions
- Q130646: PRB: DAO References Not Enabled When Porting an Older VB App
- Q136250: HOWTO: Determine Visual Basic Trappable Errors
- Q136529: BUG: MDI Child Form Is Drawn Without Title in Certain Cases
- Q137017: INFO: Visual Basic 4.0 File Types & Version Control Recommendati
- Q137023: PRB: Can’t See Changed Data If Update VB 3.0 DB App to VB 4.0
- Q137024: PRB: Asterisks Don’t Hide an RDC Password Set in Design Time
- Q137027: BUG: ScrollBars Don’t Display on DBList Control
- Q137028: BUG: Activating and Closing OLE Object Causes GP Fault
- Q137031: PRB: OLE Servers Don’t Unload When Last Object Set to Nothing
- Q137034: PRB: Win32 GetTempFileName API Differs From 16-bit
- Q137037: BUG: Cell Data Disappears in DBGrid with NumberFormat Set
- Q137038: How to Add Menu Controls to a Form from an Add-In
- Q137039: New Features in Microsoft Jet Version 3.0
- Q137094: PRB: Early Binding Fails with Out-Of-Process OLE Servers
- Q137095: HOWTO: Provide Constants from an ActiveX Component
- Q137096: PRB: Type Mismatch When Passing Variants to Word Using OLE
- Q137097: HOWTO: Implement a Real-Time Application Using OLE
- Q137623: PRB: Align Property Setting Causes Toolbar to Fill the Form
- Q137729: INFO: LenB Returns in-Memory Size of User-Defined Type
- Q137730: PRB: Cannot Pass Parameters as Float ByVal to VB 4.0 Events
- Q137898: PRB: Visual Basic 4.0 Can’t Interpret SCODE Parameter
- Q139491: How to Use Functions in VERSION.DLL – A 32-bit Sample App
- Q139969: FIX: File Extension Lost if Save As Option is Used in Win95
- Q139970: BUG:Text & Value Properties of DBGrid Column Show Empty String
- Q139971: BUG:DBGrid with Visible Property Set to False Becomes Visible
- Q139972: FIX: File Open Common Dialog in Win95 Returns Invalid Filename
- Q138062: How to Specify the Base Address of a VB OLE Server DLL
- Q138063: Effect of DoEvents in Visual Basic OLE Server DLLs
- Q138064: Search Order for OLE Servers
- Q138065: HOWTO: Enforce Initialization of a VB OLE Class Object
- Q138066: HOWTO: Handle OLE Automation Server Timeout and Synchronization
- Q138067: HOWTO: Hide the Automation Manager
- Q138068: Explanation of the States in Which Forms Can Exist
- Q138069: How to Address the Master Object Called Global
- Q138070: Protocol for Remote OLE Automation Depends on First Client
- Q138071: INFO: Strings Passed to DLLs in Variants Aren’t Converted to ANS
- Q138072: INFO: Tips to Improve Performance While Using OLE Servers
- Q138138: INFO: Late, ID, Early Binding Types Possible in VB for Apps
- Q138140: Untrapped Errors in VB OLE DLL Can Unload the Whole Process
- Q138141: INFO: Tips For Troubleshooting Remote OLE Automation Errors
- Q138142: How to Determine If a String Is UNICODE or ANSI
- Q138517: Properties of Object Passed ByVal Can Be Modified
- Q138518: How to Pass a Point Structure to the Windows API by Value
- Q138519: PRB: Arguments Are Evaluated from Right to Left in Some Cases
- Q138520: HOWTO: Use an Ampersand (&) to Suppress Sign Extension
- Q138521: INFO: Program Compiles in Background w/Compile On Demand Set
- Q138523: PRB: MDI Child Form Drawn Incorrectly with Missing Title Bar
- Q138526: PRB: Loading Controls from Array Gives Several Error Messages
- Q138529: PRB: Visual Basic 4.0 Does Not Support Color Cursor Files
- Q138532: PRB: VB Tab Control Picture Property Doesn’t Support Metafiles
- Q138537: HOWTO: Print the Contents of an ImageList Control to a Form
- Q138816: BUG: "Error occurred while trying to rebuild" w/ Setup Wizard
- Q138817: FIX: ODBC SDK May Overwrite Latest Version of Msvcrt20.dll
- Q138818: BUG: VB 4.0 32-bit Quits When Deleting a Menu at Design Time
- Q138819: Differences Among Form’s Initialize, Load, and Activate Events
- Q138820: BUG: Button Image on the Toolbar Appears Incomplete
- Q143032: PRB: RDO: Hstmt Error with Asynchronous SQL Server Queries
- Q143033: INFO: Comparing AbsolutePosition to PercentPosition in VB
- Q143034: How To Use GetRows to Pass Recordset Data Back from OLE Server
- Q143038: SAMPLE: VBAPPT7.EXE Integrating a PowerPoint 7.0 Slide Show w/VB
- Q143039: Calling Visual Basic 4.0 OLE Server from Microsoft Access 2.0
- Q143040: How to Call a Visual Basic 4.0 OLE Server from Project 4.0
- Q143041: HOWTO: Call a Visual Basic 4.0 OLE Server from Excel 5.0
- Q143042: PRB: Version Compatibility of OLE Servers
- Q143044: INFO: How Visual Basic 4.0 Handles Files Marked Read-Only
- Q143045: HOWTO: Use SetCapture and WindowFromPoint to Select a Window
- Q143046: FIX: Error When Closing a Program Through the Control Box
- Q143048: BUG: Form Unload in Any DBGrid Event Ends Visual Basic
- Q143115: FIX: Choose Function Incorrectly Uses Option Base Setting
- Q143116: BUG: Calendar Control in Visual Basic Causes Application Error
- Q143117: HOWTO: Determine if Windows 95/98/Me Taskbar Is Visible/Hidden
- Q143258: HOWTO: Create Constants and DLL Declarations in a Type Library
- Q143259: INFO: Remote Callback Works Only with 32-Bit Clients
- Q143260: Default System Security Policy
- Q143261: FIX: Error When Referring to Member Object/Collection in OLE DLL
- Q143262: HOWTO: Enable the Windows 95/98/Me Size Grip in a VB Form
- Q143263: HOWTO: Use an RDO Prepared Statement to Find a Single Record
- Q143264: PRB: RDC/ODBC Password Display Inconsistencies
- Q143273: HOWTO: Insert TAB Characters in RichTextBox Control in VB
- Q143274: HOWTO: Retrieve Printer Name from Windows95/98/Me Registry in VB
- Q143275: BUG: GP Fault with DBCombo and Sheridan 3D Control
- Q143311: INFO: Form Events and Sub Procedures Can Be Exposed
- Q143312: Form with a Menu Is Not Sizable During Run Time
- Q143403: PRB: Problems Editing Long Declares in the Conditional Compile
- Q143404: FIX: ZOrder and Aligned Controls
- Q143405: PRB: Arrow Key Doesn’t Fire Keypress Tree/Listview Controls
- Q143406: FIX: ListView and Item Spacing
- Q143407: FIX: Buttons On Wrappable Toolbar Do Not Appear
- Q143421: HOWTO: Synchronize Data on the Form with a dbCombo
- Q143423: DOCERR: Columns Collection Does Not Have a Font Property
- Q143425: FIX: Cannot Load Binary Data or Files Containing Binary Data
- Q143427: FIX: Cannot Programmatically Select Items in ListView
- Q143428: DOCERR: SetWindowPos Declaration Incorrect in On-Line Help
- Q145566: FIX: App Error Occurs After Saving a Changed Module Name
- Q145567: BUG: TabStrip Control Incorrectly Displays TABs on Form_Load
- Q145618: FIX: Visual Basic 4.0 Setup on Compressed Drive Failure
- Q145619: FIX: Maximized Win95 MDI Child Form Disappears
- Q145620: PRB: Appearance of ComboBox Control Is Always Three-Dimensional
- Q145638: FIX: Cannot Select Sheridan Tab Control from Modal Form
- Q145676: PRB: Registry Overwritten with Same ProgID/Different Bitness Ser
- Q145677: FIX: ARROW and TAB keys Stop Working in MDI Child Form
- Q145678: PRB: WIDTH # Statement Raises Error in Visual Basic 4.0
- Q145679: HOWTO: Use the Registry API to Save and Retrieve Setting
- Q145681: FIX: TreeView Nodeclick Differences with Mouse and Keyboard
- Q145683: BUG: Changing ListItem.Selected Doesn’t Change SelectedItem
- Q145684: BUG: ClearSel Method of Slider Sets SelStart Property to -1
- Q145694: INFO: SaveSetting & GetSetting Allow Nested Settings
- Q145695: PRB: Error Converting String to Numeric Value e When Using "%"
- Q145700: HOWTO: How the Server Use Is Determined by OLE
- Q145701: HOWTO: Close Shelled Process When Finished under Windows95/98/Me
- Q145723: HOWTO: Modify SWDEPEND.INI for Your OLE Custom Control
- Q145726: BUG: Setting FontTransparent Has No Effect on Windows 95/98/Me
- Q145727: HOWTO: Call the Unicode Version of an API Function with VB
- Q145728: HOWTO: Create a Listbox with Clickable Checkboxes
- Q145731: BUG: Z-Order Behavior Different with OLE (.OCX) Controls
- Q145732: FIX: Cannot Enter All Ten Digits of CD Key at Setup Time
- Q145745: INFO: Function Differences Between Asc/AscB/AscW and Chr/ChrB/Ch
- Q145758: INFO: Redistributable Files in the PSS Directory of VB 4.0 CD
- Q145769: PRB: Capital "S" Not Displayed When Using the Text ISAM
- Q142001: FAQ: SQL Queries in Visual Basic
- Q142172: HOWTO: Perform 3-D Line Drawing in Win32 with DrawEdge
- Q142245: PRB: Setup DDE Error When Installing Visual Basic 4.0
- Q142246: BUG: Sequential File I/O Does Not Handle Embedded Nulls
- Q142247: FIX: Application Error Occurs When Printing a Large Project
- Q142249: HOWTO: Implement "What’s This?" Help in Visual Basic
- Q142290: FIX: Printer Error When Printing from RTF Control
- Q142291: BUG: Error ‘80080005’ with 16-Bit Remote Automation Clients
- Q142292: INFO: VBA Versions in Different Microsoft Products
- Q142293: Why Some Methods/Properties Do Not Appear in Object Browser
- Q142468: FIX: Adding Subitems To Hidden ListView Causes APP Error
- Q142469: BUG: DBCombo Dropdown List Detaches While Dragging Parent Form
- Q142517: INFO: VB Doesn’t Support Administrator or Network Installation
- Q142534: HOWTO: Create Programs in Visual Basic That Use Remote OLE
- Q142814: INFO: Diagnosing "Error in loading DLL" with LoadLibrary
- Q142816: HOWTO: Make ENTER Key Move Focus Like TAB Key for VB Controls
- Q142818: Visual Basic Companion Products and Services Available
- Q142823: INFO: Visual Basic Programmer’s Guide to Visual SourceSafe
- Q142826: BUG: DBGrid Does Not Paint Correctly When Aligned
- Q142827: BUG: DBList Flashes Continuously with SSPanel
- Q142828: PRB: Incorrect Toolbar Bitmaps Installed with VB 4.0
- Q142829: BUG: DBGrid Align Before Retrieve Fields Causes Hidden Data
- Q142830: BUG: Gauge OCX Has Problems with 256-Color Bitmaps
- Q142831: PRB: DBList Shrinks When Toggling Appearance Property
- Q142832: INFO: Effect of Priority Setting in the References Dialog
- Q142834: INFO: Limiting Number of Rows Returned in Resultset with RDO
- Q142835: BUG: DBCombo Issues Click Event While Scrolling
- Q142836: HOWTO: RDO Prepared Statements/Search Crit. to Fill Listbox
- Q142838: PRB: DBList BoundText Property Ignored with Table Type
- Q142839: Unloading Form from Within DBGrid Event Causes GPF
- Q142840: INFO: Visual Basic Requirements for Exported DLL Functions
- Q142925: HOWTO: Cancel an Asynchronous Query–RDO
- Q142926: PRB: Handling Errors Caused by the MSRDC Update Method
- Q142927: BUG: First of Two Bound Masked Edit Controls Clears on AddNew
- Q142928: PRB: Bound ListBox Doesn’t Show List Item When MultiSelect = 2
- Q142929: INFO: Comparing DAO and RDO in Visual Basic 4.0
- Q142930: HOWTO: RDO: Use ODBC Escape Clauses in Your SQL Syntax
- Q141020: How to Find Next Available Drive Letter (for Network Connect)
- Q141022: How to Change the Setup Application Name
- Q141023: How to Display Multiple Foreground Text Colors in VB List Box
- Q141024: How to Start a Visual Basic Screen Saver Using SendMessage API
- Q141025: PRB:Can’t Create new .EXE w/ Same Name If It’s Already Running
- Q141026: How to Fill a List Box with Snapshot When Contents are Unknown
- Q141027: HOWTO: How to Quickly Search a List Box
- Q141058: PRB: Visual Basic .FRX File Not Added to SourceSafe
- Q141060: VB3 Using Visual Basic 3.0 to Play WAVE Files Stored in a DLL
- Q141071: PRB: Can’t Receive Data When Using MSCOMM.OCX Control
- Q141072: How To Size a Picture Box Dynamically to Fit an AVI Image
- Q141091: BUG: SSCommand Control Generates Application Error
- Q141170: PRB: DBGrid Has No Default Property
- Q141171: PRB: RDO Forward-Only Cursor Doesn’t Allow MoveLast
- Q141172: PRB: Database Errors Not Shown When Closing Form
- Q141358: HOWTO: Use the Win32 DrawEdge API Function to Draw 3D Effects
- Q141414: HOWTO: Enumerate OLE and VB Controls from an OLE Control
- Q141505: HOWTO: Use LoadResData with Binary Data
- Q141680: BUG: Error Occurs When Printing a Form Stored in an Array
- Q141681: FIX: Error if Listview Cleared Using the AfterLabeledit Event
- Q141756: How to Play MIDI Files Using API Calls from Visual Basic
- Q141796: HOWTO: Identify the Jet Database Engine Components
- Q141824: INFO: Common Remote OLE Automation Errors
- Q141879: PRB: Print Function Evaluation Order Has Changed
- Q141880: BUG: Object Browser’s Member Options Dialog Help Gives Error
- Q141881: PRB: VB 4.0 Doesn’t Install on Older 32-Bit Operating System
- Q141897: How to Add Columns to the DBGrid Control at Design Time
- Q141931: INFO: Limitations of the Visual Basic 4.0 Add-In Object Model
- Q141932: HOWTO: Create a Basic Add-In Using Visual Basic 4.0
- Q141934: PRB: Can’t Set Picture Object Property from Add-In
- Q141939: HOWTO: Create an OLE Server to Implement "Thunking"
- Q141999: HOWTO: Use DrawFrameControl API in Visual Basic
- Q140021: FILE: DBGRIDUB.EXE Uses DBGRID in an Unbound Mode
- Q140032: BUG: After Switching OLE Client Hangs in Visual Basic 16-Bit
- Q140205: BUG: Status of Project Window Is Not Saved with .vbp File
- Q140309: BUG: Recordset Update Error Differs Between 16-Bit and 32-Bit
- Q140310: FIX: Holding Down the F1 Key a Long Time Crashes Windows Help
- Q140311: BUG: Setting Value Property of Toolbar to Zero Clears Button
- Q140341: INFO: Fixlist for Visual Basic 4.0 for Windows - 26-Nov-1995
- Q140350: Deleting .frx File Causes Visual Basic to Exit Abnormally
- Q140353: BUG: KeyAscii Behavior Different with DBCombo Control
- Q140612: BUG: Buglist for Visual Basic 4.0 for Windows as of 01-May-1996
- Q140770: PRB: Accessing Visual FoxPro 3.0 Files from Visual Basic 4.0
- Q140878: BUG: Adding PIF Files in Setup Wiz Step 7 Copies Actual Files
- Q140882: HOWTO: Disable the ENTER Key BEEP in a VB Text Box
- Q140886: HOWTO: Print Multiline Text Box Using Windows API Functions
- Q140887: VB Grid Custom Control: Text Limited to 255 Characters
- Q140898: BUG: Application Error Occurs When Rebinding a Bound DBGrid
- Q140899: BUG: GPF When RecordSource Property is Blank at Design-Time
- Q146022: HOWTO: Set Up the RichTextBox Control for WYSIWYG Printing
- Q146651: HOWTO: Call SQL Stored Procedures from Visual Basic
- Q146907: HOWTO: Create a Screen Saver in Visual Basic
- Q146909: HOWTO: Use VB Control Property or Variable in SQL Statement
- Q147583: BUG: Adding Multiple Files w/16-Bit SetupWiz Fails on Win95/98
- Q147654: HOWTO: Get or Create a Unique Audio CD Volume Label
- Q147663: INFO: Multiple vbCancel Constants Defined with VB 4.0
- Q147665: HOWTO: Override Implicit Declaration with Declared Variable
- Q147666: HOWTO: Set the Column Width of Columns in a ListView Control
- Q147667: PRB: ‘Invalid Picture’ Error When Setting Metafile (WMF)
- Q147668: PRB: Len and LenB May Differ on Size of User-Defined Types
- Q147669: PRB: SetupWiz Generated Setup Program Fails to Start Correctly
- Q147670: HOWTO: Add and Register Custom OCXs with Setup Wizard
- Q147672: HOWTO: How to specify 32x32 and 16x16 Icons for Win95 Logo Compl
- Q147673: HOWTO: Determine Selected Control from Array of Option Buttons
- Q147686: HOWTO: Get Current Drive’s Free Disk Space in VB 4.0
- Q147724: HOWTO: Use TOP N Query from Microsoft Access 2.0 in VB
- Q147803: HOWTO: Dynamically Create Excel 5.0 Charts in OLE 2.0 Control
- Q147809: HOWTO: Create a Setup-Like Status Bar in Visual Basic
- Q147810: HOWTO: Use Windows BitBlt Function in Visual Basic Application
- Q147811: HOWTO: Detect If Computer Has Sound Card That Plays Wave Audio
- Q147815: HOWTO: Create a Flashing Title Bar on a Visual Basic Form
- Q147875: HOWTO: Use "DSN-Less" ODBC Connections with RDO and DAO
- Q147878: Difference of WorkSpace in VB4 and SetDefaultWorkSpace in VB3
- Q147882: HOWTO: DAO: Assign a Recordset to a Data Control in VB
- Q147886: HOWTO: How VB Can Get Windows Status Information via API Calls
- Q147887: HOWTO: Scroll VB Text Box Programmatically and Specify Lines
- Q147938: RDO: Getting Data from Temp Tables Created by Stored Procedure
- Q148177: PRB: Mismatched Jet DLL Files with Excel and Visual Basic
- Q148180: INFO: File Differences in Visual Basic 4.0a
- Q148260: BUG:RDC.Enabled False at Design Time Resets to True at RunTime
- Q148266: Data Forms Designer Doesn’t Recognize MS Access 7.0 Database
- Q148740: PRB: Invalid Page Fault in Kernel32.dll Error
- Q148746: FIX: Check Marks Work Only When Set in Top Level Menu Events
- Q150033: BUG: Clicking Menu Does Not Go Straight to the Click Event
- Q150181: BUG: Spin Control Does Not Obey Move Method
- Q150182: FIX: A Picture Box Containing Labels May Not Repaint Correctly
- Q150183: FIX: Cannot Change Left and Top of Invisible Sheridan Control
- Q150184: FIX: Unloading a Form After Assigning Text Property Causes GPF
- Q150185: INFO: Tab Keyword Cannot Be Used as Object Type in Visual Basic
- Q150186: BUG: Setting Focus to a Masked Edit Control Causes Error
- Q150188: FIX: Masked Edit Control Replaces Input if PromptChar Changed
- Q150189: BUG: vbCFRTF Clipboard Constant Stored Incorrectly
- Q150191: DOC: DBGrid Does Not Support Display of Pictures
- Q150192: FIX: X / Y Coordinates Reversed Using PSet on Printer Object
- Q150193: BUG: Visible Property of Sheridan Command Button May Not Work
- Q150194: BUG: OLE Container Launches Word When Resized
- Q150195: FIX: Hidden MDIChild Form Can Still Be Active Form
- Q150196: BUG: AutoSize Feature of Sheridan Command Button Does Not Work
- Q150200: FIX: Treeview Control Does Not Receive Key Events
- Q150201: BUG: Application Does Not Restore Window from Minimized Icon
- Q150202: BUG: Sheridan Frame and Panel Stretch Font with Move Method
- Q150203: BUG: SizeGrip of Status Bar Paints Incorrectly in Windows NT
- Q150206: BUG: DBGrid on a Modal Form Can Cause a Program to Hang
- Q150207: FIX: Error Message on Property Page of ImageList Reappears
- Q150208: BUG: Form Height Not Displayed Correctly in Design View
- Q150210: FIX: DBCombo Control Does Not Allow Selection on Modal Form
- Q150211: HOWTO: Determine if a Program Is Running as a DLL or an EXE
- Q150212: FIX: Wrong Help Topic Context for IntegralHeight Property
- Q150213: FIX: Incorrect Declaration for SelectObject API Function
- Q150214: BUG: Able to Open Multiple Copies of DBGrid Property Page
- Q150219: BUG: Progress Bar Does Not Paint When DragMode Automatic
- Q150220: FIX: Invalid Page Fault or GPF Results When Making an EXE File
- Q150221: FIX: DLLs Not Shown in the Add Reference…Browse Dialog Box
- Q150222: BUG: Graph Control Does Not Print When DrawMode Is Set to 5
- Q150223: BUG: Help Button on Toolbar Customize Dialog Box Does Nothing
- Q150224: FIX: ListView & TreeView Not Visible if DragMode is Automatic
- Q150225: BUG: Carriage Return Embedded in Text When MultiLine Toggled
- Q150226: BUG: Sheridan Panel Receives Focus & Active Control Loses Focus
- Q150227: BUG: Control Loses Focus When Another Window is Activated
- Q150228: BUG: BackColor Property of OCX Control Saved in Decimal
- Q150230: FIX: "Function call on Left-hand side of assignment…" Error
- Q150231: FIX: Toolbar Does Not Show ToolTips Under Certain Circumstance
- Q150233: FIX: TopMost Window Does Not Stay on Top in Design Environment
- Q150234: BUG: Sheridan Panel Doesn’t Correctly Align if Visible is False
- Q150237: BUG: Cell Size of Grid Does Not Change as Font Size Changes
- Q150239: PRB: Option Button TabStop Property Is Set to True at Run-time
- Q150418: How To Create an Access Database Through Visual Basic 4.0
- Q150421: BUG: Cannot Change DBCS Font Size When Printing
- Q150423: INFO: Visual Basic 4.0a Fixes for Windows as of April 23, 1996
- Q150467: PRB: Modal Form Flickers When Exiting Form with DBGrid Control
- Q150468: HOWTO: Clear the Contents of a DBGrid Control
- Q150469: DOC: Code Sample Error in Documentation for RowTop Method
- Q150614: HOWTO: Install VB 4.0 on a Win32 System Without Running Setup
- Q150664: Mastering Visual Basic: README.WRI Content
- Q150701: BUG: VB 4.0 Professional Edition Does Not Reinstall Help Files
- Q150702: INFO: No IAP Support for Mastering Visual Basic 4.0
- Q150704: FIX: Toolbar Button Count Is Wrong if Image Index is Invalid
- Q150705: Using VB4DLL.TXT File to Develop DLLs for Visual Basic
- Q150706: PRB: Long File Names are Converted to Short by Association
- Q150716: HOWTO: DAO: Attach to and Create QueryDefs on ODBC Tables
- Q150726: INFO: Files Installed with All Editions of Visual Basic 4.0
- Q150767: HOWTO: Redirect Standard I/O of a Console App Using Batch File
- Q150786: HOWTO: Use SQLBindParameter with 32-bit Visual Basic
- Q150942: PRB: ISAM Tuning Information Not Read From VB.INI
- Q150943: PRB: Disk or Network Error When Trying to Run Database App
- Q150945: BUG: Unable to Enter the CD KEY in the Setup Dialog Box
- Q150946: PRB: Setup Hangs While "Updating System Files"
- Q150947: VB 4.0 Setup Fails w/"VB4SETUP.STF Contains NULL Characters"
- Q150949: PRB: Setup Wizard Fails to Recognize Disk Drive Selections
- Q150950: DOCFIX: SelectObject Declaration is Incorrect in API Viewer
- Q150951: PRB: Setup Wizard Fails on HELO_SRV.VBP OC30.DLL Reference
- Q149002: BUG: Visual Basic Project Window Not Displaying Project Files
- Q149032: PRB: VB 3.0 OLE Clients Do not Repaint Before OLE Call Returns
- Q149034: FIX: OLE Control Updated Event Fired in Endless Loop
- Q149038: FIX: VB Registry Functions Are Limited with Nested Settings
- Q149040: BUG: 3426 and 3020 - Different Error Number With 16-bit/32-bit
- Q149041: PRB: Error 419 Occurs if RecordSet is Assigned to Data Control
- Q149047: How to Specify Informational Text for VB4 OLE Servers
- Q149049: PRB: Compiled In-Process Server Used Before IDE Server
- Q149050: HOWTO: Change Add-In Manager Description for Add-Ins
- Q149054: INFO: Choosing an rdoResultset Cursortype
- Q149055: PRB: Jet Doesn’t Support QueryDefs on a Non-Attached ODBC Table
- Q149057: INFO: Understanding Dynamic Resultset Cursors -RDO
- Q149092: HOWTO: Add Records and Edit Data in a DBGrid Cell
- Q149093: BUG: Property Page of Remote Data Control Causes an Error
- Q149094: HOWTO: Determine the Contents of a Cell in a DBGrid Control
- Q149097: BUG: Data Control Validate Event Not Fired on Unloading Form
- Q149233: FIX: Palette Does Not Change with Picture on MDI Child
- Q149264: BUG: ListView in Report View Mode Truncates First ListItem
- Q149265: BUG: SSCommand Button Loses Focus Rectangle
- Q149267: BUG: Container Property of DBGrid Does Not Behave Correctly
- Q149268: BUG: Odd Behavior with Modal Dialog/Form in ListView ItemClick
- Q149273: BUG: Form Key Events Fire Twice with Some Controls
- Q149274: FIX: SSTab Is Locked When on Modal Form Shown at Load Time
- Q149275: FIX: MouseMove Button Is Incorrect with ListView MultiSelect
- Q149276: HOWTO: Use Icons with the Windows 95/98/Me System Tray
- Q149277: BUG: SSCommand Click Fired with Double-Click in Common Dialog
- Q149278: FIX: TreeView.Visible = False at Design-Time Causes Problems
- Q149279: FIX: Garbage in Input Buffer When InBufferSize > 2048
- Q149319: FIX: String/Currency Conversion Broken with Sci. Notation
- Q149320: BUG: First ListItem Truncated with ListView in Report View
- Q149322: FIX: Tag Changed Incorrectly After Linking to Invalid ImageList
- Q149323: BUG: Treeview Root Property Returns Reference to First Node
- Q149325: BUG: Can’t Load VB 3 Binary Form with Some Extended Characters
- Q149326: FIX: Multiselect with ListView Causes Lost Mouse Events
- Q149328: FIX: Selecting Invisible Tab Can Cause GPF with SSTab Control
- Q149329: BUG: PictureBox Loses Graphics Printing from Win95 with 16-Bit
- Q149429: INFO: What Is an OCA file?
