KB Articles for Microsoft C Compiler
- Q19972: INFO: Jumping into the Middle of a For Loop Is Not Recommended
- Q12159: HOWTO: Use malloc() and _fmalloc() in an Application
- Q11558: HOW TO: Convert a String to a Floating-Point Number
- Q11997: HOWTO: Modify the Environment for a Spawned Process
- Q23739: INFO: Specify Compiler Options Before Source Filename
- Q22320: INFO: NAN & INF Internal Representation Specific to Coprocessor
- Q22321: INFO: Common Programming Errors in the C Language
- Q10758: Managing Memory with calloc() and malloc()
- Q29197: INFO: Pointer Subtraction Yields Signed Value
- Q29557: printf() Default Floating-Point Precision Is 6 Decimals
- Q29852: HOWTO: Use fopen() to Append Data to File Terminated w/ CTRL+Z
- Q28173: C Run-time Library History and Naming Conventions
- Q28244: INFO: qsort() Can Sort Data Structures Based on Multiple Fields
- Q30580: HOWTO: Declare an Array of Pointers to Functions
- Q33795: INFO: Consecutive Calls to ctime() Overwrite Previous Values
- Q31510: INFO: Bitwise Complement Operator Appears to Fail on Comparison
- Q34445: INFO: Installing Language Products on a Network
- Q34921: INFO: jmp_buf Pointer Type is "void *"
- Q32069: INFO: No Error Message Text If .ERR Files Not in PATH
- Q32109: INFO: Two Syntaxes for Calling Functions with Pointers
- Q32309: Using _harderr to Capture Critical Error Interrupt 24h
- Q32448: INFO: Specifying .DEF Files on the CL Command Line
- Q32539: PRB: fclose() on Unopened Files Causes Protection Violation
- Q32816: PRB: Causes of R6000 "Stack Overflow" Error
- Q32841: INFO: How Bitfields Are Stored in Memory
- Q35037: INFO: How C Interprets Integer Constants with Leading Zeroes
- Q40027: INFO: #pragma pack() Affects Declarations, Not Definitions
- Q40160: PRB: C2001: Newline in Constant for a String on Multiple Lines
- Q40593: INFO: Misspelling "Default" Gives No Error
- Q37223: INFO: Definition of a Domain Error
- Q37233: INFO: Why System Include Files Prototype Functions as _cdecl
- Q37507: PRB: "Floating-point Support Not Loaded" Error with scanf()
- Q37624: INFO: Precedence Affects Grouping of Operands, Not Evaluation
- Q37794: PRB: gcvt() Generates Exponential Notation for 0.0x
- Q38024: INFO: A Case Where BUFF[] and *BUFF Are Different
- Q38027: INFO: Negative Values Use Two’s Complement
- Q38291: INFO: Cannot Define Other Preprocessor Directives with #define
- Q38335: HOWTO: sscanf() Example Using a Comma (,) as Delimiter
- Q38728: HOW TO: Initilize Large Character Arrays
- Q39310: INFO: Selective Initialization of Array Elements Not Allowed
- Q39501: Simple Example Using _bios_serialcom()
- Q39908: Time Functions Calculate for Daylight Savings Time
- Q39910: PRB: Initializing Non-Primary Union Element Produces Errors
- Q41104: DOC: Libraries Added by Comment pragma Appear After Default
- Q41159: INFO: rewind(stdin) Clears Keyboard Buffer
- Q41212: INFO: Must Use Prototype Before Intrinsic or Function Pragmas
- Q41374: Assignment of Void Pointer Does Not Give Warning Message
- Q42019: PRB: Missing Closing ")" in Macro Causes Unexpected EOF
- Q42075: INFO: Next scanf/fscanf Apparently Is Skipped During Run Time
- Q42562: PRB: C4057 or C4133 Occur Unexpectedly
- Q42761: PRB: Use /Op to Avoid Loss of Precision from Optimization
- Q43072: INFO: Switching from Reading to Writing Files Can Garble Data
- Q43331: Changing System Time or Date Will Temporarily Pause Clock
- Q43391: INFO: Handling Floating-Point Errors in C
- Q43392: INFO: Clarification of the "g" Format Specifier for printf()
- Q43428: INFO: Storage of Environment Variables
- Q43646: INFO: What Causes the Startup Code to Be Included
- Q43703: INFO: Casting a Pointer to Type Equivalent to Multidimensional
- Q43971: INFO: qsort(): Parameters to the Compare Function
- Q45237: INFO: Unsigned Characters and Arithmetic Operators
- Q45563: setbuf() Doesn’t Control MS-DOS Buffer or Keyboard Buffer
- Q46024: DOCFIX: fopen() Will Set errno Values Incorrect in Documentation
- Q46131: DOC: tmpnam() Operation Does Not Change If P_tmpdir Modified
- Q44463: HOWTO: Difference Between Arrays and Pointers in C
- Q44725: INFO: printf() and 512-Byte I/O Buffer
- Q44816: PRB: printf() Appears to Print Incorrect Results for Floats
- Q44895: INFO: kbhit() Does Not Take Character out of Buffer
- Q47692: INFO: Some errno Values Do Not Apply to MS-DOS, Windows NT
- Q47693: INFO: Initializing Unions Initializes First Member of the Union
- Q47724: INFO: No Network License Agreements on MS Language Products
- Q47737: INFO: filelength() Includes EOF Character in Return Value
- Q47961: INFO: Extracting Function ptr from a Variable arg List Function
- Q47987: _bios_serialcom Sends and Receives Single Character Data
- Q48744: int86x() and int86() Trap for Interrupts 25h, 26h
- Q48793: exec() and spawn() with P_OVERLAY Ignore Max Allocation
- Q48885: INFO: Newline Character \n Equivalent to ASCII Linefeed (0x0A)
- Q51198: INFO: Formal Parameters Default to Type int
- Q51326: DOC: tmpfile() Creates a Temporary File in the Root Dir
- Q51327: INFO: strtok(): C Function – Documentation Supplement
- Q51434: HOWTO: Calculate Available File Handles at Run Time
- Q51474: INFO: Character Parameters May Be Prototyped as Integers
- Q51712: HOWTO: Use the Token Pasting Operator in Microsoft C
- Q51724: DOC: Clarification of the /H Identifier Length Option
- Q49064: INFO: Declaring a Pointer to a Function: C4071, C4001, or C4220
- Q49573: INFO: scanf() with %i and a Leading 0 Gives Octal Conversion
- Q49823: PRB: Inconsistent Use of fscanf %x.xf Formatting
- Q49871: PRB: Mixing Case of LINK Option Causes Error L1093 or D4002
- Q50234: Using Function Name Without "()" Produces No Code
- Q50351: DOC: mktemp() Creates a Maximum of 27 Unique Filenames
- Q50694: INFO: Evaluation Order of Expression and Function Args Undefined
- Q50712: DOC: Run-Time Routines Assume Direction Flag Is Clear in C
- Q50732: INFO: Pointer to Undeclared Structure Does Not Generate Error
- Q50950: HOWTO: Specify Stack Size (Clarification)
- Q57244: INFO: Workaround for Converting a Float/Double to a String
- Q57479: INFO: fmod() Results Unexpected Due to Binary Representation
- Q57888: INFO: Return Value for getch() on Extended Characters
- Q57942: PRB: UNKNOWN WARNING May Result from Corrupt Error Message File
- Q57948: INFO: Escape Character Erases First Characters in gets() String
- Q57949: INFO: Use of the Stringizing Operator (#) in Macros
- Q58427: PRB: Changing STDIN Translation Mode from Text to Binary
- Q58559: PRB: Executable Code Between Declarations Causes C2143 or C214
- Q58667: HOWTO: Redirect stdout to and from a File Using C
- Q59070: INFO: Buffer Size for fcvt() and ecvt() Is 349 Bytes
- Q59407: PRB: Inaccurate Representation of Large Double Values
- Q61314: INFO: The Limit of Macro Expansion
- Q60028: PRB: rename() Function May Fail Unexpectedly
- Q60252: INFO: Initializing Bitfields as Integers in C
- Q60332: INFO: sizeof() Function Returns unsigned Instead of int
- Q60336: PRB: fscanf() Fails to Read Consecutive Lines
- Q62097: INFO: Line Continuation Evaluated Before Inline Comment
- Q65304: INFO: C2059, C2065, C2143 May Be Caused by Not Including Header
- Q65472: INFO: Predefined Identifiers in Microsoft C and C++
- Q64686: PRB: Nested Nameless Structs Can Cause C2020 Error in C
- Q66052: INFO: fflush() & flushall() Do Not Write Data Directly to Disk
- Q66650: INFO: Purpose of "Internal Linkage" & "No Linkage" Information
- Q66738: PRB: Unpredictable Results When >1 va_arg() in Parameter List
- Q66775: PRB: L2029/L2001 Unsized Array Declaration at File Scope [utilit
- Q66778: FIX: Error Messages May Say "short" or "int" Instead of "enum"
- Q67038: INFO: TYPE Operator Expressions Not Allowed for Inline Assembly
- Q67041: BUG: Structure Tags Visible Outside of Function Prototype Scope
- Q67078: Different Warnings Appear Using Different Optimizations
- Q67082: INFO: String Constants May Be Interpreted as Trigraphs in C
- Q67083: DOC: Online Help Lists Wrong Warning Level for C4127 & C4135
- Q67879: INFO: scanf() Format Specifications and Syntax
- Q67882: DOC: Error C2213 Occurs When Base Is an Expression
- Q68143: PRB: Stringize Operator Fails to Insert Backslashes
- Q68337: INFO: ftell() May Return an Invalid Value with a Text File
- Q68385: PRB: Compiler Lacks Warnings for Options Incompatible with /u
- Q68389: INFO: sizeof(char Expression) Same as sizeof(int)
- Q68423: INFO: The Use of a CTRL+Z Is Limited in Text Files
- Q68475: PRB: C2118: Negative Subscript May Be Caused by int Expression
- Q68834: PRB: When Compiling with /P, Errors Are Directed to STDERR
- Q68835: PRB: Compiler Prints Filename But Does Not Compile the Program
- Q70142: INFO: Function Pointers to Functions with Different Parameters
- Q70784: INFO: Data May Be Lost During fflush() If Write Is Unsuccessful
- Q69934: INFO: #define Must Evaluate to Integer Const for #if Expression
- Q71285: INFO: strtok() Needs No Additional Space to Insert Nulls
- Q71424: INFO: Type float Variable Arguments Are Promoted to Type double
- Q71767: INFO: C2059, C2143: Syntax Errors Involving ‘int constant’
- Q73850: PRB: Variables with Local Scope to Switch Won’t Be Initialized
- Q73853: INFO: Sorting Structures with the C qsort() Function
- Q72853: BUG: H2INC Produces Garbage/GP Faults w/ Some Function Typedefs
- Q74747: INFO: Why Microsoft Development Tools Use TMP Instead of TEMP
- Q75602: Initializing an Array of Structures in C
- Q77586: PRB: Custom Command-Line Options Disappear
- Q77653: PRB: Bitfield Breakpoint Halts Execution on Neighboring Fields
- Q76714: INFO: Only One .rc File Is Permitted Per Project
- Q78853: PRB: Conditional Breakpoints Cannot Always Be Set
- Q78856: INFO: Watch Window Displays Arrays as Pointers
- Q79157: FIX: H2INC Doesn’t Recognize /BATCH Command-Line Switch
- Q79845: INFO: Old Style (K&R) Declarations Are Not Supported in C++
- Q80380: BUG: H2INC Doesn’t Allow Multiple Files to Be Specified
- Q83081: INFO: Endl Flushes the cout Buffer Immediately Upon Execution
- Q83939: HOWTO: Print the Image of a Dialog Box
- Q85221: HOW TO: Debug a Dynamic-Link Library (DLL) in Windows
- Q85478: INFO: Error C2593 When Archiving an Enumerated Type
- Q85496: PRB: Assertion Failed: WINAPP.CPP, APPCORE.CPP, or WINMAIN.CPP
- Q85498: PRB: /Tp and /Tc Show Unexpected Behavior with Wildcards
- Q85514: INFO: _DEBUG Must Be Defined When Linking to Debug Libraries
- Q85518: INFO: Correct Use of the SetFont() Function in MFC
- Q85520: INFO: Archiving Several Objects That Point to a Third Object
- Q85956: DOC: Visual Editors Do Not Use INCLUDE Environment Variable
- Q86479: INFO: Initializing in a Loop Within a Case Statement
- Q88092: BUG: Cannot Access Static Data Members in Inline Assembly
- Q88105: INFO: Explanation of Two-Phase Construction in MFC
- Q88113: INFO: Compile and Link Requirements for MFC Applications
- Q88434: INFO: Casting Difference Between C and C++ May Cause C2105
- Q88555: HOWTO: Obtain Width and Height of a CBitmap Object
- Q88557: INFO: CFrameWnd Objects Can Destroy Themselves
- Q88769: HOWTO: Test for End of File with CFile and CStdioFile
- Q91692: FIX: H2INC Version 1.0 Ignores /G3 and /G4 Option Switches
- Q87015: INFO: C2466 Error When Allocating an Array of Length 0
- Q87020: INFO: New C++ Type Conversions May Generate C2446 or C2664
- Q87525: HOW TO: Obtain a Copy of the VESA SVGA Standard
- Q87554: BUG: CArchiveException for Read-only and Write-only Files
- Q87634: PRB: Constant String Is Eliminated by the C++ Compiler
- Q87636: PRB: C2660
- Q87638: PRB: C4512 "Class": Assignment Operator Could Not Be Generated
- Q87976: HOWTO: Creating a Foundation Classes Dialog Box with Custom Icon
- Q92394: HOWTO: Filter Keystrokes in Controls Derived from CEdit Class
- Q92500: PRB: exit() Function Does Not Clean Up Nonstatic Objects
- Q92614: INFO: Initializing const Member Data
- Q92803: Writing CR/LF Combination Using CFile::Write() Function
- Q93401: PRB: C2279: Braces Not Valid in Function Default Argument List
- Q93447: PRB: C2060 or C1004 Error Occurs Using TRY/CATCH Macros
- Q93591: DOC: strstream Constructor Documented Incorrectly
- Q93915: INFO: MFC Application Idle Processing and Power Consumption
- Q93916: INFO: Calling MFC MDI Base Class Message Handlers
- Q94227: INFO: Output Stream cout Is Buffered
- Q94579: INFO: Creating a Function Pointer to a C++ Member Function
- Q95198: PRB: C2061 Error Generated When DEBUG_NEW Used in Application
- Q97048: HOWTO: Restore Corrupt or Deleted Visual C++ Group File
- Q97693: INFO: Dynamic Processing of WM_COMMAND Messages
- Q97809: FIX: C1024 or C1083 Error When INCLUDE Set to Root Directory
- Q96760: PRB: Gray Box Appears Using SDK Custom Control in App Studio
- Q98041: INFO: Using CBitmapButton in CDialogBar and CFormView
- Q98198: INFO: CDialogBar Button Enabled When Command Handler Present
- Q98201: HOWTO: Change Dialog Box Background Color in MFC 2.0 or Later
- Q98314: PRB: #pragma pack Can Generate Compiler Warnings
- Q98409: INFO: Using a Structure with an Empty Array Member
- Q98473: INFO: Updating the Application Status Bar on Demand
- Q98479: DOC: CHKBOOK.CLW File Documents ExtraDDX Lines Incorrectly
- Q98588: PRB: Undesired Side Effects from toascii, tolower, toupper
- Q98592: INFO: /Zg Not Designed for Use with .CPP or .CXX Files
- Q98598: HOWTO: Use CFormView in SDI and MDI Applications
- Q98601: HOWTO: Handle Exceptions That Occur in Exception Processing
- Q98602: INFO: Adding a CObList Object to Another CObList
- Q98656: INFO: Creating a Browser Library for the Foundation Classes
- Q98841: INFO: Conforming to ANSI C Standards
- Q98863: DOC: SB_ENDSCROLL Code Missing from OnHScroll() Documentation
- Q98989: FIX: Constructor C4705 Warning from Aggregate Class Member
- Q100539: FIX: No C4051 Warnings Compiling .CPP or .CXX Files
- Q100634: HOWTO: Specify Shared and Nonshared Data in a DLL
- Q100635: INFO: Dynamically Loading Dynamic-Link Libraries in Windows NT
- Q100638: Cross-Platform Application Development in Windows NT
- Q100639: INFO: Unicode Support in the Microsoft Foundation Class Library
- Q100659: INFO: Exporting Callback Functions Not Required in Win32 Apps
- Q100660: INFO: Macros to Facilitate Porting Applications to Windows NT
- Q100770: HOWTO: Use Accelerator Keys with Modal Dialog Box Main Window
- Q100773: PRB: No Symbolic Information for Local Variables
- Q100775: INFO: Stack Checking for Windows NT-based Applications
- Q100776: PRB: Using Windows NT PDK Header Files in Visual C++
- Q100832: INFO: Calling Conventions the 32-Bit Compiler Supports
- Q100993: HOWTO: Create Additional Views with CreateNewFrame() Function
- Q102113: FIX: "Out of Virtual Memory" Message may be Caused by chdir()
- Q102155: DOC: BN_DISABLE and BN_DOUBLECLICKED Documented Incorrectly
- Q102158: FIX: ifstream Object Loses Character in Text Mode
- Q102163: PRB: F5 Key Does Not Build and Run Application in One Step
- Q102327: INFO: Const Versus Non-Const CObList Objects
- Q102328: HOWTO: Center a Dialog Using the Microsoft Foundation Classes
- Q102332: How to Show a Custom Common Dialog using CFileDialog
- Q102390: INFO: Keeping #include Files Out of VWB Dependency List
- Q102435: INFO: Reasons for "Unauthorized Copy of Visual C++" Message
- Q102619: FIX: Member Conversion Function Calling Convention Incorrect
- Q102664: FIX: BSCMAKE Fails When Project Contains Only Object Files
- Q102675: FIX: App Studio Changes Control ID to Dialog Box ID
- Q102697: PRB: Build Errors Using Precompiled Header in Debugging Lib
- Q102827: Replacing a View in a Splitter Window
- Q102829: How to Replace a View in a CMDIChildWnd Window
- Q102949: PRB: DOSXNT: Fatal Error DX1070
- Q99022: INFO: Foundation Class Debug Library Detects Memory Leaks
- Q99097: HOWTO: Customize Common Dialog Box Parameter Blocks
- Q99161: HOWTO: Derive From Classes not Listed in ClassWizard
- Q99162: INFO: COMMON.RES Provides Common Bitmaps, Cursors, and Icons
- Q99182: HOWTO: Change an MFC-Based MDI Child Window’s Frame Text
- Q99198: HOWTO: Display the Current Time in a CStatusBar Pane
- Q99389: FIX: RW2002 Error From Long Resource Identifier
- Q99391: INFO: Converting an RC File to Use Microsoft Foundation Classes
- Q99562: INFO: Switching Views in a Single Document Interface Program
- Q99847: HOWTO: Change Window Attributes in an MFC Application
- Q99848: INFO: Use ON_MESSAGE() Macro to Map Less-Common Messages
- Q99871: NEW.H Does Not Contain new() that Takes a void*
- Q99999: INFO: Background Processing in an MFC Application
- Q101184: INFO: Retrieving the CMDIChildWnd Parent Window
- Q101185: INFO: Using cout in an Application and DLL
- Q101188: Order of Object Initialization Across Translation Units
- Q103712: FIX: Help, Online Books Inaccessible After Custom Install
- Q103713: PRB: Low Disk Space May Cause Miscellaneous Build Problems
- Q103714: PRB: LNK4016: Unresolved External Symbol "__doserrno"
- Q103715: FIX: Caret Moves from Memory Window When Modifications Made
- Q103716: INFO: Debug Session Still Active Even After Last "}" of Main
- Q103719: INFO: Migrating Visual C++ for Windows to Windows NT
- Q103724: INFO: Visual C++ 32-bit Edition Installs for Single User
- Q103725: HOWTO: Pass Common C Types to MASM by Reference
- Q103786: HOWTO: Change Window Background Color with Foundation Classes
- Q103787: INFO: Compiler Looks for LINK.EXE in CL.EXE Directory First
- Q103788: INFO: Creating a Modeless Dialog Box with MFC Libraries
- Q103806: PRB: C2642 Error When Adding Message Handler
- Q103982: PRB: OnInitialUpdate() May Be Called More Than Once
- Q103983: PRB: Serializing an Abstract Base Class
- Q105081: PRB: "Warning: Calling DestroyWindow in CWnd::~CWnd" Message
- Q105150: HOWTO: Prevent Static Splitter Bars from Tracking
- Q105286: HOWTO: Clean Up Temporary MFC Object in _USRDLL DLLs
- Q105443: PRB: MetaFile Displays Incorrectly in Print Preview
- Q105497: Directory Picker Sample Using Modified CFileDialog
- Q106060: FIX: No "Save Changes" Prompt After Editing a String Table
- Q106262: FIX: Direction Flag Is Not Cleared When an Exception Occurs
- Q106392: PRB: C2666 Error Generated with Overloaded Operator
- Q106393: FIX: Print Footer Options Reset to &P in Visual Workbench
- Q106399: INFO: Using the Development Studio or Visual Workbench with MASM
- Q106455: HOWTO: Acquire a List of All CDocument Objects
- Q106467: Macros and Switches Not Defined in Visual C++ 32-bit Edition
- Q104042: PRB: Unable to Write to the Windows NT Registry
- Q104094: INFO: Console Applications Can Call the Windows 32-Bit API
- Q104186: PRB: C2250 Error Generated with Ambiguous Multiple Inheritance
- Q104238: FIX: ClassWizard Cannot Read .CLW File > 65530 Bytes
- Q104241: PRB: Missing Menu IDs from ClassWizard "Object IDs" Window
- Q104243: PRB: Unexpected C2440 Error in C++ Typecast
- Q104248: HOW TO: Use #pragma init_seg to Control Static Construction
- Q104616: INFO: Sharing Common C Types with MASM
- Q104617: HOW TO: Pass a short from C to MASM by Value & Returning short
- Q104618: HOW TO: Pass a char from C to MASM by Value & Returning a char
- Q104634: INFO: fstream’s File Pointers Are Not Independent
- Q104637: HOWTO: Trap Arrow Keys in an Edit Control of a Dialog Box
- Q104638: FIX: CFile::SetStatus Throws Exception When Setting Time
- Q104639: INFO: Dynamic Memory Allocation for Two-Dimensional Arrays
- Q104641: INFO: Using C Run-Time Functions and CreateThread()
- Q104644: INFO: Passing C Arrays to MASM by Reference
- Q104645: INFO: Passing a long from C to MASM by Value & Returning a long
- Q104649: FIX: Compiler Issues C1001 or Hangs with Missing Closing Brace
- Q104650: INFO: Default Assignment Used, Not User-Defined operator=()
- Q104672: INFO: Compiler Errors When Compiling a C++ File as a C File
- Q104677: BUG: H2INC Versions 1.0 and 1.1 Do Not Support _syscall
- Q104681: FIX: StreBlt Sample Causes Windows NT to Hang
- Q109175: How to Limit an MFC Application to a Single Instance
- Q109790: PRB: CTimeSpan::GetDays() Reports 29 Days in April
- Q108112: HOWTO: View the Call Stack After an MFC ASSERT
- Q108113: FIX: MFC DLLs Don’t Unregister Window Classes
- Q108291: FIX: Cannot Add New Member Variables with VIEWEX Sample
- Q108433: Illustrates Multithreaded Programming Techniques
- Q108434: FIX: CSplitterWnd Class Does Not Handle All Focus Cases
- Q108521: FIX: ClassWizard Parsing Error with Float Variables
- Q108584: FIX: Handling of Invalid Values in Class Wizard for DDX/DDV
- Q108587: HOWTO: Get Current CDocument or CView from Anywhere
- Q108588: FIX: ID_APP_EXIT Used for a Button Will Exit App Studio
- Q108706: Common Q&A for Visual C++ 32-bit edition, ver 1.0
- Q108896: INFO: Dynamically Disabling/Enabling a Control in a Dialog Box
- Q108900: How to Return After F8 into a C Run-Time Library Function
- Q107427: BUG: getch() Returns Incorrect Extended Key Codes
- Q107428: FIX: Extra New Line Added to Debug Output in Visual Debugger
- Q107432: PRB: Inline Assembly C++ Function May Need Return Statement
- Q107465: FIX: ClassWizard Floating-Point Parsing Errors
- Q107495: PRB: Phar Lap Error 58 Running Visual C++ on Read-Only Drive
- Q107496: FIX: Error C1001 Generated Due to Insufficient Disk Space
- Q107501: INFO: __declspec(dllexport) Replaces __export in 32-Bit VC++
- Q110305: INFO: Windows NT Reads Environment Variables from AUTOEXEC.BAT
- Q110505: PRB: Setting First Pane of CStatusBar
- Q110507: HOWTO: Configure ODBC Data Sources on the Fly
- Q110508: HOWTO: Create Tables with Foundation Database Classes
- Q110719: PRB: CTime DDX Routine for CRecordView Date Fields
- Q110800: FIX: CEditView in Splitter Window Doesn’t Update Document
- Q112297: INFO: User-Defined CRT Function Generates Warning or Errors
- Q112298: DOC: Port I/O with inp() and outp() Fails on Windows NT
- Q112299: DOC: MSVCRT10.DLL and MSFRT10.DLL Are Redistributable
- Q112336: FIX: "fatal error U1073: don’t know how to make
- Q112337: PRB: /MD Causes C4273 Warning When Replacing _matherr
- Q112338: Visual C++ 32-bit Edition Phar Lap Requires 16-Bit GRAPHICS.LIB
- Q112385: Text Output Using CScrollView Derivative
- Q112757: FIX: Problems When Using an Oracle Data Source
- Q112985: FIX: new Allocates 0 Bytes for Typedef Class Function Pointer
- Q111017: PRB: Multiple CEditViews on Document Don’t Behave as Expected
- Q111263: PRB: Causes of DX1020 or R6915 Unhandled Exception Error
- Q111753: DOC: assert() Macro Does Not Display Pop-Up Window in Win32
- Q111768: PRB: Control Bar Not Visible After Calling Create
- Q111814: HOWTO: Get the Current Document in an MDI Application
- Q111923: HOWTO: Compare a CString to the Empty String
- Q113063: FIX: Visual C++ Setup Messages for File Copying Errors
- Q113114: BUG: App Studio GP Faults in RCDLL.DLL When Opening a .RC file
- Q113116: DOC: Undocumented Fatal Error C1053
- Q113118: BUG: C2061, C2062, C2226, C2039 Occur When Using enum types
- Q113251: MULTICON Demonstrates Dynamic Icons
- Q113257: HOWTO: Create New Documents Without CWinApp::OnFileNew
- Q113294: FIX: CFrameWnd::UpdateFrameTitle() Removes Text after Hyphen
- Q113417: INFO: C4097: Typedef-Name X Used as Synonym for Class-Name Z
- Q113418: HOW TO: Determine Whether a Drive Is a RAM Drive
- Q113421: PRB: Assertion Failed, WINCORE.CPP–Line 129, 133, 182, or 307
- Q113427: FIX: Incorrect Optimization of Left Shift Operator
- Q113429: FIX: C1001: coff.c, Line 280, new of __declspec(dllimport)
- Q113534: FIX: C2248 Error When Calling CView::OnInitialUpdate()
- Q113588: FIX: Assertion, VIEWSCRL.CPP, Line 455 with SetScaleToFitSize
- Q113675: FIX: App Studio for Windows GP Faults Under Windows NT
- Q113925: FIX: Visual Workbench Cannot Create Project
- Q114201: PRB: CString::ReleaseBuffer() Does Not Release Extra Memory
- Q114334: PRB: Cannot Open Compiler Intermediate File
- Q114335: Deleting Outdated Registry Trees for Fortran or Visual C++
- Q114374: PRB: _mktemp() May Return the Same Name Between Threads
- Q114376: FIX: CWnd::ExecuteDlgInit() Uses AfxGetInstanceHandle
- Q114536: PRB: C2129 Generated With Forward Reference Used in Prototype
- Q114875: BUG: Bad Code for __fastcall Function Calling an Intrinsic
- Q114961: RFX_Date() function for TIMESTAMP_STRUCT
- Q114968: HOWTO: Making Visual C++ 32-bit Edition Books Online Run Faster
- Q114980: FIX: Disabled DDX Radio Button Causes Infinite Loop
- Q115085: Win32s Files that Must Ship with Win32 Applications
- Q115086: PRB: Misuse of ASSERT Causes Problems for MFC Apps
- Q115087: HOWTO: Change the Background Color of a Common Dialog
- Q115088: PRB: A _USRDLL with No CWinApp Object Fails to Load
- Q115306: HOWTO: How to Get the Current State of a Button in a CToolbar
- Q115307: DOC: Extending Device Descriptions Handled by App Studio
- Q115327: FIX: SETUP.EXE Cannot Start via a UNC Connection
- Q115347: PRB: Debugger Cannot Watch Global Constants in C++ Programs
- Q115437: FIX: Problems Using Parentheses to Denote Array Subscripts
- Q115516: PRB: S1000: "Unable to create file buffer" ODBC Error
- Q115521: FIX: Private Copy Constructor Called Without Proper Access
- Q115704: FIX: Loop Optimization Causes Infinite Do-While Loop
- Q115705: BUG: Function Style Conversion Incorrectly Generates Errors
- Q115707: FIX: C2857 Error Incorrectly Generated Using /Yc Option
- Q115708: FIX: C++ Compiler Treats &array[][] as 2-D Array of References
- Q115854: FIX: Cannot Access Private Member from Friend Class
- Q115857: PRB: Using #define to Specify Include File Fails with C2006
- Q116017: PRB: ClassWizard Doesn’t Support Custom Foreign DDX
- Q116024: PRB: Errors Occur when Using Database Classes with Access 2.0
- Q116026: FIX: ExitInstance() Not Called in _USRDLL DLL
- Q116133: PRB: /INFO or /VERBOSE Option May Delay Stopping a Build
- Q116134: FIX: Visual Workbench Ignores Request Not to Rebuild Project
- Q116138: FIX: Visual Workbench Toolbar Buttons Don’t Use Double-Click
- Q116167: FIX: Visual Workbench Cannot Find WndProc in Windows 3.1 Apps
- Q116170: FIX: C2099 Generated Initializing Struct with Macro
- Q116172: BUG: Based Ptr. Init Fails at Global Scope in CPP File
- Q116181: FIX: ClassWizard Option Isn’t Disabled for Non-MFC Projects
- Q116212: FIX: Assertion Using Multiple %1 (or %2) in AfxFormatString1
- Q116239: BUG: Function that Inherits Through Dominance Fails
- Q116240: FIX: Compiler Errors Initializing const Reference to an Array
- Q116299: FIX: Print Preview Problems for Chars with ASCII Values > 127
- Q116301: PRB: Visual WB Matches Enclosure Symbols in Comments
- Q116310: FIX: Open Listing File in IDE Is Not Reloaded After Compile
- Q116325: BUG: Browser Information Shows Incorrect Reference to Variable
- Q116374: FIX: >251 Character Lines in Workbench Cause Random Behavior
- Q116419: FIX: Conditional Directives Ignored by Dependency Scanning
- Q116442: BUG: C1001 Generated Using typedef for Member Functions
- Q116445: FIX: Truncated String from "#pragma comment(exestr, <string>)"
- Q116447: FIX: ostrstrea
- Q116486: FIX: Compiler May Generate Invalid Errors for Local Classes
- Q116487: BUG: No Compiler Error for Ambiguous C++ Conversion
- Q116491: PRB: ClassWizard Links Only Types with DDX Support
- Q118435: INFO: Sharing Menus Between MDI Child Windows
- Q118609: HOWTO: Create an .MDB File for Microsoft Access Databases
- Q118610: Using CWnd::GetParent in a Dialog Box
- Q118611: INFO: SetMessageQueue Used in MFC WinMain
- Q118612: INFO: Schema Numbers Not Stored if Serialize() Called Directly
- Q118613: INFO: Accessing OLE 2.0 Embedded Object Dirties OLE 1.0 Client
- Q118678: FIX: Internal Make Error U1073
- Q118686: Availability of Japanese Visual C++
- Q118758: Article List for Problems With a CLongBinary Field
- Q118875: FIX: ClassWizard "Bind", "Update Columns" Buttons Disabled
- Q118876: PRB: USER Resource Leak when Improperly Using CFormView
- Q117201: BUG: sizeof Used in Comparison Does Not Generate C4018
- Q117202: FIX: "Set Bookmarks on All" May Cause Application Error
- Q117320: How to Programatically Terminate an MFC Application
- Q117324: Dependencies May Not Be Updated as Expected
- Q117325: C++ Tutorial Removed from Visual C++ Product
- Q117378: INFO: Command IDs and In-Place Frame Window Toolbar
- Q117383: BUG: C2483 Instantiating Objects with the Thread Attribute
- Q117384: BUG: Unable to Hit Breakpoint on ELSE IF Statement
- Q117385: FIX: printf Does Not Recognize "\n\r" when Using Conversion
- Q117387: PRB: CScrollView::FillOutsideRect() Fills Incorrectly
- Q117388: PRB: Structure Packing Causes Some Win32 Programs to Fail
- Q117428: INFO: GetProcAddress(), Function Pointers, and C++
- Q117500: INFO: Using Accelerators with an MFC Modeless Dialog Box
- Q117552: INFO: Use KBKeywords to Search for Languages Articles
- Q117563: HOWTO: How to Trap WM_KEYDOWN Messages in a CDialog
- Q117565: HOWTO: Getting the Current Printer Settings in MFC
- Q117607: FIX: Common Dialog Classes Don’t Update DDX Member Variables
- Q117686: DOC: CDC::SelectObject, CDC::SelectStockObject Return
- Q117687: INFO: Misplaced __declspec Causes Error C2062, C2059, or C4
- Q117735: Technical Support for the Chinon CD-ROM Drive
- Q117778: HOWTO: Change the Background Color of an MFC Edit Control
- Q117779: INFO: Coordinated Universal Time on MS-DOS vs. Windows NT
- Q117780: Using .PCH Files Across Projects in Visual Workbench
- Q117794: PRB: Compiler Errors when Implementing CObject-Derived Class
- Q117833: FIX: C2662: "‘__vbaseDtor’ cannot convert ‘this’ pointer"
- Q117834: FIX: Wrong Output Library Name Used with VCNT Makefile
- Q117866: DOC: Adding Icon and Cursor Devices Documented Incorrectly
- Q117888: FIX: Relative Include Files May Not be a Dependency
- Q120218: FIX: Warning C4056 Generated When /Op Option is Used
- Q120511: PRB: Error: "Invalid cursor name" & "No cursor name available"
- Q120513: PRB: Output Parameters Not Received From Stored Procedure
- Q120577: FIX: GP Fault When Copying Between Two Resource Scripts
- Q120668: BUG: Trigraph Statements May Produce End-of-File Error
- Q120669: /Gt Switch Has the Default Value /Gt5
- Q120682: How to Exclude CLSIDs from OLE’s Insert Object Dialog
- Q120707: HOWTO: Debug an Active Process in 32-bit Visual C++
- Q120769: Visual C++ Version 2.0 README.WRI File - Part 1 Setup
- Q120878: PRB: Operator New Can’t Be Called for CONST or VOLATILE Types
- Q120888: FIX: Assertion Fails When Use RFX_Text() w/ SQL_VARCHAR Column
- Q120918: INFO: Visual C++ Vers 2.0 README, Part 2 Development Environment
- Q120919: Visual C++ Vers 2.0 README.WRI, Part 3 Compiler
- Q120921: Visual C++ Vers 2.0 README.WRI, Part 5 C++ Exception Handling
- Q120922: Visual C++ Vers 2.0 README.WRI, Part 6 Internationalization
- Q120923: Visual C++ Vers 2.0 README.WRI, Part 7 Run-Time Library Routines
- Q120925: Visual C++ Vers 2.0 README.WRI, Part 9 Utilities
- Q120926: Visual C++ Vers 2.0 README.WRI, Part 10 Miscellaneous Notes
- Q120959: DOC: Documentation on fmod() Is Incorrect
- Q120961: HOWTO: How to Sort a CStringArray in MFC
- Q120965: FIX: C1001: ‘e:\b_bld\c2\P2\main.c’, line 374 with /Zi Switch
- Q120967: BUG: Try Blocks Within a Switch Statement Behave Incorrectly
- Q120968: BUG: Limitation w/ Disabling Warnings Above 4699 w/ #pragma
- Q119064: HOWTO: Retrieving a List of All ODBC Data Sources
- Q119161: FIX: Dependencies May Not Be Detected
- Q119279: FIX: Include Files May Be Incorrectly Added as a Dependency
- Q119329: INFO: AppWizard and Precompiled Header Files
- Q119330: FIX: TAB-Indented Lines Are Not Cut or Copied with New Line
- Q119331: INFO: Compiler Errors with Win32 APIs Ending in "A" or "W"
- Q119333: PRB: CWinApp-Based DLL Gets Assertion Failure on Win32s
- Q119393: BUG: Invalid Extraction from istrstream Does Not Set failbit
- Q119394: PRB: Using References with va_* Macros from stdarg.h
- Q119457: FIX: Visual C++ Setup Program Prompts "Insert dis
- Q119458: Result of _fpreset() Is Not _CW_DEFAULT
- Q119500: FIX: Link /OUT Does Not Rename Target
- Q119501: PRB: Error CXX0017 or CXX0034 for typedef
- Q119502: PRB: PView Sample Does Not Behave Correctly
- Q119504: PRB: Result Differs Between 16-bit and 32-bit _gcvt()
- Q119516: Find Source: Please Enter the Path for MFC
- Q119518: INFO: Problems Loading a Debuggee That Uses a DLL
- Q119519: BUG: Aggregate Initializer Fails In VC++ 32-bit, Ver. 1.0, 2.0
- Q119765: INFO: Example DDX Routine for Access Memo Fields
- Q119871: FIX: Optimization Bug Using Shift Operators and outp()
- Q119873: FIX: Incorrect Use of #pragma Pack Causes C1001 Errors
- Q121015: FIX: Incorrect Template Declaration Causes Compiler Hang
- Q121016: FIX: Long Query Name in Browser Causes Application Error
- Q121017: FIX: Can’t Create Directory >1 Deep for Intermediate Files
- Q121018: PRB: Special Characters in Path Cause NMake Error U1007
- Q121216: BUG: Vector Delete Calls Exported Destructor Only Once
- Q121218: FIX: pvarResult Should Be NULL When vtRet==VT_EMPTY
- Q121289: PRB: Unreferenced Symbols Don’t Appear in .BSC File
- Q121321: DOC:CDocTemplate::CreateNewFrame() Won’t Make New CDocument
- Q121346: BUG: Spaces Preceding Header File Name Generate Build Errors
- Q121347: FIX: Unable to Set Breakpoint on Label in Constructor
- Q121366: INFO: PDB and DBG Files - What They Are and How They Work
- Q121367: INFO: Can’t Watch Variables in Debugger - Nine Possible Causes
- Q121556: PRB: Breakpoints Won’t Work - 12 Reasons Why
- Q121665: INFO: GetDescendantWindow - bOnlyPerm Parameter Incorrect
- Q121887: PRB: Debugger Can’t Evaluate Cast of Enum to (long*)
- Q121888: PRB: C2440 When Initializing an Object Within an Object
- Q121889: PRB: Error C2858: Command-line Options Inconsistent
- Q121946: How to Create a Status Bar in Every MDI Child Window
- Q121947: How to Create a Modal Dialog from Within a USRDLL
- Q121949: INFO: MFC OLE Classes Do Not Support "Embed in self"
- Q121950: HOWTO: Detect an Empty CRecordset Object
- Q122042: BUG: Fatal Error C1001 Using /Zg with Large C++ Header Files
- Q122118: PRB: Editing While Debugging Causes Breakpoint Misalignment
- Q122158: Configuring Sound in Visual C++ Development Environment
- Q122170: FIX: Cannot Set Breakpoint if Project Contains \C++\ in Path
- Q122184: FIX: CFormView Does Not Change Child Positions on WM_MDINEXT
- Q122216: FIX: Errors When Spaces Used in Resource File Specification
- Q122217: PRB: offsetof() Macro Fails with Virtual Base Class
- Q122218: BUG: RFX_DATE() May Use Incorrect Precision Value
- Q122219: INFO: CWnd::OnCommand() Parameters Documented Incorrectly
- Q122226: HOWTO: Change the Method of Selecting Multiple Controls
- Q122236: PRB: Add() Member Function Consuming Large Amount of Memory
- Q122257: DOC: Description of Compiler Error C2712 is Incorrect
- Q122258: BUG: Cannot Disconnect From Network Drive After Running Setup
- Q122259: FIX: ClassWizard Reports Invalid Filename When Importing Class
- Q122265: BUG: Incorrect Calculations with Both /Og and /G5
- Q122266: BUG: Line Number Information Incorrect with /DEBUGTYPE:both
- Q122267: BUG: C2511 Error on Member Function with Unknown Parameter
- Q122268: FIX: CTRL+Z Terminates File Load in Development Environment
- Q122275: FIX: C Run-time Include Files Missing #pragma Pack Directives
- Q122276: FIX: Library Version of atan2(0,0) Does Not Return 0
- Q122296: INFO: List of Books About C++ Programming
- Q122300: FIX: C1001 Error for typedef Within the Class Declaration
- Q122301: FIX: Correct Icons Are Not Displayed After CD-ROM Setup
- Q122302: FIX: C1001 Error Compiling Naked Function with /Og and /G5
- Q122303: FIX: __declspec(dllimport) Classes Are Not Caught Correctly
- Q122304: FIX: /YX and /Yc Incorrectly Allowed in Project Settings
- Q122305: PRB: Errors Generated Overloading Operator New []
- Q122306: PRB: Error C4226 and Defining WIN32
- Q122307: HOWTO: Tracking Down Memory Leaks with _afxBreakAlloc
- Q122308: BUG: Some RC Warnings and Errors Go to stderr, Not stdout
- Q122326: BUG: Win32s Setup May Fail if BUFFERS or FILES Set Too Small
- Q122334: FIX: Dependencies Not Generated for Files w/Lines Ending in LF
- Q122370: BUG: C2248 When Access Protected Nested Class in Derived Class
- Q122410: DOC: pow(0,0) Function Not Documented
- Q122442: PRB: stdout/stderr May Not Be In Sync When Using Redirection
- Q122443: FIX: C2664 When Converting Type Defined Array to Const Array
- Q122488: PRB: How to Use Automation Error Code & Help from Visual Basic
- Q122489: How to Disable Default Pushbutton Handling for MFC Dialog
- Q122539: BUG: C4786 or C1067 Caused by Long Identifier and /Zi
- Q122540: FIX: ‘char *’ Passed to ‘const char * &’ Violates Type Safety
- Q122541: BUG: Goto() Within Try-Except Block Causes C2705 Error
- Q122542: BUG: Incorrect Code for Loop with Known Value
- Q122543: BUG: Incorrect Code When Increment Pointer Based on a Pointer
- Q122562: DOC: _set_se_translator and set_terminate Help Info Incorrect
- Q122675: BUG: Wrong Operator Delete Called for Exported Class
- Q122676: INFO: Multiple Threads and MFC _USRDLLs
- Q122711: MFC Version 3.1 White Paper
- Q122764: DOC: Use MFC Migration Toolkit to Translate C Code to C++
- Q122788: FIX: Access Violation on MSVC.EXE When Scanning Dependencies
- Q122789: FIX: Error C2579 When Using Function Templates
- Q122790: BUG: Character Constant with \0 Not Stored Properly
- Q122847: FIX: Cannot Watch Local Variables of a __finally Block
- Q122848: PRB: #pragma code_seg() Affects Compiler-Generated Functions
- Q122932: FIX: Special Characters in Path May Prevent File Access
- Q123092: FIX: Duplicate Source Files Cause Breakpoint Failures
- Q123158: Adding Control Bars to Foundation Classes Dialogs
- Q123160: FIX: Conditional Breakpoint Doesn’t Stop in Recursive Function
- Q123161: BUG: ios::internal Adds No Fill Characters for int and long
- Q123163: FIX: __TIMESTAMP__ Reports Pacific Standard Time
- Q123461: PRB: const char* not same as const CPTR where #typedef char* C
- Q123464: Obtaining Visual C++ 2.0 Run-Time Library Source Code
- Q123465: PRB: Cannot View Unicode Strings in the Watch Window
- Q123493: OutputDebugString() Without \n May GP Fault in MSVC.EXE
- Q123495: BUG: MSVC20 Setup Fails to Install Books Online Only
- Q123603: DOC: Smart Pointers Example Is Incorrect
- Q123617: Summary List: Visual C++ Version 2.0 Known Problems
- Q123652: FIX: Update() Fails to Write Changed Text Field
- Q123768: PRB: Unresolved Externals for Inline Functions
- Q123769: PRB: RC1120 Error When Building in Low Memory Conditions
- Q123780: BUG: Link Fails w/ Unresolved External When Call SWAP.H
- Q123781: BUG: Additional DLLs Invalid in Debug Project Settings
- Q123803: FIX: Fatal Error C1001: Compiler File MSC1.CPP Line 1056
- Q123808: PRB: Debugger Hangs If Remote Connection Is Lost
- Q123809: FIX: Development Environment Doesn’t Unload DLL on Termination
- Q123811: FIX: C2466: Using New to Allocate an Array of Size Zero
- Q123870: INFO: Portable DLL Example Using _declspec() and _export
- Q123871: PRB: Screen Saver Applications Cannot Be Debugged Properly
- Q123873: PRB: Lower Half of Menu Bar Covered by Client Area
- Q123874: PRB: Section Names Truncated to Eight Characters When Linked
- Q123951: FIX: Problem with Remote Builds on Novell Netware Servers
- Q123977: PRB: "Unexpected column data types were returned from query"
- Q124290: HOWTO: Add File Filters to Visual C++ Version 2.0
- Q124291: FIX: Access Violation When Using Local Static Const Objects
- Q124519: Increased File Libraries for Visual C++ 1.0 Available
- Q124520: FILE: Increased File Libraries for Visual C++ 2.0-2.2 Available
- Q124524: FIX: Using String Constant as Default Argument Doesn’t Work
- Q125213: PRB: Spawn with _P_WAIT Returns Immediately on Win32s
- Q125226: PRB: ODBC Reserved Word in a RFX Function Causes Syntax Error
- Q125309: PRB: AllocMemoryDebug Gives Assertion or Trace Error on New[0]
- Q125367: HOWTO: Connecting a CRecordset to a CDialog
- Q125435: PRB: Hidden MDI Child Window Causes Corrupted MDI Window Menu
- Q125444: Visual C++ 2.0 Source Code for Alpha Run-Time Lib
- Q125473: DOC: Pass Counts for Breakpoints Undocumented
- Q125476: PRB: Error "…MSVCRT20.DLL is not compatible with Win32s"
- Q125495: BUG: Enum in Function Template Causes C2065 Compiler Error
- Q125497: PRB: Win32s Version of MSVCRT20.DLL and the iostream Classes
- Q125644: FIX: Property Sheet with Edit Doesn’t Close On ESC Key
- Q125645: FIX: Edit Control in Property Page Does Not Get Return Keys
- Q125651: PRB: Update or Delete Record Gives Error: Query is too complex
- Q125727: FIX: Text Truncated When Using Dynaset and RFX_Text()
- Q125728: FIX: Problems Occur After Destroying Dockable CControlBar
- Q125729: PRB: Pre-Built STDREG.EXE Works Incorrectly
- Q125749: PRB: Cause of the R6025 Run-Time Error
- Q125750: PRB: Error LNK2001: ‘_WinMain@16’: Unresolved External Symbol
- Q125779: HOWTO: Color Text ClassWizard Updates to Make Mods Easy to See
- Q125794: PRB: Calling CDatabase::Open in a USRDLL Causes CDBException
- Q125796: PRB: GP Fault when Use CString Objects Inside TRACE<x> Macros
- Q125799: FIX: C2443 Using Structure Member Operand in _asm Block
- Q126031: PRB: Repeated Blank Screens During Build Process in VC++
- Q126110: FIX: What’s New: Bug Fixes Made in Visual C++ Version 2.1
- Q126131: HOWTO: Speed Up Apps that Use the Microsoft Access ODBC Driver
- Q126134: FIX: Date/Time Fields Fail to Update When Using a Dynaset
- Q126301: FIX: CMDIFrameWnd Caption Not Updated When Child Closed
- Q126563: PRB: SetItemRects Causes Server to Change Zoom Factor
- Q126571: HOWTO: Obtain the Program Name in a Windows-Based Application
- Q126646: PRB: Error Msg: LNK2001 on __beginthreadex and __endthreadex
- Q126717: PRB: C1853 Error Generated by Mixing C and C++ Files
- Q126751: FIX: Scribble File Extension Conflicts with Screen Savers
- Q126845: INFO: C++ Name Decoration–Why Used, Getting Decorated Names
- Q126874: PRB: Modal Dialog Box Prevents Calls to PreTranslateMessage
- Q126897: HOWTO: How to Change Default Printer Settings in an MFC Applicat
- Q127038: FIX: CString::Format Gives Assertion Failed, Access Violation
- Q127192: HOWTO: Draw Controls in an OLE Metafile
- Q127193: SAMPLE: DLGDB CDialog Sharing a CRecordset Object
- Q127194: FIX: CMap Template Class Leaks Non-Primitive KEY Objects
- Q127200: HOWTO: Use Other Registry Keys with Visual C++ 2.0 and Above
- Q127734: HOWTO: Ensure ODBC.DLL and ODBCCURS.DLL Cursor Levels Match
- Q127779: FIX: Can’t Set BreakPoint w/ Country Set to Non-English Locale
- Q127802: PRB: Debugger Loses Source/Disassembly File Mapping
- Q127900: BUG: C2487 Error Occurs If Multiple Static Vars Use dllexport
- Q128086: PRB: Failing to Initialize OLE Generates Out of Memory Error
- Q128112: INFO: CFile::end (from CFile::Seek) Uses a Forward Offset
- Q128113: FIX: Assertion Failed Line 178 or Line 527 in ARCCORE.CPP
- Q128123: Pentium FDIV Patch for Visual C++ 2.0
- Q128148: PRB: Procedure Entry Point FDIV Not Located in MSVCRT20.DLL
- Q128199: HOWTO: Use _declspec(dllexport) in an MFC Extension DLL
- Q128208: HOWTO: Perform Transactions with the MFC Database Classes
- Q128210: FAQ: Most Commonly Asked Questions About Visual C++ Version 2.1
- Q128212: PRB: Error LNK2001 Generated When Porting 16-bit Code to Win32
- Q128213: FIX: C1001 Internal Compiler Error in MAIN.C File Line 374
- Q128224: How to Build 16- or 32-bit DRVSETUP.EXE by Using Visual C++
- Q128334: PRB: Clipping Doesn’t Work Correctly in Print Preview
- Q128344: FIX: Error C2593: ‘operator +’ Is Ambiguous
- Q128554: PRB: Profiler Fatal Errors PRF1012 and PRF1306
- Q128599: FIX: More Than 65536 Export Entries May Cause LNK2001 Errors
- Q128600: BUG: Redefinition of Enum Data Type Does Not Cause an Error
- Q128603: FIX: Visual Workbench Generates Dependencies for ODL Files
- Q128641: INFO: /Mx Compiler Options and the LIBC, LIBCMT, MSVCRT Libs
- Q128788: BUG: C2143 When Initializing Static Member in Class Template
- Q128789: BUG: LNK2001 on Member Function When Use Nested Class Template
- Q128790: PRB: The SPAWN.C Sample Fails as a C++ Application
- Q128805: FIX: Explicit Call to Virtual Destructor Corrupts Stack
- Q128831: FIX: CFile Exception: badSeek, OS error information = -1
- Q128894: PRB: C2189 and C2857 Errors When AFXDB.H Used for UNICODE
- Q128895: PRB: LNK2001 Link Error on Floating Division Functions
- Q128896: PRB: Exception in Service Causes JIT Debugger to Hang Computer
- Q128897: FIX: GP Fault When For Loop Used with Unsigned Char Index
- Q129094: FIX: GP Fault in Visual C++ When Separators in Top Level Menu
- Q129095: INFO: Format of the Document Template String
- Q129132: BUG: Can’t Use Simple Type in an Explicit Call of a Destructor
- Q129209: HOWTO: Convert 10-Byte Long Doubles to 8-Byte Doubles
- Q129210: FIX: Linker Errors on Array of Constant Pointers to Constants
- Q129224: HOWTO: Remove the System Menu from an Iconized Application
- Q129330: FIX: Installing CDK Appears to Corrupt Visual C++ Help Index
- Q129428: INFO: CListBox::SelItemRange Selects Only Two or More Items
- Q129471: HOWTO: SubClass the MDIClient by Using MFC
- Q129479: PRB: _searchenv() Does Not Check the Buffer Size
- Q129494: PRB: GPF When MultiColumn & LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE in List Box
- Q129596: PRB: C2517, C2653, or C2600 If Local Struct Contains Class.
- Q129617: FIX: Destructor Called on Non Constructed Temporary
- Q129649: PRB: GetActiveView Returns NULL for an MDI Frame Window
- Q129770: FIX: CString::TrimLeft Fails in a UNICODE Application
- Q129772: FIX: "Attempt to load required component ODBC32.DLL failed"
- Q129782: FIX: MFCN30.DLL and MFCN30D.DLL Not Copied with Win32S Setup
- Q129783: FIX: typedef Class Template Causes Compiler Errors C2440/C2561
- Q129787: HOWTO: Build a Code Resource
- Q131000: FIX: Application Error If /Og & Virtual Operator Call in Loop
- Q131006: PRB: Dr Watson Won’t Log Stack Symbols in Visual C++ App
- Q131013: FIX: Fatal Error C1001 ‘d:\b_bld\c2.m2\P2\main.c’, line 374
- Q131014: How to Instantiate a Templated Function
- Q131044: FIX: ClassWizard Incorrectly Reads LPDISPATCH Params from .TLB
- Q131058: INFO: Tips for Remote Debugging with Visual C++ 2.x, 4.0/5.0/6.0
- Q131066: PRB: C2922 Error for Class Template Containing Friend Function
- Q131099: PRB: MFC App’s CWinApp::ProcessMessageFilter() Never Invoked
- Q131100: INFO: DoDragDrop() Parameter Documented Incorrectly
- Q131102: FIX: Enumerating Connection Points Causes GP Fault
- Q131147: FIX: CXX0033 Error in OMF Type from Forward Class Declaration
- Q131203: FIX: Missing ‘::’ in Error C2579 for Ambiguous Overload
- Q131204: PRB: Wrong Project Selection Causes LNK2001 on _WinMain@16
- Q131312: FIX: Manipulator Causes C1001 IC Error in MSC1.CPP Line 1056
- Q131313: HOWTO: Create 32-bit Import Libraries Without .OBJs or Source
- Q131322: PRB: C2710: Cannot Delete a Pointer to a Const Object
- Q131324: Use New Flags to Speed Up C Run-time Low-Level I/O Functions
- Q131368: HOWTO: Create MFC Applications that Do Not Have a Menu Bar
- Q131376: FIX: C2974 Error When Calling Templated Base Class Functions
- Q131775: HOWTO: Access Child Process Exit Code from 32-Bit Parent Proc.