- Q149434: PRB: Control Not Visible or Partially Visible at Design Time
- Q149460: BUG: 16-Bit Setup Does Not Detect a 32-Bit Installation
- Q149463: FIX: RichTextBox Appears Even If Visible Property Is False
- Q149485: FIX: Scale Method Causes Error When Scale Is a Large Value
- Q149487: BUG: Mouse Captured After Clicking DBGrid Column Header
- Q149488: FIX: Closing an MDI Form Results in a General Protection Fault
- Q149489: FIX: GotFocus Event Not Executed in Sub Main and SetFocus
- Q149618: PRB: PageTimeout Defaults to Five Seconds in Jet 3.0
- Q149699: FIX: RichTextBox Control Prevents Click Event from Firing
- Q149701: DOCERR: Insert Method Does Not Exist for Columns Collection
- Q149735: BUG: DBGrid CachePages Property Is Disabled
- Q149739: BUG: MSRDC32.OCX Not Loaded Through Browse Button
- Q149743: BUG: Error When Data Control Is Set to a Wrong Text Database
- Q149765: BUG:Wrong Default Value in Remote Data Object MaxRows Property
- Q149771: BUG: Rebind Fails if Retrieve Fields Are Set at Design Time
- Q149776: BUG: BACKSPACE Key Doesn’t Reset Matching on DBList or DBCombo
- Q149783: INFO: ISAM Settings and Jet 3.0
- Q149863: PRB: Long Filenames Lost when Project is Loaded by Association
- Q149899: BUG: Password Property Accepts No More Than 8 Characters
- Q151078: FIX: Arrows to Scroll Tabs in TabStrip Control Not Shown
- Q151079: BUG: Label of ListView Items Large When LabelWrap Set to TRUE
- Q151080: BUG: Printer Dialog Box Doesn’t Show For Common Dialog Control
- Q151081: BUG: Incorrect Error Message When Setting Read-Only Count Prop
- Q151161: PRB: Case Sensitivity Problem With RDO
- Q151375: RAWIZ (Microsoft Remote Automation Diagnostic Wizard)
- Q151389: PRB: Code Example in Online Help on HelpContextID Gives Error
- Q151774: HOWTO: Call NetUserGetInfo from Visual Basic
- Q151799: HOWTO: Use the Animated Copy Functions in Windows 95/98/Me
- Q151815: BUG: RDO Rowcount May Be Wrong When Using rdAsyncEnable Flag
- Q151818: HOWTO: Build a Setup Program Creating Multiple Groups/Icon
- Q151900: PRB: SeeThru Property of Graph Control Was Not Implemented
- Q152136: HOWTO: Know if Large/Small Font Is in Use Under Win95/98/Me/NT
- Q152139: BUG: Minimized 16-bit Visual Basic 4.0 App Gives GPF on NT3.51
- Q152259: HOWTO: Sync the StatusBar Text with the ToolTip Text
- Q152564: INFO: Visual Basic 4.0 Reading List
- Q152582: INFO: What is an FRX file?
- Q152607: PRB: 16-bit Program Copied from a Server Does Not Run
- Q152609: PRB: Visual Basic Program Does Not Run on Other Computers
- Q152693: BUG: Component Manager Closes Down When Invalid Date Entered
- Q152715: RDO 1.0b Release Available
- Q152754: FIX: Controls Change Tabs if Sheridan Tab Control is Resized
- Q152785: FILE: RDOTEST.EXE Test RDO and ODBC Driver Without Writing Code
- Q152789: HOWTO: Install Visual Basic to a Network Using 8.3 File Names
- Q154005: HOWTO: Delete a File into the Win95/98/Me Recycle Bin
- Q154006: HOWTO: Drag a Form by a Child Control
- Q154007: HOWTO: Connect to a Network Printer with the Win32 API
- Q154009: HOWTO: Set the System Time
- Q154046: HOWTO: Use the ODBC API Function SQLExecDirect with RDO
- Q154078: HOWTO: Send Raw Data to a Printer Using the Win32 API from VB
- Q154510: HOWTO: Get More Information on the ODBC Call Failed Error
- Q154512: SAMPLE: Winsock.exe Getting HostAddress Using Windows Sockets
- Q154515: HOWTO: Print Text Sideways in a Picture Box Using Win32 API
- Q154517: HOWTO: Use the DrawText API Call from Visual Basic
- Q154518: FIX: MDI Child Windows Control Box Affected by Parent Toolbars
- Q154575: HOWTO: Extract Appointment Information from Schedule Plus
- Q154576: HOWTO: Write to the Windows NT Event Log from Visual Basic
- Q154651: HOWTO: Determine When the Initialize Event of Class Gets Fired
- Q154666: HOWTO: Create a Private Data Collection for an MDI Child Form
- Q154756: HOWTO: List Stored Procedures in a SQL Server Database
- Q154757: HOWTO: Determine if RDO Restartable Property is Set to False
- Q154758: HOWTO: Call a Stored Procedure Using the Data Control
- Q154810: FIX: Errors When Accessing rdoPreparedStatements Not Consistent
- Q154816: HOWTO: Determine if DBCombo MatchEntry Property is Read-only
- Q154817: PRB: RDC Refresh Method Failure with Bound DBListbox
- Q154819: HOWTO: Access PC Bus Devices in Visual Basic for Windows
- Q154820: FIX: Common Dialog May Not Display the Current Font
- Q154821: HOWTO: Get Extended File Time Information Using the Win32 API
- Q154822: HOWTO: Get a Long Filename from a Short Filename
- Q154823: HOWTO: Determine the Size of the Desktop Area
- Q154825: HOWTO: Extract Multiple RDO Resultsets from Stored Procedures
- Q154869: PRB: Error "Too many client tasks" When Using Jet
- Q154884: HOWTO: Find and Highlight Text in the RichTextBox Control
- Q154885: PRB: Tabbing Problem When Sheridan SSTab Control Hosts OCXs
- Q153017: BUG: Invalid Operation After Setting RDC Resultset = Nothing
- Q153018: BUG: CreateDynaset Holds Lock on Index if No Records Return
- Q153020: BUG: Setup Wizard Doesn’t Register VB OLE DLLs w/ DLL Install
- Q153021: DOC: ListView Sort Only on Text of ListItem
- Q153023: BUG: Adding PIF Files in SetupWiz Step 7 Copies Actual Files
- Q153025: FIX: Microsoft Excel 95 Doesn’t Respond Correctly to GetObject
- Q153026: How To Show a ListView or TreeView Item Programmatically
- Q153056: DOCFIX: Error in Code Sample for ColContaining Method
- Q153057: DOCFIX: Error in Code Sample for RowContaining Method
- Q153059: BUG: Incorrect Edition Starts in Different Operating Systems
- Q153090: HOWTO: Pass a Visual Basic Array to an Excel Worksheet
- Q153091: HOWTO: Find and View the Amount of Free Disk Space on a Drive
- Q153092: SAMPLE: How to Add New Menu Items to the System Menu
- Q153125: BUG: Printer Object Font Information is Lost After Printing
- Q153234: HOWTO: Call System-Stored Procedures on SQL Server from RDO
- Q153238: HOWTO: Use GetChunk and AppendChunk Methods of RDO/ADO Object
- Q153306: HOWTO: Speed up Alignment of Controls with Triple-Click
- Q153308: HOWTO: Easily Set Up the Tab Sequence of a Form
- Q153309: HOWTO: Retrieve the Registered User Under Windows
- Q153310: How to Select All Text in a Field When It Gets the Focus
- Q153463: HOWTO: Close Applications from Visual Basic
- Q153546: HOWTO: Pass Optional Parameters to a C DLL Function from VB
- Q153549: BUG: DataControl Doesn’t Send Notifications at Design Time
- Q153568: HOWTO: Optimize Remote OLE Automation Performance
- Q153569: HOWTO: Get a Typelib (.TLB) File for a Visual Basic OLE Server
- Q153570: How to Pass One OLE Control to Another
- Q153580: How to Get the Type of Another OLE Control from a Custom OCX
- Q153581: HOWTO: Implement the Type Property of a Custom OLE Control
- Q153582: How to Get Container hWnd from Windowless Custom OLE Control
- Q153583: HOWTO: How to Change Case of a Control Name Within the Code Wind
- Q153586: HOWTO: Call C Functions That Use the _cdecl Calling Convention
- Q153632: INFO: Type of OCX Property in Typelib Should Match Its RetVal
- Q153633: How to Determine If Text in a Text Box Can Be Undone
- Q153669: DOC: Documented Properties Do Not Exist on DBGrid
- Q153677: PRB: Implementing Stock Error Event in Custom OLE Control
- Q153682: BUG: MaskedEdit Control Misbehaves When DragMode Set to 1
- Q153927: HOWTO: Create Pie Charts Using the Circle Method in VB
- Q153928: HOWTO: Put a ComboBox into a Toolbar
- Q153929: HOWTO: Use Color Dialog from COMDLG32.DLL in VB and Access
- Q155303: HOWTO: Create Shortcuts (Shell Links) within Windows
- Q155304: HOWTO: Trap an Invalid ODBC Logon Using the ODBC API
- Q156422: INFO: Internet Control Pack Is Not Supported by Microsoft
- Q156976: PRB: A Required .DLL file, MSVCRT.DLL, Was Not Found
- Q157898: INFO: Setup Wizard Allows Commas in Filenames in Setup.lst
- Q158008: HOWTO: Use MSCOMM32.OCX to Transfer Data on DBCS Windows
- Q158175: HOWTO: Determine the Differences Between DoEvents and Sleep
- Q158197: SAMPLE: ODBCBIND.EXE RDO: Bind Parameters to Stored Procedures
- Q158208: FIX: Form with Toolbar Does Not Shut Down Under Windows NT 4.0
- Q158857: PRB: Setup Wizard Restarts Using Template (.vbz) File
- Q158870: HOWTO: Display DBCS in a VB Application Running on Windows NT
- Q161008: HOWTO: Add an About Box to an ActiveX Control (UserControl)
- Q161052: HOWTO: Create a Default Value for Custom Controls and Classes
- Q161056: HOWTO: Iterate Controls on a Form from a Property Page
- Q161094: HOWTO: Use the Procedure Attributes Dialog Box
- Q161133: HOWTO: Block CTRL+ALT+DEL & ALT+TAB in Windows 95 or Windows 98
- Q161137: HOWTO: Use Project and Binary Compatibility
- Q161139: PRB: Custom ActiveX Property Sheet Entries Are Not Saved
- Q161151: HOWTO: Get Windows Status Information via API Calls
- Q161152: HOWTO: Add a New Appointment in Schedule Plus
- Q161153: HOWTO: Use the Assert Method for Debugging
- Q161156: HOWTO: Create A Default Event for a UserControl
- Q161161: HOWTO: Search a ListBox Control Quickly
- Q161208: HOWTO: Create a Default Property For a User Control
- Q161209: PRB: Resizing OCX Does Not Resize Its Component Control(s)
- Q161232: HOWTO: Use Spaces in Enumerated Types
- Q161237: PRB: Apply Button on Custom OCX Property Page Always Disabled
- Q161240: HOWTO: Select All Text in a Field When It Gets the Focus
- Q161256: HOWTO: Customize Visual Basic Menus to Use Mnemonics
- Q161257: HOWTO: Add a Toolbar to a Visual Basic Project
- Q161270: HOWTO: Extend the Scrolling Capabilities of a TextBox Control
- Q161272: HOWTO: Make a Typelib (.TLB) File for ActiveX Components
- Q161273: HOWTO: Create Data Bound Controls
- Q161274: HOWTO: Port a Remote OLE Application to DCOM
- Q161283: INFO: Default Filename for Text File Error Log: VBEVENTS.LOG
- Q161286: HOWTO: Use a Common Dialog File Open Dialog with Win32 API
- Q161287: HOWTO: Register 4.0 Add-ins for Visual Basic 5.0 or 6.0
- Q161288: HOWTO: Get More Information on the ODBC Call Failed Error
- Q161299: HOWTO: Capture and Print the Screen, a Form, or Any Window
- Q161300: HOWTO: Determine the Type of Drive Using Win32
- Q161301: HOWTO: Pass a Point Structure to the Windows API by Value
- Q161303: HOWTO: Close a Shelled Process When Finished Under Windows
- Q161305: PRB: "Hash Marks" on ActiveX Controls After Run-Time Error
- Q161306: INFO: App.LogEvent Only Logs in Compiled Applications
- Q161307: HOWTO: Use Visual FoxPro Tables in Visual Basic
- Q161308: HOWTO: Modify Properties of an Object Passed ByVal
- Q161343: HOWTO: Create a New Contact in Schedule Plus from Visual Basic
- Q161344: INFO: Visual Basic 4.0 and Visual Basic 5.0 Compatibility
- Q161762: PRB: NumberFormat Property of DBGrid Does Not Change Format
- Q161821: PRB: Remote OLE Automation: Using Access Control Lists (ACL)
- Q161823: HOWTO: Use Build Tags to Exclude Topics from a Help File
- Q161825: How Visual Basic 4.0 Calls C and Fortran DLLs
- Q161827: PRB: "Object Server Not Correctly Registered" Error in VB4-32
- Q161831: FIX: "Error loading SETUPAPI.DLL" Installing VB5CCE on NT 3.51
- Q161837: HOWTO: Create a DCOM Client/Server Application
- Q160041: HOWTO: Modify the Windows Default Cursor
- Q160042: HOWTO: Retrieve Language and Code Page id Using VerQueryValue
- Q160161: FIX: SPACE BAR+ARROW KEY Causes GPF When Unloading Form
- Q160168: PRB: Can’t Read Temporary Table Created Using # Sign in RDO
- Q160169: PRB: Cannot Connect Data Control to a Password Protected MDB
- Q160215: HOWTO: Obtain the Host IP Address Using Windows Sockets
- Q160233: FIX: Can’t Set SelStart Property of RichTextBox to > 32K
- Q160968: PRB: VB5 Components Distribute Improperly with VB4 Setup Kit
- Q160974: HOWTO: Determine If Text in a Text Box Can Be Undone
- Q159408: PRB: "Error in Loading DLL" if Calling Multimedia API Functions
- Q159409: PRB: No Icons Created on Application Setup
- Q159410: FIX: "Invalid Procedure Call" Referencing Collection Item
- Q159411: PRB: "Invalid Line in Setup Information File" Error Message
- Q159498: HOWTO: Call LanMan Services from 32-bit Visual Basic Apps
- Q159657: HOWTO: Capture the Parameters from an SQL Procedure with RDO
- Q159823: HOWTO: Call Clipboard API from Visual Basic 4.0
- Q159843: PRB: GPF with MDI Child Form System Menu and Right Arrow Key
- Q159907: PRB: Missing Window Buttons if Form ControlBox Property False
- Q159974: HOWTO: Evaluate Numeric Expressions Stored as a String
- Q159975: BUG: FileCopy Does Not Reset Err if Floppy is Write-Protected
- Q162518: PRB: "Unexpected error; quitting" Installing VB4 Application
- Q162613: HOWTO: Manipulate Icons in the System Tray with Visual Basic
- Q162620: BUG: Setup Incorrectly Prompts to Overwrite Existing Files
- Q162621: BUG: GetSetting Causes GP Fault in Vba2.dll
- Q162622: HOWTO: Pass a NULL String to a Windows API from Visual Basic
- Q162719: HOWTO: Use the WebBrowser Control from Visual Basic 5.0
- Q162742: BUG: Setup Fails When Directory Named is >237 Characters
- Q165101: HOWTO: Use a Windows 95/98/Me Computer as DCOM Server
- Q165490: VB4 16-Bit OLE Clients Receive Error -2147319784
- Q165919: HOWTO: Use the Windows 95/98/Me Copy and Recycle Functions in VB
- Q165920: PRB: Correct Usage of "&" and "AND" in Visual Basic
- Q165942: HOWTO: Write Data to a File Using WriteFile API
- Q165975: PRB: Line Continuation Character (_) Causes Event Concatenation
- Q163002: HOWTO: Open an Access Database with User Security
- Q163227: HOWTO: Get a Long Filename from a Short Filename
- Q163234: PRB: User-defined Formats in OLE Drag-Drop Require Byte Arrays
- Q167053: INFO: InstallSHIELD Not Supported by Microsoft Tech Support
- Q167057: PRB: Templates Are Not Available After Installing Visual Basic
- Q167106: BUG: Rich Text Box Control Does Not Word Wrap
- Q167107: FIX: Missing Controls on the SSTAB Control Tabs
- Q167121: FILE: COMCTLZP.EXE: Comctl32.ocx Updated to Version 5.00.3828
- Q167122: FIX: FindItem Method of ListView Incorrectly Returns an Error
- Q167123: FIX: Comctl32.ocx Is Binary Incompatible with Previous Version
- Q167156: BUG: OLEISAPI2 Missing from Visual Basic 5.0 CD-ROM
- Q167165: FIX: Too Many Controls on a Form May Crash Visual Basic IDE
- Q167167: INFO: Visual Basic 5.0 README.TXT File
- Q167213: FIX: Invalid Page Fault When Shutting Down Visual Basic 5.0
- Q167225: HOWTO: Access an Oracle Database Using RDO
- Q167227: HOWTO: Create and Update a Replicated Access Database
- Q167346: FIX: GPF Occurs When Starting Visual Basic 5.0
- Q167706: FIX: Internet Transfer Control 5.0 "POST" Request Doesn’t Work
- Q167707: PRB: Visual Basic Replaces Missing Controls with PictureBoxes
- Q167735: FIX: Setting Printer to Item in the Printers Collection Fails
- Q167746: HOWTO: Arrange Order of List Items within ListBox Control
- Q167839: BUG: PopupMenu on Modal Form Not Displayed
- Q167947: FIX: ODBC CAB File Does Not Install 16-bit ODBC Files
- Q167948: FIX: Internet Component Download Fails After Using Setup Toolkit
- Q167950: FIX: DAO Internet Component Download Fails to Install
- Q167951: FIX: Autmgr32.exe Fails After Component Download
- Q170147: HOWTO: Retrieve Identity Column After Insert Using RDO
- Q170149: PRB: Recordset Name Property is Limited to 256 Characters
- Q170154: INFO: VB 6.0 Readme Part 10: Extensibility Issues
- Q170156: INFO: VB 6.0 Readme Part 12: Transaction Server (MTS) Issues
- Q170157: INFO: VB 6.0 Readme Part 11: Miscellaneous Issues
- Q170158: INFO: VB 6.0 Readme Part 7: Error Message Issues
- Q170160: INFO: VB 6.0 Readme Part 5: Samples Issues
- Q170161: INFO: VB 6.0 Readme Part 4: Language Issues
- Q170162: INFO: VB 6.0 Readme Part 3: Control Issues
- Q170163: INFO: VB 6.0 Readme Part 2: Data Access/Databinding Issues
- Q170164: INFO: VB 6.0 Readme Part 1: Important Issues - Read First!