- Q131792: PRB: OnClose() Is Called When Closing Print Preview Dialog Box
- Q131815: PRB: Assert Error in BARTOOL.CPP line 398
- Q131945: FIX: OnFileNameOK Returns 0 if Valid or 1 if Not Valid
- Q131946: PRB: Bad Pointer from RUNTIME_CLASS with Class from _AFXDLL
- Q131947: DOC: CDC::GetWindow() Is Documented but Not Available
- Q131989: PRB: PreCreateWindow() Not Called for CFormView
- Q131991: HOWTO: Change the Mouse Pointer for a Window in MFC
- Q131992: HOWTO: How to Create a Property Sheet That Has Scrolling Tabs in
- Q131993: PRB: DDX Displays Float/Double in Exponential Format
- Q131994: HOWTO: How to Use MFC to Step Through Child Windows of the MDICl
- Q133025: HOWTO: How to Store MFC Printer Information in a Document
- Q133034: FIX: CSpinButtonCtrl Causes Assertion in viewscrl.cpp line 698
- Q133042: HOWTO: Pass IDispatch Pointer and Avoid an Application Error
- Q133068: BUG: Deleting a Struct Typedef Causes C1059, C1063, or C1001
- Q133070: PRB: C2059 Error Using extern "C" in .C Source Files
- Q133071: FIX: Exception Specification in Template causes C2961 Error
- Q133107: FIX: C1001 Error If More Than 127 Function Parameters
- Q133179: BUG: Compiler Fails Syntax Check of Extra Comma in enum List
- Q133236: HOWTO: Configure Books Online to Search Multiple Books
- Q133249: FIX: Fatal Error U1052: File ‘win32.mak’ Not Found
- Q133256: HOWTO: How to Prevent Mainframe Window from Being ReSized
- Q133257: FIX: Invalid String Displayed by CToolTipCtrl
- Q133275: HOWTO: Print from a Class Other Than CView
- Q133276: FIX: ClassWizard Generates Incorrect UDN_DELTAPOS Handler
- Q133302: FIX: Application Fails But Gives No Error Message
- Q133307: HOWTO: How to Detect If a CFormView Has Changed
- Q133308: PRB: WM_HELP Message Not Received When F1 Pressed on Menu
- Q133311: FIX: Errors Occur When SQL Server Binary Field Over 64K
- Q133324: PRB: Potential Limit of 64 Different .OCX Files per Process
- Q133432: PRB: Fonts Inconsistent Using Dialog Editor on Windows NT 3.51
- Q133715: FIX: Resource Editor Cannot Set LVS_OWNERDRAWFIXED Style
- Q133716: HOWTO: How to Detect Mouse Clicks on Client Area of MDI Frame Wi
- Q133758: BUG: Mismatched User32.dbg File on Windows NT 3.51 CD-ROM Disc
- Q130275: How to Implement OLE Custom Control Context Sensitive Help
- Q130276: FIX: C2065 Error on Functions Returns Template Class By Value
- Q130370: FIX: C2676 on Overloaded Operators of Templated Classes
- Q130438: BUG: Program Crashes When Memo Field Mapped to CLongBinary
- Q130472: PRB: Mosaic Setup Can Conflict with Visual C++ Setup
- Q130485: PRB: Unable to Save Project State Information
- Q130486: PRB: LNK2001 on Pure Virtual Operator=
- Q130546: FIX: C2227 & C2653 on Explicit Destructor Call in Template
- Q130547: FIX: C2300 on Explicit Destructor Call in Class Template
- Q130551: FIX: C2974 When Explicitly Call Class Template(‘s) Destructor
- Q130591: INFO: CPropertyPage::CancelToClose() Documented Incorrectly
- Q130615: PRB: Unwanted Rebuilds Occur When Using NMAKE or Visual C++
- Q130643: FIX: Closing Resource Browser System Menu Doesn’t Save Changes
- Q130667: PRB: F12 Causes Hard-Coded Breakpoint Exception When Debugging
- Q130719: FIX: "Unable to Create File Buffer" 32-Bit ODBC Error
- Q130769: FIX: Negative Value Passed to mktime() Generates Wrong Date
- Q130827: FIX: MFC Reports Memory Leaks When cout and cin Are Used
- Q130866: INFO: Using a TimerProc Function in MFC Application
- Q130867: FIX: Link Paste Update Causes ASSERT in AFXWIN1.INL
- Q130869: HOWTO: Avoid Error LNK2001 Unresolved External Using DEFINE_GUID
- Q130956: PRB: MFC DB Classes Don’t Update NULL Field Values to Non-NULL
- Q132044: INFO: Using _declspec(dllimport) & _declspec(dllexport) in Code
- Q132078: How to Use _beginthreadex() and _endthreadex()
- Q132079: HOWTO: How to Access CMemFile Directly When Using It with CArchi
- Q132080: HOWTO: Change the Color of an MFC Child Control Class
- Q132081: HOWTO: How to Place Scroll Bars on an Object Derived from CContr
- Q132084: NMAKE 1.4 on Windows 95 Won’t Stop on Errors
- Q132110: HOWTO: How to Create a Recessed Status Bar Area
- Q132116: FIX: CheckAutoCenter May Return TRUE with DS_ABSALIGN
- Q132165: FIX: Non-const Conversion Operators Allowed on const Object
- Q132243: HOWTO: How to Create Controls w/ a 3D Border at Run Time Using M
- Q132290: PRB: Problems Using CFile::m_hFile When Porting MFC Apps
- Q132291: DOC: AfxRegisterWndClass with WS_* Styles Causes Exception
- Q132340: INFO: Common File Extensions Used by Visual C++
- Q132344: FIX: App Terminates Unexpectedly after Windows NT 3.51 Upgrade
- Q132396: FIX: Error C2065: ‘DDX_FieldCBIndex’ : undeclared identifier
- Q132397: HOWTO: Retrieve a Counter Field Value Without Requerying
- Q132398: HOWTO: Use Bookmarks with the MFC ODBC Database Classes
- Q132399: SQLGetData() Returns SQL_NO_TOTAL in RFX_LongBinary()
- Q132422: HOWTO: Clear an istream Object During Extraction
- Q132492: FIX:Hard-coded breakpoints and RtlGetUserInfoHeap error
- Q132675: PRB: Error C2039: OnInitDialog is Not a Member of CFormView
- Q132705: PRB: Errors When You Edit Bitmaps with More Than 16 or 256 Color
- Q132715: HOWTO: How to Enable the Help Button on a Modal Property Sheet
- Q132725: FIX: The Breakpoint "{,<filename>,} .<line>" cannot be set
- Q132874: INFO: Tips for Improving Performance of VCMac Applications
- Q132893: PRB: Exceptions Thrown During Construction Can Orphan Memory
- Q132909: HOWTO: Customize the Common Print Dialog Box
- Q132948: HOWTO: Integrate Custom DDX /DDV in 32-bit ClassWizard Interface
- Q132960: PRB: Invalid Precision Value Err w/ Character Field Parameters
- Q132989: HOWTO: Use Relative Paths in 32-bit Visual C++ .MAK Files
- Q135047: HOWTO: Use Resource Editor for 16-Color 32x32 Mouse Pointers
- Q135048: HOWTO: How to Access a Subclassed Windows Control in an OLE Cont
- Q135049: FIX: Rebuilding .CLW File Does Not Restore Link to ODL File
- Q135085: OLE Control Container Support in Visual C++ and MFC
- Q135109: HOWTO: Use Updatable Joins in an MFC ODBC Application
- Q135118: FIX: ResizeParentToFit Won’t Work w/ CScrollView on Windows 95
- Q135287: BUG: Visual C++ Doesn’t Generate Dependencies for .RSC Files
- Q135299: Using MFC OLE Drag and Drop to Drag Text Between Windows
- Q135336: FIX: LNK2001 on AfxSocketInit When Using __stdcall Default
- Q135389: FIX: What’s New: Bug Fixes Made in Visual C++ Version 2.2
- Q135526: FIX: Bad Result If Call Inline Function Twice in Expression
- Q135536: FIX: C2985 Error When Template Class Has Static Data Member
- Q135630: DOC: Incorrect Prototype & Memory Allocation for PX_Blob
- Q135666: FIX: Assertion Failure in CFieldExchange::GetColumnType()
- Q135682: PRB: Drag and Drop with TYMED_FILE Runs Out of File Handles
- Q135727: BUG: VCMAC: Remote Debugger Hangs at Breakpoint
- Q135765: PRB: Convert Dialog Doesn’t Appear for OLE Object in MS Excel
- Q135862: HOWTO: How to Use OLE2UI Functionality in 32-bit Applications
- Q135873: HOWTO: Add Tooltips for Controls on an MFC Modal Dialog Box
- Q135884: HOWTO: How to Make the CMiniFrameWnd Window Paint Its Background
- Q135912: PRB: Wrong Resources Loaded by Resource Editor or AppStudio
- Q135913: FIX: Bad POINT Structure in MSG Returned by GetCurrentMessage
- Q134283: FIX: Undocking Toolbar May Disappear When Removed from Dockbar
- Q134347: INFO: Troubleshooting Visual C++ Setup Problems Under Windows 9
- Q134373: FIX: Win32(80x86) Release Target Not Displayed in Windows 95
- Q134391: INFO: List of References That Discuss ODBC
- Q134420: PRB: App Studio Displays Incorrect Colors for Bitmaps
- Q134421: HOWTO: How to Use CBitmapButton to Resize a Bitmap to Fit a Butt
- Q134650: HOWTO: Get Info for Troubleshooting Compiler & Linker Problems
- Q134679: FIX: Loss of Decimal Digits with MFC Database Classes
- Q134692: PRB: Visual C++ Setup Was Unable to Copy a File
- Q134878: BUG: Error: "An errror occurred reading the index file"
- Q134980: PRB: C4251 & C4275 Compiler Warnings While Compiling an AFXDLL
- Q136005: HOW TO: Declare Classes That Refer to Each Other
- Q136069: FIX: Visual C++ Build Process Won’t Return If Missing ‘)’
- Q136080: FIX: Memory Leak Reported in PLEX.CPP When Using CSocket
- Q136258: HOWTO: Troubleshoot Visual C++ Setup Problems in Windows NT
- Q136302: FIX: Drop-down Combobox Does Not Move with Property Sheet
- Q136391: FIX: MessageBox with NULL Owner and MB_TASKMODAL
- Q136549: INFO: Microsoft Foundation Class Library Development Guidelines
- Q136594: FIX: Error Using Inline Assembly in a Template Class
- Q136798: Versions of CTL3D32 Included with Visual C++ Version 2.x
- Q136994: PRB: Read-Only Recordset with Microsoft SQL Server
- Q136997: How to Run a Code Resource from a Visual C++ Application
- Q137139: HOWTO: Optimize the Reactivation of In-Place Active Servers
- Q137154: FIX: ClassWizard Generates Bad Code for Tree View Messages
- Q137333: DOC: How to Use the PX_Blob Function
- Q137343: INFO: VB Automation of Visual C++ Server Using OBJ1.OBJ2.prop Sy
- Q137353: PRB: Stock Font and Color Property Pages Fail
- Q137354: Using Enumerated Properties in an OLE Control
- Q137357: HOWTO: Insert Objects Without Using Insert Object Dialog Box
- Q137450: HOWTO: Set Up and Troubleshoot Macintosh Communications
- Q137515: HOWTo: Using .pch Files Across Projects in the Visual Workbench
- Q137516: How to Register an MFC OLE Automation Server to Avoid Failure
- Q137538: HOWTO: Disable the Resizing of an OLE Control
- Q137632: FIX: OnMessagePending Not Called When a Timer is Active
- Q137814: DOC: MFC ODBC Classes and Parameterized Pre-Defined Queries
- Q139012: FIX: Cannot Map Functions to Special Keys in Developer Studio
- Q139026: DOC: Remote Debugging with TCP/IP Isn’t Supported on Win32s
- Q139028: FIX: Incomplete pragma Directive May Cause C1001 Error
- Q139029: DOC: Stlguide.rtf Different from Vector.h Header File
- Q139030: HOWTO: Edit Resources in Executables with Visual C++
- Q139031: DOC: Title Tips for Project Workspace Window Not Documented
- Q139053: BUG: Can’t Set Some Background/Foreground Colors in InfoViewer
- Q139069: FIX: Append-Only on Dynaset Recordsets Forces Read-Only
- Q139075: BUG: MF4024/MF1005 Generated for Serial Communication Settings
- Q139076: BUG: Mpw2lib Fails on Long File Names
- Q139271: FIX: Changing Keyboard Compatibility Fails to Update Some Keys
- Q139294: FIX: Replace "Beginning of Line" Skips Blank Lines
- Q139295: FIX: Local File Is Not Saved with Save All
- Q139296: BUG: C2955 Error Generated If Using Same Name as Template
- Q139301: FIX: C2664 Error w/Property Sheet Component Added to CDocument
- Q139349: FIX: C2607 Error Passing Ref to Pointer w/ Templated Functions
- Q139422: FIX: Advanced Options for SDI Application in Appwizard
- Q139456: FIX: LNK1201 Error Writing to .PDB File After Line Profile
- Q139457: PRB: Error Converting Visual C++ OLE Controls from 2.x to 4.0
- Q139458: FIX: Ambiguous C2966 Error with Nested Template Classes
- Q139469: HOWTO: How to Use TrackPopupMenu() and Update UI Handlers
- Q139476: FIX: File Time Incorrect After Saving During Build
- Q139477: FIX: Insufficient Disk Space Causes Visual C++ to Fail
- Q139478: INFO: _heapwalk() Does Not Work On Win32s
- Q139479: PRB: Uninstaller Error When Attempting to Uninstall Visual C++
- Q139490: FIX: Can’t Select First Table When Creating DAO Table Recordse
- Q139511: FIX: Text Data Truncated When Using optimizeBulkAdd
- Q139545: STG: MFC Docfile Viewer
- Q139593: BUG: DDX Problem with Combo Box in Win32s
- Q139603: PRB: C2061 Errors When Compiling for Macintosh Target
- Q139638: HOWTO: Overload New to Reduce Memory Fragmentation
- Q139640: Do Not Mix Operating System and CRT File Handles
- Q139648: PRB: OLE Drop Target Does Not Permit Drop
- Q139692: FIX: Assertion Failed, Line 475 of Sockcore.cpp
- Q139693: FIX: Assertion Failed, Line 505 of Sockcore.cpp
- Q139696: BUG: WinHelp Called Twice
- Q139759: FIX: CDatabase::ExecuteSQL() Fails with UNICODE Build
- Q139828: PRB: MFC Does Not Reopen an Open Document
- Q139871: FIX: Error C2371 on Struct Typedef that Does Not Have a Tag
- Q139994: PRB: Specifying Table Name with Column Name in MFC DAO
- Q139995: FIX: Duplicate Column Names Improperly Qualified by Wizards
- Q139996: BUG: Wizards Create Invalid Column Names for QueryDef Join
- Q139997: FIX: "Item not found in this collection" with MFC DAO Join
- Q138032: FIX: CIRC2 and CIRC3 Samples Don’t Handle WM_SIZE Message
- Q138081: HOWTO: Load an Executable File into the Visual C++ Debugger
- Q138136: HOWTO: Assign the F8 Key to DebugStepInto in Visual C++
- Q138266: HOWTO: Implement Scaled Printing in an MFC/OLE Container
- Q138326: HOWTO: Create a Browser Library for the Common Control Classes
- Q138400: Troubleshooting LNK2001 or L2029 Unresolved External Errors
- Q138411: Deriving an OLE Control from a Base Control
- Q138412: FIX: AppWiz Samples Fail to Build from Command Line
- Q138414: PRB: FromIDispatch Returns NULL for OLE Control
- Q138446: FIX: Inlined Templated Member Functions Cannot Be Specialized
- Q138505: HOWTO: Add Context-Sensitive Help Button to Win 95 Dialog Boxes
- Q138564: PRB: Windows 95 Common Controls Not Supported by Ctl3d32.dll
- Q138567: BUG: Incorrect Function Name Binding in Function Templates
- Q138632: PRB: Can’t Serialize Items After CRichEditDoc::Serialize
- Q138663: PRB: GetCheckedRadioButton() Returns ID Outside Button Group
- Q138664: DOC: GetClientRect() May Assert in OLE Controls
- Q138666: HOWTO: Browse on Demand with Visual C++ Version 4.0
- Q138681: PRB: Windows Flash and Disappear in Dialog-Based Applications
- Q138692: HOWTO: Configure a Time-Out on a CSocket Operation
- Q138693: FIX: Error Opening .Bsc File from MRU List
- Q138694: FIX: Using CSocket w/ CArchive Causes Block from Extra FD_READ
- Q138695: DOC: ConstructElements & DestructElements
- Q138722: FIX: LoadBarState and SaveBarState Increase .Ini File Size
- Q138735: FAQ: Visual C++ 4.0 Frequently Asked Questions
- Q138752: FIX: C4114 Warning When Using Templates and Const Keyword
- Q138753: PRB: Unable to Compile 32-bit CDK Samples
- Q138755: FIX: GPF When Drag-Drop Resources Between Two Resource Scripts
- Q138756: FIX: Cursor Editor Fill Tool Doesn’t Affect BackGround Pixels
- Q138764: FIX: Custom Build Commands Not Assigned Values
- Q138767: FIX: CreateRelation Method Fails with Non-UNICODE Build
- Q138785: DOC: CImageList::DeleteObject Generates a C2039 Error
- Q138786: PRB: Just-In-Time Debugging Launches Wrong Debugger
- Q138830: FIX: Dismissing Splash Screen from Component Causes Assertion
- Q138847: BUG: C2572 When Define Function Pointer w/ Default Argument
- Q138865: PRB: Resource Editor Shows Top-Level Menu Items as PopUp Menus
- Q138866: HOWTO: How to Set Default Values for Stock Properties in OLE Con
- Q138872: FIX: TRACE() Message Appears When Closing DAO Objects
- Q138873: BUG: Window Colors Cannot Be Customized from Developer Studio
- Q138928: FIX: Custom Key Assignments May Not Work as Expected
- Q138942: HOWTO: Debug a Windows Shell Extension
- Q138947: FIX: Comma Acts Like CR/LF in Custom Build Options
- Q138953: BUG: Static Identifiers Do Not Show Up in ClassView
- Q138971: BUG: Default Dialog-Based Application Doesn’t Work in Win32s
- Q138972: FIX: LNK4076: Invalid Incremental Status File
- Q138973: PRB: AppWizard Projects Always Added to Component Gallery
- Q138984: Updated Dmn0.dll for Visual C++ 2.0 for Windows 95
- Q138985: FIX: ‘Syntax error in query’ with Parameterized LIKE Queries
- Q138993: PRB: Print Break in MFC App Running in Windows NT 3.51 Checked
- Q143071: FIX: CPropertySheet::DoModal() or Create() Causes an Exception
- Q143072: HOWTO: Determine Default Libraries for an .OBJ Object File
- Q143081: PRB: Ambiguous Msg If Function Template Return Type Omitted
- Q143082: FIX: Wrong Pointer Value When Nested Classes Have Same Name
- Q143083: FIX: C2664 When Array Is Passed as a Parameter to a Function
- Q143084: FIX: Problems with Using the MFC DAO Classes in a .DLL or .OCX
- Q143086: FIX: CFile::GetFileName() Always Returns CString w/Zero Length
- Q143108: FIX: Assertion Failed Line 388 of Occmgr.cpp
- Q143109: BUG: Debugger Shows Incorrect "this" Pointer
- Q143207: PRB: Common Problems When Using STL with STD Namespace
- Q143208: PRB: Using STL in Windows Program Can Cause Min/Max Conflicts
- Q143209: PRB: MeasureItem Not Called for Popup Item on Owner-Draw Menu
- Q143210: HOWTO: How to Add the Finish Button to a Wizard Property Sheet
- Q143255: HOWTO: Make a Resizable Dialog Bar
- Q143290: PRB: Setting Menu Items to Grayed Does Not Disable the Item
- Q143291: HOWTO: Resize CPropertyPages at Run Time
- Q143292: INFO: Redistributing DAO Components with DAO Apps
- Q143299: CFormView-Based Server Shows Metafile When Not Active
- Q143313: FIX: CToolTipCtrl Stops Working After Dialog Is Displayed
- Q143330: FIX: Messagebox Shows in DDX_FieldCBString & DDX_FieldLBString
- Q143352: FIX: C2988 on Conversion Operator Between Two Template Classes
- Q143408: FIX: Assertion Failure After Using CDaoWorkspace::Create()
- Q143409: DOC: CFile::GetFileTitle May Return with File Extension
- Q143410: DOC: Vertical Slider Control Sends WM_VSCROLL Message
- Q143429: FIX: Developer Studio Causes an Alignment Fault
- Q143430: FIX: Pointer to Member Function Is Not Shown as Reference
- Q143432: HOWTO: Gain Access to an ActiveX Control from its Property Page
- Q143433: BUG: Setup Does Not Validate First Three Digits of CD Key
- Q145574: FIX: IDE Appears to Hang If Browse Key (F11 or F12) Is Pressed
- Q145616: HOWTO: How to Enable Edit Menu Commands for Edit Controls
- Q145669: INFO: A Comparison of Visual C++ Products
- Q145686: PRB: CDaoRecordView Bookmark Members Invalid After Requery()
- Q145687: DOC: CFileDialog Filter String Won’t Work Under Windows 95
- Q145696: FIX: CDC::CreatePointFont() May Create Wrong Size Font
- Q145698: PRB: Mnemonic Differences Between MFC 4.0 and Visual Basic 4.0
- Q145719: BUG: DAOENROL - Can’t See Added Records in Windows 95
- Q145746: DOC: Technical Note 38: MFC/OLE IUnknown Implementation
- Q145821: BUG: Format Specifications Give Incorrect Output
- Q145822: DOC: Creating Import Libraries for PowerPC Shared Libraries
- Q145857: How to Use Multiple Menus in MFC App That Uses GetDefaultMenu
- Q145863: FIX: Clear All Guides in Dialog Editor Causes Access Violation
- Q145864: PRB: Returning FALSE from OnSetActive Doesn’t Set Correct Tab
- Q145865: FIX: Cannot Receive WM_HELP for a Subclassed Control
- Q145889: INFO: Why Floating Point Numbers May Lose Precision
- Q145936: HOWTO: Insert Existing Projects as Sub-Projects
- Q145937: FIX: DUMPBIN, LIB, and EDITBIN Fail on File Names with Spaces
- Q145992: PRB: Global MFC DAO Objects Cause Assertions
- Q145993: BUG: Crystal Reports AppWizard Disables Multi-Language Support
- Q145994: HOWTO: Calculate Dialog Units When Not Using the System Font
- Q145995: BUG: Changes to Remote Project Files Not Detected
- Q145996: FIX: _setmaxstdio Causes Access Violation
- Q145997: PRB: Resource Language Must Match the Current System Language
- Q142170: PRPFONT - How to Set CPropertySheet Fonts
- Q142202: HOWTO: Create a Progress Bar on the Status Bar
- Q142203: DOC: GetFileTitle() & GetFileName() Docs Are Switched
- Q142211: BUG: Blob Persistent Data Incorrect for Ported OLE Control
- Q142223: INFO: Variant Handling in an MFC Server w/ VB 4.0 as Its Client
- Q142226: PRB: CButton SetIcon and SetBitmap Work Only Under Windows 95
- Q142243: PRB: Cannot Create an MFC Thread During DLL Startup
- Q142274: BUG: Assertion Failure When Handling xN_SETFOCUS in CFormView
- Q142317: HOWTO: How to Create a Minimized/Maximized MDI Child Window
- Q142318: HOWTO: Remove OLE Controls & Gallery Components from a Project
- Q142377: MMFILE - Class for Memory-Mapped Files
- Q142384: HOWTO: How to Create Accelerators for CPropertyPages
- Q142385: FIX: Using CString::operator+= May Cause an Access Violation
- Q142401: PRB: OLE Controls May Be Hidden by Group Box in Dialog
- Q142415: PRB: MFC Message Handler Not Called with PostThreadMessage()
- Q142420: DOC: Setdflag.c Sample for _CrtSetDbgFlag Missing Tilde (~)
- Q142421: FIX: D2004 Caused by /Tp or /Tc Option in Visual C++ 4.0
- Q142445: DOC: CWnd::LockWindowUpdate Does Not Unlock the Window
- Q142446: PRB: Stacked Tabs Aren’t Displayed Correctly After AddPage()
- Q142447: INFO: Summary List: Visual C++ Version 4.0 Known Problems
- Q142481: FCSVAL32 Control-by-Control Validation in MFC
- Q142493: BUG: Cannot Cast Double to int for Use in an Array Declarator
- Q142593: FIX: Header Files Not Excluded from Project Directory
- Q142594: INFO: Caveats for Using Empty Top-Level Projects in Dev. Studio
- Q142764: FIX: Edit Fields Blank When Large Fonts Selected
- Q142787: FIX: C1001 on Template Class of Type Pointer to Function
- Q142888: FIX: Developer Studio Fails to Recognize Makefile and Quits
- Q142889: INFO: Standards Supported by Visual C++ & Microsoft Products
- Q142960: FIX: CCheckListBox Fails with Style LBS_MULTICOLUMN
- Q141003: INFO: m_templateList Is No Longer Accessible in Visual C++ 4.0
- Q141039: HOWTO: How to Hide the Apply Button in CPropertySheet
- Q141040: BUG: Step Out in Debugger Ignores Try/Catch Scope
- Q141153: PRB: Memory Not Freed to OS When Debugging on Windows NT 3.51
- Q141154: INFO: Using Single/Multiple Instances of an OLE Object in MFC
- Q141199: FIX: Pop-Up Menu Items Disabled for an OLE Control
- Q141273: FIX: Firing a KeyPress Event from an OLE Control Causes Beep
- Q141274: PRB: COleControl::Serialize Not Called with VB as Container
- Q141277: HOWTO: Override an Interface in an MFC Application
- Q141303: Dynasets w/ CLongBinary Fields Throws Incorrect Exception
- Q141333: VSWAP Demos Multiple-View Switching in SDI
- Q141334: VSWAP32 Demos Multiple-View Switching in SDI
- Q141345: BUG: Duplicating Resource Causes Resource ID Collision
- Q141346: FIX: ClassWizard Misspells CPropertyPage in OnFinalRelease()
- Q141351: PRB: "Invalid argument" with dbAttachedTable or dbAttachedODBC
- Q141357: BUG: WM_MOUSEMOVE Messages Returned Out of Sequence
- Q141413: FIX: MSDEV Does Not Prompt for Executable for Debug Session
- Q141417: FIX: Problem Occurs During File Open on Win32s
- Q141438: PRB: The Profiler Isn’t Enabled
- Q141440: PRB: Paste Link Fails in Microsoft Excel
- Q141443: FIX: C1001: Compiler File P2symtab.c, Line 878
- Q141444: DOC: Incorrect Documentation for CToolBar::SetSizes()
- Q141445: DLGDB32 CDialog Sharing a CRecordset Object
- Q141447: FIX: dbDao’s CdbException Uses Private Constructor
- Q141456: FIX: Pressing F1 for Help on Error Message Doesn’t Work
- Q141457: FIX: C1001 When Calling Base Class Conversion Operator
- Q141458: FIX: Large Selections Fail in Disassembly Window
- Q141477: FIX: Exception Specification Syntax Handled Incorrectly
- Q141478: FIX: Floating Toolbars Disappear in Developer Studio
- Q141485: FIX: LNK1152 & LNK1141 When Linking OLE Control to Mapi32.lib