- Q170340: FIX: Debugging ActiveX Server in IDE Causes Application Error
- Q170341: FIX: LoadPicture Displays 16 x 16 Icons as 32 x 32
- Q170356: BUG: Cannot Reference Excel 8.0 Object Library from VB 4.0x
- Q170358: PRB: Masked Edit May Not Show Empty When Bound Field is Null
- Q170368: PRB: "Invalid Cursor Position" Using UserConnection to GetChunk
- Q170370: BUG: Deactivate Event of Non-Modal ActiveX Form Fails to Fire
- Q170371: HOWTO: Implement Optional Parameter with UserConnection Designer
- Q170372: BUG: Setup Wizard Closes With Error: Invalid Property Value…
- Q170380: HOWTO: Display/Pass TimeStamp Value from/to SQL Server
- Q170381: PRB: Table Name Can’t Include "Call" in Parameterized SQL
- Q170399: INFO: Explanation of Vb50.vbp in the Os\ShellNew Directory
- Q170536: HOWTO: Use API to Customize DAO Registry to Close ODBC Connectn
- Q170548: PRB: DAO Transactions to ODBC Database Can Hang Application
- Q170552: HOWTO: Establish a One-to-Many Relation with a DBCombo
- Q170570: HOWTO: Build a Windows Message Handler with AddressOf in Visual
- Q170883: HOWTO: Use NTSVC.OCX from Visual Basic
- Q170884: HOWTO: Sort a ListView Control by Date
- Q170918: HOWTO: Use ShellExecute to Launch Associated File (32-bit)
- Q170946: HOWTO: Create and Use a Minimal ActiveX Component in VB
- Q170961: HOWTO: Change an Access Database Password
- Q169385: PRB: Screen Turns Black While Making .exe
- Q169398: HOWTO: Manipulate File Shares with ADSI (VB Sample)
- Q169445: PRB: VisData Returns Incorrect Number of Records
- Q169609: INFO: Digitally Sign Your Visual Basic Internet Application
- Q169611: BUG: OLE AutoActivate Property Fails When Set To "1 - GotFocus"
- Q169617: HOWTO: Sort Algorithms for Numeric Arrays
- Q169772: PRB: VB5 .OCX Property Missing from VB4 Properties Window
- Q169773: PRB: Setup Wizard Displays "Invalid command-line parameters"
- Q166211: HOWTO: Call SQL Server System Stored Procedures from RDO
- Q166215: INFO: Modifying VTables with AddressOf Is Not Supported
- Q166275: HOWTO: Debug a Native Code Visual Basic Component in VC++
- Q166280: DOC: T-SQL Debugger Server Setup Provides Incorrect Location
- Q166281: HOWTO: Create and Implement a UserConnection
- Q166284: HOWTO: Use ODBC API SQLTables Function with Visual Basic and RDO
- Q166286: BUG: Books Online Index Search Field Finds Incorrect Topic
- Q166325: INFO: Visual Basic 4.0 Does Not Include a Win32 API Help File
- Q166392: HOWTO: Use "DSN-Less" ODBC Connections with RDO
- Q166394: HOWTO: Implement a Linked List in Visual Basic
- Q166470: PRB: LINK Fatal Error LNK1104 Cannot Open File
- Q166908: FIX: ScaleMode for Printer Object Can’t Create Custom Scale
- Q166928: FIX: Public Properties of VB4 Class Are Passed by Reference
- Q166929: FIX: DBCombo Control Change Event Does Not Fire
- Q168153: FIX: DBGrid Bound to RDC Displays a Single Row After MoveLast
- Q168155: FIX: Crash When Resizing Column of Split DBGrid
- Q168156: FIX: DBGrid Bound to RDC Displays Small Resultsets Incorrectly
- Q168157: FIX: Problems Binding Multiple Controls to RDC 2.0
- Q168158: FIX: Can’t Close Resultset if DBGrid Bound to RDC
- Q168159: FIX: DBCombo Updates Incorrectly Using RDC Bound ListSource
- Q168160: FIX: Error on Update After AddNew with RDC and Bound Controls
- Q168161: FIX: Distributed Transaction Fails on Subsequent Runs
- Q168162: FIX: RDO Move 0 Fails to Refresh Record
- Q168163: FIX: Memory Leak When Calling UserConnection Query Event
- Q168194: PRB: DAO Recordset Name Property Is Limited to 256 Characters
- Q168204: HOWTO: Kill an Application with System Menu Using VB
- Q168205: INFO: Difference Between BeginTrans/CommitTrans and Optimistic B
- Q168206: PRB: "Argument Not Optional" Error Using DAO 3.5
- Q168207: PRB: Cannot Find NULL Records with Parameterized Query
- Q168208: FIX: StillExecuting Is True After Async Execution Completes
- Q168209: PRB: QueryDef dbFailOnError Doesn’t Rollback on Failure
- Q168210: HOWTO: Get Return Parameters from a Stored Procedure with DAO
- Q168278: INFO: Cannot Access UserConnection Properties from Add-In
- Q168290: FIX: GPF When Setting Font of Multi-selected Controls
- Q168414: BUG: Binary Compatibility Leaves Source File in Open State
- Q168428: HOWTO: Test Your ActiveX Documents (.VBD)
- Q168429: PRB: Component Download Fails for DCOM Projects
- Q168431: FIX: Launching VB 5.0 ActiveX Documents from Internet Explorer
- Q168519: PRB: Search Using OpenFile API Instead of Dir/Dir$ Function
- Q168554: FIX: Resource Drain with PictureBox on Form
- Q168610: PRB: Overflow Doesn’t Occur Using Pentium Pro or Pentium II
- Q168744: FIX: Printer May Lose Font Attributes
- Q168749: HOWTO: Print the Contents of the MS Chart Control
- Q168766: FIX: Internet Transfer Control Fails on Case-Sensitive Server
- Q168792: FIX: Statusbar Time Panel May Not Update Properly
- Q168795: HOWTO: Hook Into a Window’s Messages Using AddressOf
- Q168796: HOWTO: Programmatically Restart or Log Off a Computer
- Q168797: FIX: ImageList Control Does Not Accept Small Icons
- Q168800: INFO: Visual Basic 5.0 Fixes in Visual Studio 97 Service Pack 1
- Q168822: INFO: List of Visual Basic 5.0 Books and Training Material
- Q168823: DOC: Exchange/Outlook Jet IISAM Driver Does Not Ship with VB5
- Q168824: FIX: Setting ComboBox Control Text in Click Event Wipes Out Text
- Q168828: PRB: Gauge Control Fill Area Flickers
- Q168829: HOWTO: Get a Hierarchical List of Window Names and Classes
- Q168830: HOWTO: Cast an Object to a Different Interface
- Q168831: PRB: Older MFC OCX Controls Incompatible with Visual Basic 4.0
- Q168850: BUG: MDIChild Form Not Brought to Front with Show Method
- Q168866: FIX: IOS Failed to Initialize Error During Installation
- Q171146: HOWTO: Create and Remove a DSN in Visual Basic
- Q171209: BUG: Pop-up Menus May Cause Application Error in IDE
- Q171215: HOWTO: Use Data Form Wizard to Connect to Remote Data via DAO
- Q171271: FIX: Internet Transfer Control 5.0 Has Bug with "HEAD" Request
- Q171318: HOWTO: Bind Data Controls Across Multiple Forms
- Q171379: HOWTO: Use the Proxy Property in the Internet Transfer Control
- Q171385: INFO: Article List for Troubleshooting Registry in Windows 95
- Q171456: PRB: Run-time error -2147023071 (80070721) using WithEvents
- Q171470: FIX: Resize Event Not Fired When UserControl Copied & Pasted
- Q171471: FIX: VB-Created Controls Fail to Print w/UserControl_Paint
- Q171472: FIX: Toggling PortOpen w/MSCOMM32.OCX Leaks Memory on Win95/98
- Q171473: FIX: MCI32.OCX Does Not Save Recorded .WAV Files
- Q171474: FIX: Path Problems Using Project on Network Server
- Q171475: FIX: RichTextBox Cleared When BorderStyle Changes at Run-Time
- Q171476: FIX: Masked Edit Control Right-Aligned with NT 4.0 SP3
- Q171477: FIX: Format Menu Options Can Crash Visual Basic 5.0
- Q171478: FIX: Cannot Set Width/Height of UserControl in Resize Event
- Q171479: FIX: Mod 0 Causes an IPF or Access Violation
- Q171480: FIX: Setting SelAlignment Property Does Not Affect RichTextBox
- Q171481: FIX: Cannot Set the Enabled Property of an UpDown Control
- Q171482: FIX: Crash When Enum Name Referenced Incorrectly
- Q171483: FIX: Crash When Rebuilding EXE Containing UserControl
- Q171484: FIX: Code Module Window Displayed Transparently in SDI
- Q171485: FIX: Visual Basic 5.0 Title Bar Paints Incorrectly
- Q171486: FIX: Crash Sometimes Occurs with Cursor over Toolbox
- Q171487: FIX: Crash When Assigning Uninitialized Object to Tag
- Q171488: FIX: Val Function Recognizes System Decimal Symbol
- Q171489: FIX: Use of Implements and Public Constants Crashes Compiler
- Q171490: FIX: Crash After Toggling Folders in ActiveX EXE Project
- Q171491: FIX: Mouse Button Value Is Always 4 in MouseUp Event of SSTab
- Q171492: FIX: ActiveX Control Incorrectly Reports ScaleWidth/ScaleHeight
- Q171493: FIX: Viewing Property Pages and Exiting Causes Memory Leak
- Q171494: FIX: MouseUp Event Not Triggered in DblClick w/Comctl32
- Q171495: FIX: Get Statement Not Working Correctly with Large UDT
- Q171496: FIX: Bad Filename or Number with Get of UDT
- Q171497: FIX: ListView in PictureBox on Tabbed Dialog Disappears
- Q171498: FIX: Screen Turns Black When Compiling
- Q171499: FIX: IDE Doesn’t Show Topics of OCX Help Files Correctly
- Q171500: FIX: ATL Controls Without IPropertyNotifySink Cause IPF in VB5
- Q171501: FIX: User Control Moves When Width/Height Is Set in Container
- Q171502: FIX: Crash with Watch on UserControl When Stop is Encountered
- Q171504: FIX: Problems Setting PropertyPage Caption Property
- Q171505: FIX: VB5 IDE Disappears or IPFs When "End" Button Is Pressed
- Q171506: FIX: Drag/Drop of ListView Control Fails
- Q171507: FIX: VB GPFs When Selecting Align/Lefts from the Format Menu
- Q171508: FIX: Add-ins May Cause Menu Corruption When Exiting Visual Basic
- Q171509: FIX: Access Violation on NT4.0 or Windows 2000 on Multi-line Tex
- Q171510: FIX: Setting Font Property Causes Error 438 with RichTextBox
- Q171511: FIX: Controls in Frame/PictureBox Do Not Repaint in Design Mode
- Q171512: FIX: UserControls on Property Pages Do Not Trigger Focus Events
- Q171513: FIX: Cannot Drag a Nested UserControl with Automatic DragMode
- Q171514: FIX: Visual Basic 5.0 Crashes When Shutting Down Forms
- Q171515: FIX: Crash on Customization of Design Environment Menus
- Q171516: FIX: ActiveX Document DLL Causes GPF When Unloading Modal Form
- Q171517: FIX: Animation Control Prints Incorrectly at Design-Time
- Q171518: FIX: Controls May Not Print When Printing Form at Design Time
- Q171519: FIX: Removing Function Causes Binary Compatibility Error
- Q171520: FIX: Unable to Set Binary Compatibility with Class Module
- Q171521: FIX: Non-Creatable Class Causes Loss of Binary Compatibility
- Q171522: FIX: Enums in Public Procedures Cause Binary Compatibility Error
- Q171523: FIX: Reference to Missing Member in Enum Definition Causes Crash
- Q171524: FIX: Ambiguous Names Generate Incorrect Error Message
- Q171525: FIX: ListView Causes IPF When Accessing ColumnHeaders Property
- Q171526: FIX: Setting Enabled=False for TreeView Causes Paint Problems
- Q171527: FIX: Causing a ListView Control to Paint Causes an IPF
- Q171528: FIX: Using "Unload Me" in a Listbox Causes Crash
- Q171529: FIX: Can’t Open a Project Group from the Root Directory
- Q171530: FIX: Crash on Data Tip After Enum Name Changed
- Q171531: FIX: IPF When Changing Project Name with Binary Compatibility
- Q171532: FIX: Crash Stepping Thru Code After Using Locals/Watch Window
- Q171533: FIX: ActiveX EXE Crashes VB5 When Set to Binary Compatibility
- Q171537: FIX: Bad Error Number Returned if Relationship Doesn’t Exist
- Q171538: FIX: Can’t Set Property on Interface That Has Attached Root
- Q171539: FIX: TypeDef Model Doesn’t Have Propagate Delete on Relationship
- Q171544: FIX: Engine: Collection Object Doesn’t Access Correctly by Name
- Q171545: FIX: Error 438 Using CreateInterface’s Optional Default Flag
- Q171546: FIX: VB4 Apps with Unbound DBGrid Fail with VB5 DBGrid
- Q171547: FIX: New DBGrid32.OCX Breaks VB4 Apps that Use VB4 Version
- Q171548: FIX: Binary-Compatible Server Causes VB to Hang in IDE
- Q171549: FIX: Cached Class Factorys Get Released by Illegal Thread
- Q171550: FIX: Recompiling with SP2 Breaks Binary Compatibility
- Q171551: FIX: 32-Bit DBList/DBCombo May Exhibit Problems When Locked
- Q171554: INFO: Visual Basic 5.0 Fixes in Visual Studio 97 Service Pack 2
- Q171555: FIX: More Than One Sub Main May Cause EXE to Crash
- Q171556: FIX: VB5 IDE Causes Exception Violation During Unload of Form
- Q171575: FIX: RISC: CByte Doesn’t Fail on Negative Values on Native Exe
- Q171576: FIX: RISC: AddressOf Doesn’t Behave Properly in IDE/PCode Exe
- Q171577: FIX: Using Set for ListItem’s SubItem Results in GPF
- Q171583: HOWTO: Fill a 32-bit VBA Array of UDType via a Visual C++ DLL
- Q171598: BUG: Properties Dialog Appears When TabStrip Double-Clicked
- Q171603: HOWTO: Get the Unread Message Count from an Outlook Folder
- Q171652: HOWTO: Retrieve Individual Bytes from a Multi-Byte Type in VB
- Q171654: HOWTO: Attach a Console Window to Your Visual Basic Program
- Q171728: PRB: Text Property of Grid Is Reset When Used on SSTab Control
- Q171729: HOWTO: Do Generic Callbacks Using a Helper DLL
- Q171731: DOC: LoadResData Function Does Not Support All Formats
- Q171733: PRB: FlexGrid Control Doesn’t Trap Arrow Keys
- Q171795: FIX: RDC Error Calling UpdateRow After Resultset.AddNew
- Q171796: FIX: Problems When Running Asynchronous Queries with RDO 2.0
- Q171797: FIX: VB5 DBCombo May Display Wrong Column for RDC 1.0
- Q171798: FIX: DBCombo Click Event Fires During Form Load
- Q171801: FIX: Bound Controls Built in VB5 Do Not Work in VB4 IDE
- Q171802: FIX: Problems Updating Using DBCombo When ListField = DataField
- Q171803: FIX: Problems Retrieving VB 5.0 Projects from Visual SourceSafe
- Q171804: FIX: Change Event Not Fired When Selecting an Item in DBCombo
- Q171805: FIX: Problems Binding Controls to Nonexistent Data Control
- Q171806: FIX: Memory Leak When RDC Bound to OLE Container Control
- Q171807: FIX: Selected Tab Changes After Removing Tab in Tabstrip
- Q171808: FIX: MDI Child Form Does Not Become Active
- Q171809: FIX: Memory Leak When Setting the ForeColor of a VB5 Object
- Q171810: FIX: Invoking the Visual Component Manager Asserts in Exutil
- Q171811: FIX: Cannot See Relationship Collection on Interface with Tab
- Q171812: FIX: Run-Time Error When DataObject Passed as Object
- Q171813: FIX: IPF in MSO97RT.DLL When Starting Visual Basic
- Q171814: FIX: System Menu Appears When MouseDown Event Invokes a Drag
- Q171815: FIX: Printer.TextWidth Returning Inconsistent Results in IDE
- Q171816: FIX: IPF Opening or Saving Form with Tab Control
- Q171817: FIX: UserControl Cannot Read ContainedControls in Visual FoxPro
- Q171818: FIX: IDE Crashes When Repeatedly Placing a Control on a Form
- Q171819: FIX: Invalid Enum Value Causes Incompatible Binary Compatible
- Q171820: FIX: ListView/ListItems Don’t Refresh When ColumnHeaders Cleared
- Q171821: FIX: Memory Leak When Repeatedly Changing Toolbar Button Width
- Q171822: FIX: Adding Routine to UserControl in Break Mode Causes Crash
- Q171823: FIX: Application Error Using Implements on Hyperlink Object
- Q171824: FIX: Crash in INET Control Downloading Page Multiple Times
- Q171825: FIX: Tabbing Problems Using ActiveX Document in a Frame
- Q171826: FIX: Tabbing Problems with Controls Contained with Controls
- Q171827: FIX: Printing userdrawn usercontrol in IE Doesn’t Work
- Q171828: FIX: INET OpenURL Method Doesn’t Download Complete Files
- Q171829: FIX: GetChunk Freezes Unless Other Events Happening
- Q171830: FIX: ActiveX Document Menu Changing Places
- Q171831: FIX: IObjectSafety Implemented in Toolbar and CmDialog Controls
- Q171832: FIX: Statement Builder Can Cause the Object Browser to Crash
- Q171833: FIX: Statement Builder Crashes Referencing GlobalMultiUse Server
- Q171834: FIX: Crash When UserControl Accesses Members of ParentControls
- Q171835: FIX: Crash When Viewing Data Tips on ParamArray
- Q171836: FIX: Crash When Viewing API Properties in Object Browser
- Q171837: FIX: Run-time Error 6 "Overflow When Compiled to Native Code"
- Q171838: FIX:Crash Compiling Native Code for Assignment of Variant Array
- Q171839: FIX: Crash When Compiling a Call to a UserControl Function
- Q171840: FIX: Corrupt Project Error Opening One Project After Another
- Q171841: FIX: Dragging Multiple Controls on a Form May Cause Crash
- Q171842: FIX: GetSetting Function Is Leaking Handles
- Q171843: BUG: Winsock Control Leaks Memory When Unloaded
- Q171952: PRB: MSFlexGrid Doesn’t Return All Rows w/UseODBC Data Control
- Q171972: FIX: Cannot Disable UserControl on Modal Form
- Q171978: INFO: Non-Modal Form Support in Visual Basic DLLs
- Q171979: PRB: Accessing Property in Initialize Event Causes Infinite Loop
- Q171980: HOWTO: Play MIDI Files Using API Functions
- Q171981: HOWTO: Play an .AVI Video File in Full Screen in Visual Basic
- Q172056: BUG: Private UserControls Do Not Support Data Binding
- Q172057: FIX: CreateDragImage Method in ListView Uses Wrong Icon
- Q172059: HOWTO: Show a Modal Form from an OLE Server DLL
- Q172063: PRB: Visual Basic UserDocuments Are Displayed as Garbage Text
- Q172082: HOWTO: Handle RDO 2.0 Asynchronous Processing WithEvents
- Q172083: PRB: Cannot Modify DataChanged Property of DBGrid Column Object
- Q172099: PRB: T-SQL - Running Remote and Local SQL Debugging
- Q172100: PRB: Bound TextBox No Longer Populates During Form’s Load Event
- Q172101: PRB: "Data Type Conversion Error" When Using a Data Control
- Q172105: FIX: NewPage Method Followed by EndDoc Method Prints Blank Page
- Q172111: FIX: VB5 Focus Not Returned to MDI Form After a Dialog Is Shown
- Q172120: BUG: Pressing TAB Key Does Not Move Focus on SSTab Control
- Q172121: BUG: Microsoft Grid Control Cannot Load a Metafile
- Q172193: INFO: List of VB 4.0 Custom Controls Discontinued in VB 5.0
- Q172199: HOWTO: Optimize Queries in Visual Basic
- Q172239: BUG: OpenResultset Doesn’t Fire QueryComplete in Class Module
- Q172244: BUG: VBComponents Add Method Cannot Add a Form
- Q172246: FIX: Memory Leak When RDC Bound to OLE Container Control
- Q172248: FIX: Change Event Not Fired When Selecting an Item in DBCombo
- Q172249: FIX: Problems Updating Using DBCombo When ListField = DataField
- Q172250: FIX: Bound Controls Built in VB 5.0 Don’t Work in VB 4.0 IDE
- Q172251: FIX: RDO May Incorrectly Handle Locking Conflicts in Transaction
- Q172252: FIX: DBCombo Click Event Fires During Form Load
- Q172253: FIX: VB 5.0 DBCombo May Display Wrong Column for RDC 1.0
- Q172255: FIX: Using Set for ListItem’s SubItem Results in GPF
- Q172256: FIX: RISC: CByte Doesn’t Fail on Negative Values in Native Exe
- Q172267: SAMPLE: RECEDIT.VBP Demonstrates File I/O in Visual Basic
- Q172268: PRB: Error Passing Recordset to Excel Using Automation From VB
- Q172270: HOWTO: Certify a VB Application with Microsoft Windows Logo
- Q172271: HOWTO: Change Case of a Control Name Within the Code Window
- Q172272: SAMPLE: TREEVIEW.EXE Manipulating Nodes in a TreeView Control
- Q172273: HOWTO:Constants in OpenProcess API dsDesiredAccess Parameter
- Q172275: FIX: DBCombo’s Drop-Down Does Not Work with Mouse in Modal Form
- Q172312: PRB: WithEvents Does Not Work with Remote Automation
- Q172313: FIX: Using ODBCDirect, Transactions and Oracle Causes Hang
- Q172329: PRB: Error 459 Trying to Use Alternate Object Interface
- Q172338: HOWTO: Use QueryPerformanceCounter to Time Code
- Q172339: PRB: Explaining "Record is Deleted" Error Accessing ODBC Table
- Q172343: FIX: Controls Cannot Be Added to Toolbar Programmatically
- Q172374: INFO: Visual Basic 4.0 Book List
- Q172375: HOWTO: Undo Updates for a Single Row with CancelBatch
- Q172381: HOWTO: Respond to the Auto-commit Feature of a VB Data Control
- Q172404: PRB: Opening Excel 4.0 Worksheets with DAO
- Q172537: BUG: Grid Clip Property Contains Remnants of Former Values
- Q172578: HOWTO: Change the SQL Password Using RDO
- Q172592: HOWTO: Open a Visual FoxPro Table for Read/Write
- Q172593: HOWTO: Populate DBGrid from Crosstab Parameter Query
- Q172673: BUG: Control Unexpectedly Gains Focus When Made Visible
- Q172676: PRB: Autolist Feature Breaks When Project Cannot Compile
- Q172840: FILE: Visual Basic Data Sheets
- Q172846: INFO: Readme File List for All Editions of Visual Basic 5.0
- Q172862: DOCFIX: Error in Sample Code for Async Downloading of Property
- Q172888: PRB: ComCtl32.ocx - The Dependency File is Out of Date
- Q172986: INFO: Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0 Service Pack 2 Release Notes
- Q172988: SAMPLE: CLSNMMBR.EXE Retrieves Members of a DLL Class
- Q172991: INFO: CAB Files Distributed with Visual Basic 5.0
- Q174004: FIX: Cannot Change Variant Array in Class Module
- Q174050: HOWTO: Determine File Type from Registered CLSID
- Q174087: HOWTO: Display Additional Buttons in Customize Toolbar Dialog
- Q174135: PRB: Setup Cannot Continue…System Files Are Out of Date
- Q174141: HOWTO: Display Outlook Folder Names
- Q174155: PRB: Format Function May Return Incorrect Values
- Q174156: HOWTO: Programmatically Launch the Default Internet Browser
- Q174159: DOC: Correction for VB Setup Wizard Code Signing Info
- Q174212: FIX: ActiveForm Returns Wrong Form
- Q174213: BUG: Blank Window Appears Instead of Help File Contents
- Q174214: PRB: Form with Menu Displays Border w/ Borderstyle Set to None
- Q174216: PRB: TransparentPaint Backstyle Option Unavailable
- Q174289: FIX: Memory Leak Occurs After Form is Unloaded
- Q174301: HOWTO: Display Text on a Dithered Background in a TextBox
- Q174303: BUG: ListBox Caption Changes When Copied as Control Array
- Q174321: FIX: BackColor of MaskEdBox Control Changes When Enabled=False
- Q174488: PRB: App Generates Run-Time Error 3633 When Run on New Machine
- Q174517: PRB: Office 97 SR-1 Patch Doesn’t Update VB 5.0 Jet/DAO DLLs
- Q174553: HOWTO: Detect When a Control Is Placed into a UserControl
- Q174652: FIX: PrintForm Method Does Not Print Entire Form
- Q174677: INFO: VB5 CCE System Requirements Different Than Other Editions
- Q174679: HOWTO: Retrieve Resultsets from Oracle Stored Procedures
- Q174686: PRB: Error 371 or 404 Occurs When Using the Show Method
- Q174804: Whitepaper: Creating Highly-Scalable Server-Side Components
- Q174808: PRB: Poor Performance with the GoSub Statement
- Q174825: FIX: Accessing Image Property of PictureBox Diminishes Resources
- Q174832: DOC: Incorrect Internet Transfer Control GetChunk Example
- Q174835: FIX: Internet Transfer Control Using Username and Password
- Q174836: FIX: Problems Shutting Down When Using the Inet Control
- Q174882: FIX: Cannot Install "Learn VB Now" Program
- Q174883: DOC: ExitWindows Function Declaration Incorrect in API Viewer
- Q174921: HOWTO: Communicate with a UserDocument from a WebBrowser Control
- Q174923: HOWTO: Use the PostData Parameter in WebBrowser Control
- Q174981: HOWTO: Retrieve Typical Resultsets From Oracle Stored Procedures
- Q175080: PRB: RDORESULTSET’s SOURCETABLE Property Won’t Return a Value
- Q175083: HOWTO: Print Line-by-Line to a Printer
- Q175084: SAMPLE: PRTLGPCT.EXE: Print a Large Bitmap on Multiple Pages
- Q175156: PRB: Class Not Registered Error and Empty Components Dialog
- Q175179: SAMPLE: VBFTP.EXE: Implementing FTP Using WinInet API from VB
- Q175212: SAMPLE: CHRTSAMP.EXE Visual Basic 5.0 MSChart Sample
- Q175213: DIAL.EXE: Dial Control Sample
- Q175214: DIRWALK.EXE: Directory Walking Control Sample
- Q175222: HOWTO: Tell If UserControl is in Design-Time or Run-Time
- Q175325: PRB: Can’t Create VB ActiveX Control with Embedded Licensed Ctrl
- Q175443: FIX: Application Error When Binding Dynamically-Created Control
- Q175450: INFO: Visual Basic 5.0 Fixes in Visual Studio 97 Service Pack 3
- Q175472: HOWTO: Get Network Adapter Address from Visual Basic
- Q175488: PRB: VB4 16-Bit Clients Cannot Early-Bind to VB5 .EXE Servers
- Q175501: BUG: RichTextBox Horizontal Scroll Bar Does Not Always Appear
- Q175510: SAMPLE: VB5DCOM.EXE: Using Callbacks and WithEvents with DCOM
- Q175512: HOWTO: Get a Short Filename from a Long Filename
- Q175531: White Paper: Migrating Applications to Visual Basic 5.0
- Q175533: BUG: Toolbar Does Not Wrap Correctly
- Q175535: PRB: Printing Rotated Text with Visual Basic
- Q175537: SAMPLE: LED.EXE: Light Emitting Diode Character Display Sample
- Q175547: FIX: Toolbar Performance Degrades with Dynamic Modification
- Q175600: HOWTO: Give Your ActiveX Component a Friendly Name
- Q175616: FIX: Error 438: "Object Doesn’t Support This Property or Method"
- Q175691: BUG: VFP CDX with EMPTY Function Is Not Recognized in VB
- Q175756: PRB: Setup Wizard Displays Message Box with ‘118’ and OK Button
- Q175776: PRB: Problem with VisData Print Structure and Indexes
- Q175868: BUG: T-SQL Debugger Does Not Run on NT with User Account
- Q175907: FIX: Hide Event Doesn’t Fire Correctly in Internet Explorer 4.0
- Q175939: White Paper: Avoiding the Top Ten Design Mistakes
- Q175947: FILE: White Paper: Choosing the Right VB5 Data Access Interface
- Q175948: INFO: Running Visual Basic Applications as Windows NT Services
- Q175949: INFO: List of Values for Action Parameter of Validate Event
- Q175970: White Paper on Developing Advanced ActiveX Controls
- Q175979: PRB: All Parameters of Choose Function Are Evaluated
- Q173009: FIX: Run-Time Error 87 Using RegEnumValue Function
- Q173011: HOWTO: Add and Remove Network Connections
- Q173049: PRB: "Locate" Dialog Appears When Running Setup Wizard
- Q173050: ODBCTXT.EXE: ODBC API Declare Statements Text File
- Q173074: PRB: Multiple Visual Basic Printouts Are Not the Same
- Q173085: HOWTO: Create a Process for Reading and Writing to a Pipe
- Q173091: HOWTO: Programmatically Register and Unregister .OCX Files
- Q173093: BUG: Moving .VBP File Can Corrupt References with Long Paths
- Q173212: FIX: "Default" Property Ignored for CommandButton on Win NT
- Q173213: FIX: JPG in Image or PictureBox Control Doesn’t Display Properly
- Q173264: HOWTO: Internet Transfer Control Using Username and Password
- Q173265: BUG: Internet Transfer Control (SP2) Username and Password Fails
- Q173348: PRB: ActiveControl Set to "Nothing" on Disabled Form
- Q173349: FIX: OLEDropMode=0 Doesn’t Stop DragDrop of File to Rich TextBox
- Q173351: BUG: Custom OCX Not Unloaded When Client Application Ends
- Q173352: INFO: Controls Shipped with Visual Basic 5.0
- Q173362: FIX: RichTextBox SelPrint Method Does Not Print Entire Selection
- Q173390: DOC: Status Property of RdoResultset/RdoColumn is Read-Only
- Q173407: HOWTO: Register Your Custom ActiveX DLL from a Client
- Q173409: PRB: RDOErrors Collection Always Empty When Using EXE Server
- Q173463: PRB: WillExecute Event Cannot Be Used to Change CursorType
- Q173571: BUG: Invalid Code Generated Implementing Outlook.Mailitem
- Q173619: PRB: Winsock Control Generates Error 10048 - Address in Use
- Q173638: BUG: "What’s This?" Button Disappears from MDI Child Forms
- Q173646: HOWTO: Use a Custom Jet Profile to Alter Data Access Behavior
- Q173647: INFO: Programmer’s Guide to Using ADO in Visual Basic
- Q173648: HOWTO: Updating an Oracle Table Using DBGrid and RDO
- Q173649: PRB: Memory Corruption in VB4-16 When Passing Recordset to Sub
- Q173650: PRB: Version Number Not Incrementing Using Command Line /Make
- Q173668: SAMPLE: AVIRSCE.EXE Plays an AVI Stored in a Resource .dll File
- Q173685: INFO: Synchronizing Jet Databases Over the Internet
- Q173738: INFO: Object Hungarian Notation Naming Conventions for VB
- Q173773: HOWTO: Move a Form that Has No Title Bar (32-Bit)
- Q173853: PRB: Error 32002 "Unspecified Error" When Adding an Attachment
- Q173981: PRB: Behavior Differences of Print Dialog on Different Platforms
- Q173991: BUG: Error Disassociating Resultset from rdoConnection
- Q176049: FIX: Run-time Error "This Array is Fixed or Temporarily Locked"
- Q176058: HOWTO: Pass String Data Between Applications Using SendMessage
- Q176085: HOWTO: Use the System Tray Directly from Visual Basic
- Q176162: BUG: Resource Loss with VB4 16-Bit OLE Container in Windows 3.11
- Q176164: FIX: Optional Argument Default Value Breaks Binary Compatibility
- Q176166: DOCFIX: RichTextBox OLEDragMode/OLEDropMode Defaults Incorrect
- Q176258: BUG: Refresh Method of Data Control Resets QueryTimeout
- Q176338: PRB: Executing .Fetch of the VB5 MSMAPI32.OCX Can Hang VB
- Q176391: HOWTO: Programmatically Close a Separate Application
- Q176392: FIX: Can’t Assign an Object to an ActiveX Tag Property
- Q176399: PRB: OLE Automation Error - 2147418107 (80010005)
- Q176400: HOWTO: Print the WebBrowser Control
- Q176410: PRB: GPF When Opening or Creating a New Project
- Q176419: FIX: Inet Control Method OpenURL Fails If No Proxy Selected
- Q176428: PRB: MSRDO20.OCX Not Registered When Running Application Setup
- Q176429: BUG: Can’t Check MDIChild Property of Forms in Forms Collection
- Q176430: FIX: Controls on Nested Frames on SSTab May Paint Incorrectly
- Q176435: PRB: Compiling to Native Code Can Be Slow
- Q176468: INFO: Behavior of Forms in an ActiveX Document
- Q176486: BUG: Bookmark for Unbound DBGrid is Incorrect for the Last Row
- Q176535: HOWTO: Save Attachments to File with MSMAPI.VBX or MSMAPI.OCX
- Q176547: Vb5sp2ds.exe Contains Visual Basic SP2 Debugging Symbols
- Q176561: PRB: Passing Timestamp Parameter Using User Connection Designer
- Q176563: BUG: DBGrid Loses All Except One Row After Scrolling to Bottom
- Q176631: DOCFIX: FlexGrid Constants Incorrect in Help and Books Online
- Q176632: FIX: MSChart Legend Text Gets Truncated
- Q176633: PRB: Axis Text on MSChart Control Appears Illegible
- Q176634: BUG:Line/Circle Methods Don’t Print as Transparent onWin95/98/Me
- Q176641: FIX: Do Until Loop Evaluates "True" as -1 Exclusively
- Q176643: HOWTO: Find Multiple Occurrences of a String in a RichTextBox
- Q176695: PRB: ExitWindowsEx API Does Not Reboot Windows NT
- Q176790: HOWTO: Use CoCreateGUID API to Generate a GUID with VB
- Q176799: INFO: Using DCOM Config (DCOMCNFG.EXE) on Windows NT
- Q176810: HOWTO: Manually Modify and Rebuild CAB Files
- Q176873: BUG: DBCombo Does Not Display the "&" Character Correctly
- Q176876: HOWTO: Find VB32.EXE Without Searching the Hard Drive
- Q176879: INFO: Visual Modeler Ver. 1.1 Available at Microsoft Web Site
- Q176951: HOWTO: Use Events to Generate Asynchronous Callbacks
- Q177081: BUG: Control Displays Dithered Background in 256-Color Mode
- Q177085: FIX: Set Keyword with ParamArray Causes Type Mismatch Error
- Q177088: BUG: Run-Time Error 380 "Invalid Property Value" with MaskEdBox
- Q177089: BUG: Startup Position Changes in SDI if Form Has a Menu
- Q177090: FIX: Returning Empty Array from ActiveX EXE Fails with SP2
- Q177094: PRB: ActiveX Control Cannot Assign Run-Time Read-Only Property
- Q177095: SAMPLE: SysTray.exe ActiveX Control Adds Icons to Status Area
- Q177096: BUG: Focus Disappears After Minimizing VB Form with UserControl
- Q177163: FIX: Focus Doesn’t Return to MDI Form After Modal Form Is Closed
- Q177186: PRB: Error 40069 Update Resultset Returned from Stored Procedure
- Q177187: BUG: Stored Procedures Cannot Process NULL Parameters from VB
- Q177238: HOWTO: Hyperlink in UserDocuments
- Q177358: HOWTO: Pass a Date Value to a Oracle Stored Procedure
- Q177359: PRB: Data Control Does Not Work on MDI Forms
- Q177394: HOWTO: Troubleshoot Run-Time Error ‘429’ in DCOM Applications
- Q177516: PRB: ODBCDirect Query Causes Error 3667
- Q177592: PRB: User Connection Object Connect Property Remains Populated
- Q177593: PRB: Reuse of rdoQuery Object Causes "40006" Unexpected Error
- Q177627: HOWTO: Use the OLE_OPTEXCLUSIVE Property Data Type
- Q177628: HOWTO: Use OLE_TRISTATE Property Data Type
- Q177629: HOWTO: Use the OLE_COLOR Property Data Type
- Q177636: HOWTO: Check If Program Is Running in the IDE or an EXE File
- Q177638: BUG: Upgrading Exchange to 5.5 Causes Reference Problems in VB
- Q177674: HOWTO: Toggle the NUM LOCK, CAPS LOCK, and SCROLL LOCK Keys
- Q177685: HOWTO: Handle Missing DataPoints with MSChart
- Q177696: HOWTO: Use Named Pipes in a Visual Basic 32-bit Program
- Q177697: HOWTO: List Local Network Connections with WNetEnumResources
- Q177698: HOWTO: Call WNetConnectionDialog1 and WNetDisconnectDialog1
- Q177699: HOWTO: Use NT Simple TCP/IP Services for Winsock Testing
- Q177703: FIX: Access Violation with Public Enums in UserControl
- Q177722: PRB: SQL Server Stores One-Character String with Empty String
- Q177736: HOWTO: Retrieve Identity Column After Insert Using ODBCDirect
- Q177740: FIX: Scale Method Results in a Number of Blank Pages Printed
- Q177743: HOWTO: Scroll the TreeView When Dragging and Dropping a Node
- Q177799: PRB: "License Information for This Component Not Found" Error
- Q177992: HOWTO: Intercept Keyboard Input from Visual Basic
- Q177996: BUG: UserControl Event Is Not Raised from a Modal Form
- Q177997: HOWTO: Set the FillColor in the MS Chart Control at Run-time
- Q178020: FILE: WIN32API.EXE Updated Version of Win32api32.txt for VB 5.0
- Q178076: HOWTO: Use a PictureBox to Control Orientation Printing a Form
- Q178078: PRB: Events Occur in EXE While a Message Box Is Displayed
- Q178127: HOWTO: Adjust RowHeight of MSFlexGrid to Accommodate WordWrap
- Q178166: FIX: GeoFacts Sample Causes Type Mismatch Error with Excel 97
- Q178167: FIX: GeoFacts Sample Causes Automation Error on NT
- Q178354: INFO: How Setup Wizard and PDW Use Dependency Files
- Q178401: PRB: Message Box Appears Behind Form Set as Top-Most Window
- Q178445: PRB: Stored Procedure with Text (BLOB) Input Returns Null Output
- Q178456: SAMPLE: Volume.exe: Set Volume Control Levels Using Visual Basic
- Q178489: PRB: Error 53 "File Not Found" When Calling a DLL Function
- Q178490: PRB: "Can’t Assign To Read-Only Property" Error Message
- Q178491: HOWTO: Change the TreeView Control Background Color
- Q178495: FIX: Invalid Page Fault When Deleting Nodes in TreeView Control
- Q178527: PRB: VB5 SP2 and SP3 Give Incorrect Floating Point Results
- Q178545: PRB: Cannot Set Marker Size or Style for MSChart
- Q178719: HOWTO: Plot X/Y Coordinate Values on a Scatter Chart
- Q178726: PRB: Error Message "User-defined Type Not Defined"
- Q178753: FIX: ListView ItemClick Event Executes Multiple Times
- Q178754: PRB: Modal Form Does Not Appear in the Taskbar
- Q178755: HOWTO: Enumerate the Values of a Registry Key
- Q178875: ORALONG.EXE: Use RDO with Oracle LONG/LONG RAW Datatypes
- Q178881: BUG: MSChart Control Can’t Plot Data Points >15 Decimal Places
- Q179022: PRB: Optimistic Concurrency Check Fails with SQL Text Field
- Q179023: FIX: T-SQL Debugger Hangs When User Has No Execute Permission
- Q179052: BUG: Transparent Label on Transparent Control Does Not Display
- Q179140: BUG: "Too Many Local, Nonstatic Variables" Error Message
- Q179166: PRB: SqlBCPColumnFormat in VBSQL.OCX Fails
- Q179192: HOWTO: Limit Cursor Movement Inside a Form
- Q179195: Coolbar ActiveX Control and Sample Project
- Q179226: PRB: RDO: CommitTrans/RollBackTrans Closes Cursor Causing Error
- Q179250: BUG: Line and Shape Controls Not Visible on UserControl
- Q179381: PRB: Error Connecting to MS Query with UserConnection Designer
- Q179384: PRB: Installing Applications from an HPFS Formatted Drive
- Q179398: HOWTO: Subclass a UserControl
- Q179492: PRB: Error Message "MSVBVM50.dll Not Found"
- Q179496: FIX: Class Builder Reports Property Procedures as Variants
- Q179497: HOWTO: Select a Directory Without the Common Dialog Control
- Q179615: HOWTO: Specify or Change a Remote Server’s Location at Run Time
- Q179616: PRB: Rollback Causes DAO Recordset Editmode To Be Set Back to 0
- Q179707: BUG: Pressing TAB Key on Form Does Not Change Focus
- Q179845: PRB: 32-bit BASIC Does Not Convert UNICODE/ANSI in Binary Field
- Q179913: PRB: Unexpected Behavior with FoxPro 2.x Database Using DBCombo
- Q179938: PRB: Sybase Formula One OCX Dependency Warning w/Setup Wizard
- Q179988: FIX: Problem with ListView’s ColumnHeader Width Property
- Q180071: FILE: Msvbvm50.exe Installs Visual Basic 5.0 Run-Time Files
- Q180172: PRB: "Login has failed" Error Using the MAPISession Control
- Q180173: PRB: "The profile name is not valid" with MAPISession Control
- Q180193: FIX: DAO Oracle and the NUMBER Datatype
- Q180198: BUG: RDO Doesn’t Work with Schema and Oracle Stored Procedures
- Q180216: PRB: Error Setting CanGetFocus Property to False
- Q180384: HOWTO: Troubleshoot Run-time Error ‘70’ in DCOM Applications
- Q180391: PRB: ScrollBars Appear Incorrectly in Run-Mode
- Q180402: PRB: MFC ActiveX Control Ignores ARROW Keys on VB Container
- Q180435: PRB: ScrollBars Missing in Multiline TextBox
- Q180437: BUG: Text Is Aligned Too Far Left and Up in TextBox
- Q180455: BUG: Error 451 "Object not a collection" When Using Left()
- Q180456: PRB: Passing Variant Array to WriteFields Method Generates Error
- Q180487: DOC: For Each … Next Statement Does Not Work for Collections
- Q180494: BUG: Private Variables in a Module Are Public
- Q180496: BUG: Lines Drawn on Form Disappear After Menu Covers Them
- Q180525: PRB: DCOMCNFG Reports Multiple Copies of DCOM Server
- Q180527: BUG: Setting WindowState = 0 Doesn’t Set Window State to Normal
- Q180529: BUG: Menu Shortcut Keys Do Not Always Work
- Q180536: BUG: Right-Justified Label Caption Is Aligned Improperly
- Q180624: BUG: Invalid Page Fault Occurs with More than 34 DDE Channels
- Q180633: BUG: ScrollBar Slider Does Not Stop at the Cursor
- Q180645: FIX: Cannot Change Page Settings During Print Job
- Q180714: HOWTO: Pass a Picture Object Remotely Using COM
- Q180733: HOWTO: Add Context-Sensitive Help to Your ActiveX Control
- Q180736: HOWTO: Create a Timer Event Using the Windows API Functions
- Q180747: FIX: Focus Does Not Return to an MDI Parent Form
- Q180749: BUG: Menu Shortcuts May Not Be Disabled with Form
- Q180750: PRB: ShowInTaskBar Forms Still Appear When Set to False
- Q180751: INFO: Error Messages Shared Between VBCE and VBScript
- Q180756: PRB: Alignment Property of TextBox Always Aligns to the Left
- Q180761: BUG: Line Controls Drawn on a Frame Are Not Visible at Run-time
- Q180762: BUG: SetFocus Changes CommandButton Value to True
- Q180768: BUG: Label Control BackStyle Property Does Not Work
- Q180769: INFO: Text and Label Size Limitations in VBCE
- Q180770: BUG: Check Boxes Always Appear Three-Dimensional (3D)
- Q180771: PRB: Enabled Property of Label Does Not Change Appearance
- Q180772: PRB: Form Is Movable When Maximized
- Q180773: BUG: Closing a Form with Control Box "X" Only Hides Form
- Q180787: PRB: Explicitly Referring to Variables in a Module Causes Error
- Q180818: BUG: Code Outside of Procedures Executes on Application Startup
- Q180832: FIX: Toolbar Buttons Do Not Appear Correctly at Run-time
- Q180936: HOWTO: Position a MsgBox Using a Windows Hook Procedure
- Q181033: BUG: Access Keys for UserControl Do Not Work in MFC Dialog
- Q181034: INFO: Misleading Location for VBCE Application Install Wizard
- Q181131: PRB: ComboBox Text Property Does Not Update Properly
- Q181276: HOWTO: Display Extended ASCII WingDings on DBCS Systems
- Q181281: BUG: ListBox Text Property Not Functional
- Q181359: BUG: Pop-up Menu Click Event Does Not Execute in an MDI Program
- Q181360: MIDISmpl.exe Demonstrates How To Control MIDI Devices
- Q181368: BUG: UserControl Not Printing Labels Correctly
- Q181440: HOWTO: Add Full Row Select Functionality to a ListView Control
- Q181474: SAMPLE: Cdplyr.exe Demonstrates Using the mciSendString Function
- Q181478: Joystick.exe Calls the Joystick API Functions
- Q181542: PRB: Error 13 Type Mismatch Error on DAO OpenRecordset Method
- Q181578: HOWTO: Callback Visual Basic Functions From a C DLL
- Q181715: PRB: RDO/Jet: Run-Time Error 40069; Client Cursor Error 11 or 12
- Q181720: PRB: MOVE 0 Works Only with RDO Server-Side Cursors
- Q181852: PRB: Program Generates Error 429 on First Reference to RDO
- Q181853: HOWTO: Access and Retrieve the SQL QueryPlan from RDO
- Q181854: FILE: VB5cli.exe Fixes VB 5.0 Control Installation Problem
- Q181857: PRB: RDO Run-time Error ‘40060’: Incorrect Type for Parameter
- Q181872: HOWTO: Display Ellipses Button for a UserControl Property
- Q181877: FIX: UserControl Not Printing Correctly From Access
- Q181889: BUG: VB Hangs While Automating Excel Using OLE Control
- Q181891: BUG: OLE Drag Disabled When ListBox Has Multiple Columns
- Q181912: PRB: FlexGrid Control Does Not Highlight Whole Row
- Q181946: HOWTO: Create a NetDDE Client and Server in Visual Basic
- Q182033: HOWTO: Use BeforeNavigate2 in VB to Get an Event from HTML
- Q182068: BUG: ListView SubItemIndex Property Not Converted
- Q182069: BUG: Compile Error on Print Statement in a With..End Block
- Q182070: HOWTO: Create a Resolution-Independent Form
- Q182150: PRB: Visual Basic 5.0 Setup Error: DAO350.DLL File In Use
- Q182152: FIX: StillExecuting Property Returns Incorrect Value
- Q182153: BUG: Error When Loading Visual Datatools Add-In
- Q182231: BUG: TreeView Nodes Count Property Limited to 32767
- Q182248: HOWTO: Use DCOM Config (DCOMCNFG.EXE) with Windows 95/98/Me
- Q182289: PRB: DBGRID Can Cause VB to Crash When Scrolling Horizontally
- Q182352: PRB: Windows Common Control Keys are Case-Sensitive
- Q182354: PRB: Jet Text IISAM Driver Drops Leading Spaces
- Q182355: PRB: Jet Text IISAM Truncates Trailing Spaces
- Q182470: HOWTO: Use Setup Wizard Command Line Arguments for Silent Mode
- Q182598: HOWTO: Implement IObjectSafety in Visual Basic Controls
- Q182799: SAMPLE: MMCTRL.EXE Demonstrates Using Multiple Sound Cards
- Q182858: PRB: Cannot Register MSMAPI.OCX on Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
- Q182929: PRB: Stored Procedures with a Return Statement Can Cause Errors
- Q182943: BUG: "Key" Argument of SaveToolBar & RestoreToolBar Doesn’t Work
- Q182945: PRB: Database Field in Collection Treated Differently in VB
- Q182949: BUG: Modal Form Disabled When Launched From ActiveX Control
- Q182954: PRB: rdConcurRowver Availability Incorrect in Books Online
- Q182958: PRB: RDO RowsAffected Property Does Not Return Correct Value
- Q182983: SAMPLE: PLAYWAVE.EXE Demonstrates How To Play a Sound File
- Q183009: HOWTO: Enumerate Windows Using the WIN32 API
- Q183085: PRB: Parameterized RDO Query Results in Error 40002
- Q183162: BUG: VB Crashes After Ending Application While in Break Mode
- Q183163: BUG: Setting Orientation Changes Background Mix Mode for Printer
- Q183164: FIX: For..Each Loop in ActiveX Component Causes Errors
- Q183246: INFO: Printing Features Not Available in VBCE
- Q183332: BUG: TreeView Expand Event Does Not Occur When Using ENTER Key
- Q183333: HOWTO: Create a Dynamically Scrolling Graph
- Q183370: PRB: System Error "No Such Interface Supported"
- Q183434: HOWTO: Use HTML Help API in a Visual Basic Application
- Q183478: HOWTO: Call EnumServicesStatus API From Visual Basic
- Q183518: PRB: Cannot Set TabStops in ListBox Using SendMessage API
- Q183544: HOWTO: Call CLSID And ProgID Related COM APIs in Visual Basic
- Q183607: HOWTO: Configure DCOM for Visual Basic Using DCOMCNFG.EXE
- Q183621: HOWTO: Administer SQL Server Security via RDO and ADO
- Q183631: INFO: Add a Text File to a VB6 DHTML Page Dynamically
- Q183632: INFO: How to Add "Generate Report" Menu Item in Visual Mode
- Q183638: HOWTO: Create a Custom Text File Import Routine
- Q183691: HOWTO: Access UserControl Properties From the Same Project
- Q183695: BUG: Error Occurs When Placing an MFC-Based Control on a Form
- Q183748: PRB: Error Message "DllRegisterServer in <File name>.dll Failed"
- Q183771: INFO: Registry Entries Made by an ActiveX Component
- Q183852: DOC: PRINTER_DEFAULTS Contains an Incorrectly Typed Member
- Q183903: HOWTO: Display the Find All Files Dialog Box
- Q183906: BUG: Drag From FileListBox Includes Extra Backslash
- Q183987: PRB: SendData Method Generates Error 40006
- Q184198: PRB: SelHangingIndent Property of RichTextBox Is Not Persistent
- Q184200: FIX: Error 405: "Unable to Show Modal Form Within this Context"
- Q184206: PRB: DragDrop with ListView Control Fails in MouseMove Event
- Q184247: BUG: FileListBox Display Inconsistent Between Windows 95 & NT 4
- Q184265: HOWTO: Distribute ADO with the VB5 Application Setup Wizard
- Q184281: BUG: Constants Used in Function Call Breaks Binary Compatibility
- Q184286: BUG: Enumerated Type Parameters Break Binary Compatibility
- Q184297: HOWTO: Create a Form That Always Stays on Top
- Q184322: BUG: Error "438" When Implementing Base Class in ActiveX Exe
- Q184332: FIX: UserControl in VB4 or VC++ 5.0 Container Causes IPF on Exit
- Q184608: HOWTO: Programmatically Create a DSN for SQL Server with VB
- Q184609: PRB: Compile Error: User-Defined Type Not Defined
- Q184645: HOWTO: Create Lightweight Controls with Visual Basic 6.0
- Q184650: INFO: What Language Features does VB have that VBCE/eVB Do Not
- Q184675: BUG: PictureBox Prints Incorrectly with PrintForm
- Q184686: HOWTO: Disable the Close Option on Control Menu of a VB Form
- Q184687: INFO: Lightweight Controls in Visual Basic 6.0
- Q184696: HOWTO: Create a DCOM VBR File for a VC++ Server
- Q184733: BUG: EXE File Not Created After Compiling
- Q184739: INFO: Where to Obtain the Script Control
- Q184740: HOWTO: Call Functions Using the Script Control
- Q184741: PRB: MsgBox with Script Control Produces Run-Time Error 70
- Q184742: HOWTO: Use the Script Control Error Object
- Q184743: PRB: Script Code Runs During AddCode Method
- Q184745: HOWTO: Use Script Control Modules and Procedures Collections
- Q184747: INFO: Event Logging in Visual Basic
- Q184749: HOWTO: Call Stored Procedures Using Data Access Objects
- Q184898: PRB: Can’t Use Late Binding When Server Method Uses UDT
- Q184899: PRB: SelPrint Method Issues an EndDoc When Printing
- Q184997: PRB: Connection Problem with Global Temp Tables and RdoQueries
- Q187232: HOWTO: Add Multiple Controls to a CoolBar Control Band
- Q187233: BUG: DateTimePicker’s CustomFormat May Be Ignored
- Q187234: HOWTO: Use the Dictionary Object with Visual Basic
- Q187282: INFO: List of Visual Basic Run-Time Files Installed by Product
- Q187297: PRB: Run-time Error Message 3024 Using SQL and DAO Against Oracl
- Q187299: SAMPLE: PERSIST.EXE Persists Class Objects with VB6
- Q187529: HOWTO: Use ADO to Access Objects Through an ADSI LDAP Provider
- Q187532: HOWTO: Use the Remote Tools Installed with VBCE
- Q187535: HOWTO: Change Passwords Programmatically in Windows NT
- Q187553: BUG: Error 10 Attempting to ReDim or Erase an Array
- Q187562: HOWTO: Resize the Controls in SSTab When Form is Resized
- Q187568: HOWTO: Create Your Own Bitmap Object Class
- Q187593: INFO: MSVBVM50.DLL Is Included in Windows 98
- Q187633: BUG: Type Mismatch Referencing UserControl on Unloaded Form
- Q187654: HOWTO: Create a MAPI-Aware UserControl
- Q187670: HOWTO: Use RDO and ODBC Text Driver to Open a Delimited Text
- Q187673: SAMPLE: AUDIOLVL.EXE-Monitor Input and Output Audio Levels
- Q187674: HOWTO: Find Undocumented Constants Used by Windows API Functions
- Q187675: HOWTO: Copy a String to a Byte Array Without Unicode Conversion
- Q187716: DOC: Incorrect API Text Viewer Declaration of GetVersionEx API
- Q187740: PRB: UserControl Resize Event Fails with MoveWindow API
- Q187787: PRB: Class Builder Does Not Save the Built Class
- Q187834: HOWTO: Select and Unselect a Range of Cells in MSFlexGrid
- Q187872: HOWTO: Determine Jet Memory Usage with DAO MaxBufferSize
- Q187912: HOWTO: Pass a String Between Visual Basic and Your C DLL
- Q187913: HOWTO: List Running Processes
- Q187918: PRB: SendMessage Fails for Some Messages
- Q187922: PRB: Passing a UDT To Or From an ActiveX EXE May Fail on NT
- Q187924: PRB: Unable To Build Internet Download Distribution Set
- Q187945: HOWTO: Pass Text Fields to a Stored Procedure Using RDO 2.0
- Q187948: INFO: Server Installation With Visual Studio 6.0
- Q187962: HOWTO: Add Images to the CE ImageList Control
- Q187983: BUG: IDE Crash with Compiled GlobalMultiUse
- Q185163: PRB: Operation Stopped: Data Has Changed
- Q185171: HOWTO: How to Send/Receive E-Mail Messages with Visual Basic
- Q185193: PRB: Clireg32 Fails to Register the Type Library of DCOM Server
- Q185207: PRB: ODBC’s SQL Config Driver Failed for Driver SQL Server-setup
- Q185215: HOWTO: Use the SeDebugPrivilege to Acquire Any Process Handle
- Q185223: HOW TO: Manually Uninstall Visual Basic CE Programs
- Q185238: PRB: LostFocus of Textbox Control Has Different Behavior
- Q185451: HOWTO: Display Descriptions of Menu Items When Highlighted
- Q185453: HOWTO: Associate a File Extension with Your Application (Win32)
- Q185461: PRB: UseSafeSubset Allows Non-Safe Objects to Be Called
- Q185476: HOWTO: Search Directories to Find or List Files
- Q185477: BUG: ActiveX Control in MDI Child Form Does Not Maintain Focus
- Q185519: FILE: Vbinet.exe WinInet API Declarations for Visual Basic
- Q185539: HOWTO: Create a Web Aware UserControl
- Q185601: HOW TO: Recursively Search Directories by Using FileSystemObject
- Q185626: BUG: PictureBox Cannot be Made Transparent Using SetWindowLong
- Q185637: HOWTO: Use APIs to Check, Enable, or Disable Full Window Drag
- Q185646: BUG: UserConnection Designer and Parameterized Query in Access
- Q185697: HOWTO: Use the AddObject Method of the Script Control
- Q185700: HOWTO: Remote User-Defined Types
- Q185730: HOWTO: Prevent Multiple Instances of a 32-bit VB Application
- Q185733: HOWTO: Limit a Window’s Minimum and Maximum Size
- Q185880: BUG: Access Key for Constituent Control is Ignored
- Q185882: HOWTO: Use the HitTest Event and HitBehavior Property
- Q185883: HOWTO: Extract an Icon from a Windows Program
- Q185886: DOC: Unbndgrd Sample App Updates Wrong Row
- Q185887: DOC: Incomplete Documentation for SelPrint Method
- Q185889: HOWTO: Access Host Objects and Controls Using the ScriptControl
- Q185967: HOWTO: Display Hierarchical Data Using the MSHFlexGrid
- Q185990: HOWTO: Improve Performance of Object De-allocation
- Q185992: PRB: "Wrong Version Of Run-Time DLL" When Starting Application
- Q185993: BUG: Public Friend Properties Break Binary Compatibility
- Q188006: BUG: EditCopy Incorrectly Copies Series Edge/Line Color of Chart
- Q188007: HOWTO: Simulate Visual Basic 6.0 String Functions in VB5
- Q188234: PRB: Cannot Move Windowless Controls on Form
- Q188271: HOWTO: Print Contents of the Web Browser Control From VB
- Q188331: PRB: Opening Property Page Results in "Class Not Registered"
- Q188541: INFO: Visual Basic Requirements for Using Exported DLLs
- Q188542: PRB: VB 4.0 16-Bit Add-Ins Fail After Installing VB 6.0
- Q188544: BUG: Transparent Windowless UserControl Cannot Be Dragged
- Q188550: BUG: vbKeySeparator Constant Does Not Work
- Q188552: BUG: UserControl’s ContainedControls Do Not Inherit ScaleMode
- Q188573: INFO: Install Visual Basic 6.0 Complete from Visual Studio
- Q188577: HOWTO: What is the Licenses Collection Used For?
- Q188582: HOWTO: Deploy an ActiveX Control with License Information
- Q188586: HOWTO: Expedite the Visual Basic Support Process
- Q188588: VB5SP3DS.EXE Contains Visual Basic SP3 Debugging Symbols
- Q188659: HOWTO: Use a Satellite DLL for Localization Purposes
- Q188695: HOWTO: Select Remote Components for Client Projects w/PDW
- Q188861: HOWTO: Use the Remote Data Control to Pass Bookmarks
- Q186062: HOWTO: Use Custom System Colors Only When Your App Has Focus
- Q186118: HOWTO: Use FileSystemObject with Visual Basic
- Q186143: HOWTO: Use the CallByName Function to Run a Procedure
- Q186148: PRB: Error 32002 Working with Attachments in MAPI Controls
- Q186196: PRB: Jet ODBC Driver Error 40002: Operation Invalid at This Time
- Q186260: HOWTO: Rotate a Bitmap Image in 90-Degree Increments
- Q186262: BUG: Name Conflict When Using Binary Compatibility
- Q186265: HOWTO: Use the SQL Server DATEPART Function to Get Milliseconds
- Q186266: INFO: What Is Handled Differently in Windows CE, VBCE, and eVB
- Q186270: BUG: SSTab Control Containing OLE Control May Crash
- Q186271: HOWTO: Manipulate Text Box Contents
- Q186273: BUG: AV Running VB-Built Component in Multithreaded Environment
- Q186276: PRB: Invalid Parameter Number Error Calling RDO BatchUpdate
- Q186277: PRB: User Connection Designer: Zero-Length Input Parameter
- Q186423: HOWTO: Return and Assign Arrays with Visual Basic 6.0
- Q186424: INFO: DateTimePicker CustomFormat Is Case-Sensitive
- Q186428: HOWTO: Implement the ‘SnapTo’ Feature in Visual Basic
- Q186429: HOWTO: Create Scrollable Viewports
- Q186430: FIX: Intellipoint ‘Snap To’ Feature and VB5 Applications
- Q186431: HOWTO: Bring an Application Window to the Top with Focus
- Q186472: PRB: MFC Subclassed Static Control Does Not Work in VB5
- Q186493: SAMPLE: LLStream.exe Plays Streaming Audio Files
- Q186679: FIX: Universal Scrolling Closes Code Completion List Boxes
- Q186681: BUG: Selecting Item in DBCombo Locks Up Form
- Q186682: FIX: DBCombo BoundText Incorrect When Setting Text Property
- Q186842: BUG: OpenURL Method Bug in Internet Transfer Control
- Q186861: BUG: Install Wizard Cannot Distinguish Between MIPS CPUs
- Q186896: HOWTO: Use the ImageCombo Control with Visual Basic 6.0
- Q186897: PRB: "Failure Writing to the System Registry" Error Message
- Q186908: HOWTO: Determine When Your Application Gains or Loses Focus
- Q186914: HOWTO: Implement Additional Interfaces in an ActiveX Control
- Q189056: BUG: Incorrect Localized Strings Display in the Visual Basic IDE
- Q189086: HOWTO: Create Context-Sensitive HTML Help in a Visual Basic App
- Q189111: INFO: What Additional Components Are Installed with VB 6.0?