- Q141487: HOWTO: How to Change the Text in the Tabs of a CPropertySheet
- Q141488: INFO: Using Enumerated Properties in an OLE Control
- Q141489: INFO: Deriving an OLE Control from a Base Control
- Q141493: DOC: "How to Use Debug Heap from C++" Documented Incorrectly
- Q141498: Filling List Box Using MFC’s DDX Facility
- Q141499: VWRPLC32 Replacing a View in a CMDIChildWnd Window
- Q141532: FIX: OnInitMenuPopup Deletes Temporary Objects
- Q141533: FIX: CSyncObject::Lock Always Returns TRUE for Finite Waits
- Q141661: FIX: Access Violation Firing an Error Event in OLE Control
- Q141670: FIX: Profiling May Fail If Install Dir Contains Long File Name
- Q141675: HOWTO: How to Save and Restore State of Dockable Toolbars
- Q141716: PRB: Oracle Driver Does Not Support Dynasets
- Q141717: DAOTable Uses DAO Classes to Create Database Objects
- Q141724: Context-Sensitive Help in a CDialog Object
- Q141725: INFO: Stopping MFC/MDI from Creating New MDI Child Window On Sta
- Q141751: Adding Control Bars to Dialog Boxes in MFC
- Q141752: Limiting 32-Bit MFC SDI/MDI Applications to a Single Instance
- Q141758: HOWTO: How to Add Tooltips for Controls to an MFC Modal Dialog B
- Q141802: Dynamic Column Binding with MFC ODBC Database Classes
- Q141834: HOWTO: Change Icon or Bitmap of CListCtrl Item When Selected
- Q141863: SAMPLE: Bdlg32.exe Draws a Bitmap in an MFC Dialog Box
- Q141865: FIX: Can’t Get to Hidden Workspace After Enabling Docking View
- Q141866: FIX: App Error While Changing Install Dir for Visual C++
- Q141871: HOWTO: Add Tooltips to ActiveX Controls
- Q141888: Blocks32: Demonstrates CRectTracker Class
- Q141904: HOWTO: Use SQL Aggregate Functions with the MFC DAO Classes
- Q141921: HOWTO: How to Support Two File Extensions per MFC Document Type
- Q141958: FIX: _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC Environment Var References Incorrect
- Q140024: FIX: Tools Won’t Run If There’s a Space in the Path
- Q140041: PATCH: Visual C++ 4.0 Crash Fixes
- Q140088: FIX: Sample Application Dialog Box Is Disabled in InfoViewer
- Q140105: PRB: Assertion While Switching Property Pages in OLE Control
- Q140158: HOWTO: How to Place Static Text Labels Over Columns in a List Bo
- Q140188: FIX: C1001 or C2434: Using Templates in Default Arguments
- Q140202: SAMPLE: MFCARRAY Using Safe Arrays in MFC Automation
- Q140215: FIX: Brackets Cause Recordset Update to Fail in SQL Server
- Q140229: PRB: C2027 When Using MFC Templated Collection Classes
- Q140252: PRB: ClassWizard Disables Add Function & Add Variable Buttons
- Q140270: FIX:ClassView Add Function/Variable Fails If Header File Moved
- Q140346: Possible Reasons for OLE Control Registration Failure
- Q140351: PRB: Assertion in Dlgprop.cpp Line 499
- Q140352: BUG: RC1120: RC Out of Memory When Compiling for Macintosh
- Q140356: FIX: NMAKE Fails If Paths & File Names Have Special Characters
- Q140357: BUG: No Warning Using Extern "C" in a Namespace
- Q140439: FIX: Namespace Scoped Classes Don’t Show Up in ClassView
- Q140440: FIX: Global Overloaded Delete Operator Causes LNK2005
- Q140444: FIX: UNC File Names Cause Remote Debugging to Fail
- Q140450: FIX: "Failed to (or don’t know how to) build" Warning
- Q140477: PRB: MFC 4.0 Applications Can’t Be Run Under Windows NT 3.5
- Q140485: INFO: Exporting PASCAL-Like Symbols in 32-Bit DLLs
- Q140492: PRB: Possible Recursion Problems with OLE Controls
- Q140502: FIX: ClassView Cannot Find Function That Has Been Moved
- Q140503: DOC: Port I/O Functions Not Included in DLL Version of CRT
- Q140527: PRB: Assertion Failed on Line 837 - Sockcore.cpp
- Q140534: FIX: "Data Truncated Column" Erroneously Reported
- Q140538: HOWTO: How to Do Away with the Print Dialog Box in MFC Printing
- Q140573: FIX: F4 to Go to Error/Tag Doesn’t Always Open Source File
- Q140584: HOWTO: Link with the Correct C Run-Time (CRT) Library
- Q140585: PRB: Resizing CPropertySheet in OnInitDialog Does Not Work
- Q140586: HOWTO: How to Add Buttons to a Modeless CPropertySheet
- Q140587: HOWTO: How to Change Default Button on CPropertySheet
- Q140590: FIX: Error in COleDispatchException Constructor
- Q140591: HOWTO: Display an MFC Automation Document Automatically
- Q140592: HOWTO: Implement Per-Property Browsing for a Custom Property
- Q140595: DOC: How to Display Tool Tips After Calling EnableToolTips
- Q140596: INFO: MFC 4.0 No Longer Pre-Registers Window Classes
- Q140597: FIX: Fatal Error LNK1561: Entry Point Must Be Defined
- Q140598: FIX: AppendOnly Snapshot Recordset Update() Causes Error
- Q140599: PRB: MFC DAO Functions Accepting COleVariant Strings May Fail
- Q140604: FIX: ‘using’ Declaration Doesn’t Overload Base Class Members
- Q140605: PRB: C2059 When Declaring Friend Template Functions in a Class
- Q140611: PRB: InstallSHIELD Error: Setup requires a different version
- Q140616: MFCDISP: Replacing MFC IDispatch Implementation
- Q140669: FIX: CSingleLock: Bogus Assert in CSingleLock::CSingleLock
- Q140670: FIX: Using Run-Time Type Info May Cause Memory Leak Report
- Q140676: PRB: ClassWizard Uses WM_HELPINFO Instead of WM_HELP
- Q140677: FIX: Go Back Button in InfoView Viewer Window Is Disabled
- Q140751: PRB: Problems Occur When Defining _AFX_NO_XXX
- Q140850: HOWTO: Properly Export Functions Using the MFC Shared Library
- Q140858: PRB: _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC Does Not Work as Documented
- Q146000: FIX: C1001 Including Header File in Template Class Definition
- Q146010: HOWTO: Setting the Picture Property of an ActiveX Control
- Q146120: HOWTO: Use an OLE Control as an Automation Server
- Q146416: PRB: Page Fault When Using Bounds Checker STD or PRO
- Q146437: Horizontal Scrolling List Box in an MFC Class
- Q146443: PRB: Msmask32.ocx Does Not Work Properly in MFC Containers
- Q146444: FIX: Working Directory Setting with Trailing Backslash Fails
- Q146445: PRB: istream::seekg() Does Not Reset EOF State
- Q146446: PRB: ClassWizard Doesn’t Support Property Change Notifications
- Q146447: FIX: BreakPoints not hit for long file name DLL/EXE
- Q146617: FIX: SetWindowText(NULL) Doesn’t Clear .OCX Edit Control
- Q146866: PRB: Type Indexes in .PDB Files Are Limited
- Q146876: PRB: DAO Error 3028 When Creating a DAO Workspace
- Q146916: HOWTO: Create a Modeless CPropertySheet with Standard Buttons
- Q147130: FIX: Building an .OCX Always Runs Regsvr32
- Q147149: HOWTO: Localize Application Resources with Foundation Classes
- Q147206: FIX: Border of Modeless CPropertySheet Is Not 3D in Windows NT
- Q147312: PRB: Error Importing Control into Component Gallery
- Q147315: FIX: Access Violation After Unloading Extension DLL
- Q147384: FIX: Icons, Bitmaps, & Menus Not Displayed in an AFXDLL Dialog
- Q147393: HOWTO: Profile an OLE Server or an OLE Control
- Q147426: PRB: DoSuperclassPaint Calls WM_PRINT for Windows 95
- Q147427: DOC: Description of C2354 Error Is Unclear
- Q147578: CWnd Derived MFC Objects and Multi-threaded Applications
- Q147629: PRB: Problems If ODBC or DAO in DLL’s InitInstance or DLLMain
- Q147630: FIX: Remote Monitor Quits When TCP/IP Isn’t Loaded
- Q147632: BUG: Browsing Template Function Definition Goes to Wrong Place
- Q147684: FIX: Sending WM_xSCROLL Message Causes Invalid ASSERT
- Q147735: FIX: ClassWizard Quits If Class Twice Derived from CRecord
- Q147736: BUG: Dialog Previewer May Incorrectly Draw Caption on Dialogs
- Q147740: HOWTO: Handling Events for ActiveX Controls in a CWnd
- Q147836: FIX: Debugger Hangs with Huge Executable with Embedded Symbols
- Q147842: HOWTO: Detect a Mouse Click on Any Column of List View Control
- Q147892: FIX: Custom AppWizard Doesn’t Support Multiple Languages
- Q147894: BUG: Spy++ Causes Exception in Owner-Drawn Combo Box
- Q147944: FIX: Edit Control’s Number Style Check Box Won’t Stay Selected
- Q147948: FIX: Errors Occur Using DAO CLongBinary Data from Database
- Q147952: Two-Way Communication Using IDispatch in MFC
- Q148139: FIX: Default OLE Container w/ Splitters Faults on View Closure
- Q148222: HOWTO: Update Property Values in a Property Page
- Q148230: FIX: TypeLibs with Large Argument Lists May Crash ClassWizard
- Q148242: HOWTO: Handle OCM_CTLCOLORxxx Reflected Messages
- Q148255: FIX: C1001 on Cast to Base from Derived Friend Class
- Q148304: INFO: Frequently Encountered MFC 3.x to 4.0 Porting Issues
- Q148305: PRB: AfxFindResourceHandle Fails w/ Icons, Cursors, & Strings
- Q148318: FIX: Using #define NOGDI Results in Compilation Syntax Errors
- Q148321: Standard Edition Missing Help Entries for Win32SDK
- Q148388: HOWTO: How to Change Default Control Focus on CPropertyPage
- Q148436: PRB: AppWizard Cannot Generate Resources in Sublanguages
- Q148455: BUG: CSharedFile::Detach() Does Not Call GlobalUnlock()
- Q148495: PRB: Tool Tips Stop Showing After WM_xBUTTONDOWN
- Q148498: DOC: CListBox::ItemFromPoint() Works Only in Windows 95
- Q148504: FIX: C2371: Cast to Struct Ptr in Default Arg of Class Member
- Q148505: HOWTO: Force Files to Be Flushed to Disk
- Q148533: PRB: No ANSI Notifications from Control Created in OnCreate
- Q148616: FIX: DisplayAsDefault Ambient Property Not Updated for Control
- Q148617: HOWTO: Speed Up Load Time of OLE Controls
- Q148652: PRB: LNK2005 Errors When Link C Run-Time Libraries Are Linked Be
- Q148681: FIX: localtime() Does Not Always Switch to Standard Time
- Q148686: FIX: IOMANIPdeclare Macro Causes C2758 Error with References
- Q148687: FIX: Clipboard Assistant - Paste Fails or Causes Hard Break
- Q148688: FIX: C2243 on Friend Overload o
- Q148703: FIX: CWnd::SubclassDlgItem Returns FALSE for OLE Controls
- Q148704: FIX: Template Keyword Can’t Be Used Inside Class Declarations
- Q148738: MFCDRAG Implements Drag and Drop Between CListCtrl and CTree
- Q148745: PRB: DAO Can’t Be Used in an ISAPI DLL
- Q148751: FIX: COleDateTimeSpan Returns Incorrect Value
- Q148787: FIX: Run Out of Memory or Assertion in GetBufferSetLength()
- Q148789: FIX: No Error Given for Non-static Callback Member Function
- Q148790: DOC: mktime Fails for January 1, 1970 in Several Time Zones
- Q148791: HOWTO: How to Provide Your Own DllMain in an MFC Regular DLL
- Q148805: FIX: CDaoTableDef CreateField Cannot Set "Allow Zero Length"
- Q148806: FIX: Cannot Open Document From Shell If EXE Has Long File Name
- Q148808: FIX: C2670: Template Function Cannot Convert Parameter
- Q148848: FIX: "Item not found in this collection" Message Box
- Q148860: HOWTO: Show Container’s Toolbar During Inplace Activation
- Q148880: BUG: Breakpoint Occurs When You Insert Clipboard Assistant
- Q148882: PRB: Visual C++ 4.0 or 4.1 Setup Fails to Copy Shared DLLs
- Q148891: PRB: Printer Setup Not Remembered When Using Visual C++ 4.x App
- Q148916: FIX: Setup Could Not Open \Msdev\Redist\Oracle.hlp File
- Q148917: How to Use the DAO Dynaset with Microsoft SQL Server 6.0
- Q150000: FIX: Minimal Rebuild Fails on Access Specifier Change for Enum
- Q150003: FIX: __vfptr Elements Are Not Properly Displayed in Debugger
- Q150029: INFO: OLE Control Containers Must Call AfxEnableControlContainer
- Q150034: PRB: LPPICTUREDISP Cannot Be Passed Across Process Boundaries
- Q150075: FIX: False Memory Leaks in MFC DLL Statically Linked to MFC
- Q150076: BUG: C4003: Not Enough Parameters for SubclassWindow Macro
- Q150100: DOC:Technote 64 Incorrect About ThreadingModel Registration
- Q150121: PRB: MFC Loads Wrong Resource in Extension DLL
- Q150122: PRB: CDaoRecordView Toolbar Buttons Malfunction
- Q150199: DOC: ThreadingModel Is Not a Subkey
- Q150204: HOWTO: Retrieve the Actual Parent Window of an ActiveX Control
- Q150287: FIX: Custom Build Commands Fail When Built from Command Line
- Q150288: HOWTO: How to Enable Selection Button in Print Dialog Box
- Q150291: BUG: Empty File Name in PrivateProfile APIs Returns True
- Q150292: FIX: Access Violation When Copying Src File Between Projects
- Q150349: FIX: Finish Button Fails Data Transfer from Page to Variables
- Q150351: FIX: Absolute Pathnames for Source Files Placed in Makefile
- Q150378: FIX: C1001 if No Template Types in Template Func Arg List
- Q150380: PRB: Sizeof Constant Character Returns Different Values
- Q150392: PRB: LoadLibrary & FreeLibrary on MFC Regular DLL Leak Memory
- Q150431: PRB: Using Enhanced Metafiles in COleServerItem
- Q150552: HOWTO: How To Avoid the ODBC Login Dialog when Using MFC
- Q150571: FIX: CWnd::DragAcceptFiles() in Books Online
- Q150572: FIX: Error C1001: _asm Instruction Accessing Stack Using [ebp]
- Q150573: FIX: C2084 When Template Class Constructor Has No Body
- Q150574: FIX:CScrollView::OnHScroll/OnVScroll Do Not Call OnChildNotify
- Q150575: HOWTO: Set Up a TCP/IP Peer-to-Peer Network Connection
- Q150576: FIX: C2682 Using dynamic_cast to Cast to a Const Pointer Type
- Q150616: BUG: Nmake Does Not Build Subproject of Type Makefile
- Q150764: PRB: CString::LoadString Fails in Console Application
- Q150778: Mastering Visual C++, Mastering Access: Runtime Error 13
- Q150789: FIX: DFX_Bool Calls Default() with AFX_RFX_LONGBINARY
- Q150884: FIX: C1001 Fatal Error in File Main.c, Line 413 for /O1 or /O2
- Q150885: FIX: C2321 Expanding Template with a Pointer to a Nested Class
- Q150936: FIX: VC4 Debugger Fails to Stop on Breakpoints w/ Long Names
- Q150937: Visual C++ Version 4.1 Patch
- Q149087: HOWTO: Using CDaoRecordset::Seek
- Q149137: FIX: ODBC Long Binary Functions Use SQL_NO_TOTAL Incorrectly
- Q149139: FIX: Visual C++ Breaks ODBC CLongBinary w/ GlobalReAll Misuse
- Q149181: FIX: Removing Subproject Causes Page Fault
- Q149237: BUG: 4 Class Wizard Problems w/ International System Settings
- Q149257: How to Replace a View in a Splitter Window
- Q149285: FIX: C1001 When Initialize Array of Type Class with #include
- Q149324: FIX: Modifying Const Temporary Object Doesn’t Generate Error
- Q149327: FIX: C2440 Expanding Template with a Pointer to a Nested Class
- Q149341: FIX: CreatePointFont() May Create Wrong Size Font in Preview
- Q149342: PRB: CListCtrl Inserting Items Slow If in Icon Modes
- Q149343: HOWTO: Implement Context-Sensitive Help for Dialog Controls
- Q149392: HOWTO: Using the DAO SDK dbDao Classes with Visual C++ 4.x
- Q149407: HOWTO: How to Display a Bitmap in a CStatusBar Pane
- Q149471: PRB: Conflicting Definitions of time_t Between Windows and Mac
- Q149482: BUG: MSDEV Does Not Report Error When It Cannot Find Make File
- Q149501: PRB: Child CPropertySheet Hangs If Focus Is Switched
- Q149515: DOC: GetProcAddress Does Not Support Ordinal Symbols
- Q149558: HOWTO: Create an .MDB File for Microsoft Access Databases
- Q149565: PRB: Unable to Load Control from C:\Path\File.ocx
- Q149594: HOWTO: Calling DAO Directly from MFC to Change a User’s Password
- Q149615: PRB: C1004 or C1060 Error Generated by Inline _asm Call
- Q149616: FIX: Developer Studio May Hang When Debug Session Starts/Ends
- Q149638: PRB: Statically linked MFC App Causes Trouble on Win32s
- Q149696: FIX: Bad Code Generated for Inline Assembly Using Enumerators
- Q149709: PRB: Incorrect CListCtrl Painting During Label Editing
- Q149784: FIX: LNK2001 Incorrectly Generated for Static Data Member
- Q149889: PRB: Assertion or Problems Using DAO in a DLL
- Q149964: FIX: C1001 on Large Basic Block with Optimizations Enabled
- Q149965: FIX: C2668 in Overloaded Function When enum Is Promoted to int
- Q149966: BUG: istream::operator>>(long&) Does Not Clear errno
- Q149982: BUG: GetDlgItem() Returns NULL Under Win32s
- Q151030: PRB: Data Corruption with LBS_SORT and CCheckListBox on Win32s
- Q151031: FIX: SetMinHeight Does Not Work Correctly with CStatusBar
- Q151032: GENSPLIT Putting a Generic CWnd in a Splitter Pane
- Q151033: FIX: Using CMultiLock Class Can Cause a Memory Leak
- Q151034: PRB: MFC Control Panel Applet Shows ODBC Icon in Control Panel
- Q151070: FIX: DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST & STATIC_DOWNCAST Causes Stack Overflow
- Q151071: FIX: Spawn Hangs When Inheriting Pipe Handle
- Q151162: PRB: CToolBarCtrl Styles Fail with CToolBar
- Q151166: FIX: Fixes in VC++ 4.1 to Bugs in VC++ 4.0 32-Bit Edition
- Q151167: BUG: LNK2001 Error for Static Member in Class Template
- Q151168: FIX: Abstract Class Instantiated as a Temporary Object
- Q151378: PRB: CStatic::SetBitmap Doesn’t Display Bitmap on Win NT 3.51
- Q151382: FIX: LoadBarState() Causes Assert In Bardock.cpp, Line 682
- Q151407: PRB: DAO 3.0 Must Be Used in Primary Thread
- Q151426: HOWTO: Create a DAO Setup that Installs Jet IISAM Files
- Q151446: FIX: Internal State of ControlBars Corrupted
- Q151491: FIX: copy() Member of _bstr_t in comutl.h Doesn’t Copy
- Q151499: FIX: Compiler Performs Illegal Sign Conversion Optimization
- Q151500: FIX: /Og Causes vfptr Initialization Problems
- Q151585: HOWTO: Use _crtBreakAlloc to Debug a Memory Allocation
- Q151662: HOWTO: How To Disable Tabs in CPropertySheet
- Q151663: PRB: Memory Leak in MFC Using ODBC Oracle Driver on Win 95
- Q151666: PRB: C2065/C2064 Errors when Using Win32 APIs in MFC Program
- Q151673: FIX: Compiler Allocates Struct with Nested Struct Incorrectly
- Q151675: FIX: Re-throwing Exception Causes Abnormal Program Termination
- Q151683: FIX: MFC ODBC Exceptions Using the SQL Server 6.5 Driver
- Q151686: FIX: MFC ODBC Dynaset Cannot Update a SQL Server 6.0 View
- Q151771: LICREQST.EXE Requesting a License Key from an Object
- Q151804: PRB: Dynamic Creation of Redistributable Control Fails
- Q151856: CMEMDC.EXE Memory Bitmap for Scrolling in CScrollV
- Q151865: PRB: Brush Permanent Handle Map Doesn’t Work on Windows 95
- Q151869: PRB: Incorrect Usage of CSingleLock May Lock Up Mutex Object
- Q151893: DOC: CCriticalSection::Lock Doesn’t Do a Timed Wait
- Q151894: PRB: CToolBarCtrl::GetToolTips() May Return NULL for a ToolBar
- Q151897: FIX: CListCtrl::InsertColumn() Causes Column Data to Shift
- Q151898: BUG: Include Directories Cannot End with a Backslash
- Q151901: PRB: StatusBar Pane Enabled by Default
- Q151903: PRB: VB Does Not Support Dual Interfaces in OLE Controls
- Q151907: PRB: DAO SDK Setup Error 104/105: Cannot Run Intermediate File
- Q152000: PRB: Appearance Property Uses Windows 4.0 WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE
- Q152016: FIX: Errors C2065/C2064 When Function L is Called with Macro
- Q152029: HOWTO: Prevent Creation of Initial Macintosh Document
- Q152030: FIX: Port I/O Functions Not in DLL Version of CRT for VC++ 4.0
- Q152041: FIX: C1001 Error in ‘msc1.cpp’ on Template Function Parameter
- Q152055: FIX: No Error and Constructor Not Called if Prototype Missing
- Q152056: BUG: Using Intrinsic Versions of log10 and fmod
- Q152071: HOWTO: Calling Hidden Default Method of an OLE Automation Collec
- Q152072: FIX: ASSERT in OLECLI1.CPP When Copying Embedding to Clipboard
- Q152073: PRB: Wrapper Class for Automation Object May Be Incomplete
- Q152074: PRB: COleMessageFilter Doesn’t Process WM_PAINT
- Q152075: FIX: Control Container Support Only Works in Primary Thread
- Q152087: Connpts.exe Implements Connection Points in MFC Apps
- Q152092: DRAGD95.EXE OLE Drag/Drop in Windows 95 Common Controls
- Q152099: MFC Dialog Font Substitution Under DBCS System
- Q152116: SAMPLE: DAO_OCX.EXE ActiveX Control Uses DAO to Query Database
- Q152131: FIX: C1001: Extern in Function Call or Bad Type in Prototype
- Q152211: FIX: Constructor Gets Called Multiple Times on the Same Object
- Q152252: HOWTO: How To Get 32-bit Scroll Position During Scroll Messages
- Q152254: BUG: LNK2001 on Operator>> with Class from MFC Extension DLL
- Q152255: PRB: Custom AppWizard Doesn’t Initialize Custom Step Dialogs
- Q152294: HOWTO: Accessing Binary Data Using dbDao
- Q152315: PRB: When to Call AfxDaoTerm() in an Automation Server
- Q152316: CONDOC.EXE Extract Container/Document Info with MFC DAO
- Q152317: FIX: Setup Could Not Open \MSDEV\REDIST\ QFEUPD.EXE
- Q152318: FIX: DAO SDK’s CdbRecordset::Requery() May Fail
- Q152319: FIX: ReadString Gives Wrong Result Reading Long Strings
- Q152376: HOWTO: How To Disable Push Buttons on a DialogBar in MFC
- Q152384: FIX: DDX for Short Causes Stack Corruption
- Q152391: PRB: Adding OnClose Handler to COleControl Class Causes C2660
- Q152392: PRB: Component Gallery Unable to Import OLE Control
- Q152482: FIX: Error: Undefined Symbol ‘DOC’ from Custom AppWizard
- Q152493: FIX: ISAPI Extension Wizard Generates Bad OnAuthentication
- Q152520: PRB: Opening a Dynaset on a SQL Server Stored Procedure
- Q152533: CLIBIN.EXE Converting COleClientItem into CLongBinary
- Q152534: Dbctl.exe Using ODBC in an ActiveX Control
- Q152602: DOC: MSBV3032.DLL Incorrectly Referenced in On-Line Help
- Q152603: FIX: Masked Edit Tab Order Incorrect If Visible Property FALSE
- Q152688: HOWTO: Change the Name of a Microsoft Access Field w/MFC DAO
- Q152695: HOWTO: Catch and Decipher DAO SDK-Based Exceptions
- Q152696: HOWTO: Using the MFC Database Classes in Console Applications
- Q152781: FIX: Incorrect Return Values from COleDateTime Members
- Q152792: FIX: Multiple ActiveX Control Containers Under Win32s Problems
- Q154039: HOWTO: Pass Optional Arguments to MFC ActiveX Controls
- Q154045: INFO: Setup Cannot Access the Source File ..\include\ALGORITHM
- Q154054: PRB: Possible Application Failure Using SmartHeap
- Q154059: PRB: Commands Fail in Makefile if Directory Over 66 Characters
- Q154105: PRB: C2664 Compiler Error in Afxtempl.h Using VC++ 4.2
- Q154111: FIX: Access Violation Opening a Workspace of Type Makefile
- Q154112: FIX: ClassView Cannot Find Template Member Function Definition
- Q154116: HOWTO: Debug OLE Applications
- Q154126: PRB: Using Extension DLL, Database/OLE/Sockets in Regular DLL
- Q154166: PRB: ActiveX Control Painting Problems in Visual C++ 4.2
- Q154172: How To Pass Binary Data Between an ActiveX Control and VB
- Q154289: HOWTO: Identify the Symptoms of File Corruption Problems
- Q154320: BUG: AfxOleInit Returns TRUE Without Initializing OLE in a DLL
- Q154419: INFO: Standard C++ Library Frequently Asked Questions
- Q154428: INFO: Visual C++ Version 4.1b
- Q154430: BUG: Visual C++ 4.2 DAO Breaks Certain Access95B Functions
- Q154466: FIX: Unable to Locate URLMON.DLL on Windows NT 3.51
- Q154482: FIX: Undocumented Functions in Type Safe Collection Classes
- Q154492: FIX: List of Fixes in VC++ 4.2 to Bugs in VC++ 4.0/VC++ 4.1
- Q154527: BUG: C2374 in OLECTLID.H When Rebuilding DBDAO3.DLL for VC 4.2
- Q154539: PRB: Including STL.H Causes Compiler Errors
- Q154591: FIX: Wrong Version of MSVCRT40.DLL(Forwarder DLL) in Windows 95
- Q154632: FIX: Accept Returns FALSE but GetLastError Returns 0
- Q154648: FIX: Toolbars Broken in ENROLL Tutorial Samples
- Q154649: FIX: CSocket Operation Hangs if a Timer is Active
- Q154652: FIX: Timer Callbacks Not Called in MFC 4.2 Applications
- Q154664: PRB: Dispatch Interface for Automation Object Must Be Registered
- Q154744: PRB: Modifying CWinApp Members Causes Error in DBGHEAP.C
- Q154753: INFO: What Are the C/C++ Libraries My Program Would Link With?