- Q189133: HOWTO: Make C DLL More Accessible to VB with a Type Library
- Q189134: HOWTO: Raise an Error in Visual Basic From Your C DLL
- Q189156: BUG: Crash When Closing Application That Uses ActiveX DLL
- Q189159: HOWTO: Set a Custom Range for Value Axis with MSChart Control
- Q189170: HOWTO: Package HiWord/LoWord Values Into a Long Parameter
- Q189249: HOWTO: Determine Which 32-Bit Windows Version Is Being Used
- Q189302: BUG: RequestTimeout = 0 Does Not Work Within ITC
- Q189400: BUG: VBComponents Add Method Cannot Add a Form
- Q189468: HOWTO: Create a Basic Add-in Using VB5 or VB6
- Q189470: PRB: Read-only Msvbvm50.dll Causes Errors During VB5 App Install
- Q189472: PRB: "Unexpected Error; Quitting" When Starting Visual Basic
- Q189478: INFO: What Do eVB/VBCE Have That Visual Basic Doesn’t Have?
- Q189480: PRB: RichTextBox Control Saves Locale Setting When Created
- Q189483: BUG: Cannot Set RichTextBox Visible Property to False
- Q189484: SAMPLE: SCRIPTEX.EXE Uses the ScriptControl with Visual Basic
- Q189489: FIX: Binary Compatibility Broken When Adding Events
- Q189498: INFO: Using DDE in VB to Communicate with Other Windows Programs
- Q189499: FIX: VB5.EXE Application Error with UserControls in Project
- Q189539: INFO: VB 6.0 Readme Part 8: WebClass Designer Issues
- Q189540: PRB: Access Denied Error on WebClass Files
- Q189596: SAMPLE: VB6WLCTL.EXE Windowless Controls Demonstration
- Q189616: BUG: DateTimePicker Overrides ALT+F4 Key Combination
- Q189617: PRB: Infinite Loop if Modal Form Shown in MDIChild’s QueryUnload
- Q189623: HOWTO: Give Descriptions to Private Procedures
- Q189625: PRB: Error 168 When Installing or Running Visual Basic
- Q189626: HOWTO: Use the Winsock Control Through a Serial Connection
- Q189631: HOWTO: Add the Entire Directory Structure to a RichTextBox
- Q189632: BUG: Error in CoolBar Event Can Cause Hanging or Exception
- Q189633: HOWTO: Query a Service for Status and Configuration
- Q189666: BUG: Toolbar Displays Multiple Selected Toggle Buttons
- Q189667: HOWTO: List the Drives in a System Using the FileSystemObject
- Q189677: HOWTO: Execute Multiple SQL Action Queries to Oracle Using RDO
- Q189678: FIX: Error 3315 or 3426 When Updating a Bound DBCombo Box
- Q189682: HOWTO: Bind a DataList or DataCombo to a Recordset at Run-Time
- Q189733: BUG: Setting Windowless ListBox ListIndex Fires Click Event
- Q189735: BUG: Removing Collection Elements Takes Longer Than Expected
- Q189736: BUG: Painting Model for BitBlt and StretchBlt Changed for VB6
- Q189738: HOWTO: Run Setup1.vbp in the Design Environment
- Q189739: HOWTO: Package and Deployment Wizard Installation Macros
- Q189740: BUG: Class Builder Does Not Handle Base Classes Properly
- Q189741: BUG: Form Falls to Background When MsgBox Appears
- Q189742: BUG: SendKeys "{INS}" Causes Error "Invalid Procedure Call"
- Q189743: INFO: Description of Setup.lst Sections
- Q189751: INFO: Limitations of the FileSystemObject
- Q189779: BUG: Enabling Accelerator Keys in Visual Basic ActiveX Controls
- Q189808: PRB: UpDown Control May Not Increment As Expected
- Q189812: BUG: Unloading a Modal Form’s Parent Form Causes VB To Hang
- Q189833: BUG: Visual Basic Does Not Create an EXE File After Compiling
- Q189834: INFO: Visual Studio 6.0 Does Not Install on Windows NT 3.51
- Q189839: BUG: Uninstalling VB 5.0 via VB 6.0 Removes All ODBC DSNs
- Q189847: INFO: New String and Format Functions in Visual Basic 6.0
- Q189850: INFO: Using WinInet APIs Asynchronously Within Visual Basic
- Q189851: PRB: "This Action was Cancelled by an Associated Object.(3426)"
- Q189852: HOWTO: Change Databindings on the Fly
- Q189853: PRB: Data Environment: Error Setting Lock Type
- Q189914: BUG: Wrapped CoolBar Control May GPF Client EXE Program
- Q189923: PRB: No Validate Event When Activating CommandButton
- Q189924: BUG: Private Databound UserControl Loses DataBindings in EXE
- Q189949: PRB: Run-Time Error After an ActiveX Server Crashes
- Q189950: HOWTO: Install the Microsoft Windowless Controls for VB6
- Q189951: BUG: ScrollBar on WLCombo Does Not Scroll
- Q189982: PRB: Error 429 When Trying to Access an MTS Component
- Q189991: PRB: Error Setting DateTimePicker’s Month Programmatically
- Q189992: BUG: Line Displays in Title Bar of MDI Child Form
- Q189998: BUG: Data Environment: MSHFlexGrid Rebinding Data
- Q190000: HOWTO: Get Started Programming with the Windows API (LONG)
- Q190029: INFO: Print Out File Properties Using the FileSystemObject
- Q190030: BUG: FillStyle Pattern Not Visible for Shape on UserControl
- Q190031: PRB: Control Does Not Remain in Lightweight Frame Control
- Q190038: BUG: Windowless OptionButton Events Not in Correct Order
- Q190039: BUG: VB Crashes When Deselecting Multi-Selected Objects
- Q190042: PRB: License Collection vs. Standard Collection in For Each
- Q190043: PRB: Controls Collection vs. Standard Collection in For Each
- Q190046: INFO: VB6 Readme: Part 6 Wizard Issues
- Q190048: BUG: DHTML Project’s MsgBox Statement Appears Behind Browser
- Q190049: BUG: Compile Error When Using Document.Write in DHTML App
- Q190050: PRB: BuildFile Property of DHTML Application Is Missing
- Q190067: BUG: Object References Might Not Be Released Properly
- Q190068: BUG: Control Interface Wizard May Not Expose BackColor Property
- Q190076: HOWTO: Avoid GPF When Using a VB6 DLL with a VB5 UserControl
- Q190077: HOWTO: Set Number of .CAB’s in Setup.lst After Repackaging
- Q190078: BUG: Error "[[BadImplementsRefInCompatLib]]" When You Recompile
- Q190079: BUG: Procedure Declaration Does Not Match Description of Event
- Q190080: PRB: VBCE 5.0 on Same Machine as VB6 Causes Application Error
- Q190085: BUG: No Binary Compatibility Error With Null GUIDs Enums
- Q190087: BUG: Stop a Running Project From Immediate Window Crashes IDE
- Q190088: BUG: Icon Resource May Not Appear as Expected
- Q190109: HOWTO: Keep RDO Cursor Open After Transaction
- Q190112: PRB: Data Object Wizard Fails If Field Names Contain Spaces
- Q190113: BUG: Query Designer Generates Invalid SQL Statement
- Q190121: INFO: Why Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual Studio 6.0 Require IE4
- Q190124: PRB: Can Not Create temp Table Using ODBCdirect
- Q190130: INFO: Description of VB 6.0 Run Time and OLE Automation Files
- Q190131: PRB: Instantiating a Project-Compatible Server Causes Error 430
- Q190150: HOWTO: Force Application Setup to Use the Default Directory
- Q190153: INFO: Remove Information About Unused ActiveX Controls
- Q190165: BUG: Compile Errors When You Use Command Line Argument /MAKE
- Q190166: PRB: PDW Does Not Include .ASP and .HTM Files for Standard Setup
- Q190173: INFO: How Setup Wizard and PDW Compare File Versions and Dates
- Q190174: HOWTO: Create Shortcuts on the Programs Menu with PDW
- Q190175: BUG: MTS is Unable to Delete VB6 Project Compatible Server
- Q190176: BUG: Visual Basic Setup Does Not Re-Register System Files
- Q190177: BUG: Stop Statement in ActiveX Server Causes VB to Fail
- Q190178: BUG: PDW Creates an Invalid Setup for a VB 5.0 Project
- Q190179: HOWTO: Change ProgressBar Orientation at Run-Time
- Q190180: PRB: Value of the Point Function Does Not Match Set Color
- Q190193: HOWTO: Use a Satellite DLL to Localize an Add-In
- Q190195: HOWTO: Extract Information from Excel Sheet with DAO
- Q190196: FIX: Command Line Compile Fails with MFC ActiveX Control
- Q190197: BUG: User Defined Type Not Defined Using Binary Compatibility
- Q190198: BUG: VB Fails When Editing Modules That Are Interdependent
- Q190199: BUG: OLEcont MSDN Sample Does Not Allow a SaveAs Cancel
- Q190200: BUG: Name Conflict Error Even After Renaming Module
- Q190207: INFO: Satellite DLL Directory Search Patterns
- Q190209: BUG: Seek Returns Unexpected Value When File Opened for Append
- Q190210: PRB: Passing ActiveX Control to Component Gives "Type Mismatch"
- Q190211: PRB: Problems with Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0 on the Same System
- Q190212: BUG: Add-Ins Only Visible to the User Who Installs VB
- Q190213: BUG: Type Mismatch Error Comparing String With Byte Array
- Q190216: BUG: Printer.DrawWidth Appears To Be Ignored with Windows 95/98
- Q190217: HOWTO: Get Free System Resources in 32-Bit Visual Basic
- Q190218: HOWTO: Retrieve Settings From a Printer Driver
- Q190220: PRB: "Invalid Property Value" When You Query MDIChild Property
- Q190221: BUG: Queries or Views Do Not Appear in Data Form Wizard
- Q190222: BUG: UserConnection GPF When Inserting Multiple Queries
- Q190223: PRB: StdFont Rescales When Shared with Printer Object
- Q190224: HOWTO: Set a Minimum and Maximum Size for a UserControl
- Q190225: HOWTO: Do a MergeCells with FlexGrid or Hierarchical FlexGrid
- Q190226: HOWTO: Programmatically Add Child Controls to a CoolBar
- Q190249: INFO: VB 6.0 Readme Part 9: DHTML Page Designer Issues
- Q190250: BUG: DHTML Page Designer: Cannot Find the Mshtml.Hlp File
- Q190251: BUG: Option Explicit Statement is Not Added by a DHTML Page
- Q190252: HOWTO: Change the External HTML Editor
- Q190253: INFO: VB6 Designers Do Not Work in VB5
- Q190254: BUG: Cannot Insert MFC 4.1-Based Controls in DHTML Page Designer
- Q190255: BUG: DHTML Page Designer Does Not Insert the <HTML> Tag
- Q190256: HOWTO: Show Table Borders for All Cells in DHTML Page Designer
- Q190369: BUG: RDO LastModified Is Not Consistent After Moving EOF
- Q190371: HOWTO: Use Bound Controls with an ADO Recordset
- Q190409: BUG: Font Changes After Open Stored Procedure in Data View
- Q190410: PRB: Error Assigning Non-Opened Recordset to ADODC
- Q190411: HOWTO: Bind a DataReport To an ADO Recordset at Run Time
- Q190447: FIX: RDO BatchUpdate Causes Visual Basic 5.0 to Crash
- Q190451: BUG: Exiting VB While T-SQL Debugger Is Running Causes Hang
- Q190459: BUG: Restricted Function or Interface Error with IDispatch
- Q190460: PRB: Type Mismatch Error in Client After Modifying Server DLL
- Q190476: BUG: License Not Included with ActiveX Control Distribution
- Q190477: BUG: Run-time Error ‘326’ with LoadResData
- Q190492: BUG: New Implements Does Not Generate Incompatibility Error
- Q190493: FIX: "Locate File" Message When Running a PDW Setup App
- Q190502: PRB: Missing Files Dialog Box Appears When Running PDW
- Q190503: PRB: Multi-Disk Package Too Large for Targeted Disk Size
- Q190504: BUG: CommandButton Style Problem with Cyrillic Script
- Q190505: BUG: Passing a Double Variable Causes Overflow Error in IDE
- Q190507: BUG: No Incompatibility Error When Interface Changes
- Q190511: BUG: UserControl Containing Array of Controls Leaks Memory
- Q190512: HOWTO: Read Extender Properties from a UserControl
- Q190519: BUG: UserControl Causes VB IDE to Crash on Shutdown
- Q190522: PRB: Error Setting Field Format Property of Access Tables
- Q190523: PRB: Automation Error (-2147417843) When You Use the Taskbar Not
- Q190553: INFO: Do Not Use VB Color Constants in DHTML Page Designer
- Q190583: BUG: No Data Source Name Generates Run-Time Error Using RDC
- Q190584: BUG: Some Properties or Methods Not Displayed in DataReport
- Q190595: INFO: Visual Modeler 2.0: Where Is the ORDERSYS Sample?
- Q190605: PRB: Binding Hierarchical Recordset in Data Environment
- Q190607: PRB: DataEnvironment: DataReport Moves Form To EOF
- Q190620: PRB: Error 3622 Open SQL Server Table with Identity Column
- Q190634: PRB: Activate Event Is Not Triggered with Child Form of MDI Form
- Q190636: BUG: Invalid TMP Directory Causes GPF in DataEnvironment
- Q190642: PRB: ADODC Error on Reposition When EOFAction Is adDoAddNew
- Q190663: PRB: Opening an ODBC Database Inside a Jet Workspace Hangs VB
- Q190670: HOWTO: Dynamically Add Controls to a Form with Visual Basic 6.0
- Q190673: BUG: Flat Scroll Bars in ListView Do Not Work Correctly
- Q190685: BUG: TabStrip Control’s TabStyle Has No Effect at Run-Time
- Q190727: HOWTO: Control Your Updates in ADO Through "Update Criteria"
- Q190775: INFO: Installation Requirements for Visual Basic 6.0
- Q190777: FIX: PDW: Out-of-Date Dependency Information COMCT332.OCX
- Q190778: BUG: PDW Incorrectly Includes Autprx32.dll for DCOM Server
- Q190790: BUG: Circular Dependency Error After Breaking Compatibility
- Q190814: HOWTO: Display a ReadMe File at the End of a Custom Setup
- Q190846: BUG: Calling AsyncRead on a File Twice Causes Error 698
- Q190882: SAMPLE: FSOSAMP.EXE Application Uses the FileSystem Object
- Q190886: HOWTO: Manage State Between DHTML Page Designer Pages
- Q190887: PRB: PDW Wizard Does Not Create HTM for All ActiveX DLL Projects
- Q190906: BUG: DBGrid Displays Blank Rows When Modifying Column Width
- Q190920: PRB: Cannot Use MSFlexGrid Wizard Control in Custom App
- Q190924: BUG: Command Line Argument /MAKE Truncates User Documents
- Q190952: PRB: Upgrade Project to Use New VB6 Controls
- Q190967: BUG: Changing Implemented Class Does Not Give Compatibility Erro
- Q190978: PRB: Missing Dependency Information Dialog in PDW
- Q190979: DOC: CodeLocation Property Incorrectly Shows Optional Argument
- Q190980: FIX: Error Using UsesTransaction for MTSTransactionMode
- Q190992: BUG: Mouse Events Do Not Fire From ADODC
- Q191000: BUG: Unexpected Error Entering Break Mode in Shared Module
- Q191001: BUG: PDW May Handle .REG Files Incorrectly
- Q191005: BUG: EXE Created Without File Extension on Windows 98
- Q191006: DOC: FlexGrid Control Is Limited to 350,000 Total Cells
- Q191035: BUG: Changes to WebClass Templates Are Not Always Detected
- Q191037: INFO: VB6 Learning, Professional, and Enterprise Features
- Q191038: INFO: WebClass Initialize, BeginRequest, Terminate Events
- Q191039: HOWTO: Build an Internet Information Server Application
- Q191071: BUG: Controls Do Not Refresh After Exit From Screen Saver on NT
- Q191083: BUG: IPF When Replacing Class Module with UserControl
- Q191089: PRB: Multimedia API Calls May Fail with Long File Names
- Q191092: PRB: PDW Appends Script Information to Existing PDM File
- Q191095: BUG: Error When Attempting to Update Included Files in PDW
- Q191096: PRB: Multiple "System Files Are Out of Date" Errors
- Q191104: PRB: Drive ListBox Fails to Drop Down with a Small FontSize
- Q191105: BUG: RestoreToolbar Method May Not Restore Toolbar Correctly
- Q191119: FIX: VB Classes Can Cause IIS to Have Access Violations
- Q191121: DOC: CreateObject Documentation Using Servername Argument
- Q191130: INFO: Fixlist for Visual Basic 6.0 for Windows as 8/7/98
- Q191183: HOWTO: Navigate Between DHTML Designer Pages
- Q191187: PRB: Do Not Modify ASP File That Is Created by WebClass Designer
- Q191198: SAMPLE: SFOLDER.EXE Gets the Path of a Special Folder
- Q191201: BUG: Cannot Edit User Defined Type in Watch Window
- Q191205: BUG: Run-Time Error 458 When Late-Binding Rich TextBox Control
- Q191206: PRB: Compiler Error Overriding VBA Conversion Functions
- Q191207: BUG: Compile Error When You Reopen a Project That Uses Implement
- Q191212: HOWTO: Modify and Rebuild .CAB Files Built with PDW
- Q191214: BUG: Error Message When Not Breaking Binary Compatibility
- Q191215: BUG: Print Method Does Not Work Within a With-Block
- Q191216: DOC: CallByName Documentation Error
- Q191235: HOWTO: Use the Shared Property Manager in MTS Through VB Code
- Q191253: HOWTO: Implement Multi-user Custom Counters in DAO 3.5
- Q191454: PRB: Event Procedures May Be Executed for Unhandled Events
- Q191457: PRB: DataEnvironment Recordset Requery Does Not Refresh Controls
- Q191463: PRB: Cannot Create Control Array in VB6 DHTML Application
- Q191474: HOWTO: Create a Generic Error Handler for your Application
- Q191477: BUG: Overflow of Number in RowHeight Property Allowed
- Q191478: INFO: Palm-size PC 1.0 Does Not Support VBCE Applications
- Q191512: PRB: DataFormat Property Not Reset to Blank Value
- Q191513: BUG: T-SQL Debugger Not Invoked Calling Second Stored Procedure
- Q191528: FIX: DBCombo Not Appearing on SSTab After Changing Settings
- Q191546: PRB: Visual Basic Files Are Missing From Common\Tools Directory
- Q191550: BUG: DateTimePicker Won’t Scroll Full Text in Visible Combo Area
- Q191551: BUG: CtlPlus Sample Fails to Load
- Q191616: BUG: Order of Evaluation Change Between Native Code and P-Code
- Q191670: HOWTO: Suppress Default Pop-up Menu When You Use Custom Menu
- Q191691: BUG: Sub Moved Above Enum or Type Causes Incompatibility Error
- Q191692: PRB: Shdocvw.dll Is Not Included in PDW Setup Package
- Q191693: BUG: Ambiguous Name Detection for Private Functions Named "Main"
- Q191704: PRB: Unable to Load File to Register It During Setup
- Q191713: INFO: Type Declaration Character to Data Type Chart
- Q191716: BUG: Assigning Resultset to RDC Does Not Update Control(s)
- Q191718: BUG: Error 13 Assigning Variable to UserControl in Same Project
- Q191719: BUG: UpDown Control’s BuddyProperty Returns Empty String in EXE
- Q191720: BUG: Option Button Value Changes When Group is Disabled
- Q191723: BUG: DataGrid Column Appears To Be Missing
- Q191752: PRB: DataRepeater Control’s RepeaterBindings List Is Empty
- Q191786: BUG: VisData Error "Importing/exporting Table Names with Spaces"
- Q191787: BUG: Selecting RecordSource for Data Control Causes VB to Hang
- Q191788: PRB: rdoConnection_Connect Event Does Not Always Fire
- Q191790: INFO: VB 6.0 Readme Part 15: Application Performance Explorer
- Q191791: INFO: VB 6.0 Readme Part 14: Visual Component Manager
- Q191792: INFO: VB 6.0 Readme Part 13: Dictionary Object
- Q191803: PRB: Click Event for DBGrid Returns Previous Row Values
- Q191835: PRB: Enumerated Data Types in DBGRID32.OCX
- Q191857: BUG: Scrollbar Disabled in IDE When Enabled is Set to False
- Q191858: BUG: Changing Appearance Property Reduces ListBox Height
- Q191859: BUG: MonthView Control Prevents CommandButton Click Event
- Q191864: PRB: Error 743 Adding ActiveX Controls to Control Collection
- Q191872: PRB: Enum HelpStrings Not Displayed in Properties Window
- Q191897: BUG: Shape on Transparent UserControl May Not Redraw Properly
- Q191898: BUG: Windowless TextBox Contents Highlighted After Drag & Drop
- Q191902: PRB: Errors Using Setup Wizard on Novell Network
- Q191912: FIX: Constituent Control Validate Event Can Fail on UserControl
- Q191919: BUG: DataGrid Doesn’t Handle Special Filter Constants Correctly
- Q192003: BUG: Phantom MouseMove Events with a Transparent UserControl
- Q192004: PRB: No Immediate Window or Macro Run Dialog in Script Control
- Q192012: INFO: Troubleshooting Tips for the MSComm Control
- Q192035: PRB: Do Not Use a WebClass ProcessTag Inside an HTML Tag
- Q192050: BUG: Resource Leak with 256 Color Bitmap/UseZOrder PaletteMode
- Q192089: BUG: Setting OptionButton Value to True Sets TabStop to True
- Q192090: BUG: UserControl Property Value Changes Lost When Building EXE
- Q192116: HOWTO: Configure Posting Acceptor to Work with the PDW
- Q192118: HOWTO: Use HTML Help Text Popup Windows in VBasic Program
- Q192129: PRB: Run-Time Error ‘373’ or ‘-2147417848(80010108)’
- Q192135: BUG: Opening Multiple Instances of Visual Basic Causes Error
- Q192136: PRB: PDW Does Not Include MSAddndr.DLL for Add-in Projects
- Q192137: PRB: Failed Registration of VBCE Components, Error 0000007e
- Q192142: PRB: Update After AddNew Using Oracle Driver Generates an Error
- Q192143: BUG: Data Control NoMatch Equals True Returns Error
- Q192152: PRB: Server Object Error ‘ASP 0178 : 800a0005’ From WebClasses
- Q192153: DOC: CompactDatabase IntelliSense Different than Documentation
- Q192154: INFO: ASP Pages Cannot Be Imported into an IIS Application
- Q192155: PRB: Internal Error Occurred While Loading the HTML Template
- Q192169: BUG: Property Page Does Not Close Using Compiled VB OCX
- Q192170: HOWTO: Add Explorer Style Rename Capability to TreeView Control
- Q192171: BUG: OLEDragDrop Fails on Contained Windowless Controls
- Q192183: PRB: Accelerator Keys Fail to Work in MDI Child Forms
- Q192184: HOWTO: Add a Horizontal Scroll Bar to a Visual Basic ListBox
- Q192187: PRB: TabStrip MultiRow Only True When Placement Not Top
- Q192188: BUG: TreeView Problems with CheckBoxes
- Q192196: BUG: Unable to Tab Through Controls on UserControl
- Q192207: BUG: Setting Visible Property Fails on Menu for ActiveX Control
- Q192208: BUG: UserControl SHIFT+TAB Does Not Follow Tab Sequence
- Q192209: BUG: Cannot Do OLEDrag from a MultiColumn ListBox
- Q192210: DOC: TabStrip Separators Do Not Work with tabButtons Style
- Q192252: BUG: Menu Accelerators Still Work When Form is Disabled
- Q192253: BUG: ImageList: Can’t Insert Multiple Images from Root Directory
- Q192254: BUG: SetWindowPos API Does Not Set Topmost Window in VB
- Q192257: PRB: Recursive Use of AddressOf Operator Fails
- Q192273: PRB: SendKeys Does Not Work with NumLock or Caplock
- Q192347: PRB: Focus/Activation Problems with MFC Control on VB Forms
- Q192354: PRB: Error Saving a Form With ATL Control
- Q192443: PRB: Error 438 Using TabOrder Sample Add-in
- Q192459: INFO: VBCE Unsupported Controls, Properties, Methods, and Events
- Q192461: FILE: VBRun60.exe Installs Visual Basic 6.0 Run-Time Files
- Q192549: INFO: Overview of Debugging VBCE Applications
- Q192550: BUG: VBCE: Control Manager Does Not Properly Uninstall Control
- Q192552: HOWTO: Create an HTML Form With DHTML Page Designer
- Q192564: INFO: Set Winsock Control RemoteHost and RemotePort for UDP
- Q192639: HOWTO: Use PDW to Deploy Using the FTP Web Publishing Method
- Q192646: PRB: Move 0 Does Not Refresh TimeStamp and Identity Fields
- Q192647: INFO: Visual Basic Reserves OCX Resource IDs Starting at 30000
- Q192648: FIX: Frame Disappears With Transparent Windowless Control
- Q192653: FIX: Eight or More ActiveX DLLs in Compiled Project Cause Error
- Q192682: BUG: Dynamically-Added OCX Event Parameter Is Not Passed ByRef
- Q192689: HOWTO: Get UNC Path From a Mapped Network Share’s Drive Letter
- Q192716: HOWTO: Update More Than 40 Fields in an Access (Jet) Database
- Q192744: HOWTO: Implement "What’s This?" Help in ActiveX Control
- Q192745: HOWTO: Use CreateObject with Visual C++ COM Objects
- Q192783: BUG: PDW Does Not Include CLSID in Default HTML Page for IE 3.X
- Q192805: FIX: Hierarchical Child Recordset and ADO Data Control
- Q192876: BUG: DataFormat Doesn’t Behave as Expected Using Datacombo/List
- Q192884: INFO: SpeechKit by Chant Inc. Support Information
- Q192902: HOWTO: Change Colors to Patterns with the MSChart Control
- Q192934: PRB: Error "The Jet VBA File…Failed to Initialize When Called"
- Q192944: PRB: "Class Not Registered" Error on ImgEdit Property Page Show
- Q192951: HOWTO: Install an ActiveX Control for Design-Time Use
- Q192986: SAMPLE: MODLIST.EXE Shows How to Enumerate Processes and Modules
- Q192998: INFO: VBCE: Differences Between Emulation and the Remote Device
- Q193000: PRB: Compiling a VB Project Generates "Fatal Error C1083"
- Q193010: BUG: Blinking Hourglass When Expanding Object in Watch Window
- Q193016: PRB: Error Compiling VB5 Project Using LPVOID in Type Library
- Q193017: BUG: Incorrect File Extension Using ActiveX Document Wizard
- Q193018: INFO: Java and Visual C++ Cannot Access Hidden VB Interface
- Q193019: BUG: Type Mismatch Error Erasing a Fixed-Size Array in UDT
- Q193020: INFO: PDW [Do Not Redistribute] Section of VB6DEP.INI
- Q193021: BUG: SSTab Focus Given to a Control on a Non-Visible Tab
- Q193022: HOWTO: Set ActiveX Procedure and User Interface Defaults
- Q193025: FIX: Cannot Dynamically Add a Non-Licensed MFC Control
- Q193034: FIX: Setup Program Created by PDW Disables Windows 95/98/Me Syst
- Q193036: BUG: "On Error Resume Next" Enters Infinite Loop in Native Code
- Q193082: HOWTO: Build a Setup Program Creating Multiple Groups and Icons
- Q193083: PRB: "User-Defined Type Not Defined" Error with Shdocvw.dll Enum
- Q193087: BUG: Cannot Run a Compiled ActiveX DLL From IE
- Q193089: PRB: Unexpected Error Occurs in Code Generator or Linker
- Q193094: PRB: DataGrid or DbGrid May Not Display Data
- Q193133: HOWTO: Compile VB Programs with Debug Symbols Embedded
- Q193143: BUG: DCOM Client Hangs and Then Gives Error 429
- Q193172: PRB: Runtime Error 430 in Client After Server Type is Changed
- Q193173: PRB: Silent Setup of PDW Package Cannot Create New Folder
- Q193174: PRB: Filename Must Contain Text Error Msg When Packaging Project
- Q193235: SAMPLE: VBCECOMM.EXE Uses the MSCEComm Control in Emulation
- Q193238: HOWTO: Run Automation Manager as a Windows NT Service
- Q193261: BUG: Error 458 Using For Each with Variant Array of UDTs
- Q193262: PRB: Quotes Added When Using Write# to Write Numbers to File
- Q193265: PRB: VB Doesn’t Generate Compile Error for Misspelled Methods
- Q193270: INFO: Troubleshooting VB Application Installation Issues
- Q193326: BUG: Data Form Wizard Through Application Wizard Omits ADO Refer
- Q193334: PRB: Modification to DefProgramGroup in Setup.lst is Ignored
- Q193335: PRB: Error Loading Form With Reference to UserControl1.ctl
- Q193336: HOWTO: Install Crystal Reports for Use in Visual Basic 6.0
- Q193338: PRB: Setting RightToLeft to True Returns Out Of Memory Error
- Q193341: BUG: Circular Dependency Error With Embedded UserControls
- Q193358: PRB: Books Online Causes an IPF at 00DE:00000003
- Q193363: BUG: DDE Paste Link with Word Fails to Update Using LinkSend
- Q193366: INFO: CAB Files Distributed with Visual Basic 6.0
- Q193367: FIX: Access Violation in MSVBVM50 When Passing a Variant Array
- Q193379: HOWTO: Print Preview in Visual Basic Applications
- Q193399: BUG: TabStrip Loses Selection When Placement Property is Changed
- Q193400: BUG: Show Event in a UserControl Array Member Does Not Execute
- Q193401: BUG: Can’t Change UserControl FontTransparent if Default = False
- Q193424: BUG: Excel 97 Menus Fail with In-Place Activation from MDI Child
- Q193438: BUG: Server Not Released if Raise Error in Class_Initialize
- Q193514: BUG: Data Form Wizard Mishandles ‘-‘ in Table or Field Names
- Q193540: HOWTO: Read and Display UNICODE String on Visual Basic Form
- Q193541: INFO: Visual Basic 5.0 Product Documentation Print Version
- Q193542: INFO: Visual Basic 6.0 Product Documentation Print Version
- Q193589: HOWTO: Create Transparent Images From Bitmaps
- Q193593: PRB: Cannot Paste PrintScreen Result to OLE Control
- Q193695: BUG: Right-Aligned Button Text Not Visible in Vertical Toolbar
- Q193866: HOWTO: Use the VB 6.0 DataEnvironment with Parameterized Queries
- Q193870: FIX: New Version of RDO 2.0 Breaks VB5 UserConnection Designer
- Q193872: BUG: VB6 Version of RDO Cannot Access Oracle Packages
- Q193943: HOWTO: Use GetDeviceCaps to Determine Margins on a Page
- Q193960: DOC: Visual Basic 6.0 Applications Cannot Be Run on NT 3.51
- Q193967: HOWTO: Determine the New Month Selected in Calendar Control
- Q194033: PRB: Treeview Node Visible Property Still True When Not Viewable
- Q194115: HOWTO: Use ADSI in VB to Enumerate the Computers in an NT Domain
- Q194124: PRB: Excel Values Returned as NULL Using DAO OpenRecordset
- Q194221: HOWTO: Use the UniformAxis Property to Control Chart Scaling
- Q194323: PRB: Setting Printer.Font.Size with StdFont Gives Wrong Values
- Q194368: FIX: Operators Do Not Recursively Call Object Default Properties
- Q194409: SAMPLE: RESFILE.EXE Stores Any File Type in a Resource File
- Q194412: PROJUPDG.EXE VB 6.0 ActiveX Control Upgrade Utility
- Q194414: FIX: "Unexpected Error" Message When Loading a GIF
- Q194418: PRB: CallByName Fails to Return the Correct Error Information
- Q194570: PRB: TypeOf Operator Does Not Recognize Form Object
- Q194578: SAMPLE: MULTIMON.EXE Uses Multiple Monitors in Visual Basic
- Q194580: HOWTO: Print a Composite Image From a RichTextBox
- Q194609: HOWTO: Pass Array of UDTs with Variable Length Strings to C/C++
- Q194628: PRB: Learning Edition Does Not Ship With the Data Form Wizard
- Q194636: HOWTO: Manually Register a VB Remote Component Using CLIREG32
- Q194641: HOWTO: Make A Trusted SQL Server DSNLESS Connection
- Q194653: FIX: MSHFLexGrid Does Not Display More Than 2048 Rows
- Q194751: FILE: VB6Cli.exe Fixes License Problems with Visual Basic 6.0
- Q194753: BUG: Divide Error When Compiling Project From Command Line
- Q194754: PRB: SETUP.EXE File Linked to Missing Export OLEAUT32.DLL:185
- Q194776: HOWTO: Install a Visual Basic Application on Terminal Server
- Q194784: INFO: Controls Shipped in Visual Basic 6.0
- Q194789: HOWTO: Determine Available PaperBins wth DeviceCapabilities API
- Q194792: HOWTO: Retrieve Values in SQL Server Stored Procedures with ADO
- Q194837: HOW TO: Distribute a Visual Basic Windows CE Application
- Q194890: BUG: Clearing ImageList From ToolBar Shrinks ToolBar Buttons
- Q194893: BUG: Help System Closes After Closing Printer Properties Window
- Q194894: PRB: Date Comparison Can fail Using Arithmetic Operators
- Q194908: BUG: Control Repaint Problems When ClipControls Set to False
- Q194910: FIX: Cannot Set ImageList for ImageCombo at Design on MDIForm
- Q194912: FIX: Add Method of Forms Collection Fails in Executable
- Q194913: BUG: VB/VBA Do Not Understand MIDL IUnknown** Data Type
- Q194914: HOWTO: Minimize All Windows From Visual Basic
- Q194915: BUG: Toolbar ButtonMenu May Not Display Correctly
- Q194922: INFO: Receiving Data Using the MSComm Control’s OnComm Event
- Q194923: HOWTO: Trap Control Characters Using the MSComm Control
- Q194927: INFO: VB6 Enables Single Project Testing of Controls/Documents
- Q194938: HOWTO: Monitor TCP/IP Ports in Use
- Q194974: BUG: Visual Modeler 2.0 Reverse Engineering Error
- Q194980: PRB: Form Close Fails if Control Bound to RDC is Dirty
- Q194983: PRB: Round Function Different in VBA 6 and Excel Spreadsheet
- Q195086: INFO: File REGMSVM.BAT is Missing in Visual Modeler 1.1 Release
- Q195087: HOWTO: Enable Communications Between UserDocuments/UserControls
- Q195162: HOWTO: Use the Batch File Generated by PDW
- Q195225: PRB: DAO Run-Time Error 3146 When Modifying SQLServer Data
- Q195235: BUG: Caret Disappears After Tabbing From a Windowless TextBox
- Q195238: PRB: MFC Control Does Not Detect Keystrokes When SSTabs Exist
- Q195293: BUG: Code Profiler Add-In Gives Errors With Project Using ADO
- Q195294: PRB: Emulator Traps KeyDown Event for Arrow Keys
- Q195353: FILE: VBUSC.EXE Provides Licensing for Discontinued Controls
- Q195362: DOC: Calendar Control Contains Proprietary Information
- Q195472: HOWTO: Highlight a Specific Row in the DataGrid Control 6.0
- Q195474: HOWTO: Determine RDO Files Needed for Distribution of App
- Q195488: INFO: Installing Visual Modeler for Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0
- Q195631: PRB: Effects of Operating System Version On TextBox Alignment
- Q195657: PRB: Type Conversion Functions Can Return Unexpected Results
- Q195755: BUG: Parent Property Returns Invalid Object Type for UserControl
- Q195763: HOWTO: Use GetTempFileName API to Create a Unique Temporary File
- Q195835: PRB: Images Are Not Exported From the Report Writer
- Q195837: PRB: Error Returned When Attempting to Modify JET Database
- Q195838: PRB: Cut, Copy, and Paste Unavailable in Text Annotation Menu
- Q195840: FIX: RowColChange Event of DataGrid Does Not Fire with ADODC
- Q195972: BUG: Data Report Not Always in WindowList
- Q195982: HOWTO: Set the Connection Prompt Behavior of DataEnvironment
- Q195983: PRB: DataGrid Control Does Not Return Contents of Edited Cell
- Q196026: PRB: Firing Event in Second Thread Causes IPF or GPF
- Q196028: PRB: FileListBox Control May Not List File Names Properly
- Q196034: HOWTO: Use ADOFILTR.DLL to Transfer Database Tables
- Q196062: HOWTO: Set and Get Cookies for a URL Using WinInet APIs
- Q196131: BUG: Dynamic Private UserControl Extender Events Do Not Show
- Q196141: PRB: Problems Using Intrinsic File System Controls
- Q196201: INFO: Visual Basic Is Not Supported on Terminal Server 4.0
- Q196208: INFO: DCOM98 Release Notes
- Q196275: PRB: Repeatedly Pressing F1 Key on VB Application May Crash Help
- Q196286: Vb4Run.exe Run-Time .dlls for Visual Basic 4.0 Apps
- Q196296: FILE: Objsrv.exe Contains Fix for "Object Server Not.." Err
- Q196583: PRB: An Unknown Error Occurred While Building the Cabinet File
- Q196587: BUG: Data View: New Oracle Views Incorrectly Named During Save
- Q196588: BUG: Picture Field Dropped as Text Box on Data Report
- Q196601: PRB: DCOMCNFG Displays One Class Name For Each ActiveX Server
- Q196652: HOWTO: Implement Custom Rounding Procedures
- Q196656: DOC: vbOLEDBProvider Value for DataSourceBehavior Doesn’t Exist
- Q196775: PRB: TreeView SelectedItem Property Does Not Return Correct Node
- Q196809: PRB: CompactDatabase Method Requires Locale to Convert 2.0 MDB
- Q196902: BUG: UserControl Does Not Refresh the Menu
- Q196910: HOWTO: Avoid Extra Threads with Depersisted Embedded Objects
- Q196956: DOC: Visual Basic Does Not Allow You to Build OLE DB Providers
- Q196959: PRB:’Unspecified Error’ Err Using ADO Data Marshalling w/ DCOM
- Q196976: INFO: Updated VB4dll.txt for Visual Basic 4.0
- Q197116: BUG: Label Width Changes with WordWrap and AutoSize Set to True
- Q197117: INFO: Troubleshooting Application Wizard Error Messages
- Q197123: PRB: Out-Of-Date Dependency Information for MSCal.ocx
- Q197126: BUG: IPF Referencing Default Property of Nonexistent Image Ctrl
- Q197127: HOWTO: Add a Custom Font Property to a User Control
- Q197128: BUG: CausesValidation Property Does Not Trigger Validate Event
- Q197129: INFO: Wang Image Control Limited to 18k Pixels in Ea. Dimension
- Q197190: BUG: Memory Leak Using UBound or LBound When Returning Array
- Q197257: PRB: Problems Using Subclassed TreeView MFC Control in VB
- Q197296: BUG: Error 424 Adding Data Object Wizard-Created Ctrl to Form
- Q197305: BUG: Error with Std EXE Converted from ActiveX Control Project
- Q197321: PRB: "Invalid File Format" from ImgEdt Reading Sony Mavica JPG
- Q197362: FIX: FormatString Ignored for Fixed Columns in MSHFlexGrid
- Q197428: BUG: DataRepeater Control does not Update Records
- Q197431: PRB: Year Returned by DateSerial may be Unanticipated
- Q197486: PRB: Open Fails w/ Error #75 on Windows95 Read-Only Shared File
- Q197487: BUG: MSChart EditCopy Sends Incorrect Legends To Clipboard
- Q197503: PRB: Focus Problem Using MFC Control on MDI Child Form
- Q197504: PRB: KeyPress Problem When Using MFC Control on MDI Child Form
- Q197569: BUG: CRITICAL_SECTION is Defined Incorrectly in API Text Viewer
- Q197580: INFO: Distribution Issues with Riched32.dll
- Q197582: FIX: FlexGrid SelChange Occurs for Every Selected Row or Column
- Q197585: HOWTO: Cover the Taskbar with a Window in Visual Basic
- Q197883: PRB: Run-time Error ‘40002’ When Querying on s_GUID field in RDO
- Q197915: PRB: Report Width is Larger than the Paper Width
- Q197916: HOWTO: Use GUIDs with Access,SQL 6.5 and SQL 7
- Q197988: HOWTO: Deploy an ActiveX Control with the PDW
- Q198038: INFO: Useful Tools for Package and Deployment Issues
- Q198052: FIX: "Out-of-Date Dependency" Warning in Setup Wizard and PDW
- Q198062: BUG: Mouse Cursor Disappears After Typing in VB IDE
- Q198075: PRB: Installing VB App Causes Error Determining Free Disk Space
- Q198098: PRB: CSng/CDbl Not Using Regional Settings for Decimal Symbol
- Q198128: PRB: Accessing WINMODEM with MSComm Control Can Hang Application
- Q198252: PRB: Installation Error with Setup Wizard in Visual Basic 5.0
- Q198300: PRB: Invalid Use of NULL Assigning Text Fields Value
- Q198378: HOWTO: Use the VB DataEnvironment In Your MTS Components
- Q198379: BUG: Decimal Points Truncated Using RDO Client Batch Cursors
- Q198422: PRB: Unable to Display MFC Automation Objects in Watch Window
- Q198600: INFO: Differences Between DCOM95 and DCOM98
- Q198605: BUG: Find Next Crashes After Closing a Maximized Code Window
- Q198607: PRB: Access Violation in VB Run-Time Using AddressOf
- Q198609: FIX: Write Statement Prints Double-Quote(")
- Q198660: DOC: Additional Jet Database Record Size Information
- Q198662: DOC: Undocumented SynonymType Property Value for Oracle Synonyms
- Q198712: PRB: CommonDialog Changes System Wide Printer Properties
- Q198858: BUG: Cannot Do Inserts to Oracle Tables With Mixed Case Column N
- Q198860: HOWTO: Open the Printer Properties Dialog
- Q198880: FIX: Cannot Simultaneously Set DTPicker’s MinDate And MaxDate
- Q198887: BUG: Incorrect Error Assigning Read-Only Property of UserControl
- Q198901: SAMPLE: PageSet.exe Programmatically Changes Default Printer
- Q198938: PRB: MSFLexGrid Redraw May Not Function Correctly
- Q198974: HOWTO: Use the Common Dialog Control with Multiple Long File Nam
- Q199017: HOW TO: Deploy Visual Basic IIS Applications with the PDW
- Q199070: DOC: RDO UpdateCriteria Documentation Incorrect
- Q199128: PRB: Error 40041 Calling RDO Parameters Through User Connection
- Q199156: PRB: DAO Field Object Assignment Slows as Field Count Increases
- Q199244: HOWTO: Retrieve the Regional Settings Currency Symbol
- Q199385: PRB: Active OLE Control Prevents Logging Off or Shutting Down
- Q199707: PRB: Some VB 5.0 Programs Do Not Run on Multiprocessor PCs
- Q199809: INFO: How VB Interprets Numbers, Constants and Numeric Types
- Q199824: HOWTO: Get the Address of Variables in Visual Basic
- Q199856: FIX: SIZE Command Does Not Work in Internet Transfer Control
- Q203230: FIX: GPF Using ATL Control Array and Accelerator Key
- Q203980: PRB: Error 282 Connecting to VB5 or VB6 DDE Server
- Q200027: HOWTO: Determine If IE Is Offline from an ActiveX Document
- Q200034: HOWTO: Debug a Visual Basic Out-of-Process Server with Visual C+
- Q200271: INFO: How to Diagnose and Resolve Some Automation Errors
- Q200299: BUG: Format or DatePart Functions Can Return Wrong Week Number
- Q200454: BUG: Visual Basic Does Not Receive Some OSP Notifications
- Q200591: PRB: 8570 Report Sections Do Not Match DataSource
- Q200626: PRB: UserDocuments Can be Orphaned
- Q200649: HOWTO: Use LZCopy to Copy Files
- Q200676: HOWTO: Use the AsyncRead Method to Download Files
- Q204054: PRB: ErrMsg 35603 "Invalid Key" w/TreeView or ListView Control
- Q202057: SAMPLE: DISPINVOKER.EXE How to Implement CallByName in VB4/VB5
- Q202145: PRB: Source Control Tool Shows Font Property Deleted on Check-in
- Q202179: HOWTO: Call Windows APIs with Special Requirements from VB
- Q202455: HOWTO: Get Disk Free Space Using the GetDiskFreeSpaceEx() API
- Q202480: HOW TO: Determine Printer Status and Print Job Status from VB
- Q202563: HOWTO: Call Win32 WinHelp API from Visual Basic
- Q202621: FIX: SQL PassThrough May Return Incorrect String
- Q205053: PRB: "Overflow" with Integer Division and MOD Operator
- Q205635: HOWTO: Save Bitmap File as OLE Object in Access OLE Object Field
- Q201181: BUG: CoolBar: Large FixedWidth/MinWidth Setting Locks Computer
- Q201197: HOWTO: Use a ComboBox to Enter Data into a FlexGrid Control
- Q201502: PRB: Duplicate Control Boxes in MDIForm When Using Status Bar
- Q201509: BUG: Textbox Can Be Sized To Less Than Minimum Height
- Q201577: BUG: TreeView Scroll Bar Does Not Disappear When Scroll = False
- Q201583: BUG: Toolbar Does Not Resize to Fit the Caption of a Button
- Q201588: BUG: Custom Mouse Pointer Changes Back to Default
- Q201741: INFO: Differences of Behavior in Debug Mode and Compile Mode
- Q201958: DOC: DataGrid Object Code Example Does Not Work
- Q206897: BUG: Behavior of Lightweight WLVScroll Different from VScrollBar
- Q206904: BUG: Copying the Tab Control Does Not Display All Child Controls
- Q206907: BUG: Reposition/Resize Control Can Causes Incorrect Results
- Q207562: HOWTO: Delete Tables from a Windows CE Device from VBCE or eVB
- Q207564: DOC: VBCE Error "The Declare statement is incorrectly formatted"
- Q207931: HOWTO: Pass Arrays Between Visual Basic and C
- Q208562: BUG: VBCE Special Methods Do Not Appear in IntelliSense Help
- Q208568: HOWTO: Access Pocket Outlook Objects from VBCE
- Q208590: BUG: CommandBar: "Memory Could Not Be Read" Error
- Q208595: VBCE: Resetting Toolbars in the IDE Can Cause Application Error
- Q208654: BUG: FontChanged Fires Twice When a Font Object Property Changed
- Q208699: BUG: Error "$(DllSelfRegisterEx) Could Not Be Registered"
- Q209010: BUG: IDE: File/Make Retains Last VBCE Project Name
- Q209033: INFO: Maximum Window Sizes for Windows CE Devices
- Q209043: INFO: Properties Supported and Unsupported by the Grid Control
- Q209068: BUG: VBCE: Type Mismatch Error Msg Using InputFields Method
- Q209071: BUG: Doc Errors in "Installing and Registering a Control" Topic
- Q209077: PRB: CommCtl: No "OK" Received When Using Some Modems
- Q209079: BUG: TreeView Properties Set in Design do not Work at Run-Time
- Q212885: INFO: VBCE: Samples Included with the Windows CE Toolkit for VB6
- Q213364: HOWTO: Retrieve an ADOMD Cellset as an ADODB Recordset
- Q213846: INFO: Deploy Database Applications with the PDW
- Q214427: FIX: "Prompt To Save Changes" Setting Crashes VB IDE Upon Saving
- Q214476: PRB: TAB Behavior When Using MFC Subclassed Control on VB Form
- Q214483: Implements Statement Requires Interface Derived from IDispatch
- Q214539: PRB: Netscape Returns "Data Missing" After Resizing the Browser
- Q214674: PRB: Cannot Simultaneously Write to Disk File and Have It Opened
- Q214743: HOWTO: Determine the IDE Mode From an Add-In
- Q214755: BUG: VB 6 DLL Settings Cause Access Error During Shutdown
- Q214779: BUG: Uninstallation of Visual Basic 5 .0 Removes Shared VBA File
- Q214803: INFO: System Requirements for Windows CE Toolkit for VB 6.0
- Q214830: BUG: Tab Control Initialization Problem with Control Array
- Q215336: PRB: Picture.Circle Works Wrong if Radius Large and Angle Small
- Q215363: BUG: Changing TabIndex at Run Time Has No Effect
- Q215373: BUG: Intrinsic Controls: Shortcut Keys Do Not Work as Expected
- Q215374: BUG: Selecting "Send to Back" and "Bring to Front" Has No Affect
- Q215385: BUG:ItemClick Event Fires After First ListItem Added to ListView
- Q215388: BUG: AfterLabelEdit Event Fires After Canceling an Edit
- Q215389: BUG: Application May Not Close When Frame Contains a CommandBar
- Q215390: BUG: Grid: It Takes Two Clicks to Move Focus Away from the Grid
- Q215391: BUG: Testing to See if the Current Form is "Me" Returns False
- Q215393: BUG: Code Comments Increase the Size of a Compiled VBCE App
- Q215395: BUG: SelChange Event in a Grid Executes on a Selected Cell
- Q215397: BUG: Menu Cannot be Disabled By CommandBar Controls Collection
- Q215401: BUG: Cannot Use a Constant to Define the Size of Array in VBCE
- Q215402: BUG: Pressing F1 for Windows CE Controls Does Not Display Help
- Q215403: BUG: VBCE Design Time HelpContextID Not Persisted at Run Time
- Q215404: BUG: Graphical Style Property of CheckBox Does Not Work
- Q215407: DOC: Index Property Incorrectly Defined
- Q215411: BUG: VBCE: Some MessageBox Options Not Implemented
- Q215415: BUG: Access Key Works When UseMnemonic is Set to False
- Q215431: BUG: Cannot Get TreeView Property or Method Topics from the IDE
- Q215432: PRB: CE TabStrip Images Might Not Be Redrawn Properly
- Q215448: BUG: ComboBox Scroll Event Might Not Fire
- Q217011: HOWTO: Copy a DAO TableDef Including User-Defined Properties
- Q217012: HOWTO: Format Strings to Right-Justify When Printing
- Q217017: INFO: Visual Basic 5.0 and 6.0 Compatibility Issues
- Q217026: PRB: IIPF from UserControl with a User-Defined Validate Event
- Q217047: PRB: CD Key Invalid for Visual Basic 6.0 Deluxe Learning Edition
- Q217176: HOWTO: Display and Use the OLE Insert Object Dialog Box in VB
- Q217180: HOWTO: Delete and Re-Register TypeLib GUID for ActiveX Control
- Q217192: PRB: ODBCDirect Cursor Not Valid After Transaction Commits
- Q217213: HOWTO: Open a Password-Protected Paradox Table Using DAO
- Q217375: INFO: Windows CE Toolkit for Visual Basic 6.0 Release Notes
- Q217751: HOWTO: Get Current User Locale ID in VB EXE Without Restarting
- Q218750: HOWTO: Simulate a Modal Form in Visual Basic CE 6.0
- Q218759: HOWTO: Display an Image in a Command Button
- Q218965: HOWTO: Obtain the Owner of a File on Windows NT
- Q218992: INFO: Using Visual Basic 5.0 and RDO 2.0 With SQL Server 7.0
- Q220816: FILE: Application Wizard License Not Found
- Q220888: PRB: ErrMsg Returned w/Server-Side Cursorlocation for MSAccess
- Q216089: HOWTO: Back Up the NT Event Log in Visual Basic
- Q216097: HOWTO: Clear the Windows NT Event Log in Visual Basic
- Q216119: FIX: PDW Add Files Dialog Doesn’t Allow Selecting Multiple Files
- Q216124: BUG: Reinstalling App Fails To Replace Text File With Same Date
- Q216146: HOWTO:Get Number of Windows NT Event Log Records in Visual Basic
- Q216156: BUG: "Invalid Line In Setup Information File" Installing VB6 App
- Q216158: BUG: Multiple "Please Insert Disk" Messages Installing VB6 App
- Q216175: FIX: CTRL+C Does Not Copy From Locked Textbox
- Q216185: HOWTO: Create Multi-Column Menus in Visual Basic Using the WIN32
- Q216189: HOWTO: Right Justify the Help Menu Item in Visual Basic
- Q216205: PRB: "Error 481: Invalid Picture" Error Viewing BMP File
- Q216211: PRB: Extended ASCII Characters Displayed as "?"