- Q154764: PRB: Excluding Libraries with the Visual C++ Profiler
- Q154853: Intel MMX Technology Support in Visual C++
- Q154895: FIX: CInternet::File ReadString() Loses Data
- Q153004: PRB: Error C2065: ‘__emul/__emulu’ : Undeclared Identifier
- Q153005: PRB: Longjmp Inside a _try Block Fails on PowerPC
- Q153216: BUG: GetRowsEx() Incorrectly Handles Null Field Values
- Q153239: BUG: Multiple CRichEditView::PrintInsideRect’s Are Distorted
- Q153282: FIX: ClassWizard Overrides CDaoRecordset::Open Incorrectly
- Q153284: INFO: Limitations of IntelliSense in Visual C++ 6.0
- Q153291: BUG: Wizards Fail on Secure Microsoft Access Database
- Q153292: FIX: Compiler Errors with COleDateTime::Format
- Q153324: BUG: MSDEV May Leave Orphaned Threads in the Memory After Exit
- Q153354: BUG: OLE Controls Limited to 20 Property Pages in Visual C++
- Q153378: FIX: Syntax Error in MFC ODBC Recordset with SQL Server 6.5
- Q153393: Browser Toolkits for Microsoft Visual C++
- Q153398: FIX: Namespace and Typedef Cause C1001:’msc1.cpp’,line 1090
- Q153425: FIX: IDE Crashes Undoing Sizing in Dialog Editor
- Q153427: PRB: Controls Not Initialized in CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog()
- Q153491: PRB: Jet 3.0 UserCommitSync & ImplicitCommitSync Values Wrong
- Q153733: PRB: Wrong Mfc40.dll and Msvcrt40.dll from ActiveX CD-ROM Disc
- Q153801: BUG: C2352 Error for Reference to Nested Class Member
- Q153807: PRB: GetRowsEx Re-fetches Last Read Record in Subsequent Calls
- Q153880: INFO: Visigenic Oracle Driver and Visual C++ Enterprise Edition
- Q153881: HOWTO: How To Assign the ActiveX Control LPDispatch Property in
- Q153888: PRB: RFX_LongBinary Not Optimized for SQL Server
- Q153897: FIX: MFC DAO or ODBC App Crashes on Exit
- Q153901: PRB: #pragma comment(lib…) Can Specify Only Libraries
- Q153963: FIX: Exception in DrawCli When Displaying Summary Information
- Q155005: DOC: COleDateTime No Longer Accepts 2-Digit Years
- Q155046: FIX: Member Function Referenced Without () Compiles
- Q155059: PRB: Need Design-Time License for Microsoft ActiveX Controls
- Q155133: PRB: ClassWizard Doesn’t Bring in Proper Header File
- Q155141: HOWTO: How To Add a Toolbar in an MDI Child Window
- Q155142: FIX: ClassWizard | Member Variables Loses Member Variables
- Q155160: FIX: Debugger Sees Only One Variable of Two with Same Name
- Q155164: FIX: C2678 on Overloaded Functions When Using a Namespace
- Q155173: PRB: Undocumented Compiler Switches /QIfdiv, /QIf, and /QI6
- Q155177: FIX: Sockets Application Hangs or Exhibits Poor Performance
- Q155196: HOWTO: Use #pragma to Generate User-Defined Warning Messages
- Q155211: FIX: C2373 on getwchar/putwchar When Using UNICODE & __stdcall
- Q155224: PRB: Using CEdit SetModify/GetModify Returns Invalid Values
- Q155257: Dialog Templates in Memory
- Q155292: FIX: Destructor Not Called When DEBUG_NEW Is Defined
- Q155293: PRB: Time Displayed in IDE Not the Same as System Time
- Q155361: INFO: Use of Visual C++ on Networks
- Q155370: FIX: Wizards May Display Invalid Table Names for CRecordset
- Q155386: FIX: C1001 in Compiler File MSC1.CPP at Line 1089
- Q155420: PRB: C2146, C2065, C2143 Instantiating Template Class Objects
- Q155436: DOC: CImageList Returned from CreateDragImage Needs Delete
- Q155591: BUG: Cannot Set Access Memo Field to NULL with Snapshots
- Q155622: FIX: IDE Debugger Truncates Floating Point Numbers
- Q155628: PRB: "Save As" Does Not Save a Stored Procedure on the Server
- Q155645: PRB: ActiveX Control Fails in Visual Basic but Works Fine in MFC
- Q155690: Regaut.exe Registers an Automation Object as Active
- Q155716: PRB: SQL Single-Stepping Does Not Display Errors as They Occur
- Q155721: FIX: Access Violation in RFX_Date If CTime Not Initialized
- Q155791: FIX: Some Intermediate Files not Deleted by FileView
- Q155848: PRB: ODBC Error When Using CRecordset Without Deriving From It
- Q155850: PRB: "Error Retrieving Record" with SQL Statement in Open()
- Q155856: PRB: Stored Procedure PRINT Output May Be Truncated
- Q155880: DOC: README FIRST Card Has a Typo in Stored Procedure Name
- Q155895: How To Find an Item in a Tree Control Via its Label
- Q155918: HOWTO: How To Scroll a CFormView to See the Controls
- Q156005: FIX: Incorrect Warning About Procedure/ Trigger Name Length
- Q156006: FIX: Columns Properties Shows Numeric Codes Under "Data Type"
- Q156051: PRB: Messages Not Received by Dynamically Created Control
- Q156067: FIX: Setting Tooltip Text in OnToolHitTest Causes Assertion
- Q156076: BUG: WWWQuote Sample Generates Error Message
- Q156078: RegMaid.exe Helps Clean Up the Registry
- Q156079: STL Sample for the Generate Function
- Q156080: STL Sample for Non-Predicate Version of adjacent_find Function
- Q156132: DOC: Registration Card Reports Wrong Support Policy
- Q156133: BUG: Execute SQL Toolbar Button Not Disabled with Focus Change
- Q156134: FIX: CLongBinary Causes "Invalid String or Buffer Length"
- Q156135: FIX: CRecordset::m_lCurrentRecord Gives Inaccurate Values
- Q156136: FIX: F1 Help Not Hooked to Some New Dialog Boxes
- Q156137: FIX: Cannot Set Breakpoint at EXECUTE Statement
- Q156138: INFO: Limitations of DAO, DAO SDK in NT Service or with Threads
- Q156139: HOWTO: Use the SQL Server DateTime Parameter
- Q156141: PRB: Default Values Not Shown in Input Parameters Dialog Box
- Q156142: PRB: Symbol <default> Always Shown in Input Parameters Dialog
- Q156143: FIX: Execute SQL Button Does Not Show Change to Stop Execute
- Q156190: FIX: LNK1170 Building Project’s Makefile from Command Line
- Q156191: PRB: SQL Server 6.5 SP1 on Windows 95 Gives Cryptic Message
- Q156257: FIX: SQL Server May Crash When sp_who2 Is Debugged
- Q156296: PRB: CLongBinary Edits Fail with SQL Server Snapshot
- Q156299: STL Sample for the find_if Function
- Q156300: STL Sample for the count_if Function
- Q156301: INFO: STL Sample for the partition Function
- Q156302: INFO: STL Sample for the find Function
- Q156321: INFO: STL Sample for Predicate Version of adjacent_find Function
- Q156345: INFO: STL Sample for the for_each Function
- Q156346: INFO: STL Sample for the iter_swap Function
- Q156347: INFO: STL Sample for the generate_n Function
- Q156503: BUG: Error When Deleting a Record Using the Apex Grid Control
- Q156531: INFO: STL Sample for the remove Function
- Q156532: INFO: STL Sample for the remove_if Function
- Q156533: INFO: STL Sample for the remove_copy Function
- Q156534: INFO: STL Sample for the remove_copy_if Function
- Q156589: STL Sample for deque::insert Function
- Q156590: STL Sample for deque::erase and deque::clear Functions
- Q156591: STL Sample for deque::begin and deque::end Functions
- Q156592: STL Sample for deque::rbegin and deque::rend Functions
- Q156618: STL Sample for the count Function
- Q156619: STL Sample for the min_element Function
- Q156732: HOWTO: Print from the Microsoft WebBrowser Control
- Q156741: INFO: STL Sample for the replace Function
- Q156742: INFO: STL Sample for the replace_copy Function
- Q156743: INFO: STL Sample for the replace_if Function
- Q156744: INFO: STL Sample for the replace_copy_if Function
- Q156747: INFO: STL Sample for the reverse Function
- Q156759: STL Sample for deque::push_back and deque::pop_back Functions
- Q156760: STL Sample for deque::front and deque::back Functions
- Q156768: STL Sample for deque::push_front, deque::pop_front Functions
- Q156790: INFO: STL Sample for the operator == and operato
- Q156807: STL Sample for accumulate, copy, vector::push_back Functions
- Q156808: INFO: STL Sample for the new operator Function
- Q156809: STL Sample for adjacent_difference, vector::push_back Function
- Q156810: INFO: STL Sample for Members of the numeric_limits Class
- Q156811: INFO: STL Sample for the abs Function
- Q156851: PRB:Run to Cursor and Breakpoints Don’t Work After Debug.Break
- Q156898: STL Sample for deque::assign and deque::swap Functions
- Q156899: INFO: STL Sample for the make_pair Function
- Q156900: INFO: STL Sample for the Predicate Version of inplace_merge Func
- Q156901: INFO: STL Sample for the inplace_merge Function
- Q156902: STL Sample for deque::operator[] and deque::at Functions
- Q156934: INFO: Visual C++ 4.2b Patch
- Q156977: PRB: CRecordset Does Not Skip Deleted Records
- Q156991: INFO: STL Sample for the distance() Function
- Q156992: INFO: STL Sample for the Predicate Version of max_element Functi
- Q156993: INFO: STL Sample for the Predicate Version of nth_element Functi
- Q156994: INFO: STL Sample for the random_shuffle Function
- Q157038: STL Sample for the Predicate Version of min_element Function
- Q157065: STL Sample for deque::size and deque::resize Functions
- Q157071: FIX: GetFieldValue Returns Empty String for SQL_LONGVARCHAR
- Q157073: PRB: Exception Not Caught Using CArchive or CFile
- Q157125: FIX: Setup Does Not Copy Visigenic’s VSDRVM32.DLL File
- Q157126: PRB: OpenEx() May Fail with "ODBC;" in Connection String
- Q157142: PRB:CFormView/Dialogs Sized Larger Under Win32s/WinNT 3.50
- Q157156: STL Sample for the Predicate Versions of the heap Functions
- Q157157: STL Sample for the heap Functions
- Q157159: STL Sample for map::insert, map::find, and map::end Functions
- Q157220: INFO: STL Sample for the exp, log, and log10 Functions
- Q157221: STL Sample for the Predicate Version of lower_bound Function
- Q157222: STL Sample for the lower_bound Function
- Q157283: STL Sample for Non-predicate Version of max_element Function
- Q157284: STL Sample for the upper_bound Function
- Q157285: STL Sample for the Predicate Persion of upper_bound Function
- Q157286: STL Sample for the includes Function
- Q157392: INFO: STL Sample for the inner_product Function
- Q157393: INFO: STL Sample for the partial_sum Function
- Q157433: INFO: STL Sample for the basic_string size and resize Functions
- Q157437: Fireev.exe Fires Events from a Second Thread
- Q157479: INFO: STL Sample for the rotate Function
- Q157480: INFO: STL Sample for the rotate_copy Function
- Q157517: BUG: Uninstalling DAO 3.0 SDK Prevents Help Files from Working
- Q157543: PRB: Bitmap Editor Distorts Icons and Bitmaps
- Q157560: STL Sample for the merge Function
- Q157561: STL Sample for the Predicate Version of the merge Function
- Q157566: STL Sample for the Predicate Version of the includes Function
- Q157567: STL Sample for the prev_permutation Function
- Q157593: STL Sample for map::max_size, clear, erase, size Functions
- Q157622: STL Sample for queue::(push,pop,empty,back,front) Functions
- Q157623: STL Sample for priority_queue::(push,pop,empty,top) Functions
- Q157670: INFO: STL Sample for the Pair Logical Operator Functions
- Q157671: INFO: STL Sample for the advance() Function
- Q157672: STL Sample for the basic_string::find_first_of() Functions
- Q157869: STL Sample for Predicate Version of next_permutation Function
- Q157870: STL Sample for the next_permutation Function
- Q157876: FIX: SetFieldNull() Asserts in DBCORE.CPP Line 4055 or 4062
- Q157893: FIX: Closing an ActiveX Control Project Crashes DevStudio
- Q157903: FIX: Changes Lost When Changing Variable During Debugging
- Q157942: INFO: STL Sample for the sqrt and pow Functions
- Q157950: INFO: STL Sample for Trigonometry (sin, cos, tan, etc.) Function
- Q157970: PRB: Event Firing Changes in MFC May Break Some Containers
- Q157972: STL Sample for the basic_string::append Functions
- Q158000: STL Sample for the nth_element Function
- Q158001: STL Sample for the partial_sort Function
- Q158002: STL Sample for the Predicate Version of partial_sort Function
- Q158003: STL Sample for the partial_sort_copy Function
- Q158004: STL Sample for the random_shuffle Function
- Q158005: STL Sample for the Predicate of partial_sort_copy Function
- Q158033: PRB: Browse Information Not Generated
- Q158037: STL Sample for the stack::operator== Function
- Q158038: STL Sample for the stack::operation
- Q158039: STL Sample for the stack::size Function
- Q158040: STL Sample for the stack::top and stack::empty Functions
- Q158085: STL Sample for the list::assign Functions
- Q158086: STL Sample for the list::back, list::front Functions
- Q158091: STL Sample for the list::list Functions
- Q158092: STL Sample for the List::insert Function
- Q158199: STL Sample for the string::operator== Function
- Q158200: STL Sample for the string::getline Function
- Q158201: STL Sample for the string::operator> Function
- Q158202: STL Sample for the string::operation
- Q158203: STL Sample for the string::operation
- Q158204: STL Sample for the string::operator>> Function
- Q158205: STL Sample for the string::operation
- Q158206: STL Sample for the string::operator!= Function
- Q158207: STL Sample for the string::operator+ Function
- Q158230: BUG: Changes in an ISAM Table Not Seen by DAO
- Q158231: STL Sample for the binary_function Structure
- Q158232: STL Sample for the unary_functi
- Q158233: STL Sample for Basic Math Functions
- Q158258: INFO: STL Sample for the reverse_copy Function
- Q158262: SAMPLE: Custom AppWizard for the DAO SDK/dbDao Classes
- Q158306: FIX: "LDR: Dll *.dll Base 10000000 Relocated…" Error
- Q158451: HOWTO: How To Call Automation Methods with Variable Argument Lis
- Q158500: Updated DAO SDK Required for Visual C++ 4.2
- Q158541: PRB: C2440 Error When Using CMap and User Defined Key Type
- Q158552: PRB: CPropertySheet::DoModal() or Create() Causes an Exception
- Q158571: STL Sample for the string::operator>= Function
- Q158572: STL Sample set::(lower_, upper_)bound, equal_range Functions
- Q158573: STL Sample for the set::(key_, value_)comp Function
- Q158574: STL Sample for the set::count Function
- Q158575: STL Sample for the set::(empty, clear) Functions
- Q158576: STL Sample for the set::find Function
- Q158577: STL Sample for the set::max_size Function
- Q158578: STL Sample for the set::(rbegin, rend) Functions
- Q158579: STL Sample for the set::size Function
- Q158580: STL Sample for the set::(swap, begin, end) Function
- Q158612: STL Sample for the vector::(empty, erase, push_back) Functions
- Q158613: STL Sample for the vector::(front, back) Functions
- Q158614: INFO: STL Sample for the Vector Class Using the operator== Funct
- Q158619: INFO: STL Sample for the Vector Class Using the operat
- Q158620: STL Sample for the vector::(push_back, pop_back) Functions
- Q158621: STL Sample for vector::(size, capacity, and so on) Functions
- Q158978: FIX: SQL Debugger Stops Working
- Q161589: DOC: AfxGetStaticModuleState() Causes Errors in an Extension DLL
- Q161871: PRB: MFC Sockets Application Crashes after Exit on NT 3.51
- Q161872: FIX: ActiveX Control Fails to Fire Click Event
- Q161873: HOWTO: Mark MFC Controls Safe for Scripting/Initialization
- Q161874: FIX: Displaying CPropertySheet in COleControl Causes Assert
- Q161886: Property Sheet as the View Window of a CFrameWnd
- Q160017: FIX: Access Violation Using deque class
- Q160018: PRB: Can’t Register Controls from "MSDEV\REDIST\OCX" Directory
- Q160073: RFX_Binary Updates Unchanged CByteArray Data
- Q160074: SetFieldNull Asserts or Crashes When Called for Parameter
- Q160075: FIX: Problems Debugging in Case-sensitive Database
- Q160321: DOC: User Supplied RASAdmin.dll Callbacks Must Use _stdcall
- Q160491: INFO: Files Modified by VC42b Patch - Part 1 of 4
- Q160496: INFO: Files Modified by VC42b Patch - Part 2 of 4
- Q160505: INFO: Files Modified by VC42b Patch - Part 3 of 4
- Q160506: Files Modified by VC42b Patch - Part 4 of 4
- Q160554: Updated DAO Redistributable Components
- Q160740: STL Sample for the vector::(capacity size push_back) Functions
- Q160906: HOWTO: Use MFC 4.2 ODBC Classes in an ISAPI DLL
- Q160909: FIX: Binder95 Does Not Show an MFC DocObject Server Icon
- Q160910: PRB: No Text/Caption Properties for Subclassed Combo or List
- Q159575: DOC: SendTime Sample Needs DCOM to Work
- Q159576: FIX: Cannot Open Stored Procedure from Call Stack Context
- Q159956: FIX: Dirty Flag Not Cleared During Edit() or Update()
- Q162159: SAMPLE:TREESCRL Scrolls in a Tree Control During Drag-and-Drop
- Q162160: FIX: CFileDialog::DoModal Does Not Return 0
- Q162609: HOWTO: Create a Printer Device Context (DC) in MFC
- Q162730: Microsoft Visual C++ Alpha Edition 4.2B Linker 4.20.619
- Q162731: FIX: Class Wizard Displays Incorrect Control IDs
- Q162732: FIX: No WizardBar When Editing the Object: theApp
- Q162958: FIX: Format of the Password Parameter for CompactDatabase
- Q165020: INFO: Responding to Mouse Events with MFC ActiveX Controls
- Q165076: INFO: LNK2001 on CRT Symbols in ATL Release Build
- Q165259: INFO: Active Template Library (ATL) 2.0 Readme File
- Q165419: FIX: SQL Debugger Displays Incorrect Value for Float Variables
- Q165420: FIX: SQL Breakpoint Not Hit After Executing SP in Another DB
- Q165432: PRB: DBGrid Does Not Insert Record If Field Name Contains Dash
- Q165433: FIX: Query Designer Not Inserting Record if Field Name Has Dash
- Q165434: BUG: Undo Database Deletion Causes Data View to Lose Database
- Q165563: INFO: GetRecordCount May Not Return Correct Number of Records
- Q165606: PRB: CRecordset::Move(0) Asserts with skipDeletedRecords Option
- Q165680: INFO: Visual C++ 5.0 Readme, Setup Issues
- Q165681: INFO: Visual C++ 5.0 Readme, Build Issues
- Q165682: INFO: Visual C++ 5.0 Readme, Documentation Issues
- Q165683: INFO: Visual C++ 5.0 Readme, ActiveX Control Issues
- Q165684: INFO: Visual C++ 5.0 Readme, Language Issues
- Q165685: INFO: Visual C++ 5.0 Readme, MFC and Other Libraries
- Q165686: INFO: Visual C++ 5.0 Readme, Wizard and User-Interface Issues
- Q165687: INFO: Visual C++ 5.0 Readme, Compiler, Linker and Utilities
- Q165688: INFO: Visual C++ 5.0 Readme, Visual SourceSafe Issues
- Q165689: INFO: Visual C++ 5.0 Readme, Enterprise Edition Issues
- Q165690: INFO: Visual C++ 5.0 Readme, Microsoft Transaction Server
- Q165691: INFO: Visual C++ 5.0 Readme, Sample Program Issues
- Q165692: INFO: Visual C++ 5.0 Readme, OLE DB SDK Issues
- Q165693: INFO: Visual C++ 5.0 Readme, SQL and SQL Debugging
- Q165744: FIX: RichEditCtrl IDs Not Shown in Member Variables Tab
- Q165745: DOC: CMiniFrameWnd::Create Is Missing MFS_BLOCKSYSMENU
- Q165746: DOC: Incomplete Documentation on CListCtrl::SetColumnWidth
- Q165789: DOC: Tab Text is too Small to Read
- Q165790: INFO: Microsoft Visual Database Tools Readme
- Q165792: FIX: MSDEV.EXE Application Error When Building an Application
- Q165803: FIX: Error C2783 - Cannot Deduce Non-Type Template Parameter
- Q165944: FIX: &(*variable) Causes C1001, trees.c line 6256
- Q163244: PRB: RFX Unnecessarily Updates Floating Point Fields
- Q163252: FIX: Cannot Remove BS_PUSHLIKE in Resource Editor
- Q163253: BUG: "Out of Memory" Error When Saving to an Existing File
- Q163359: HOWTO: STL Sample for list::size,list::resize Functions
- Q163364: FIX: Class-local typedef Causes C1001 in msc1.cpp, Line 1089
- Q163369: FIX: LDd Suppresses Implicit Definition of _DEBUG
- Q163370: PRB: #File Error# During Dump of Heap Objects
- Q163454: PRB: Problem Using Visual C++ v4.2b OLE Controls in VB v4.0
- Q163995: FIX: C2989 Declaring Template Class in a Namespace
- Q164000: FIX: C1001 Compiler File MAIN.C Line 413
- Q164149: HOWTO: Build Custom COM Interface Marshalers with Visual C++
- Q164150: DOC: C4237 Online Help Contains Wrong Information on "bool"
- Q164151: HOWTO: Comparing Binary Images of Same Project Builds
- Q164162: Adding a Full Screen Feature to an MFC Application
- Q164166: PRB: Assert in Wincore.cpp with MFC in a Windows NT Service
- Q164380: FIX: Custom Build Rules are Lost with Multiple Selections
- Q164414: FIX: MSDEV Error: "The Requested Topic Does Not Exist"
- Q164525: PRB: Visual C++ Setup Message From MSDN Universal CD is Wrong
- Q164615: FIX: New Record Not Inserted to End of Recordset
- Q164668: FIX: Small Portion of Win32 Documentation Missing From VCEE 4.2
- Q164778: BUG: Loading Visual Test Project May Crash Developer Studio
- Q164813: FIX: Web Browser Control Hangs in CFormView
- Q164819: FIX: Problems Using Database Classes with Jet 3.0 under NT 4.0
- Q164947: FIX: Nested Macros Cause Errors C2065 and C2064
- Q164949: FIX: Visual C++ Debugger Crashes on Very Long Symbols
- Q164950: INFO: LIBMOTO for PowerPC May Improve Application Performance
- Q164951: INFO: Visual C++ RISC Edition Version Information
- Q164952: INFO: Fixes and Features of Visual C++ 4.0a RISC Edition
- Q164953: Visual C++ Alpha Edition 4.2B C2.EXE 10.20.7032
- Q164954: PRB: "Syntax Error in Number in Query Expression"
- Q164958: FIX: Error Occurs When Running PTK Setup
- Q164983: HOWTO: Do Asynchronous WinInet with MFC Classes
- Q167113: FIX: C2734, C2166: Caused by Template Function with const ref
- Q167158: HOWTO: Package MFC Controls for Use Over the Internet
- Q167169: FIX: COleDateTime::Format Throws a COleException(scode=E_FAIL)
- Q167170: BUG: GetWindowContextHelpId() returns 0 for ActiveX Controls
- Q167306: FIX: Initializer for Empty Struct Causes C2059 or C1001
- Q167321: FIX: Wrong Namespace Member Selected for Qualified ID
- Q167322: PRB: Cannot Load Een0swt.dll When Installing Visual C++ 4.x
- Q167323: BUG: Compiler Error C2955 Caused by Global STL Iterators
- Q167324: FIX: Custom Build Rule Not Saved for File Excluded from Build
- Q167325: FIX: Env Vars Not Used in Exported Makefile Dependencies
- Q167326: FIX: Intrinsic Version of strcmp May Return Incorrect Result
- Q167338: BUG: Format("%D") Fails for COleDateTime and COleDateTimeSpan
- Q167339: FIX: New Class Added in ATLWizard Removes Edit Interface Setting
- Q167340: FIX: ATL Control Causes Access Violation In Visual Basic 5.0
- Q167347: FIX: /Og Causes C1001, main.c, line 379 for Recursive Call
- Q167348: FIX: Non-const Member Function Call Via const Object Allowed
- Q167349: PRB: Unable to Derive Classes from External Dependencies
- Q167350: FIX: Default Constructor Argument Can Not Use Namespace Scope
- Q167351: FIX: Using Declaration Causes C2327
- Q167355: FIX: C4786 Warning Is Not Disabled with #pragma Warning
- Q167356: FIX: Same Name for Function and Class Causes C2079
- Q167358: FIX: Remote Windows 95 Machine Crashes on Stop Debugging
- Q167359: FIX: extern Declaration Generates Extra Constructor Call
- Q167423: FIX: CRecordset Members Not in "Add Member Variable" Dialog Box
- Q167523: HOWTO: Redistributing DAO with Your Visual C++ 5.0 Application
- Q167526: FIX: ATL Control May Cause an Access Violation
- Q167542: PRB: Conflict with EOF and GetUserName Using #import on RDO
- Q167650: FIX: Problems with ToolTips on Windows 95
- Q167654: HOWTO: Visual C++ 5.0 (Professional & Enterprise) Support FAQ
- Q167668: HOWTO: Pass a SafeArray of Strings in a VARIANT*
- Q167692: FIX: Assertion Line 257 in File Dlgprop.cpp
- Q167693: FIX: MFC Application Hangs on Multiprocessor Machine
- Q167696: FIX: Debug Static MFC Library Links to UrlMon.dll/Wininet.dll
- Q167697: FIX: ActiveX Control in IE Asserts in CTLINPLC.CPP, Line 328
- Q167698: HOWTO: Help95.exe Implements Windows 95 Style Help
- Q167730: BUG: Wrong Member Name in C2039 Error Message
- Q167731: FIX: Access Violation When Connecting in MFC ODBC Application
- Q167733: PRB: Operator New Doesn’t Throw bad_alloc Exception on Failure