- Q216216: DOC: DataGrid SizeMode Incorrectly Documented -dbgNumberOfColumn
- Q216231: FIX: VB6 App Setup Errors While Copying Files
- Q216368: PRB: Access Violation During Application Setup When File in Use
- Q216379: FIX: Visual Basic 6.0 Booleans are Coerced to Localized Strings
- Q216480: PRB: Error Setting Default Value of Optional Byte Arg to TRUE
- Q216481: PRB: ByRef Has No Effect on Form’s Public Variables
- Q216515: BUG: DataMember of GetDataMember Empty If DataSource Is DataList
- Q216547: BUG: Err.Raise 40040 Stores the Err.Number as 440
- Q216548: HOWTO: Add Submenus Using Add-Ins
- Q216664: HOWTO: Prevent the ENTER Key From Firing in TreevView Control
- Q216666: PRB: DataBound Controls Not Refreshed With DataEnvironment
- Q216876: PRB: Moving Code Does Not Preserve Procedure Attributes
- Q216925: PRB: Single-User Concurrency Problems With ADO and Jet
- Q223025: HOWTO: Call GetNetworkParams/GetAdaptersInfo From Visual Basic
- Q223060: FIX: T-SQL Shows Incorrect Parameters in Local Variables Window
- Q223062: FIX: DataGrid Will Not Add a New Record if Fields Set in Code
- Q223063: FIX: ADO AddNew After Trap for EOF Not Correct w/Data Binding
- Q223064: FIX: Filter Changes on DataSource Cause DataGrid to be Incorrect
- Q223065: FIX: Button Parameter of DataGrid MouseUp Event Always Equals 0
- Q223066: FIX: Placing MsgBox in SelChange Event of DataGrid Causes IPF
- Q223068: FIX: RDO InfoMessage Event Behavior Different in VB6 and VB5
- Q223070: FIX: DataGrid Column 1 Visible = False Does Not Work With ADC
- Q223071: FIX: MSHFlexgrid Clip Property Can’t Get Data in Selected C
- Q223072: FIX: DataReport Boolean TextBox Non-Blank Null Value Causes Erro
- Q223073: FIX: MSHFlexGrid Dashes/Dots Invalid for GridLinesHeader/In
- Q223074: FIX: Update Does Not Time Out if Data Is Locked
- Q223075: FIX:GDI Resource Problem w/Many Forms and Intrinsic Data Control
- Q223077: FIX: VB 6.0 Adding Split to a DataGrid May Cause Error
- Q223078: FIX: DataGrid Column Widths Incorrect When Using MDAC 2.1
- Q223080: FIX: ADODC Errors When RecordSet Property is set to NULL
- Q223083: FIX: Changes to MSHFlexgrid Adding/Removing Records Not Vis
- Q223087: FIX: Accelerator keys Not Handled in ActiveX Control
- Q223088: FIX: WhatsThis Help Does Not Work in UserDocs
- Q223090: FIX: UserControl on Active Desktop Causes AV Shutdown
- Q223091: FIX: Bad Codebase Parameter Made by VB6 PDW for DHTML Projects
- Q223092: FIX: Using VB with Modal Form Fails in Internet Explorer
- Q223099: FIX: DataMemberChanged Fails for UserControls
- Q223101: FIX: WriteProperties Event Executes at Wrong Time
- Q223103: FIX: Memory Leak with Command Button on Japanese Windows 95C
- Q223104: FIX: ParentControls.Count May Fail on Windows NT 4, SP4
- Q223105: FIX: DllUnregisterServer Fails on msvbvm60.dll w/Error H80029C4A
- Q223107: FIX: Error Picking Deleted Object From Dropdown List
- Q223108: FIX: Setting MSChart’s AxisScale Type to Logarithmic Hangs VB
- Q223111: FIX: Type Mismatch Error When Compiling UserControl
- Q223113: FIX: EXE Crashes When Looping Through Array From Property Get
- Q223114: FIX: Scale and Line Methods Work Differently on Printer Object
- Q223116: FIX: Public Type Statement Causes Application Error
- Q223117: FIX: Customizing Toolbar at Run-time Modifies Buttons
- Q223118: FIX: PSET Method Is Slower in Visual Basic 6.0
- Q223120: FIX: ReDim Preserve on Array of UDTs Causes Crash
- Q223125: FIX: "Addins VB6.EXE - Application Error" in Data Project
- Q223126: FIX: Form Icon Displayed as Compressed on True Color Display
- Q223127: FIX: PDW Reports Out-of-Date Dependency Info
- Q223129: FIX: Toolbar’s Customize Method Replicates Images in Toolba
- Q223131: FIX: Incorrect Firing of LostFocus Event
- Q223132: FIX: Error Loading Repository Add-In in Non-English VB6 Versions
- Q223133: FIX: Private Enum Statements Cause an Application Error
- Q223166: PRB: "Error 7 - Out of Memory " When Loading Books Online
- Q223425: PRB: I-Beam Cursor Doesn’t Appear When Adding New Record in Grid
- Q223499: PRB: Error C0042116: Files Specified in Section Are Busy
- Q222527: HOWTO: Launch ActiveSync from a Visual Basic CE 6.0 Application
- Q221101: BUG: Visual Basic App Crashes Passing UDT w/ String & Enum
- Q221173: PRB: Installing VB6 Doesn’t Update Clireg32.exe
- Q221207: INFO: Getting Visual Basic 4.0 or 5.0 After Purchasing VB 6.0
- Q221225: FIX: Calling Method in User Ctrl w/ParamArray Causes Fatal Excep
- Q221541: FIX: Failed to Mark Safe for Scripting Using Visual Basic PDW
- Q221542: HOWTO: Change Time Zone Information Using Visual Basic
- Q221557: BUG: TreeView: NodeCheck Event Does Not Occur
- Q221578: HOWTO: Play Unix Audio Files (.AU) From Visual Basic
- Q221594: HOWTO: Populate a ListView With an ADOCE Recordset in VBCE6
- Q221604: INFO: Known Issues with Internet Explorer 5 and Visual Basic 6.0
- Q221780: PRB: Printer Properties Show Incorrect Values
- Q221788: HOWTO: Get Localized Microsoft Components for Your Applications
- Q221990: PRB: Can’t Add Windows Common Controls or Common Dialog Control
- Q224181: FIX: GDI Resouce Leak Using Checkboxes in ListVew Control
- Q224185: FIX: User Defined Type in Public Function of User Control Fails
- Q224302: HOWTO: Suppress a TextBox Control’s Popup Menu
- Q226490: BUG: Optional Parameters Generate Error with Data Environment
- Q226507: BUG: Windows Closing an Application at Shutdown Orphans TMP File
- Q225048: INFO: Issues Migrating from DAO/Jet to ADO/Jet
- Q225120: PRB: Error C0042116: Signature on CAB File Could Not Be Verified
- Q225496: PRB: Cannot Execute Stored Procedures with More Than 60 Params
- Q228487: PRB: System Error Message "&H80004015" Running ActiveX DLL in ID
- Q228800: HOWTO: Call a Parameterized SQL Server Stored Procedure from RDO
- Q228859: FIX: GDI Resource Leak Using Checkboxes in Treeview Control
- Q229063: BUG:GetDayBold Event Not Working as Expected w/MonthView Control
- Q229272: FIX: Datacombo Returns -2147217848 (80040e4e) Change Canceled
- Q229415: INFO: Visual Basic Supports P-Code and Native Code Compilation
- Q229752: BUG: IDE Uses All Resources When Breakpoint is Hit in Debug Mode
- Q229756: INFO: Maximum Number of Controls on a Form
- Q229792: INFO: Maximum Number of Array Elements in Visual Basic 6.0
- Q229847: INFO: Does Visual Basic Support 16-Bit Development?
- Q230167: BUG:DataCombo/DataList Not Displaying Recordset with Sort/Filter
- Q230326: PRB: Validate Event Does Not Fire When Changing Focus with Mouse
- Q230484: HOWTO: Label Pie Slices as Percentages in MSChart Pie Chart
- Q230486: PRB: Cannot Have Secondary Y Axis with MSChart XY Scatterchart
- Q230488: HOWTO: Print the Contents of the Wang (Kodak) ImageEdit Control
- Q230489: HOWTO: Annotate Image with Text Using ImageEdit Control
- Q230502: HOWTO: Print a Form That Is Too Large for the Screen or Page
- Q232003: HOWTO: Determine the Version of DCOM 95/98 Using Visual Basic
- Q232268: BUG: Validate Event Is not Fired When Placing a FlexGrid Control
- Q232296: HOWTO: Return a Collection from Visual Basic to an ASP Page
- Q232624: PRB: Accelerator Keys Fail with ATL Control on VB UserControl
- Q232625: HOWTO: Use a String Resource in a DLL with a Specific Locale ID
- Q232654: BUG:CommonDialog FilterIndex Always Returns Default Filter Index
- Q232689: HOWTO: Get the Window Handle to a WindowsCE Control from VB
- Q231298: HOWTO: Use SetWaitableTimer With Visual Basic
- Q231393: BUG: Using DCOM with an Active Document
- Q231465: BUG: WM_MOUSEWHEEL Message Ignored Adding UserControl to Form
- Q231689: BUG: Moving Controls on a Form Triggers Form_MouseMove Event
- Q231721: HOWTO: Obtain Files Copied from Windows Explorer
- Q231726: HOWTO: Export a DataReport to an RTF file
- Q231834: PRB: ADO to SQL w/ ODBC Not Supporting adAsyncFetchNonBlocking
- Q231844: HOWTO: Detect If an Application Has Stopped Responding
- Q231923: HOWTO: Distribute the Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) With the PDW
- Q233199: BUG: Duplicate Control Boxes on MDI Form
- Q233398: PRB: Common Dialog ShowHelp Method does not Work with CHM Files
- Q233478: FIX: VB6 Version of RDO Cannot Access Oracle Packages
- Q233515: PRB: Error "String Literal Too Long" w/ Update/Insert on Oracle
- Q234317: FIX: HTML Truncated with VS SP3 WebClass Run Time in VB IDE
- Q234344: INFO: Template Cache Added in WebClasses for Visual Studio SP3
- Q234576: BUG: VBCE Winsock Control Might Not Receive Binary Data
- Q234626: SAMPLE: Setup1.exe Fully Automating MSDE Setup with the PDW
- Q234771: FIX: Error 800a2328 When You Browse a VB 6.0 WebClass
- Q234972: PRB: Error 40042119: There Is No PostInfo File On The Server
- Q234973: PRB: Error 80042114 Web Server Doesn’t Support Selected Provider
- Q234974: PRB: Error C0042116: The Web Server Is Not Responding
- Q234975: PRB: Error C0042116: No Write Access to Destination URL
- Q234976: PRB: Error C0042116: Access Denied Using PDW
- Q234977: PRB: Error C0042116 "Further Processing Has Stopped"
- Q234978: PRB: Error C0042116 "The Parameter Is Incorrect"
- Q236281: FIX: An Error Occurs While Registering the File Expsrv.dll
- Q236286: PRB: Out of Memory Error Message Using the Rich Textbox Control
- Q236404: INFO: Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Int’l Package/Deployment Kit
- Q236778: BUG: Focus Events not triggered in ActiveX Doc with Acc Keys
- Q236941: BUG: VB 6.0 Fails if ADO DataControl References fMoreData
- Q237175: FIX: VB IDE Improperly Changes the Registry of ATL Objects
- Q237286: BUG: Event Doesn’t Fire when Raised from a DLL’s Modal Form
- Q237688: HOWTO: Using getsockopt() and setsockopt() in Visual Basic
- Q237757: INFO: Leaking Handles When Creating COM Objects
- Q237816: BUG: MSFLEXGRID Prints as Black Box After Installing VS SP3
- Q237922: BUG: User Defined Type Causes "Class Not Registered" Error Msg
- Q235035: PRB: Visual Basic Causes a Divide Error in Module GDI.EXE
- Q235386: HOWTO: Trigger a Beep in VBCE Applications
- Q235414: PRB: ParentControls Property May Not Work with Some Containers
- Q235420: FILE: VBRun60sp4.exe Installs Visual Basic 6 SP4 Run-Time Files
- Q235707: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About VBCE 6.0
- Q235856: HOWTO: Read IBM 370 Data from a Binary File
- Q238279: PRB: Refresh Method Causes Syntax and Method Refresh Errors
- Q238312: Fire TabStrip’s Click Event When Using Msgbox in BeforeClick
- Q238313: PRB:Accessing the Internet Explorer Document Object Model w/ VB
- Q238401: PRB: Unrecognized Database Format Error Upgrading to Access 2000
- Q238406: PRB: Resetting DataCombo RowSource Resets BoundColumn Property
- Q238672: FIX: Mouse Hook Not Called When Used in User Controls
- Q238676: PRB: Shared DLL Removal in SQL Makes VB Add-ins Unloadable
- Q238725: PRB: ShowColor Method Might Not Work on Palm-Size Devices
- Q238786: HOWTO: Perform Remote Debugging With VB DCOM Servers
- Q238947: FILE: Msadoce2.exe Installs ADO for Windows CE SDK
- Q239069: PRB: Cannot Open or Find File Error Installing VB Applicati
- Q239103: PRB: Synonyms of DBLinked Tables Do Not Show in Data View Window
- Q239561: HOWTO: Use CoInitializeSecurity in Visual Basic
- Q239943: FIX: UserControls with Menus Cause Resource Leak
- Q240019: HOWTO: Dynamically Populate a Data Report in Visual Basic
- Q240229: PRB: Treeview Control NodeClick Event Not Raised
- Q240317: HOWTO: Implement Multiuser Custom Counters in Jet 4.0 & ADO 2.1
- Q240377: HOWTO: Ensure Jet 3.5 Is Installed Correctly (Part I)
- Q240401: BUG:Repeatedly Opening & Closing Recordset Increase Connections
- Q240435: PATCH: WCELoad.exe Fixes ActiveX Hanging Problem on Palm-size PC
- Q240446: BUG: Text Box and Data Control on UserControl Closes It in IDE
- Q240653: HOWTO: Copy the Screen or Active Window to the Clipboard from VB
- Q240748: PRB: Opening a DBase IV File with Long File Name Returns Error
- Q240749: BUG: WM_LBUTTONUP Message May Not Fire
- Q240924: BUG: TreeView Node Tooltips Flash if Displayed from Modal Window
- Q240927: FIX: Cannot Read Source File Error Running PDW Distribution
- Q240944: BUG: ListView’s Left/Top Properties Return Unexpected Values
- Q240946: BUG: ListView Fails to Raise Mouse Events if MultiSelect = True
- Q241097: FIX: TreeView Tooltips Do Not Appear on Windows NT
- Q241102: BUG: Node Item Tips Hidden whenTreeView Is Sited on UserControl
- Q241126: INFO:Dynamically Add UserControls That Require Run-Time Licenses
- Q241202: HOWTO: Make a Manufactured Hierarchical Recordset from Another
- Q241222: PRB: Debugging WebClass Returns "Page Cannot Be Found" Error
- Q241245: PRB: "Error 7 - Out of Memory" from VB App Using FM20.DLL
- Q241281: DOC: VB5DB.dll Is Not Listed in Redist.txt
- Q241355: HOWTO: Edit and Tab with the MSFlexGrid Control
- Q241402: HOWTO: Run ADOCE on a Palm-Size PC Device from VBCE6
- Q241481: BUG: Internal Protection Fault When Using Format Function
- Q241530: HOWTO: Call an API That Uses Structures from eVB/VBCE6
- Q241531: HOWTO: Create a UI-Less eVC DLL for Use in an eVB Application
- Q241590: HOWTO: Use SHFileInfo to Get the Associated Icon for Files
- Q241591: HOWTO: Change the Cursor in a VBCE/eVB Application
- Q241637: PRB: Adding New Method to VB Component Breaks Existing Client
- Q241728: PRB: Using 2-Digit Years w/ IsDate May Produce Unexpected Result
- Q241818: PRB: Calculated Field Contents Cannot be Modified by ADO
- Q241896: PRB: Threading Issues with Visual Basic 6.0 ActiveX Components
- Q241932: PRB: Run-Time Error 13 While Running VB DHTML Applications
- Q241933: PRB: Unsupported Automation Type Compile Error
- Q242010: FIX: The Data Form Wizard May Not Open an Access 2000 Database
- Q242018: HOWTO: Copy a Section of a Bitmap to the Clipboard
- Q242045: HOWTO: Control Line Spacing when Printing from Visual Basic
- Q242204: BUG: Cannot Insert Multiple Images into the Image List Control
- Q242213: PRB: ScopeItem’s ExpandOnReload Is Not Available at Design Time
- Q242229: HOWTO: Create An OCX View with the MMC Snap-in Designer for VB
- Q242231: PRB: The Mouse Pointer Cannot Be Changed in a SnapIn Project
- Q242291: INFO: GetResultView Event Does Not Fire As Expected
- Q242308: HOWTO: Find a Window Handle from an Instance Handle
- Q242312: HOWTO: Distribute an ADOCE 2.0 Application to a PsPC Device
- Q242319: PRB: A "The Parameter Is Incorrect" Error Message In VB SnapIn
- Q242322: PRB: ToolTipText Property On MMCToolbar Button Does Not Update
- Q242347: PRB: Error Message "Invalid Procedure Call or Argument"
- Q242369: HOWTO: Distribute an MMC SnapIn Project With the PDW
- Q242397: HOWTO: Add Subitems to a ListView Result View in Report Mode
- Q242401: HOWTO: Use a Timer With A Visual Basic SnapIn Project
- Q242411: HOWTO: Determine the Currently Selected ScopePaneItem
- Q242416: HOWTO: Enumerate 16-bit Tasks on Window NT Using Visual Basic
- Q242459: BUG: DAO Recordset Update Method Fails Silently
- Q242478: PRB: DAO Recordset RecordCount Incorrect When Based on Text File
- Q242483: FIX: Error 486 or 482 Occurs When Using PrintForm
- Q242499: HOWTO: Install ADOCE When Windows CE Services Is Not Present
- Q242550: INFO: Required System Files for WebClasses (IIS Applications)
- Q242767: INFO: Deploying WebClasses with PDW
- Q242783: DOC: MAXDWORD Has Incorrect Value in Visual Basic API Text Viewe
- Q242867: PRB: Compile Error when Declaring MSVSAEventSourceInstaller
- Q244136: INFO: When Is the Access AutoNumber Field Available?
- Q244140: BUG: Visual Basic Application Using HtmlHelp API Crashes
- Q244185: PRB: Cannot Use FileCopy() to Copy a File to a Printer
- Q244236: HOWTO: Use the System Color on ScrollBars Under Windows NT
- Q244261: PRB:Printer.Print May Use Different Fonts on Different Computers
- Q244312: HOWTO: Add Keyboard Functionality to MDI form Scrollbars
- Q244751: PRB: Winsock Control does not Fire Error Event in all Cases
- Q244779: HOWTO: Refresh a Parameterized DataReport
- Q244801: PRB: Run-time Bound ADO Recordset Skips Second Record
- Q244823: BUG: Numeric Hostnames Use Winsock Control Resolve Improperly
- Q243252: BUG: Converting Access97 MDB to Access 2000 Format Using DAO 3.6
- Q243472: Oleaut32.dll Can Cause Incorrect Results in OLE Objects
- Q243530: PRB: Microsoft Lightweight Controls CAB Not on Web Site
- Q245124: FIX: Access Violation in Remote Automation Manager
- Q245159: FIX: SendData Only Works Over the Latest Connection
- Q245524: HOWTO: Ensure Jet 3.5 Is Installed Correctly (Part II)
- Q247359: BUG: WindowList Menu Does Not Always Show MDIChild Forms
- Q247529: HOWTO: Associate a Custom Icon with a File Extension
- Q247701: FILE: Updated Grid Control for H/PC Pro and PsPC Platforms
- Q247723: BUG: VBCE Control Manager Only Recognizes First Control in DLL
- Q247912: PRB: Property Page of Data-Aware Controls Is Blank w/CRViewer
- Q247963: HOWTO: Activate the PsPC Keyboard from a VBCE/eVB Application
- Q247979: PRB: Error 429 Using MSDN File System Object Programming Example
- Q246167: PRB: Collating Sequence Error Opening XLS as ADO Recordset
- Q246233: FIX: Nested UserControl DataSource Property Causes Crash
- Q246288: BUG: Error in Declaration of SHFileOperation() from API Text Vie
- Q246490: PRB: Unspecified Error When You Add an HTML Template to WebClass
- Q246733: INFO: Windows CE Web Browsers
- Q246919: FIX: VB Crashes on ActiveX Control Interface Wizard Code
- Q249144: HOWTO: Identify the CE Device Connected to the Desktop Machine
- Q249341: HOWTO: Create Layered Window in Visual Basic
- Q249607: FIX: UserControl in Excel Does Not Print or Print Preview
- Q249636: HOWTO: Use the CoSetProxyBlanket Function in Visual Basic
- Q249659: BUG: Invalid Page Fault Using Scripting Run-Time on Windows 95
- Q249682: HOWTO: Change a Field’s Datatype using DAO
- Q249879: PRB: IPF in Module VB6.exe When Exiting VB6
- Q249962: INFO: Differences in Padding UDTs Between VB 5.0 and VB 6.0
- Q248055: BUG: Run-Time Error 713 Opening Data Report in Distributed App
- Q248070: BUG: VBCE: Clicking ComboBox May Trigger Command Click Event
- Q248071: HOWTO: Distribute a Custom DLL with Your eVB Application
- Q248098: PRB: ErrMsg: Method Call on MTS Object from VB App Fails
- Q248139: BUG:MSHFlexGrid Control Empty w/ DataEnvironment Parameter Query
- Q248285: FIX: Cannot Edit UserControl When You Host Another UserControl
- Q248348: PRB: SaveSetting and GetSetting Are Not Available in VB WebClass
- Q248416: FIX: Wrong TreeView Node Selected When SingleSel Property = True
- Q248418: FIX: Unable to Develop WebClass on Windows 2000
- Q248459: PRB: eading Spaces Trimmed in DataReport Label Multi-Line Captio
- Q248833: PRB: Data Control Only Displays Updated Data When Single-Step
- Q248837: FIX: AV in VBA6.DLL During Compilation When Using SP3 Version
- Q248882: HOWTO: Print a Range of Pages with the CommonDialog Control
- Q248985: BUG: UserControl Containing ADO Data Control Fails to Unload
- Q251009: INFO: Where to Find the MMC Snap-In Designer for Visual Basic
- Q251105: PRB: Err Msg: Can Not Run Unicode Version of Atl.dll on Win 95
- Q251147: PRB: Unable to Display Help or No Help Available for ADO in VB
- Q251203: PRB: DAO OpenRecordset Hangs if Table/Index Name Over 63 Chars
- Q251225: BUG: Recordset EditMode Not Properly Set with DataCombo
- Q251292: PRB: Closing a Modal Form Raises an Application Error
- Q251321: BUG: ScrollBar Controls Exhibit Paint Problems In Change Event
- Q251329: HOWTO: Modify the Command of a Hierarchical DataReport
- Q251339: PRB: CopyFolder Syntax Differs for UNC Paths and Mapped Drives
- Q250314: PRB: Visual Basic Snap-In Designer Run-Time Error 9554
- Q250344: SAMPLE: ARRAYCONVERT.EXE Variant Conversion Functions
- Q250475: PRB: VBCE: Deactivate Event Fires when Second Form is Closed
- Q250476: PRB: VBCE: Process Won’t End When MsgBox is in Terminate Event
- Q250477: PRB: Terminate Events Fire in Reverse Order in VBCE/eVB
- Q250577: HOWTO: Use Picture Box in UserControl and DataRepeater
- Q250640: PRB: GetChunk Ignores Offset if Memo Field Included in GROUP BY
- Q250914: BUG: Modify String During Concatenation Gives Unexpected Results
- Q252350: PRB: Err Message: "Runtime Error -2147217885 (80040e23) : A …"
- Q252438: HOWTO: Modify Visual Data Manager to Work with Access 2000
- Q252607: PRB: CopyFile Doesn’t Work for Printer DeviceName w/Spaces on NT
- Q252652: HOWTO: Use the SHGetFolderPath Function from Visual Basic
- Q252756: PRB: Changing DataGrid Layout Causes DataGrid to Display Empty
- Q253140: HOWTO: Use WTSEnumerateProcesses from Visual Basic
- Q253155: HOWTO: Review Visual Basic WebClasses for CSSI Vulnerability
- Q253171: HOWTO: Create a Most Recently Used (MRU) File List in VB
- Q253211: PRB: Large Recordsets Cause Problems When Scrolling Grids
- Q253257: HOWTO: Capture the EOF Character with the MSComm Control
- Q253269: PRB: Access Denied When You Try to Debug a WebClass Application
- Q253295: FIX: Loading/Unloading Form w/MSHFlexGrid Causes Resource Leak
- Q253298: PRB: HTML Template Items’ Names Changed in WebClass Designer
- Q253335: BUG: CE CommonDialog: ShowOpen Displays Only My Documents Files
- Q253555: FIX:"Report Width Is Larger Than the Paper Width" on Data Report
- Q253612: BUG: Printers Collection May Not Contain All Printers in Folder
- Q253677: BUG: VBCE Application Terminates When Replacing ImageList Image
- Q253814: PRB: SetParent Does Not Change Standard Forms into Child Windows
- Q253940: PRB: Incorrect Screen Object Width/Height After the Desktop Is R
- Q254117: HOWTO: Display Recordset ‘Pages’ in MSHFlexGrid Control
- Q254339: HOWTO: Use FlashWindowEx to Notify a User from VB
- Q254464: PRB: Can’t Add T-SQL Debugger to the Visual Basic Add-in Manager
- Q254496: HOWTO: Change Printer Settings for Kodak Image Edit Control
- Q254634: PRB: Updating DAO Recordset from Excel Increases File Size
- Q254703: PRB: Maximized MDI Child Form with Control Loses Focus
- Q254794: FIX: Row in Grid Remains Highlighted After Selecting Another Row
- Q254796: FILE: Updated Grid Control for Handheld PC Platform
- Q254925: PRB: Printer Object Fails to Track Default Printer
- Q255115: BUG: Printer.ForeColor Property Does Not Work Correctly
- Q255272: BUG: CE: CommandBar Settings May Keep Key Events from Firing
- Q255502: PRB: Err Msg: ASP 0178 When You Run a WebClass in Windows 2000
- Q255625: BUG: Err Object Returns Zero Number and Empty Description.
- Q255630: BUG: Using Friend Function w/ Implements Does Not Work in P-Code
- Q255726: PRB: Error 429 Occurs When You Use the Package & Deployment Wiz.