- Q167734: FILE: MFC Browser Library (MFC.BSC) in VC 5.0 Is Incomplete
- Q167748: PRB: Variable Scope in for-statement Extends Beyond Loop
- Q167749: FIX: Access to Nested Base Class Member Functions Blocked
- Q167750: BUG: The pow() Function Doesn’t Set Underflow Condition
- Q167798: FIX: Can Not Attach Process to Debugger from NT Task Manager
- Q167802: EXCEPTEX Traps MFC and Win32 Structured Exceptions
- Q167804: BUG: Source Profiler in Visual C++ Does Not Execute
- Q167845: FIX: Class Wizard Deletes Source Files
- Q167848: FIX: Context Sensitive Help Problems in OLE Common Dialogs
- Q167853: PRB: LNK1104 Cannot Find mfc42pd.lib
- Q167905: HOWTO: Exclude Include File Class Definitions from ClassView
- Q167906: PRB: Access 7.0 Database Corrupt After Calling RepairDatabase
- Q167927: PRB: Building ATL Service Project Does Not Register the Service
- Q167929: PRB: Memory Leaks Reported When Using Multiple MFC DLLs
- Q167946: FIX: ATL Service EXE Doesn’t Build in Release Build
- Q167949: FIX: OnWindowMessage Returns BOOL for HRESULT
- Q167956: HOWTO: Detect IE’s STOP Button Click in ActiveX Control
- Q167960: BUG: ESC/ENTER Keys Do Not Work When Editing CTreeCtrl Labels
- Q167961: FIX: F1 Help Routed Wrongly for Additional Top-Level Windows
- Q167966: FIX: C2248: Statics in Friends, No Access to Protected Members
- Q167967: FIX: /Og Increments the Index of a Loop Too Soon
- Q167994: FIX: Cvpack INTERNAL ERROR When Linking Large Projects
- Q167995: FIX: Calling a Function Returning double May Not Pop FPU Stack
- Q167996: FIX: /Og Causes Invalid Double Result Returned from Function
- Q170117: HOW TO: Use GUID Fields in Access from Visual C++
- Q170118: PRB: "Couldn’t Find Installable ISAM" with Excel 97 Data
- Q170119: DOC: New Record Not Inserted to the End of Recordset
- Q170171: PRB: DUMPBIN Displays Cumulative Data for Multiple Arguments
- Q170198: HOWTO: STL Sample for gslice::(length, start, stride) Functions
- Q170199: HOWTO: STL Sample for slice::(length, start, stride) Functions
- Q170257: FIX: CRecordset::AddNew Inserts 32484 Into int Fields (RFX_INT)
- Q170461: HOWTO: Passing a License Key to Classes Generated by #import
- Q170511: PRB: WizardBar Notification Slows Down Dialog Editor
- Q170513: DOC: PRF1301 Using Sample Command "FTIME test.exe"
- Q170514: FIX: Bad Codegen with /Og and FP Mult in Class with Virtual Dtor
- Q170515: FIX: RTTI and Incremental Link Options Incorrectly Disabled
- Q170530: FIX: AppWizard Project Cannot Open Include File .rc2
- Q170823: PRB: CDBException Thrown Opening Recordset on Stored Procedure
- Q170978: PRB: MFC Browser Library (MFC.BSC) Can’t Find MFC Source Files
- Q170979: FIX: Pragma Pack(pop) Missing from afxdocob.h Header File
- Q169109: PRB: Parse Maps Do Not Handle Multi-select List Boxes
- Q169395: PRB: Thread Safety for DAO/Jet
- Q169402: FIX: Breakpoints Not Allowed on Certain Valid SQL Statements
- Q169484: FIX: CString::MakeUpper and MakeLower Don’t Work with Some Char
- Q169497: PRB: "Another Application is Currently Using JET File…"
- Q169947: HOWTO: DDX - DDV for 64-Bit Numbers
- Q166109: FIX: Template Friend Function Causes Compiler Error C2248
- Q166110: FIX: Can Set SQL Breakpoints on Invalid Lines Inside a Trigger
- Q166111: Asynchronous MFC ODBC Database Processing Using Threads
- Q166113: PRB: User-defined Modules Can’t Be Used Through ODBC or DAO
- Q166129: HOWTO: Print Directly to a Non-Default Printer in MFC
- Q166130: HOWTO: Overriding Initial Setting on Print Setup Dialog
- Q166132: PRB: Dialog With RichEdit May Fail During Creation
- Q166133: BUG: Execute <name>.EXE Menu Item Does Not State Name of SP
- Q166135: FIX: Print Preview Behavior Changes Since VC 4.2
- Q166168: HOWTO: Use RUNDLL32 to Debug Control Panel Applets
- Q166193: SAMPLE: ColorFrm Demonstrates ActiveX Control w/ Popup Toolbar
- Q166212: INFO: ProcessMessageFilter gets called only for messages posted
- Q166213: PRB: Right-Clicking CRichEditView Doesn’t Activate Frame
- Q166217: PRB: ATL EXE Server Built On Windows 95 Errors While Registering
- Q166242: PRB: Statusbar Pane Text Disappears When MDI Child Window Open
- Q166282: FIX: C2440 Caused by Template Function with Const Pointer
- Q166285: FIX: MSDEV Crashes When Converting VC++ 4.0 Projects
- Q166472: Using Fonts in ATL Controls with NiceText.exe
- Q166473: PRB: CScrollView Scroll Range Limited to 32K
- Q166480: INFO: Active Template Library (ATL) Frequently Asked Questions
- Q166504: PRB: MFC and CRT Must Match in debug/release and static/dynamic
- Q166505: DOC: FindNextFile Returns 0 for Last File Found
- Q166513: FIX: Typedef Type Causes C2275: Illegal Use of Type
- Q166716: BUG: Header File Listed in SYSINCL.DAT in Dependency List
- Q166717: DOC: Instructions for Statically Linking to Registrar Code
- Q166718: FIX: C1001 from Conditional Operator in Initializer
- Q166719: FIX: Wrong Exception Rethrown with Global Optimization
- Q166720: FIX: ATL Object Wizard Dialog Box Comes Up Empty
- Q166721: FIX: Compiler Error C2784 o
- Q166723: FIX: ATL Object Wizard Prevents Undo Changes
- Q166756: FIX: Error in Requery When Set Null Date Parameter to Not Null
- Q166767: PRB: GetControlUnknown() Returns NULL in COleControl
- Q166768: HOWTO: Implementing a Custom Property Showing a FileOpen Dialog
- Q166769: PRB: MFC ActiveX Document Servers Require Compound File Support
- Q166817: FIX: Alpha MFC Regular DLL Fails After Porting from Intel
- Q166938: HOWTO: Find Users Connected to an Access 7.0 Database
- Q166939: BUG: CRecordset::Update Fails After Upgrading
- Q166958: FIX: WWWQuote Sample Fails with Error Message
- Q168003: FIX: Function Prototypes in comutil.h Missing Calling Convention
- Q168004: FIX: "Unable to initialize DAO/Jet db engine" Error
- Q168007: FIX: Remote Debugging Very Slow in Visual C++ Version 5.0
- Q168008: FIX: C2166 Incorrect Type Deduction for Template Parameter
- Q168009: FIX: Smartptr Property in Interface Causes C2512 Error
- Q168010: FIX: /Od May Generate Destructor for Unconstructed Temp Object
- Q168011: FIX: C1001, file ‘fppeeps.c’, line 394, Caused By /Og
- Q168012: FIX: Incorrect Code Generated When Using Floating-Point and /Og
- Q168028: FIX: C2955 Caused by the "using" Declaration
- Q168029: FIX: Global Optimizations (/Og) May Cause the Compiler to Hang
- Q168041: PRB: Can’t Export All Subprojects Into a Single Makefile
- Q168044: FIX: ClassWizard May Fail to Derive a Class from CRecordset
- Q168045: HOWTO: STL Sample For [list::merge] Function(s)
- Q168046: HOWTO: STL Sample for [list::rbegin, rend, reverse, rev_iterator
- Q168047: HOWTO: STL Sample for [list::remove, remove_if] Function(s)
- Q168078: FIX: C2784 Instantiating STL Objects with a UDT Parameter
- Q168079: FIX: _com_ptr_t::operator=(const _variant_t&) AddRefs Twice
- Q168080: PRB: Debugger Displays Incorrect Information for Variable
- Q168081: FIX: Wrong Column Jumped to for Macro Syntax Error
- Q168082: FIX: Crash During Project Conversion If Project Has MAC Targets
- Q168111: FIX: #import Does Not Compensate for Gaps in vtable
- Q168123: FIX: CWindow::GetTopLevelWindow() Returns NULL
- Q168185: HOWTO: STL Sample for gslice::(length, start, stride) Functions
- Q168186: HOWTO: STL Sample for slice::(length, start, stride) Functions
- Q168289: PRB: Toolbar Buttons Not Updated/Painted Correctly in Windows 95
- Q168298: HOWTO: DDP_Text Not implemented for COleDateTime and COleCurrenc
- Q168326: HOWTO: Define the Display Size of an MFC ActiveX Control
- Q168371: HOWTO: IObjectSafety Marks ATL Controls Safe for Initializing
- Q168373: FIX: C2065 When Default Constructor of a Nested Class Called
- Q168374: FIX: C1001 file ‘msc1.cpp’, line 1188, Using Recursive Namespace
- Q168376: PRB: STL string Class insert Function Does Not Work as Expected
- Q168377: PRB: STL string Class replace Function Does Not Work as Expected
- Q168378: BUG: Debug "Additional Dlls" Entry Shows on All Projects
- Q168379: BUG: Debugger Does Not Step Over to __finally Code Block
- Q168380: BUG: Incorrect Evaluation of Static Member Functions in Debugge
- Q168382: PRB: Using the Stop Build Command May Corrupt Output Files
- Q168383: FIX: C1001 p2symtab.c, line 2221 In Direct Init of Static
- Q168384: PRB: C2248: No Access for Friend Class in a Template Class
- Q168385: BUG: The "this" Pointer Is Incorrect in Destructor of Base Class
- Q168387: FIX: Exported Makefile May Be Useless if Custom Build Uses "CD"
- Q168403: BUG: Setup Doesn’t Ask to Register Environment Variables
- Q168404: PRB: C2664 Instantiating STL List with Sequence [first, last)
- Q168405: PRB: ResourceView Fails to Open Already Loaded .rc File
- Q168407: DOC: $(InputDir) and $(ProjDir) Produce Relative Paths
- Q168410: FIX: Dependency Information Is Lost After Workspace Is Closed
- Q168411: FIX: VS97 Per-File Switch at Project Level Silently Deleted
- Q168419: BUG: Browse Info Flag Not Saved for Subproject After Conversion
- Q168420: FIX: NMAKE Build Fails When Intermediate Dir Starts with ..\
- Q168424: FIX: Localize Sample Can Not Be Built
- Q168430: FIX: Using Referenced Integer to Access Array Generates CXX0034
- Q168433: FIX: Error Using _ttoi64 with Non-Unicode Applications
- Q168439: PRB: _stat Function Fails for Names Ending with "\"
- Q168440: FIX: Stream Operator << Cannot Handle __int64 Type
- Q168447: PRB: DAO SetParamValue Limited to 255 Characters
- Q168449: PRB: Use of Data-Bound Controls Is Version Dependent
- Q168528: PRB: Add Method/Add Property Adds To All Interfaces
- Q168686: PRB: Performance Loss When Upgrading Jet ODBC Driver
- Q168708: HOWTO: Performing Transactions with SQL Server 6.x
- Q168777: PRB: MFC ActiveX Control in IE Doesn’t Detect Keystrokes
- Q168847: PRB: "DM0025: Error attaching to process" in Windows 95
- Q168912: INFO: Summary List: Visual C++ 5.0 Known Problems
- Q168926: BUG: "Error copying sample files" When Copying Samples to Drive
- Q168927: FIX: Application_NewWorkspace Event Is Never Fired
- Q168932: BUG: Multiple Based Conversion Results May Be Incorrect
- Q168934: FIX: Multiple Errors Compiling Std C++ Library Headers with /Za
- Q168936: FIX: Virtual Base Class Destructor Called More than Once
- Q168957: FIX: C1001, file ‘msc1.cpp’, line 1188, Caused by Name Hiding
- Q168958: HOWTO: Exporting STL Components Inside & Outside of a Class
- Q171064: FIX: C2512 Instantiating Template in Member Initializer
- Q171065: FIX: Breakpoint Skip Count Resets to Zero After First Pass
- Q171316: FIX: Setting Default Value Using CreateField Gives Wrong Value
- Q171404: INFO: ODBC Files Shipped with Visual C++ 5.0
- Q171457: FIX: SENDTIME Sample Does Not Work
- Q171543: FIX: _getmbp CRT Function Does Not Return Correct Value
- Q171848: FIX: Source Control Info Not Preserved During Project Conversion
- Q171849: FIX: Debugger Hangs When Very Long STL Symbol in Watch Window
- Q172177: PRB: Alpha Platform Not Available When Adding Configurations
- Q172276: FIX: CToolTipCtrl Not Displaying Text After VS SP1, SP2 Install
- Q172336: PRB: Assertion Launching Program with Tip of Day & Splash Screen
- Q172393: BUG: Can’t Export Symbols Differing Only by Leading Underscores
- Q172396: PRB: Access Violation When Accessing STL Object in DLL
- Q172398: FIX: Debug Assertion When Assigning to STL String
- Q172400: PRB: Class Wizard Overridables Are Not Added to Converted Proj
- Q172405: FIX: "Unhandled exception" in MFC DAO App After VC++ 5.0 SP1
- Q172551: PRB: CInternetSession::OpenURL() Fails with File Protocol
- Q172609: FIX: /GX May Cause C1001 When Using Base Class’ Operator Delete
- Q172887: FIX: Debugger Cannot Safely Change Current Location
- Q172892: FIX: MSDEV Crashes If Same PDB Name Used for Compiler and Linker
- Q172955: FIX: ATL Service Causes Random Asserts in Run Member Function
- Q172980: FIX: Compiler Incorrectly Causes Default Constructor Reference
- Q172985: FIX: Out of Order Definitions in idl May Cause Compiler Errors
- Q172992: FIX: /Og Causes C1001 While Looping
- Q174403: FIX: Unresolved Externals When Building MFC42 and MFCD42xD
- Q174635: FIX: _variant_t::operator IUnknown*() Fails to AddRef Interface
- Q174653: How to Call CoGetClassObjectFromURL() in an MFC App
- Q174667: HOWTO: Subclass CListBox and CEdit Inside of CComboBox
- Q174668: INFO: Dbgrid32.ocx Requires Grdkrn32.dll
- Q174809: FIX: Developer Studio Crashes Randomly When Navigating Workspace
- Q174891: FIX: CComQIPtr operator= Causes an Access Violation
- Q175190: HOWTO: Add ATL Support to an MFC EXE
- Q175503: HOWTO: Write a Dialog-based ActiveX Control Using ATL
- Q175668: MultiSoc : Illustrates Using Sockets in Multiple Threads
- Q175784: INFO: Replacing #import’s Exception Raising Mechanism
- Q175985: FIX: Installing DAO SDK Outside of \DEVSTUDIO May Cause Problems
- Q173025: FIX: /Og Causes C1001 with Member Lookup in an Infinite Loop
- Q173026: PRB: Message-Handlers for ActiveX Control Aren’t Called
- Q173027: FIX: CRichEditView as Second Splitter Pane Causes Crash
- Q173092: FIX: /Og Causes C1001 Traversing Non-Trivial List of Pointers
- Q173164: PRB: Loading a Workspace Is Slow in Visual C++
- Q173165: FIX: Modified Resource Files Don’t Affect Resources
- Q173242: PRB: Use Masks to Set/Get Item States in CListCtrl
- Q173244: FIX: FindIndex Works Incorrectly When nIndex Is Negative
- Q173249: FIX: Print Preview Doesn’t Honor Font Width Setting
- Q173252: FIX: CArchive::GetObjectSchema Returns Incorrect Schema
- Q173261: FIX: Dialog in InitInstance Doesn’t Process WM_DDE_INITIATE
- Q173423: DOC: IsFieldNull() Does Not Accept NULL
- Q173483: HOWTO: Create Custom AppWizards that Generate Non-MFC Projects
- Q173645: FIX: Access Violation in MSDAER.DLL with _com_error Exceptions
- Q173740: DOC: Diagrams Blacked Out in OLE-DB Docs Shipped with VC++
- Q173823: HOWTO: Aggregate a COM Object with ATL
- Q173974: HOWTO: Add MFC Support to an ATL Project
- Q176427: Daorisc.exe Installs DAO for Alpha (RISC)
- Q176487: PRB: C2065 Error Occurs on GetWrapperWindow or Other Symbols
- Q176552: HOWTO: Set Initial Default Size of ActiveX (ATL) Control
- Q177101: FIX: Modal Dialogs in MFC Regular DLL Cause ASSERT in AfxWndProc
- Q177103: FIX: ALT+Key Combination in Property Page Causes Stack Overflow
- Q177135: PRB: Do not Call ODBC Within DLL_PROCESS_DETACH Case
- Q177218: HOWTO: Return Array to VB from VC++ DLL or OLE Server
- Q177244: HOWTO: AsyncDown Demonstrates Asynchronous Data Download
- Q177341: HOWTO: Remove the Sizing Grip from a Status Bar
- Q177351: BUG: 16-bit Executable Resources Gets Corrupted
- Q177352: HOWTO: Work with Invalid Rectangle When Window Is Resized
- Q177421: FIX: Remote Debug in Windows NT Requires Psapi.dll
- Q177422: BUG: Invalid Directory Path Encountered During Install
- Q177424: HOWTO: Convert Multiple Projects in Visual C++ 5.0 and 6.0
- Q177425: INFO: Replacing #import’s Exception Raising Mechanism for ADO
- Q177429: INFO: Examples of DUMPBIN Output
- Q177431: FIX: C2065: Undeclared Identifier Creating a STL Function Object
- Q177433: PRB: Build on Win 95/98/Me Reports "Error spawning empfile.exe"
- Q177434: PRB: Resolving ‘<App-name>’ is not a Valid Windows CE App Error
- Q177435: PRB: Resolving DEVBCPX: Required file cannot be loaded Error
- Q177436: PRB: Developer Studio Hangs When Debug Breakpoint Is Set
- Q177641: FIX: Assertion with an Insertable OLE Control
- Q177911: OLE2BIN Sample - Storing COleClientItems in a Database
- Q177912: FIX: Access Violation When Calling COleVariant::Clear()
- Q177937: FIX: Debugger Cannot Watch Function Returning struct or union
- Q177945: JETERR35.HLP Is Missing for DAO 3.5 in Visual C++ 5.0
- Q177947: PRB: "Syntax Error in FROM Clause" Using Text ODBC Driver
- Q178199: HOWTO: Create a Resource DLL File Containing an AVI
- Q178224: INFO: Summary List: Visual C++ Version 4.1 Known Problems
- Q178230: INFO: Summary List: Visual C++ Version 4.2 Known Problems
- Q178234: INFO: Summary List: Bugs Fixed by Visual C++ Version 4.1
- Q178235: INFO: Summary List: Bugs Fixed by Visual C++ Version 4.2
- Q178335: INFO: Summary List: Bugs Fixed by Visual C++ Version 5.0
- Q178512: FIX: C1001 in Third-Party STL Code Using Visual Studio 97 SP3
- Q178622: PRB: Thai resource problem on VC++
- Q178784: HOWTO: Use Automation to Open and Print a Word Document
- Q178942: HOWTO: Performance Tuning the Jet Engine Per Instance in MFC
- Q178967: FIX: CRecordset Does Not Set HSTMT Attributes for Updates
- Q178995: FIX: Visual C++ Wizards Ignore "Insert Spaces" in Tabs Option
- Q179012: FIX: ClassView Lacks "Go to Declaration" for Static Data Members
- Q179137: Enable Default Processing in a Subclassed Button Control
- Q179235: DOC: SQL Debugging with VC++ 5.0 Requires a Non-System Account
- Q179270: FIX: Warnings with RTTI and Automatic Precompiled Headers
- Q179271: FIX: C1001 Error for More Than One Explicit Instantiation
- Q179273: FIX: C2059 Initializing Static Data Member of a Template Class
- Q179285: PRB: Disabled Developer Studio Add-Ins Not Unloaded From Memory
- Q179293: INFO: MFC Versions That Ship with Microsoft Visual C++
- Q179385: HOWTO: Add Custom ATL Objects to the ATL Object Wizard
- Q179688: FIX: ATL Servers Do Not Unregister Their Type Library
- Q179689: Hooking into the IUnknown of a COM Object in MFC
- Q179690: FIX: Launching COM Server with Long File Name Returns 0x80080005
- Q179691: PRB: Adding Property in ClassWizard Changes DISPIDs for Methods
- Q179692: INFO: COM Method Call in WM_PAINT Handler Returns 0x80010005
- Q179696: PRB: Focus and Tab Issues with ATL Subclassed Edit Control
- Q179753: HOWTO: Use the Microsoft RemoteData Control
- Q179757: PRB: "Set Next Statement" Does Not Work During SQL Debugging
- Q180152: HOWTO: Print from an Active Document Server
- Q180223: HOWTO: Synchronizing Reads and Writes Between Two DAO Processes
- Q180330: PRB: InvalidateRect() Yields Empty Update Region on Win95/98/Me
- Q180385: FIX: AppWizard Sometimes Fails to Display the Platforms Option
- Q180593: FIX: Cannot Rename Directory of a Closed Workspace
- Q180611: PRB: Cannot Set Default Value for Access (Jet) Text Fields
- Q180841: HOWTO: Common DDL SQL for the Microsoft Access Database Engine
- Q181007: HOWTO: Troubleshoot WinCE Application Installations
- Q181207: FIX: CRuntimeClass Not Available for CInternetException
- Q181255: SAMPLE: How to Implement Enumerated Properties in ATL
- Q181265: HOWTO: Create ATL COM Objects
- Q181277: AtlSink Uses ATL to Create a Dispinterface Sink
- Q181434: PRB: SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT Error in IIS 4.0 ISAPI Application
- Q181444: HOWTO: Pass an Automation Object from VB to a Visual C/C++ DLL
- Q181480: FIX: MFC ODBC Cannot Update Access Date/Time with No Date
- Q181486: PRB: How To Distribute the Remote Automation Connection Manager
- Q181503: PRB: Custom AppWizards Can’t Make Per-File Settings/Build Steps
- Q181504: PRB: Developer Studio Macro’s ExecuteCommand Requires Quotes
- Q181505: PRB: ATL COM AppWizard Doesn’t Offer MFC Support for .EXE
- Q181506: HOWTO: Make VC++ Recognize File Extensions as C/C++ Files
- Q181511: FIX: Custom AppWizard May Ignore Changes to Predefined Macros
- Q181664: PRB: Rich Edit Control Message Handlers Are Not Called
- Q181837: PRB: Output Param Not Returned from Procedure Without Resultset
- Q181845: HOWTO: Create a Sink Interface in MFC-Based COM Client
- Q181880: PRB: "Access to an Unnamed File Was Denied" Error
- Q181890: PRB: Known OLE DB Provider Problems with Visual C++ 6.0 Wizards
- Q181893: PRB: Debug Exception Connecting to Oracle Server
- Q181894: PRB: "The Remote Procedure Call Failed" During OLE Automation
- Q181932: INFO: Limits on Text in CEditView and CEdit
- Q182042: FIX: time() Function Overcompensates for Daylight Savings Time
- Q182045: FIX: Excessive Delay Before Build, Export Makefile, or Debug
- Q182046: HOWTO: Work Around Bugs in Template Libraries
- Q182061: How to Populate a List or Combo Box with Recordset Data
- Q182192: HOWTO: Rtwizx86.exe and Rtwizaxp.exe Create New Resource Types
- Q182323: BUG: ClassView Add… Errors with Read-Only Project Files
- Q182324: FIX: Component Gallery Errors with Read-Only Project Files
- Q182386: PRB: Varchar Output Parameter Causes "Data Truncated" Error
- Q182434: PRB: ActiveX Control’s Stock Error Event Uses SCODE Value
- Q182937: FIX: Files in External Dependencies Folder Don’t Persist
- Q183001: Retrieving Output Parameters From Stored Procedure
- Q183080: HOWTO: Use ON_EVENT_RANGE Macro
- Q183167: PRB: TranslateAccelerator() Not Called for ActiveX Controls
- Q183210: PRB: Flicker in ATL Controls When Resized
- Q183211: FIX: Assert in AtlCtl.cpp, Line 121
- Q183214: PRB: E_INVALIDARG Error from CoCreateInstance()
- Q183216: PRB: AtlAdvise() Returns 80004002, 80040200, or 80040202 Errors
- Q183218: HOWTO: Subclass a Dialog Item in ATL
- Q183297: HOWTO: Retrieving Multiple Resultsets with Varying Columns
- Q183418: BUG: Build Succeeds Despite Invalid Custom Build Command
- Q183445: Etk50pid.exe Incorrect Product ID Displayed in About Box
- Q183528: PRB: ScrollBar and Custom Controls Do Not Have Events to Handle
- Q183698: SAMPLE: AXSH.EXE Demonstrates Implementing ActiveX Script Hosts
- Q183813: FIX: Developer Studio Macro Constants Not Defined
- Q184088: FIX: LNK4056 Warning Generated with Comma in #pragma Comment
- Q184089: FIX: C2555 with Virtual Function Returning Template Object
- Q184234: PRB: printf() and _fcvt() Might Produce Incorrect Rounding
- Q184235: PRB: LNK2005 Errors on New and Delete When Defining _ATL_MIN_CRT
- Q184236: BUG: Filebuf overflow() and underflow() Call filebuf::sync()
- Q184238: INFO: LNK4108: /ALIGN Specified Without /DRIVER or /VXD;
- Q184382: INFO: Information Available on Using RDS in Visual C++
- Q184493: INFO: Programmer’s Guide to Using Index Server Provider in VC++
- Q184511: DOC: Append Instructions for DAO TableDef Incorrect
- Q184820: FIX: Apply Button on an ATL Control’s Property Page Is Disabled
- Q187378: BUG: DoBulkFieldExchange Not Called for MFC Recordset Class
- Q187616: FIX: The Dynamic Link Library Mfcce20d.dll Could Not Be Found
- Q187644: PRB: ATL Controls Fail to Recognize Default Button on VB Form
- Q187684: BUG: Assert When Calling AfxFreeLibrary from ExitInstance
- Q187988: PRB: ActiveX Control Is Parent Window of Modeless Dialog
- Q185280: FIX: Printf Gives Unexpected Results for Doubles on WinCE
- Q185281: PRB: OnLButtonDblClk() Not Called in Windows CE
- Q185282: PRB: CRichEditView, AppWizard View-Based Apps and Compound Files
- Q185284: FIX: #import Does not Correctly Handle GUID Parameters
- Q185288: PRB: Cheyenne InocuLAN May Cause ATL Wizard to Crash DevStudio
- Q185494: VADEVDBG.PKG Single Stepping Crashes With Register Window
- Q185572: HOWTO: Get Dropped File Names Using OLE Drag and Drop
- Q185671: FIX: ClassWizard Uses DISPID_CAPTION as Custom Caption Property
- Q185672: HOWTO: How to Initialize Child Controls in a Derived CDialogBar
- Q185674: PRB: Default Property Causes DISP_XXXX_ID Methods/Props to Fail
- Q185675: FIX: DelayRenderFileData() Does Not Call OnRenderFileData()
- Q185677: FIX: ATL Service with Space in Name Is Not Registered Correctly
- Q185695: HOWTO: Renaming an ActiveX Control After its Project Is Created
- Q185720: HOWTO: Provide Type Information From an MFC Automation Server
- Q185728: MFCSocs.exe Avoids Two Common MFC Socket Mistakes
- Q185821: Ident.exe Retrieves @@IDENTITY From ODBC Inserts
- Q185864: PRB: Access Violation in ODBC Cursor Library in MFC Application
- Q188304: PRB: Calling 32-bit Help Files from 16-bit Applications on NT
- Q188317: SuperTip Demonstrates Tool Tips in an MFC Application
- Q188579: BUG: Memory Leak with Jet 3.51 and Remote ODBC Data Sources
- Q188707: INFO: Visual C++ and the Year 2000, Years that Cause an Overflow
- Q188708: BUG: Error C1083 Building Large Projects with Browse Info
- Q188720: PRB: Error Executing ~vcecho!Compiling
- Q188721: BUG: AV Using ios-Derived Type in Multithreaded Apps
- Q188817: HOWTO: VC++ MFC Client for the ComCallingJava Sample
- Q186198: PRB: ClassWizard Binds Fields in Incorrect Order Causing Errors
- Q186212: HOWTO: Unregister MFC Automation Servers
- Q186391: FIX: ATL Controls Don’t Remove CLSID Key During Unregistration
- Q186882: FIX: Non-U.S. English DevStudio Typelibs Improperly Registered
- Q186895: FIX: Custom AppWizard Errors with Applications That Have Help
- Q186906: FIX: VBScript Macro Names Cannot Contain MBCS Characters
- Q186907: HOWTO: Set Up Visual C++ to Use the HTML Help API
- Q189036: PRB: WinDBG for WinCe 2.0 Does Not Support Named Pipes
- Q189073: BUG: Step 2 of the MFC AppWizard Does Not Set Macro Values
- Q189094: FIX: Calling CHttpFile::ErrorDlg Function Causes Errors 127 & 2
- Q189138: PRB: "error spawning empfile.exe" Building WINCE Application
- Q189139: INFO: x86 DEMO7 Sample and Configuration Information
- Q189352: PRB: Assert When Creating MFC Windows in Printer Drivers
- Q189382: PRB: CWnd::m_nMsgDragList Not Exported by the MFC DLL
- Q189383: PRB: ASSERT(hbrBtnFace != NULL) In AuxData.cpp
- Q189431: DOC: Setting ActiveProject and ActiveConfiguration Properties
- Q189485: HOWTO: Debug MFC Module and Thread State Problems
- Q189486: HOWTO: Expose an MFC OLE Container to VBA Automation
- Q189497: BUG: Visual C++ Does Not Recognize Animated Cursor Types
- Q189580: BUG: Print Preview Scroll Bar Disappears After Zoom In, Zoom Out
- Q189585: FIX: Invisible at Run Time ActiveX Control, Visible at Run Time
- Q190148: BUG: ATL Object Wizard Doesn’t Add Entry to Connection Point Map
- Q190149: PRB: Access Violation in GetAmbientDisplayName
- Q190315: PRB: Some CRT File Functions Adjust For Daylight Savings Time
- Q190317: INFO: Administrative Privileges Required for Visual C++
- Q190352: PRB: Cannot Load EM.dll on Win98 with WinCE Toolkit for VC5.0
- Q190471: BUG: CTime::Format Returns Wrong Date If the Date Field Is NULL
- Q190486: DOC: Missing Styles for CToolbar::SetButtonStyles
- Q190487: PRB: MFC Debug DLLs Are Not Compatible Between Versions
- Q190501: FIX: Resizing CToolbar with Dropdown Arrow Buttons Freezes Apps
- Q190509: PRB: VC++ Does Not Convert Help Project File Paths
- Q190510: BUG: ClassWizard Is Disabled When Any Workspace Project Unloaded
- Q190518: FIX: MFC AppWizard Generates Incorrect Toolbars and Bitmaps
- Q190530: FIX: ActiveX Control Events Are Not Fired in ATL Dialog
- Q190531: FIX: Calling delete or free() in ATL Causes Access Violation
- Q190536: FIX: Invalid Page Fault in Msvcrt.dll
- Q190684: HOWTO: Insert a Splash Screen into a Dialog-Based Application
- Q190686: FIX: ATL Server Registration May Fail for Non-Administrators
- Q190725: SqlOleDb.h Not Installed by VC++ 6.0
- Q190726: FIX: Visual C++ 5.0 #import Causes Errors with ADO Version 2.0
- Q190796: PRB: VC Installation Hangs With Message "Updating Registry"
- Q190799: PRB: Potential Errors Passing CRT Objects Across DLL Boundaries
- Q190800: FIX: VC Debugger Fails for WINCE App if Total DLLs Exceed Four
- Q190801: PRB: Failed to Verify Platform or OS Version
- Q190942: BUG: OLE DB AppWizard Generates Wrong SQL Statement
- Q190965: PRB: IntelliSense Limitations with #define Macros
- Q190966: BUG: IntelliSense Limitations with Templates
- Q190968: BUG: IntelliSense Limitations with C++ Classes
- Q190972: NotesDem.exe Reads and Writes the Contacts NOTES Field
- Q190973: PRB: IntelliSense Does Not Display Enumerated Elements
- Q190974: PRB: Function Prototypes Do Not Generate Parameter Info
- Q190975: FIX: Delete Files from Project Doesn’t Update IntelliSense
- Q190976: PRB: IntelliSense Ignores Unicode/ANSI Versions of Win32 API
- Q190977: BUG: Custom AppWizard Generates Incorrect Toolbars and Bitmaps
- Q190998: DOC: Help for Dir and Files Macros Missing in Project Settings
- Q190999: BUG: Visual C++ Project Settings Saved Only on Normal Exit
- Q191118: HOWTO: Create Context-Sensitive HTML Help in an MFC Application
- Q191126: PRB: Font Changes as ActiveX Control Resizes
- Q191128: BUG: GetItem and SetItem Do Not Have an Indent Parameter
- Q191129: FIX: Menu Merge Problem with Server in Active Doc Container
- Q191355: FIX: ATL Doesn’t Call InitCommonControls in ActiveX Control
- Q191495: BUG: VC++ Tools with Long File Name (LFN) Parameters Fail on NT
- Q191496: BUG: VC5: Project Conversion from Version 4.x May Crash VS97
- Q191626: FIX: CComVariant > and < Operators Cause LNK2001 Errors
- Q191663: PRB: Unresolved const type_info, __CxxThrowException
- Q191668: DOC: CE Debug Shell Tool Does Not Support Serial Interface
- Q191669: PRB: LNK2001: Unresolved External Symbol __chkesp
- Q191679: FIX: Wrong Line Number Information Debugging STL
- Q191735: PRB: The Jet VBA File Failed to Initialize When Called
- Q191737: PRB: DAO MDB on Read-Only Media Must Be Opened Exclusively
- Q192097: INFO: MFC and ATL Are Not Supported on Windows CE Palm-size PC
- Q192101: DOC: Incorrect Documentation for PCMCIA Ethernet Debugging
- Q192102: FIX: Resource/Memory Leaks When Using MFC in a Static Library
- Q192108: FIX: CUSTOMWZ Sample Partially Overwrites Custom AppWizard Code
- Q192518: PRB: SQL OLE DB Provider Fails When Selected in OLE DB Wizard
- Q192535: PRB: Regsvr32.exe Fails in Mfco42d.dll Registering MFC Server
- Q192536: BUG: Msvcrt.dll Does Not Initialize Global Objects
- Q192537: PRB: Threads Consume Virtual Memory Quicker on Windows CE 2.1
- Q192538: DOC: Cursor Functions Not Included in Winuser.h for Windows CE
- Q192539: FIX: ‘using namespace std’ Before Friend Operator Fails Compile
- Q192560: HOWTO: Add ATL Control Containment Support to Any Window
- Q192561: PRB: Error C2787 When Building a Project Using ATL 3.0
- Q192570: Message-Oriented TCP and Multithreaded Client/Server
- Q192621: DOC: CUSTOMWZ Sample Is Actually Custom AppWizard Code
- Q192622: PRB: ClassWizard Doesn’t Display Ungrouped Radio Button
- Q192625: PRB: VC++ Shared Workspace File Loses Project Locations
- Q192626: FIX: Adding Method to Custom Interface Causes MIDL2269
- Q192629: FIX: ClassView Cannot Add Member Functions To Template Classes
- Q192704: PRB: CArchive::Read Might Hang When Using CSocketFile
- Q192705: PRB: Activation of VB MDI Child Window and ActiveX Control
- Q192779: PRB: DAO Doesn’t Support ISAM Formats on Alpha
- Q192853: FIX: Wincore.cpp Line 879 Assert When Using MFC Classes
- Q192883: HOWTO: Modify the VC++ COMPLEXDB Sample to Work on a Web Page
- Q192912: PRB: MSDev Doesn’t Close When COM Reference Count Is Zero
- Q192913: PRB: EnableModeless Causes Events to Fire Late
- Q192942: FIX: Call to CWnd::MoveWindow Causes Stack Overflow
- Q192975: BUG: ClassWizard Parsing Error with MBCS Helpstring in .odl File
- Q192984: PRB: ATL Classes Are Not Compatible With ClassWizard
- Q193099: FIX: CDialog::Create() Returns Incorrect Value Calling EndDialog
- Q193100: FIX: CString Serialization Causes Access Violation
- Q193101: FIX: Unhandled Exception Using MFC Sockets in Visual C++ 6.0
- Q193102: FIX: Assert in Appui1.cpp Line 215 in MFC SDI/MDI Application
- Q193103: HOWTO: Implement a View-Based Default Printer in MFC
- Q193217: BUG: Editing Compiled Resource Causes Them to Disappear
- Q193272: FIX: MFC Doesn’t Call CPrintDialog::OnInitDialog
- Q193476: FIX: Type Info for __asm Crashes Developer Studio
- Q193477: FIX: Developer Studio Exits When Creating a Derived Class
- Q193509: FIX: Exception When Calling strftime() Function
- Q193511: PRB: Can Not Debug Using IDE Over Windows CE Services
- Q193512: PRB: Can Not Initialize the Debugging Subsystem
- Q193513: BUG: Breakpoints Not Hit in ATL MMC Snap-In
- Q194179: SAMPLE: AtlEvnt.exe Creates ATL Sinks Using IDispEventImpl
- Q194180: FIX: Unregistering ATL Server Causes Access Violation
- Q194207: HOWTO: How to Use Access Autonumber Column with OLE DB Templates
- Q194294: HOWTO: Add Toolbars and Tooltips to ActiveX Controls
- Q194298: INFO: Changes in MFC Between Visual C++ 5.0 and 6.0
- Q194299: PRB: RC2151 When Using MFC as a Static Link Library
- Q194300: FIX: Asserts When Creating a Dialog Box in an MFC Regular DLL
- Q194550: FIX: Freeing Memory Multiple Times May Cause an Access Violation
- Q194608: FIX: Incorrect Code Generated with /Og Optimization
- Q194614: HOWTO: Avoid Problems Associated with Installing New SDKs
- Q194615: FIX: Project Deletes Precompiled Header Created by Other Project
- Q194616: FIX: error CBE7002: Failed assertion "lab" ascoff.cpp, line 769
- Q194654: PRB: DBGrid Control Not Fully Functional in VC++
- Q194678: HOWTO: SQL Server Identity, OLE DB Templates and OLE DB for ODBC
- Q194835: PRB: Custom AppWizard Creates Defective 2nd-Generation Project
- Q194840: FIX: The "*" Key Does Not Expand All ClassView Branches Properly
- Q194841: FIX: Editing the IDL File May Cause ClassView Shortcuts to Fail
- Q194842: BUG: Custom AppWizard Lacks Toolbar Templates for Standard Steps
- Q194861: FIX: "AtlReportError: no overloaded function takes X parameters"
- Q194862: PRB: "QueryInterface:function does not take 1 parameters" Error
- Q194873: HOWTO: Access a Visual Basic ActiveX DLL from Visual C++
- Q194953: INFO: Facts About WinInet API Support on Windows CE OS
- Q195028: Mfccdc Demonstrates Viewport and Mapmode Use in MFC
- Q195031: HOWTO: Adding Splitter Bars Support to Active Document Server
- Q195032: PRB: Incorrect Function Signatures May Cause Problems in Release
- Q195033: BUG: Assertion Failed When Opening a Second ActiveX Document
- Q195034: HOWTO: OfnKing Demonstrates CFileDialog Customization
- Q195073: BUG: Error C2065: ‘DDX_FieldDateTimeCtrl’: Undeclared Identifier
- Q195081: Fix2lBar.exe Fixes Spacing Errors in MFC’s CToolBar
- Q195373: BUG: Breakpoint Not Hit in ActiveX DLL on CE Device
- Q195374: BUG: PLIST Corruption or Crash with Call Attributive Profiling
- Q195375: FIX: ClassView Can Be Very Slow When Using SourceSafe
- Q195376: FIX: Incorrect Code Generated with /Og and /Oa or /Ow
- Q195377: FIX: LNK1104 When Linking VXD with /MAP
- Q195378: DOC: Release Notes Incorrectly State that IStorage Is Broken
- Q195382: BUG: MsDev Caused an Invalid Page Fault in Devedit.pkg
- Q195386: PRB: C4786 After Porting from Version 5.0 to Version 6.0
- Q195549: PRB: Exception When Calling RegisterDevice
- Q195738: FIX: C1001 When Template Class Is Included in Precompiled Header
- Q196244: FIX: Developer Studio Settings for User Platforms Not Saved
- Q196586: FIX: HttpSendRequest Does Not Work Correctly on WinCE 2.0
- Q196755: HOWTO: Determine the Location of a Crash
- Q196782: BUG: WizardBar Can’t Delete Functions That Return void
- Q196796: FIX: ClassWizard Unable to Create Files for New Class
- Q196830: FIX: MIDL2039 Warning with IFontDisp/IPictureDisp Parameter Type
- Q196831: INFO: Version History of Microsoft Foundation Classes DLLs
- Q196832: HOWTO: Provide an Alternative View to Data Using Splitter Window
- Q196833: EditGrid.exe: Edit Cells in MSFlexGrid ActiveX Control
- Q196834: PRB: MFC Active Document Container May Not Hide Toolbars
- Q196835: HOWTO: Override the MFC Default Control Containment
- Q196836: PRB: MFC Socket Functions Fail from ExitInstance
- Q196837: BUG: Compile Errors Result for Certain ATL Method Parameters
- Q197322: PRB: "Invalid File Format" from ImgEdit Reading Sony Mavica JPG
- Q197448: FIX: CRecordset "String Cannot Be Converted to Number" Error
- Q197490: PRB: ATL Full Control Needs Enabled Stock Property for Access 97
- Q198009: PRB: Calling String Conversion Macros in Catch Block Causes AV
- Q198017: BUG: Unexpected Error Using ATL Interface Wizard to Add Methods
- Q198019: FIX: ATL Control Does Not Size Correctly
- Q198130: PRB: FLL Causes Error After Recompilation
- Q198232: PRB: Delete All Columns in the List Control
- Q198477: PRB: Use of /ZI May Cause Access Violation
- Q198485: HOWTO: SQL Server 7 Distributed Query Using ATL OLEDB Consumer
- Q198486: HOWTO: SQL Server Full-Text Query Using ATL OLEDB Consumer
- Q198520: BUG: ATL OLE DB Provider Fails When Called from SQL 7.0 Query
- Q198536: HOWTO: #include the Localized MFC Resources in an EXE or DLL
- Q198537: BUG: "Sorry! An error occurred when generating the object."
- Q198538: DocMgrEx.exe Assoc Multiple File Extensions w/1 Doc Type
- Q198589: HOWTO: Determine Justification in a ListView Control
- Q198623: HOWTO: JIT Debug a COM Local Server
- Q198732: HOWTO: Draw ActiveX Controls with Child Controls in Design Time
- Q198834: PRB: ATL Server with Singleton Object Never Unloads from Memory
- Q198839: FIX: Problems with Asynchronous Break on Multiprocessor Machines
- Q198921: FIX: Visual C++ ATL Provider Fails when Used with SQL DTS
- Q198926: PRB: Visual C++ Not Tested for Windows NT Checked Build
- Q198953: HOWTO: Expand An Array Pointer in the Visual C++ Debugger
- Q198989: FIX: ATL Local Server Wizard-Generated Code Doesn’t Call Term
- Q199057: BUG: Expansion of __LINE__ Macro Is Incorrect When Using /ZI
- Q199058: BUG: Debugger.SetNextStatement Displays Dialog Box
- Q199060: PRB: ATL Service Run from the IDE Doesn’t Log Events to Console
- Q199295: PRB: VXD Containing Constant Data May Fail To Load in Windows 95
- Q199315: FIX: Method with BOOL* Parameter Type Overwriting Memory in VB
- Q199431: PRB: Enabling Menu Mnemonics in an MFC ActiveX Control
- Q199501: PRB: LNK1555 Errors, and Near Versus Far Data
- Q199515: SwSplit.exe Switches Splitter Pane Views in SDI App
- Q199516: HOWTO: Set Default Values for ActiveX Control Stock Properties
- Q199517: PRB: FreeResource Required for Locked Resources on Macintosh
- Q199519: PRB: Unresolved External on __InitVTableRecords
- Q199521: PRB: User-Defined onexit/atexit/cexit Not Called If /MD or /MDd
- Q199522: HOWTO: Porting Static PowerPC Libraries
- Q199524: PRB: SS_BITMAP Not Supported for Macintosh Static Controls
- Q199528: BUG: CEPC Mouse Driver Moves Cursor Erratically
- Q199538: BUG: Scroll Bars May Be Re-Enabled or Crash App When Clicked
- Q199539: PRB: MF1012 Error, Copying PowerPC App w/AppleTalk Under NT 4.0
- Q199540: BUG: Memory Leaks When Using Bitmaps in VC++ Mac 4.0b 68K Apps
- Q199682: PRB: ATL Object Wizard Cannot Add ATL Object to Existing File
- Q199736: FIX: C1013: Too Many Open Parentheses
- Q199796: Mfcfont.exe Persists MFC ActiveX Control Stock Font Property
- Q199873: PRB: Can’t Remove Controls from the Controls Toolbar in VC++
- Q199907: DOC: Debugger.Evaluate Method Doesn’t Evaluate Functions
- Q199942: FIX: Tstcon32.exe Cannot Invoke Method with BSTR* Parameter Type
- Q200054: PRB: OnTimer() Is Not Called Repeatedly for a List Control
- Q200069: INFO: Russian and Portuguese MFC Resource Files Not Available
- Q200072: HOWTO: Initializing lpstrFilter for All Files on the Macintosh
- Q200074: FIX: Can’t Get IBuildProject Interface from Developer Studio
- Q200095: PRB: Problems with Help Compiler 3.5 and Certain RTF Formats
- Q200099: PRB: Owner-Drawn List Control in 68K App Crashes Macintosh
- Q200256: INFO: Assembly Output from Visual C++ Compiler May Not Assemble
- Q200292: FIX: Interfaces Not Released by _com_ptr_t::CreateInstance()
- Q200421: HOWTO: Enhance File Open Dialog with Multiple Extension Filters
- Q200440: PRB: MFC SAVER Sample Does Not Run Correctly
- Q200491: BUG: Incorrect Coordinates Passed to OLEDragDrop/OLEDragOver
- Q200495: FIX: Cannot Create bad_typeid Object with /MD
- Q200555: HOWTO: Localize Stock ActiveX Property Pages With MFC Resources
- Q200578: BUG: Cannot Step Over Function That Contains Data Breakpoint
- Q200597: BUG: Debugger Cannot Step Out of Recursive Function
- Q200786: Notification Tray Icon Component
- Q200854: HOWTO: Trapping Server’s Menu Commands in Composite Menu Bar
- Q200893: HOWTO: Use LoadResource to Load Strings from a String Table
- Q200921: PRB: OpenQuery with ATL Provider Fails When Set Up with SQL Ente
- Q200983: HOWTO: How to Install Visual C++ on Terminal Server
- Q202110: PRB: Deleting ATL Dialog Causes Assert in Atlwin.h, Line 2281
- Q202128: FIX: ATL EXE Server on CComAutoThreadModule Hang on Registration
- Q202197: BUG: Freeing Resource DLLs in ExitInstance Causes Error
- Q202584: FIX: C1001 Compiling File Containing Local Enum with Debug Info
- Q202591: FIX: Developer Studio Source and Dialog Editors Respond Slowly
- Q202817: BUG: ErrMsg: Not All of the Windows in the Workspace Opened
- Q205402: FIX: ClassView Doesn’t Show Derived Classes in Embedded Namespac
- Q205670: HOWTO: Get Access to an ActiveX Control from its Property Page
- Q205681: FIX: Operator ++ In Return Statement May Cause Access Violation
- Q201009: Sample: WrapTBar.exe Wraps Toolbar During CFrameWnd Resizing
- Q201045: HOWTO: Add Multiple Window Types to a Non-Document/View MDI App
- Q201050: PRB: Custom AppWizard Based On COM Project Uses Same GUIDs
- Q201082: FIX: No Warning When Control Path Doesn’t Return a Value
- Q201090: BUG: Multi-Byte Character Strings Cause ISAPI Wizard to Fail
- Q201092: FIX: Derived Structure Can Access Private Members of Base Class
- Q201094: PRB: Error C2259 on "char" Type Redefinition in Visual C++
- Q201097: PRB: ClassView Does Not Display COM Interface Nodes
- Q201116: BUG: CB_SETTOPINDEX and CB_GETTOPINDEX Always Return 0 on Mac
- Q201177: INFO: Visual Studio Macros for MFC and ATL Source Code
- Q201191: PRB: Registering ATL Server Causes 0x80040154 Error
- Q201305: INFO: Debugging VC++ 6.0 Application in VC++ 5.0 Debugger
- Q201318: FIX: Registering ATL Server with Long Name Causes 0x80070002
- Q201321: HOWTO: Alternative Implementation of ATL Singleton
- Q201390: PRB: CDynamicAccesor Does Not Handle String Columns Correctly
- Q201540: HOWTO: Adding Tooltips to ATL ActiveX Controls
- Q201553: HOWTO: Disable the Window Close Button in an MDI Application
- Q201597: PRB: PrivateProfile Problems, in 4.0b Macintosh Cross-Compiler
- Q201641: FIX: Euro Symbol in ODL/IDL File Causes Visual C++ IDE to Freeze
- Q201830: BUG: Error C2011 When Reusing Nested Structure Tag Names
- Q201879: HOWTO: Determine If an ActiveX Ambient Property Is Implemented
- Q206076: MARSHAL.EXE: How To Marshal Interfaces Across Apartments
- Q206626: HOWTO: Change the Text Color of the Selected Property Sheet Tab
- Q207088: SAMPLE: Implement a Date/Time Generic ActiveX Property Page
- Q208005: FIX: Page Table Initialization Missing in x86 OAL
- Q208155: PRB: BK1503 when Building Large .bsc File
- Q208856: BUG: BLOCKS32 Sample Fails to Show Cursors when Linked to MFC
- Q208983: HOWTO: Using MFC LOC DLLs
- Q210460: PRB: Data Truncated Error With CRecordset
- Q214396: MSocUdp.exe Implement UDP Using CAsyncSocket
- Q214442: FIX: Incorrect Prototype in ClassWizard CRecordset::Move()
- Q214478: HOWTO: Handle Check Notifications in CCheckListBox
- Q214617: Changing the Page Orientation to Landscape
- Q214619: FIX: Type Definition Is Not Inherited in Derived Template Class
- Q214661: FIX: Daylight Savings Time Bug in C Run-Time Library
- Q214731: PRB: AppWizard Bug when Altering ActiveDoc Child Window Styles
- Q217033: FIX: /Og May Cause Incorrect Floating Point Calculation Result
- Q217164: FIX: Bad Code Is Generated When the Result of an Intrinsic Passe
- Q217168: FIX: Application Crashes When Run in Debugger
- Q217171: FIX: /Zl Generates Invalid VXD Or Driver Image
- Q217182: FIX: Descriptions Aren’t Added to Registry with DECLARE_REGISTRY
- Q217183: FIX: GetPropertyInfo Not Returning Correct Values for Default Ca
- Q217185: FIX: IRowsetImpl::GetData() Does Not Handle Nulls Correctly
- Q217201: FIX: CControlBar Crashes When TOOLTIPTEXT.lpszText Is ID for SR
- Q217208: FIX: CMenu::GetMenuString Truncates Strings Longer Than 256 Char
- Q217216: FIX: Assertion Or Failure With CDaoDatabase::CreateRelation Meth
- Q217369: FIX: Remote Debugging Fails Due to Many OutputDebugString Calls
- Q217391: PRB: Excel Does Not Repaint Highlighted Cells Correctly in MFC
- Q217437: FIX: Visual C++ Debugger Crashes on Breakpoint
- Q217755: FIX: #import Ignores TKIND_MODULE Members of a Type Library
- Q217772: PRB: CAsyncMonikerFile::Open() Fails in Visual C++ 5.0 MFC Apps
- Q218007: PRB: IDE May Skip Some TRACE Statements Sent in Quick Succession
- Q218442: HOWTO: Dynamically Add ActiveX Controls to ATL Composite Control
- Q218475: FIX: ATL In-Proc Servers Load Twice if Using Short Filename
- Q218611: FIX: Incorrect Code Generated With /Og and /Ob1
- Q218612: FIX: Remote Debugging on Alpha Does Not Work
- Q218613: FIX: /DELAYLOAD Linker Option Generates Bad Image On Alpha
- Q218829: FIX: CComEnumImpl<>::Skip() Doesn’t Handle Overflow Correctly
- Q218929: FIX: UUID.LIB In VC6 Has Bad Definition for IViewFilter w/OLE DB
- Q218972: SAMPLE: How to Load and Display Graphics Files with LOADPIC.EXE
- Q218982: HOWTO: Override IUnknown Methods in an ATL Server
- Q220021: FIX: CHtmlView Does Not Repaint Correctly in AppWizard MDI APP
- Q220643: PRB: Windows CE 2.10 and 2.11 Configurations Are Not Available
- Q220836: Regrgs.exe: Adds Entries to the Registry Using RGS File
- Q220844: HOWTO: Insert a Bitmap Into RTF Document Using RichEdit Control
- Q219261: PRB: VB References Dialog Doesn’t List an MFC DLL Automation Svr
- Q219282: BUG: ScrollToPosition() Fails to Scroll CFormView
- Q219415: PRB: Incorrect Code Generated by Cluster Resource Type Wizard
- Q216073: SAMPLE: 4thScrpt.exe Demos Active Debug in ATL ActiveX Script
- Q216098: Visual C++ IDE Slows When Files Are in Many Directories
- Q216099: BUG: Developer Studio Stops Responding
- Q216181: FIX: Incorrect Code Generated with /Og Optimization
- Q216196: PRB: Text Output Parameter Empty with Unicode Build
- Q216271: SAMPLE: SamScrpt.exe Demos Active Debug w/C++ ActiveX Script
- Q216278: BUG: Unspecified Error When Running VB Program Hosting ATL Ctrl
- Q216336: BUG: ARM Compiler Generates Bad Code for Structure Assignment
- Q216356: Visual C++ Project Settings and .DBG File Creation
- Q216461: BUG: Toolbar Covers Document in MFC ActiveX Document Container
- Q216503: PRB: Problems Showing an ATL Dialog as Modeless in ATL .exe
- Q216656: INFO: "No matching symbolic info" for Comctl32.dll, Msidle.dll
- Q216715: FIX: Bad Code Generated in ?: Operator Converting Class Types
- Q216716: FIX: Relocations Not Generated For Array of Ptrs To Functions Us
- Q216718: FIX: C1001 in ‘E:\8168\vc98\p2\src\P2\main.c’, With /Zi and Yc
- Q216720: FIX: Bitwise OR for Bool& Types Causes Error When Optimized
- Q216722: FIX: C2440 Using Function Pointer As Class Template Argument
- Q216727: FIX: Initializing const int With float Literal Gets Bad Value