- Q255757: PRB: Circular Dependency Error When UDT Is Not In Base Class Mod
- Q255782: HOWTO: Use ADO/ADOX to Modify Base Query of Access QueryDef
- Q255829: PRB: PDW Includes Comsvcs.dll File with COM+ Applications
- Q256847: HOWTO: Use the WNetUseConnection API to Map a Drive in VB
- Q256857: BUG: Toolbar with Placeholder Button Does Not Wrap Correctly
- Q257400: FIX: VB6 SP3 Application Crashing in the IDE
- Q257409: PRB: "Could Not Start Internet Explorer" Debugging WebClasses
- Q257421: FIX: Compiling ActiveX Project Does Not Release Reference Right
- Q257495: FIX: ListView Executes ItemClick Twice with Label Set to Manual
- Q257496: FIX: Optimized Code Incorrectly Compares Floating Point Numbers
- Q257501: FIX: Error Message When Exporting Data Report to HTML File
- Q257516: FIX: Button Removed from Toolbar Cannot Be Added Back
- Q257523: BUG: Resource Leak When Displaying WMF Files in PictureBox
- Q257524: FIX:Adding Items to ListView Control Results inIPF onWin95/98/Me
- Q257529: FIX: MonthView’s Year is Changed When Setting DayofWeek Property
- Q257530: FIX: Images Replicated When Customizing a Toolbar
- Q257531: FIX: Wrong Large Currency Values Returned From Late Bound Object
- Q257543: FIX: MouseDown Event Fires Unexpectedly on Modal Form
- Q257550: FIX: An Invalid Page Fault Error Occurs When You Use DataReport
- Q257572: FIX: Err Msg "Missing Dependency Information" with PDW
- Q257621: FIX: Resources Lost When Loading Modal Form from ActiveX Server
- Q257630: FIX: Exception Error Closing Application with CoolBar Control
- Q257631: FIX: Event Monitoring Stops When Expression Service Is Started
- Q257635: FIX: DataGrid Loses Focus After You Cancel AddNew
- Q257641: FIX: DataSource Drop-Down Loads Slowly in Large Project
- Q257645: FIX: Setting Windowless Control to Transparent Prevents Animatio
- Q257657: FIX: Update Fails for Text Column w/CursorDriver at rdUseODBC
- Q257658: BUG: BatchCollisionCount Incorrect After BatchUpdate to SQL 7.0
- Q257660: FIX: Setting Printer Object Reference to Nothing Causes IPF
- Q257661: FIX: Form Double-Click Event May Fire SSTab Events
- Q257662: FIX: Entering Text w/IME Set to Double Byte Input Option Crashes
- Q257664: FIX: Creating an Object in a VB DLL on a Non-UI Thread
- Q257686: FIX: Double-Clicking ListBox Control Causes Invalid Page Fault
- Q257688: FIX: Printer Object Fails to Track Default Printer
- Q257691: FIX: Dynamically Loaded UserControl Does Not Send Changes
- Q257692: FIX: Resource Leak If Control’s IMEMode > 0 (Int’l Versions)
- Q257695: FIX: Invalid Page Fault When Using Data Environment Designer
- Q257703: FIX: ListView Control Still Active After Opening Modal Form
- Q257707: FIX: Recordset Not Updated After Invoking the Move Method
- Q257710: FIX: PointSelected of MSChart May Return Wrong DataPoint Value
- Q257711: FIX: VB6CHT PDWizard Package NeedS to Include .Reg File
- Q257712: FIX: DBCS Characters Cause Duplicate Column Name Using Jet 4
- Q257714: FIX: ADODC and DataEnvironment Events Only Work with ADO 2.0
- Q257728: FIX: Client Winsock Control Doesn’t Connect to Server Control
- Q257730: FIX: PrintForm Method of Form Containing UserControl Causes IPF
- Q257732: FIX: GDI Resource Leak When MaskPicture Is Set to an Icon
- Q257741: FIX: UserControl Validate Event Hangs the VB IDE
- Q257772: FIX: Updates to Textbox Bound to MSRDC Fail, rdUseClientBatch
- Q257773: INFO: Support for Third-Party Installers
- Q257777: FIX: Printer.Height May Eject the Wrong Amount of Paper
- Q257778: BUG: Closing Two MDI Child Forms Rapidly Results in an IPF
- Q257779: FIX: Printer Dialog of DataReport PrintReport Is Always Portrait
- Q257780: FIX:Unrecognized Database Format, Data Control or Data Form Wiz
- Q257781: FIX: 0x800040154 Loading Multi-Threaded DLL Repetitively
- Q257782: FIX: VB IDE Crashes Changing Control’s Name in Properties Window
- Q257783: FIX: Function with Numeric Label May Cause Crash
- Q257784: FIX: ARROW Key Doesn’t Work with DBCS on Japanese Windows
- Q257785: FIX: Access Violation Closing IE Window After Opening HTML Page
- Q257786: FIX: IPF in Msvbvm60.dll Showing Data Report After Modal Form
- Q257787: FIX: Program w/ Usercontrol Causes Access Violation When Exiting
- Q257788: FIX: DataGrid Row Selector Does Not Update
- Q257789: FIX: Data Source Is Not Updated When PropertyChanged Is Called
- Q257790: BUG: CancelUpdate After AddNew Causes Error If Datatype Invalid
- Q257791: FIX: VB Crashes While Trying to Compile/Link the Program
- Q257792: FIX: TreeView NodeClick Events May Fire Despite Cancel = True
- Q257794: HOWTO: Use Binary File Access with Visual Basic
- Q257819: HOWTO: Use ADO with Excel Data from Visual Basic or VBA
- Q257849: HOWTO: Resize RichTextbox Control with Endless Bottom
- Q257853: PRB: Problem When You Call ITC Execute from Form_Load
- Q257918: PRB: "File is Missing or Invalid" Error Message
- Q257947: PRB: Runtime Error 7 : Out of Memory Error Message
- Q258012: FIX: Endless Reboot Downloading Internet Package Created by PDW
- Q258017: FIX: FieldChangeComplete Not Fired When UserControl Loses Focus
- Q258157: HOWTO: Deploy the SQL Distributed Management Objects w/ the PDW
- Q258173: BUG: Chart Control Axis Label’s WordWrap Property Does Not Work
- Q258192: PRB: Errors Recompiling ActiveX Component w/ Binary Compability
- Q258207: BUG: Err Msg in Locals and Watch Window in Visual Basic 6.0
- Q258233: PRB: Problem Reloading a UserControl File with an Add-In
- Q258676: PRB: Inconsistent Behavior Using rdoParameter’s Value Property
- Q258697: INFO: Single SQL Connection Supports Only One Active Firehose
- Q258827: INFO: Visual Basic Object Browser Cannot See the Default Interfa
- Q258888: PRB: Error When Query Builder Runs Parameterized Queries
- Q259519: PRB: Image Control Invisible When Visible Property Set to True
- Q259529: INFO: How Visual Basic Classes Map to COM
- Q259564: INFO: Windowless Controls in the Mswless.ocx File Not Supported
- Q259673: HOWTO: Change the Application Icon with Visual Basic
- Q260018: BUG: Winsock Control Run-Time Error 10054 in DataArrival for UDP
- Q260098: FIX: Cannot Set the ComboBox Text in the Click Event in VB 6.0
- Q260100: FIX: Printform Ignores Changes in Printer.orientation
- Q260102: FIX: Can’t Add Available Toolbar Buttons After They Are Removed
- Q260103: FIX: IDE Memory Leak on Form Run/Stop in Visual Basic 6
- Q260108: PRB: Restart Option Is Only Available on Windows CE 3.0
- Q260150: BUG: Control Manager Allows You to Uninstall of ActiveX DLLs
- Q260369: PRB: Err Msg "Can’t Load DLL ‘?????L?’ " Running Deployed App
- Q260373: FIX: The SSTab Events May Fire Despite Cancel = True
- Q260581: BUG: Installing App via PDW Generates Err Msg Creating Icons
- Q261193: FIX: "Report Width Is Larger Than .." w/Data Report in Landscape
- Q261250: HOWTO: Expose and Use ENUMS from VB Components in ASP
- Q262441: PRB: Run-Tme Error Message ‘400’ : Form already displayed…."
- Q262654: BUG: ShowAnnotationToolPalette ToolTips Display Incorrect Data
- Q262667: FIX: Wrong Result Using RtlMoveMemory to Copy Nested UDT
- Q262883: SAMPLE: NEWVBTERM.EXE MSComm Control Techniques
- Q262976: PRB: Err Msg "Missing or Not Registered VB6tmpl.tlb" in VB6
- Q265451: HOWTO: Run an eVB Application Full Screen on a Pocket PC
- Q265746: PRB: eVB: Scrollbars Appear Incorrectly in Run Mode
- Q265767: HOWTO: Use the Remote Tools Installed with eMbedded Visual Basic
- Q265776: INFO: System Requirements for eMbedded Visual Basic 3.0
- Q265796: HOWTO: Run ADOCE on the Pocket PC Platform
- Q265797: INFO: Use of User-Defined Data Types in eMbedded Visual Basic
- Q265798: HOW TO: Change the Cursor in an eMbedded Visual Basic Applicatio
- Q265884: BUG: Optional Parameter with Default Value Null Causes Error 458
- Q263660: BUG: Click Event May Fire Even Though Command Button Is Hidden
- Q263685: BUG: AV in VB IDE Compiling ADODB.Connection.Execute Method
- Q263839: HOWTO: Use Long File Names with ITC Execute Method
- Q264114: PRB: VBCE - Error Message "INSTWZRD Encountered a Fatal Error"
- Q264393: PRB: Type Mismatch and Floating Point Error with CoolBar Control
- Q264405: PRB: Out of Memory Error Adding GIF Files to RichTextBox Control
- Q264421: BUG: Application Error Closing Form with Graphics in RichTextBox
- Q266265: HOWTO: Implement MatchedWithList Validation Check in ComboBox
- Q266289: HOWTO:Use Split Function to Put Delimited String into String Arr
- Q266302: PRB: ADOX Error -2147217859 When You Append a Table to a Catalog
- Q266654: HOWTO: Implement Dynamic Search Functionality to Locate Records
- Q266717: HOWTO: Create a DCOM Client/Server Application by Using VB
- Q266747: PRB: Toolbox or Menu Items Are Missing in the Visual Basic IDE
- Q266767: HOWTO: Set Which Printer Is the System Default Printer
- Q267745: BUG: Hierarchical Flexgrid Row or Cell Selection Fails
- Q267836: HOWTO: Create a DCOM Client/Server with Events by Using VB
- Q267849: PRB: Using Color Cursors in a Visual Basic Application
- Q267908: HOWTO: Enumerate the Subkeys of an Open Registry Key
- Q267909: HOWTO: Save TreeView Data to a Formatted File
- Q267925: PRB: Opening Binary File for Input Returns Only One Character
- Q267939: HOWTO: Use FindText to Enable Searching in a Text Box
- Q268309: HOWTO: Associate an Icon with an eVB Application
- Q268550: HOWTO: Use DCOMCNFG for a VB DCOM Client/Server Application
- Q268807: PRB: Application Error Running or Closing a Project
- Q268884: HOWTO: Set or Retrieve the Authentication Level of a DCOM Client
- Q269037: BUG: DataCombo Loses BoundText When Recordset Re-Queried
- Q269330: HOWTO: Troubleshoot DCOM for VB Client/Server Applications
- Q269383: PRB: System Registry ErrMsg When Displaying VB/VBA References
- Q269445: FIX: Unloading Form from Control Array Event Causes Error
- Q269522: BUG: Data Doesn’t Revert to Original Value After CancelUpdate
- Q269579: PRB: Tabbed Dialog Control Has Different Behavior on Non-VB Form
- Q269618: BUG: GPF May Occur When ComboBox Control Set on Band of CoolBar
- Q269620: PRB: SP_SetAppRole in RDO Causes Error Message
- Q269783: BUG: Cannot Drag Multiple Selections from ListView Control
- Q270589: BUG: Run-Time ErrMsg When Passing Array of Dictionary Objects
- Q271284: HOWTO: Access COM+ Object Constructor String in VB Component
- Q271612: FIX: Error "Can’t Print Form Image" on Windows 98 with VB6 SP4
- Q271620: HOWTO: Retrieve XML Data Using SQL XML Query in VB Client
- Q271621: HOWTO: Retrieve XML Data with a Template File from a VB Client
- Q271664: BUG: Events with Names Containing Underscore Not Received in VB
- Q271692: INFO: Avoid Truncation When You Use Data Report ExportReport
- Q271695: PRB: Picture in MDI Form Does Not Display
- Q271764: PRB: Application-defined or Object-defined Error in WebClass App
- Q271919: Access Volation in Visual Basic Snap-In Designer Run-Time DLL
- Q273458: BUG: Cannot Find Installable ISAM ErrMsg After Localized VS SP4
- Q273496: PRB: IIS 5.0 Hangs with Application.Lock and Application.Unlock
- Q273782: PRB: Error When You Copy and Paste GUID in Data View Window
- Q273821: HOWTO: Programmatically Set Parameter Values for Command Object
- Q272074: FIX: T-SQL Debugger Parses SQL Server 2000 Return Value Wrong
- Q272400: BUG: Application Error Returns Resized Array to Event Procedure
- Q272407: PATCH: Access Violation in VB Snap-in Designer Run Time DLL
- Q272420: BUG: ComboBox Text Is Missing When DoEvents Is in GotFocus Event
- Q272490: BUG: Error "Cannot Save an Uninitialized Class" on VB Component
- Q272532: PRB: DatePicker Value Is Incorrect When You Enter Invalid Date
- Q272618: PRB: Client-Side ADO Union Query Using Oracle OLE DB Provider Re
- Q272622: PRB: Refresh Method of Intrinsic Data Control Shows ErrMsg 3343
- Q274167: FIX: Unable to Create or Modify Tables/Views on SQL Server 2000
- Q274211: PRB: Error Msg. 3734 Occurs When You Repeatedly Open & Close MDB
- Q274484: HOWTO: Grant Users the Access to Add Visual Basic Components
- Q274523: BUG: Print to File Fails to Request Output File Name
- Q274536: HOWTO: Bind a Data Environment Connection to a UDL File
- Q274754: HOWTO: Create a User Control with Licensed Components in VB
- Q277712: HOWTO: Change the Axis Label Font and the Font Size in MSChart
- Q277749: HOWTO: Set a Pushpin in MapPoint 2001 Using Automation
- Q277750: HOWTO: Set a Pushpin in MapPoint 2001 with the VB OLE Control
- Q277916: HOWTO: Use GetKeyState() to Check If the TAB Key Was Pressed
- Q277993: FIX: ActualSize Property of the ADODB Recordset Returns -1
- Q275004: HOWTO: Transfer a Bitmap to a PocketPC Using the Winsock Control
- Q275182: PRB: FormResize Appears to Have No Effect When the SIP Is Shown
- Q275245: BUG: Floppy Disks Created by PDW Repeats Prompt to Insert Disks
- Q275301: BUG: Kodak Image Edit Controls Causes Error in VB IDE on Win Me
- Q275649: SAMPLE: ChrtSmpl.exe Demonstrates Use of the VB 6.0 MSChart Ctrl
- Q275703: PRB: Shared SQL Server Repository Option Unavailable in VB Pro 6
- Q276346: FIX: SendKeys Function Locks Keyboard on Windows 2000
- Q276380: BUG: ADO 2.0 Reference Cannot Be Saved in VB 6.0 With VS SP4
- Q276560: BUG: CompilerError with Left Function When Devshl.dll Referenced
- Q280067: PRB: Very Large XML Documents from SQL Server 2000 May Be Slow
- Q280134: PRB: Error When You Create SQL Server TEMP Tables Using RDO
- Q280300: BUG: WithEvents Causes Events Not to Fire from WebClass
- Q280513: PRB: VB6 App Has Run-Time Error 3633 When Run on New Computer
- Q280811: PRB: Mixing And/Or Criteria in Same Filter Returns 3001 ErrMsg
- Q278013: BUG: ASP Error 80070005 When You Create a Visual Basic Component
- Q278408: PRB: DataGrid Cannot Be Bound to a Non-Bookmarkable Recordset
- Q278492: BUG: List Window Pane in Project Explorer Highlights Wrong Item
- Q278611: PRB: Sheridan Command Button Click Event Raised in WhatsThisMode
- Q281417: HOWTO:Log On to Terminal Server Session Programmatically from VB
- Q281755: HOWTO: Connect to FileMaker Pro from Visual Basic with ODBC
- Q281887: FIX: Invalid Bookmark ErrMsg When Records Added to Recordset
- Q281913: BUG: Referencing Type Libraries May Render Platform Dependent
- Q281940: BUG: DBCombo SelectedItem Property Is Not Updated When You Type
- Q282233: BUG: Access Denied Recompiling VB Project with Public UDT
- Q282474: HOWTO: Print Using Custom Page Sizes on Windows NT/2000
- Q279409: BUG: WebClass ProcessTag Event Fails to Execute
- Q279693: HOWTO: T-Shoot Errors from Apps with Missing Components
- Q279755: INFO: Visual Basic and Arithmetic Precision
- Q279764: PRB: Multiple System Files Errors w/ VB 6.0 App on Windows 2000
- Q279888: BUG: Error When Using Client Cursor to Add Record to SQL Table
- Q283845: PRB: RDO Rowcount Returns Zero For Large SQL Server Recordsets
- Q284948: BUG: Text Containing Single LF or CR Becomes CR/LF on Win2000
- Q288106: HOWTO:Use UDL File for Hierarchical Commands in Data Environment
- Q288222: HOWTO: Create a Transparent Framer Control
- Q288245: PRB: Global.asa Does Not Fire from Personal Web Server
- Q288346: BUG: BeforeUpdate Event of the DataGrid Does Not Always Fire
- Q288548: HOWTO: Override MQMD MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge Extension Fields in VB
- Q288706: PRB: CLSID {00000010-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4} Not Found
- Q288928: BatchOptimistic With Client Side Cursor in DataEnvironment Fails
- Q288930: PRB: PDW Raises Error "Filename Must Contain Text"
- Q289493: PRB: Component Not Registered Error When Attempt to Run VB App
- Q289498: PRB: Form Cannot Get Focus After Using SetParent to Move Control
- Q289793: HOWTO: Dynamically Populate a Group Data Report in Visual Basic
- Q290426: PRB: Round() Function Does Not Accept Negative Parameters
- Q290887: FILE: VBRun60sp5.exe Installs Visual Basic 6.0 SP5 Run-Time File
- Q291007: INFO: All Submenu Items Cannot Be Invisible
- Q291103: BUG: InsertObjDlg Fails with "Unable to Access Source" Err Msg
- Q291191: HOWTO: Use the ENTER Key to Navigate in Visual Basic DataGrid
- Q291569: HOWTO: Associate a Custom Icon with a Formless VB Application
- Q291573: HOWTO: Use Visual Basic to List Active Logical Drives
- Q291575: HOWTO: Use Visual Basic to Locate CD-ROM Drives
- Q291664: HOWTO: Detect Safe Mode Startup with Visual Basic
- Q291789: HOWTO: Use WTSEnumerateSessions Terminal Server Function from VB
- Q291853: INFO: Avoid Page Skipping When You Print Multiple Data Reports
- Q293295: BUG: PDW Package Cannot Be Installed If User Name Is Korean DBCS
- Q293348: HOWTO: Set Focus on a Column in a DataGrid Control
- Q293786: BUG: GPF in DAO After You Install SQL Server Client
- Q285642: BUG: Using Add-In to Change Name of UserControl May Cause AV
- Q285932: BUG: MaxLength Property Is Ignored When Alignment Is Changed
- Q286189: HOWTO: Invoke OLE DB Data Link Properties Dialog Box in VB Code
- Q286241: PRB: Error Saving NULL Value w/ ADODC and Bound Controls
- Q286347: PRB: Can’t Connect to VCM Database from Client with Older VCM
- Q286404: HOWTO: Add HTML Help to a Visual Basic 6.0 Application Wizard Ap
- Q286504: eVB CreateObject Function Causes Memory Leak
- Q286754: PRB: Three-Tiered Service Model Is Not Visible in Visual Modeler
- Q286755: How to Create an Index on a Custom Property
- Q294166: FIX: DataGrid Control Row Property Fails to Update for Last Row
- Q294888: BUG: Instantiation of ActiveX EXE SingleUse Objects Is Blocked
- Q294966: PRB: RepairDatabase Method Is No Longer Available in DAO 3.6
- Q295330: BUG: AV in MSVBVM60.dll Using WinInet .ocx in COM DLL
- Q295592: BUG: PDW Limits ‘Add Files’ String to 256 Characters
- Q295646: HOWTO: Transfer Data from ADO Data Source to Excel with ADO
- Q296173: HOWTO: Use ADOX to Create OLE Object Field in an Access Database
- Q296654: Heap Corruption Remote Debugging with eVB
- Q296904: HOWTO: Install the PocketPC Emulator with JScript Support
- Q298133: HOWTO: List Fixed Pitch Fonts with GetTextMetrics
- Q298135: PRB: Print Method Does Not Appear in Object Browser or ALM
- Q298141: HOWTO: Send a PCL or PostScript File Directly to a Printer w/ VB
- Q298144: HOWTO: Associate a Graphic with a Menu Item
- Q298487: BUG: Localized Versions of CAB Files for Msjint35.dll Missing
- Q298501: BUG: Menu Item Captions Is Displayed Incorrectly
- Q298798: BUG: Drag-and-Drop w/ Left Mouse Button Does Not Work on Win2K
- Q298825: PRB: Run-time Error ‘6’ When You Use the TextWidth Method
- Q298926: PRB: Error 800a01ad When You Run a WebClass from Terminal Server
- Q297060: HOWTO: Load a User Profile into the Registry with Visual Basic
- Q297108: BUG: VB SendKeys Causes Incorrect Keyboard Status or Freeze
- Q297112: BUG: VB Compiler Pads Embedded Resources with NULLs
- Q297218: PRB: PDW Err "Object Invoked Has Disconnected from Its Clients"
- Q297292: HOWTO: Use RegObji.exe to Copy a Registry Key Programmatically
- Q297525: BUG: No ARM Option for eVB J to Create Pocket PC Setup Package
- Q297531: PRB: Report Designer Menu Item Is Missing
- Q297677: PRB: VB 5.0 Installation on Windows 2000 Ignores Start Menu
- Q297814: BUG: Constant Double Variables in a Type Library Do Not Display
- Q297882: PRB: Behavior of Format Function Changes from VB 5.0 to VB 6.0
- Q299007: Memory Leak Triggering Event to an eMbedded Visual Basic Program
- Q299527: PRB: "Error in Loading DLL" Error If You Add PDW as VB Component
- Q299591: BUG: Item Is Not Highlighted in a FullRowSelect ListView Control
- Q299615: BUG: KeyPress Event Behaves Differently in a Compiled Executable
- Q299645: BUG: Error "Unable to Register MSADO15.TLB" If You Use PDW Pkg.
- Q299686: HOWTO: Detect If Scroll Bars Are Visible on a Control
- Q299712: Click Events Are Fired Twice in eVB Applications
- Q299714: HOW TO: Call a COM Object from Active Server Pages
- Q299848: HOWTO: Insert Code at Cursor/Selection Position from an Add-In
- Q299853: HOWTO: Modify the Default Web Browser and E-mail Client
- Q300189: PRB: Paradox ISAM Does Not Support Some Paradox 4.x Types
- Q300197: HOW TO: Ping an IP Address with Visual Basic by Using ICMP
- Q300586: BUG: Error "Row Cannot Be Located for Updating"
- Q300850: BUG: GlobalMultiUse Class Doesn’t End in Multithreaded Environmt
- Q301081: HOW TO: Export a Table from Windows CE by Using eMbedded Visual
- Q301091: HOW TO: Import a Table into a Windows CE ADOCE Database by Using
- Q301260: HOW TO: Install SQL Server CE by Using eMbedded Visual Basic
- Q301359: INFO: Cannot Use WebBrowser Control Directly in eVB
- Q304071: BUG: WebClass Application with Japanese Templates May Fail
- Q304267: FIX: Error in VBA6.DLL When Concatenating ADO Recordset Field
- Q304299: SAMPLE: Using the Voice Control from eMbedded Visual Basic
- Q304607: PRB: Visual Basic Doesn’t Load .ocx When Starting Visual Basic
- Q304716: FIX: AV in RepODBC.dll When You Try to Connect to Repository
- Q303105: PRB: Cursor Moves to First Column If You Use Keyboard to Scroll
- Q307191: BUG: VB 5.0 Setup.exe Consumes CPU, Installation Inefficient
- Q307495: PRB: Error 0x80004005 When You Try to Register a WebClass DLL
- Q307557: BUG: 32-Bit App. Use of DBGrid Fails When 16-Bit Already Running
- Q307615: FIX: Published Visual Component Manager Components Not Saved
- Q308644: BUG: Memory Leak When You Bind Recordset to VB Intrinsic Control
- Q308980: PRB:Native Error Not Sent Back to ADO When You Run SQL XML Query
- Q305101: BUG: VB Modal Form Freezes When Called from DataGrid Click Event
- Q305317: PRB: SQL Builder Improperly Refreshes upon Editing Query
- Q305558: PRB: PDW Raises Error 28 When You Click Finish
- Q305965: HOW TO:Consume XML Web Service Methods by Using SOAP Toolkit 2.0
- Q309366: INFO: VB 6.0 Does Not Support Windows XP Themes or Visual Styles
- Q306368: HOWTO: Use RAPI to Add Keys and Values to the Remote Registry
- Q306388: PRB: CursorType Returns adOpenStatic from Server-Side Recordset
- Q306826: HOWTO: Get and Set the Memory Settings with eVB
- Q306886: BUG: Split Causes DataGrid to Repaint Itself Continuously
- Q310303: PRB: Package and Deployment Wizard Does Not Distribute MDAC 2.6
- Q310647: BUG: VB 6.0 T-SQL Debugger Fails with SQL 2000 Named Instance
- Q310650: Known Issues w/ Visual Basic T-SQL Debugger and SQL Server 2000
- Q311733: BUG: DBCombo on Modal Form Fails to Respond to Mouse Events
- Q311950: PRB: "Insufficient Base Table Information for Updating" Error
- Q312218: BUG: Deadlock in Multithreaded Process Using Declare Statements
- Q313834: BUG: The Validate Event Does Not Fire for Controls on the SSTab
- Q313984: INFO: Winsock Control Run-Time Error 429 and Scalability
- Q316010: FIX: Error Message When You Build Large Visual Basic Projects
- Q316318: HOWTO: Use NetQueryDisplayInformation() in Visual Basic
- Q317898: Access Violation When You Use WebClasses to Replace Text
- Q315290: Events Do Not Fire When You Use WithEvents for a WebClass
- Q315519: HOW TO: Write a Simple Active Accessibility Client by Using VB
- Q315576: PRB: Err Msg Starting eVB Project: Object Library Not Registered
- Q315586: HOW TO: Access Registry on Remote Computer Using VB6 & WIN API
- Q315648: HOW TO: Use Custom Formatting with a Visual Basic 6.0 Data Grid
- Q315657: HOW TO: Print the Contents of a WebBrowser Control
- Q315725: HOW TO: Determine If Screen Saver Is Running by Using VB 6.0
- Q315922: MSScript.ocx Leaks Event Handles in Certain Applications
- Q315988: HOW TO: Use HTML Help from Visual Basic 6.0
- Q314431: PRB: Programmatically Changing Focus Does Not Cause Validation
- Q314720: INFO: Windows XP Includes a New Version of Msvbvm60.DLL
- Q314746: BUG: Access Violation Occurs in ADO When You Run Executable File
- Q314991: INFO: VB 6.0 Does Not Support Applications for Multiple Monitors
- Q318188: HOW TO: Save The Contents Of Visual Basic Form To a DIB Section
- Q318519: PRB: Error -2147467259 When VB Client Calls Method on COM Object
- Q318784: PRB: MSComm.Input returns comReadError (8020) with Some Ports
- Q318832: PRB: Run-Time Error 8015 If You Try to Open the Serial Port
- Q319358: The Focus Rectangle Does Not Move As Expected
- Q319692: Winsock Control May Fire DataArrival Event After the Close Event
- Q320103: BUG: Conditionally Compiled Public Events Cause Access Violation
- Q325568: WM_WININICHANGE Message Causes Deadlock in Multithreaded VB Apps
- Q326345: "Invalid Procedure Call" Err When You Assign User-Defined Type
- Q321055: Deadlock Occurs If You Use Printer Object in Multithreaded App.