- Q216731: FIX: Dtor of Explicitly Constructed Anonymous Temp Not Called
- Q216747: FIX: Incorrect Code Generated With /Og and /G6
- Q216853: FIX: Application Error When Calling Documents.Open
- Q216858: HOWTO: Quick Sorting Using MFC CArray-Derived Classes
- Q216868: FIX: Crash When Class Variable Declared Before Class Declaration
- Q216869: FIX: Crash When Editing Code with Parameter Information Visible
- Q216885: PRB: English Query Using SQL 7.0 Domain May Fail with SQL 6.5
- Q216977: FIX: C2233 on User-Defined Type Array Member of Template Class
- Q223139: HOWTO: Add Support for Hosting VBScript to an ATL Application
- Q223152: PRB: Error 0x80004005 Using Comctl32-Based MFC ActiveX Control
- Q223165: FIX: GetIDsOfNames( ) Returns DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME for Named Args
- Q223389: FILE: Scriptng.EXE Has Files To Add Active Debugging
- Q223439: HOWTO: Using Class Wrappers to Access Windows Common Controls in
- Q222005: BUG: LNK2001 When Building Applications for MIPS Palm-size PC Th
- Q222123: HOWTO: Debug OLE DB Providers That Are Called From SQL Server 7
- Q222143: PRB: AppWizard, CHtmlView with Splitter Show Extra Scrollbars
- Q222613: FIX: "m_mov’ : undeclared identifier" Error With Alpha Project
- Q222829: HOWTO: Use Accelerator Keys Within a Modal Dialog Box
- Q222837: PRB: Cannot Call ActiveX Scripting Engine Methods from Non-base
- Q222905: HOWTO: Display a Context Menu for CTreeCtrl
- Q222966: HOWTO: Call a Script Method from an ActiveX Script Host
- Q221083: BUG:Can’t Insert CE ActiveX Control on Dialog in Resource Editor
- Q221554: Polish Windows NT Displays Microsoft Sans Serif Font Incorrectly
- Q221585: FIX: C1001 - Internal Compiler Error on String Default Argument
- Q221792: PRB: "Library Not Registered" Error Calling Method in ATL Server
- Q221911: FIX: Memory Leak in Visual C++ Integrated Debugger
- Q221992: HOWTO: Add Support for Hosting VBScript to Your MFC Application
- Q224382: BUG: Profiler Enabled Only Under Administrator Account in WinNT
- Q224570: UpDnDate DateTime Ctrl w/ Spin Button & Cback Field
- Q224610: BUG: C2146/C2501 In the .tlh or .tli files Created by #import
- Q224788: BUG: MFC Active Document Container Hangs When Invoking About Box
- Q224928: BUG: CFormView Loses the Control’s Focus When Restored
- Q226110: FIX: Internal Compiler Error Creating Copy of Temporary Object
- Q225065: PRB: Cannot Manipulate Columns of MS DataGrid in Visual C++ at D
- Q225099: FIX: Memory Access Violation Caused by Repeated Reallocs
- Q225140: FIX: COleDateTime::operator=(time_t) Breaks If Year Past 1999
- Q228455: PRB: Missing /c Compiler Option Causes LNK1561 Linker Error
- Q228530: BUG: Crash in Ole32.dll When Creating an ATL Composite Control
- Q229030: FIX: A Workspace with Many Dependencies May Appear to Hang
- Q229579: PRB: CE ActiveX Control Is Not in List of Insertable Controls
- Q229612: SAMPLE: Mfceqaado.exe Shows How to Use English Query w/MFC & ADO
- Q229904: PRB: CAxWindow Members Can Cause a Memory Leak
- Q229964: FIX: AfxMessageBox Help Fails to Bring Up Proper Topic
- Q230049: HOWTO: Highlight Row of Multi-Column Report-View CListCtrlR
- Q230377: BUG: Find/Replace ASSERT in MDI App w/ CRichEditView-based Views
- Q230485: HOWTO: Create an Access 2000 Database with MFC DAO
- Q230491: PRB: CDBVariant Contains Wrong BOOL Value with GetFieldValue
- Q230587: PRB: Focus Not Set in Edit Controls in Inactive Child Window
- Q230671: PRB: AV When Saving Workspace with more than 4096 Source/Header
- Q230742: PRB: Text Missing when ActiveX Control Is Based on Rich Edit 2.0
- Q230756: BUG: Windows CE Emulation Serial Communications Bugs
- Q232017: HOWTO: Add Text to Toolbar Buttons
- Q232337: PRB: MFC Wizards Fail with "Unrecognized Database Format"
- Q232394: HOWTO: Catch Run-time Errors in an ActiveX Script Host
- Q232778: FIX: MIDL Gives Warning MIDL2039 When Decimal Parameter Is Used
- Q232845: LoadBarState asserts while restoring two/more floating toolbars
- Q232958: INFO: Cannot Restart CESH After the Connection Is Broken
- Q231578: FIX: Hosting a WebBrowser Control in an MFC Container ASSERTs
- Q231591: HOWTO: Use Dialog Template to Create MFC Dialog with ActiveX
- Q231592: BUG: ATL ClassWizard Uses AfxGetStaticModuleState() in MFC EXE
- Q231616: INFO: Terminal Server Console-Directed Pop-Up Print Error Box
- Q231636: HOWTO: Controlling the Visual C++ IDE Source Code Editor Window
- Q231652: PRB: Paste Fails in the VC IDE After Installing NT 4.0 SP4
- Q231655: FIX: VC++ Crashes Opening Files or Adding Files to Projects
- Q231770: BUG: Windows CE Wizards Not Available After Install
- Q231872: FIX: Using #import May Cause Memory Leaks
- Q231875: PRB: C Datatype’s Pseudo Null Not Inserted into SQL Database
- Q231995: FIX: Error C2664 and C2582 While Using CArray Class
- Q233972: PRB: "Syntax Error in PARAMETER clause" When Opening an MFC DAO
- Q234146: BUG: ATL Consumer Wizard truncates SQL Server Field to TCHAR
- Q234194: BUG: Conflicting Versions of MFC Stop Responding Upon Shutdown
- Q234310: DirLV Sample Populates List Control Similar to Explorer
- Q234314: BUG: "This Stub Requires an Updated Version of <Rpcndr.h>" Error
- Q234511: FIX: VC++ 6.0 Compiler Does Not Remove Unneeded Instructions
- Q234545: Opropsheet.exe Modeless OLE Property Sheet Using MFC
- Q234602: FIX: /Og Generates Bad Code for a Compare/Branch
- Q234620: PRB: Visual C++ Debugger Can Fail on Pentium III Computers
- Q234622: PRB: VC++ 6.0 Setup Does Not Copy the CRT Make Files
- Q234648: BUG: WinCE Toolkit for Visual C++ 6.0 Forces a Rebuild All
- Q234664: BUG: Containers Show <Unknown Verb> for MFC Static OCXs
- Q234769: BUG: Unregistering CE ATL Servers Don’t Remove Registry Entries
- Q234797: BLOB Data Doesn’t Update with CRecordset::Open appendOnly Option
- Q236056: FIX: DAO 3.6 Overruns Buffers in GetRowsEx Method
- Q236092: FIX: "Error Spawning ‘vcspawn.exe’. The build could not be perfo
- Q236099: FIX: C1001: Internal Compiler Error in Template.cpp, Line 6514
- Q236114: FIX: Destructor of Static Object Not Called on Exit
- Q236119: FIX: Optimization Causes Code Error In Conditional Statement
- Q236138: BUG: Error Deleting VB ActiveX Control From Test Container
- Q236312: HOWTO: Disable the Default Pop-up Menu for CHtmlView
- Q236349: FIX: Bad Code Generated by Global Optimization
- Q236399: HOWTO: Troubleshoot Visual C++ Performance Problems
- Q236828: PRB: IE_UNEXPECTED Returned from IRowsetChange::DeleteRows
- Q236933: PRB: DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED returned from Open When using GROUP BY
- Q236935: PRB: C1001 Internal Compiler Error After Installing VC++ SP3
- Q236991: PRB: Unrecognized Database Format Error w/ Access 2000 Database
- Q237285: SAMPLE: Daoprop.exe Sets a Custom Property on an Access Database
- Q237771: FIX: Events Fail in ATL Containers if Enum Used as Parameter
- Q237870: HOWTO: Increment Version Information After Each Build in VC++
- Q237998: PRB: CDialog Class Doesn’t Get WM_MOUSEWHEEL on Windows 95
- Q235224: BUG: Compiling ANSI Build of Dao36x.dll Generates Error
- Q235355: PRB: CMonthCalCtl::GetCurSel(CTime) Returns Wrong Value
- Q235434: FIX: "Attach to Process" List Is Empty
- Q235507: FIX: DAO 3.6 Causes Debug Errors in MFC DAO Non-Unicode Builds
- Q235601: FIX: Putenv() Function Causes Memory Leak
- Q235680: FIX: Msdev.exe Crash in Devshl.dll During Command-Line Build
- Q235956: DOC: /OPT:NOWIN98 Linker Option Missing in Linker Reference
- Q238030: HOWTO: Create HTML Help for MFC Application on WinCE
- Q238077: HOWTO: Set Blank Date as Initial Value for Date Time Control
- Q238100: HOWTO: Limit 32-Bit MFC SDI App to a Single Instance in WinCE
- Q238341: FIX: Opening a DSP or DSW File in Explorer Crashes Visual C++
- Q238436: PRB: MFC DAO Classes Error "Syntax Error in From Clause"
- Q238875: PRB: C2471 or LNK1140 Error with PDB File Limits
- Q238897: HOWTO: Preset the Win CE Computer Name
- Q238981: HOWTO: Passing Optional Parameters When Calling a Function
- Q238989: PRB: RichEdit Control in Applications That Call OleInitialize()
- Q239436: PRB: LNK2001 on Template Member Functions
- Q239825: INFO: Transfer Files Between Desktop and Windows CE Emulator
- Q239881: FIX: RResourceView Displays Resource IDs by their Values
- Q239909: BUG: ATL Registrar Code Does Not Handle DBCS Correctly
- Q239916: FIX: ATL ActiveX Fails on Win95 when Hosting ActiveX Controls
- Q240014: FIX: Listing Sort Function Removes Elements
- Q240015: FIX: getline Template Function Reads Extra Character
- Q240017: FIX: Selecting Multiple ResourceView Controls Causes VC to Fail
- Q240397: INFO: Adding a VCCE ActiveX Control to a VBCE Form
- Q240626: BUG: Extra Lines are Generated in Assembly when Using #line
- Q240746: FIX: Error Due to Class Member Function’s Missing Argument List
- Q240862: FIX: C2555 On Virtual Functions with Covariant Return Types
- Q240866: BUG: C2989 and C2988 on Class Template Partial Specializations
- Q240869: BUG: C2667 and C2668 on Partial Ordering of Function Templates
- Q240871: BUG: Explicitly Specified Template Functions Not Overloaded
- Q240880: PRB: ActiveX Control Pack Unavailable for Download for VCCE 6.0
- Q240940: BUG: CTime::GetCurrentTime Returns Incorrect Date for CE 2.11
- Q241217: BUG: Source Browser Shows Decorated Name for Member Template
- Q241241: INF: Using DTS With Custom ATL OLE-DB Providers
- Q241396: FileTool.exe Replaces the Open and Add-to-Project Features in VC
- Q241569: BUG: C2258 and C2252 on in Place Initialization of Static Const
- Q241592: BUG: Compiling with the In-Line Function Expansion Optimizations
- Q241706: BUG: Compiler Error C2143 on Function-Try-Block Syntax
- Q241718: HOWTO: Convert a DBTIMESTAMP into a DATE
- Q241750: BUG: CHtmlView Leaks Memory by Not Releasing BSTRs
- Q241810: BUG: IDispEventImpl Event Handlers May Give Strange Parameters
- Q241848: HOWTO: Tips for Setting Remote Debugging by Using Visual C++
- Q241849: INFO: More Information on MIDL2362 Warning
- Q241850: PRB: Call to CToolBarCtrl::Customize() Does Not Keep Dialog Box
- Q241852: PRB: ERR C2535 When Compiling ATL Project with VC++ 6.0
- Q241856: PRB: Crash in DllMain After FreeLibrary is Called on a Resource
- Q241857: BUG: CComBSTR Does Not Allocate Enough Space Sometimes
- Q241862: BUG: ClassWizard Omits Methods with BYTE or BYTE* As Parameters
- Q241940: BUG: C2954 Error When Using Class Template as Template-Parameter
- Q241949: BUG: C2059 Error on Out-Of-Class Definition of Member Templates
- Q242190: BUG: Full Koenig Lookup Works Only for Operators
- Q242192: BUG: uncaught_exception() Always Returns False
- Q242527: PRB: #import Wrapper Methods May Cause Access Violation
- Q242577: PRB: Update Command UI Handlers Do Not Work Properly on Dialogs
- Q242588: BUG: VTS_UI1 and VTS_PUI1 are Defined Incorrectly in AfxDisp.h
- Q242994: PRB:ATL IOleInPlaceSite::OnPosRectChange Doesn’t Resize Control
- Q244204: BUG: ATL Events Don’t Fire If Defined With Interface Alias
- Q244232: HOWTO:Add Context Help (? Button) to Title Bar of CPropertySheet
- Q244495: HOWTO: Implement Thread-Pooled, Apartment Model COM Svr in ATL
- Q244817: BUG: IOleControlSite::TransformCoords() Returns S_OK
- Q244955: PRB: MinDependency Project May Need to Include Atl.dll
- Q243173: PRB: Install VCCE Causes ATL Windows Message Handler List Empty
- Q243298: FIX: Err Msg: C2668: InlineIsEqualGUID : Ambiguous Call…
- Q243351: BUG: /Za Compiler Option Causes C2248 Compiler Error
- Q243444: BUG: <CSTDLIB> Does Not Define the Namespace "STD"
- Q243451: INFO: C++ Standard Noncompliance Issues with Visual C++ .Net
- Q243454: PRB: MFC ActiveX Control Subclassed ComboBox Problems with VB
- Q243457: BUG: MFC-WinCE Property Page Disappears when Selected
- Q243458: PRB: Err Msg: Fatal Error LNK1104 Cannot Open File "Nafxcwd.lib"
- Q243480: HOWTO: Changing Background Color of a Dialog Box Using ATL
- Q243503: FIX: Platform SDK Prevents MFC Projects from Compiling
- Q243534: BUG: Optim. Gives Wrong Result for Inline Func Returning double
- Q243599: FIX: VC Debugger Fails on Some Long Names
- Q243751: HOWTO: Add Command Handlers for MRU Menu Items in MFC App
- Q243953: HOWTO: Limit 32-bit Applications to One Instance Using C++
- Q245002: BUG: CFileDialog Causes Help Window to Appear on WinCE 2.11
- Q245434: PRB: Serialization with CSocketFile and CArchive Might Stop
- Q245684: PRB: SWP_NOREDRAW Not Defined for PPC 2.11 or HPC Pro 2.11
- Q247005: HOWTO: Move Visual C++ IDE Customizations to Another Computer
- Q247035: HOWTO: Automate Visual C++
- Q247072: SAMPLE: DnDZoom.exe - ATL Control Implements OLE Drag and Drop
- Q247073: CustWBC.exe: ATL HTML Control Customizes the WebBrowser Control
- Q247203: BUG: Try/Catch Block Fails when Global Optimizations Enabled
- Q247273: BUG: IOleObjectImpl<>::DoVerb Does Not Process Positive Verbs
- Q247323: BUG: BN_DOUBLECLICKED Message Handler Not Hit in MFC Dialog Box
- Q247331: PRB: Error Spawning Compiler for Windows CE 2.12 Platforms
- Q247382: PRB: ToolTips for Controls in ActiveX Document Server Are Hidden
- Q247405: PRB: Incorrect SESSION_INFO_XX Pulled in when Compiling _MBCS
- Q247713: BUG: ClassView Doesn’t Show All Methods for an Interface
- Q247784: INFO: ‘80020101’ Returned From Some ActiveX Scripting Methods
- Q246165: BUG: CDatabase::ExecuteSQL() Function Does Not Throw Exception w
- Q246550: BUG: Local Static Variables Not Reinitialized after an Exception
- Q246687: BUG: DDX_ and DDP_ Functions Don’t Work for ComboBoxEx in COlePr
- Q246891: BUG: Build Errors on Non-Void Return Types for Friend Function
- Q246934: BUG: istream::readsome Does Not Read Correctly on File Stream
- Q246970: INFO: Customizing the Visual C++ IDE Programmatically
- Q249045: BUG: C2964 On Pointer-To-Member As Template Argument
- Q249235: DOC: AfxLoadLibrary() Documentation is not Clear on Usage
- Q249259: BUG: ATL OLE DB Provider not Working with OLE DB Services
- Q249291: BUG: Dialog Editor Doesn’t Permit a Taskbar Icon if Titlebar Off
- Q249611: FIX: The HENV Isn’t Accessible When You Use MFC ODBC Classes
- Q249803: BUG: Unicode Issue: Using MFC ODBC w/ the SQL Server ODBC Driver
- Q249829: Add Custom Properties to an ATL OLE DB Provider
- Q248019: HOWTO: Prevent Server Busy Dialog Box From Appearing
- Q248094: BUG: Fatal error RC1022 or Error RC2104
- Q248130: FILE: AutoSave.exe Provides AutoSave for Visual C++
- Q248137: BUG: COleCurrency::operator/() Not Backward Compatible
- Q248400: BUG: Reregistered ATL Window Class May Cause Access Violation
- Q248477: FIX: Deadlock Using STL Map or Set in Multithreaded Application
- Q248655: BUG: ATL Composite Controls Do Not Meet Windows 2000 Logo
- Q248802: PRB: Vcvars32.bat Generates Out of Environment Message
- Q251023: BUG: CComVariant::operator=(BSTR) Does Not Copy Embedded NULL
- Q251059: HOWTO: Provide Your Own Window Class Name for an MFC Dialog Box
- Q251116: BUG: Source Files Not Compiled When Header Files Are Modified
- Q251232: BUG: MFC Dockable Toolbars Do Not Paint Correctly
- Q251273: Sample: Create XMLDOM Document with #import
- Q251344: BUG: CComBSTR::LoadString May Give an Access Violation
- Q251362: FIX: Suspend and Resume Thread Hangs Visual C++ Debugger
- Q250060: BUG: VC++ May Stop Responding When Importing a Type Library
- Q250321: BUG: CString::Delete() Does Not Return the Correct Value
- Q250335: FILE: VCSPInfo.exe Provides Visual C++ Service Pack Information
- Q250365: BUG: System Menu Gets Corrupted when File Dropped onto a MDI App
- Q250614: HOWTO: Sort Items in a CListCtrl in Report View
- Q250670: PRB: VC++ IDE May Hang During a Build Due to Anti-Virus Software
- Q250847: BUG: ATL C4305 Error when VARIANT Used as a Parameter to Event
- Q250848: PRB: STL list::remove Doesn’t Remove All Occurrences of Element
- Q250887: BUG: Bad Code Generated by Global Optimizations w/ Bitwise Shift
- Q252297: BUG: Calling GetPageInfo Can Give Unhandled Exception
- Q252413: BUG: WinCE CDialogBar Does Not Forward Child Control Messages
- Q253130: PRB: Message Box in ExitInstance of MFC App Are Not Displayed
- Q253317: BUG: Using #import with ADO Causes C4146 Warning in Visual C++
- Q253748: BUG: WizardBar Cannot Go to Declaration of Void Functions
- Q253995: BUG: Connecting to Emulation Hangs Developer Studio
- Q254021: HOWTO: Return an Array of Recordsets from an ADO/RDS Server
- Q254226: BUG: Bad Code Generation with Global Optimization
- Q254957: BUG: Registry Update Code For MFC OLE Server Fails on W2K
- Q255252: INFO: Accessing and Building Projects Over a Network Using VC++
- Q255528: BUG: Violation in Constructor w/ Variable Number of Arguments
- Q255556: PRB: C2146 Error with Sqloledb.h in Platform SDK
- Q256056: FIX: DllMain Throws Unhandled Exception with DLL_THREAD_DETACH
- Q256117: ATLComp.exe: Add Many ATL Simple Objects from ATL Object Wizard
- Q256158: FIX: Text May Be Truncated in Apps for Japanese Windows 2000
- Q256170: BUG: C2065 When You Build ATL COM Server with Connection Points
- Q256324: PRB: Visual C++ Displays Error for Shsql.dll and Eeswt.dll Files
- Q257171: BUG: Double Brackets in SQL Statement with MFC May Cause Error
- Q257467: HOWTO: Remove FTM Code Added by ATL Object Wizard
- Q257812: BUG: MFC Dialog Explicitly Owned by the Desktop Disables Desktop
- Q258235: BUG: Memory Leak with ATL Containment
- Q258965: PRB: ImgEdit.OCX Causes Breakpoint in RtlFreeHeap w/ VC Debugger
- Q259035: PRB: GetChunk/AppendChunk Methods Are Not Clearly Explained
- Q259244: BUG: Internal Compiler Error C1001 When You Call __assume()
- Q259403: Vcredist Installs Latest Run-Time Components for Visual C++
- Q259404: BUG: MFC OLE Container May Merge Server Menus Incorrectly
- Q259492: HOWTO:Use DBPROP_SERVERDATAONINSERT to Retrieve Identity Value
- Q259723: FIX: Debugger Fails on Fast Dual Processors
- Q259726: FIX: Debugger Encounters Invisible Breakpoints in Assembly Code
- Q259746: FIX: C1001 Compiler Error When Virtual Function Used Parameter
- Q259924: INFO: COFF Type Debug Information No Longer Contains Line Number
- Q259949: INFO: SetCaretPos Is Not Appropriate with CEdit or CRichEditCtrl
- Q260172: FIX: MFC ISAPI Parse Functions Fail Under Stress on Multiple-CPU
- Q260567: BUG: LNK2019 When Building For Pocket PC Emulation
- Q260568: BUG: Error: Platform Manager Failed to Queue File Cemon.exe
- Q260744: HOWTO: Set ActiveX Control Design-Time Properties at Run Time
- Q262024: HOWTO: Use CPropertySheet as a Child of CSplitterWnd
- Q262515: FIX: /GT Compiler Switch May Cause AV During Thread Switch
- Q262698: FIX: Visual C++ 6.0 Debugger Hangs on Multiprocessor Computers
- Q262954: HOWTO: Create a Resizeable Dialog Box with Scroll Bars
- Q265109: BUG: The STL list::sort() Function Doesn’t Sort List of Pointers
- Q265721: DOC: /CEConfig Switch Builds Incorrect Platform
- Q263589: BUG: Pointer to Member Allows Non-const Method Call on const Obj
- Q263600: BUG: Nested Class Does Not See typedef in the Enclosing Class
- Q263601: BUG: C1001 When Using Certain float Values as Template Arguments
- Q263606: BUG: Optimization Bug When Using Array with memset Initializer
- Q263609: BUG: Bad Code for Unsigned and Signed Comparisons with /Og
- Q263630: BUG: C2143 Referencing Class Template from Another Namespace
- Q263633: BUG: Error C2946 on Explicit Instantiation of Imported Templates
- Q263637: BUG: Class Access Specifier Ignored When Creating Temp Objects
- Q263639: BUG: Class Access Specifier Ignored for Fully Qual. Stat Members
- Q263715: BUG: Incorrect Code with Unsigned Integer Operand > 0x80000000
- Q263884: SAMPLE: AdoChng.exe Changes Business Object Via ADO Recordset
- Q264156: INFO: Including RC File in Another RC File w/ Different CodePage
- Q264458: BUG: ATL Object Wizard Misses "Ready State" Stock Property
- Q264471: SAMPLE: PageHeap1.exe Finds Heap Corruption and Memory Errors
- Q264985: BUG: C4305 & C4800, When VARIANT* Used as a Parameter to Event
- Q266236: HOWTO: Use Serial Comm with Windows CE Emulators
- Q266240: PRB: Custom SDK Not Available for Existing eVC Projects
- Q266243: HOWTO: Add CPU Support for Existing eVC Projects
- Q266244: HOWTO: Create Full-Screen Applications for the PocketPC
- Q266298: BUG: IWindows::Next and IDocuments::Next Leak Memory
- Q266713: BUG: IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames() May Return E_FAIL When Successfu
- Q267303: BUG: Creating Project Under Template Folder Excludes Files
- Q267549: FIX: Debugger Doesn’t Give Full Precision For double Data Type
- Q268239: BUG: C2084 on Overloading Function Templates
- Q268901: HOWTO: Save a File from Visual C++ in UNIX Format
- Q270029: BUG: COleControl::SetControlSize Function Does Not Work
- Q270663: HOWTO: Open a Secured Access Database from Visual C++
- Q271208: BUG: Crash in Mfc42(d).dll During Process Exit on Windows 95, W
- Q271577: Fix: CManualAccessor Does Not Work With Schema Rowsets
- Q271684: PRB: Setup for EVT Causes Invalid Page Fault in Ce98pro.dll
- Q271874: Global Optimizations Generate Incorrect Code When Using unions
- Q271926: BUG: Memory Leak in ATL OLE DB Consumer Template Functions
- Q272024: BUG: Release Calls When Using _ATL_DEBUG_INTEFACES May Crash
- Q272676: BUG: CComContainedObject::QueryInterface() Implementation Is Inc
- Q272739: BUG: C2876 with using Declaration on Private Base Class Member
- Q272755: INFO: Visual C++ Is Not Supported on Terminal Server 4.0
- Q274012: FIX: std::wofstream Can’t Output After DBCS Character Is Output
- Q274203: PRB: Cannot Shift Focus from ATL Composite Control on Web Page
- Q274501: BUG: CRT: wcsxfrm(NULL, string, 0) Fails Outside "C" Locale
- Q275560: PRB: DLL Breakpoints Are Skipped or Disabled
- Q275674: BUG: C2955 Error When You Use Template Name as Function Argument
- Q275712: BUG: Custom Build Step Is Not Applied to New Configuration
- Q275862: HOWTO: Add Verbs for ATL ActiveX Controls Embedded Within Office
- Q276593: PRB: Error: "NMAKE : Fatal Error U1045: Spawn Failed" When You A
- Q280447: BUG: Text from a Rich Edit Control Is Truncated During DDX
- Q280467: PRB: DDE Support Disabled While MFC App Displays Modal Dialog
- Q280510: BUG: Control Properties Depersist Incorrectly When Host in ATL
- Q280512: SAMPLE: ATLCPImplMT - ATL Event Firing Across COM Apartments
- Q280801: INFO: Avoid WS_CLIPCHILDREN and ActiveX Control Painting Problem
- Q280803: PRB: CoCreateInstance Stops and Creates Many ATL Objects
- Q278451: PRB: Editing Any String Table Item Changes the First Item
- Q278452: PRB: Visual C++ 6.0 Break Command Failed
- Q281155: PRB: HDN_XXX Notifications Incorrectly Generated for CListView
- Q281424: FIX: Bad Code Is Generated with /Og Enabled
- Q281430: HOWTO: Retrieve XML Data from SQL Server 2000 with CRowsetStream
- Q281446: FIX: Access Violation with std::map::erase or std::set::erase
- Q281535: PRB: Error Debugging Procedure with sql_variant Input Parameter
- Q279459: BUG: Component Category Registry Entries Remain in ATL Comp.
- Q288724: BUG: ATL COM Event Handler Arguments Received in Reverse Order
- Q288929: SAMPLE: FileDragTest.exe Drags and Drops File in and out of App.
- Q291380: FIX: Redefinition Errors When You Compile an IDL File
- Q291585: HOWTO: Create Debug Symbols for a Visual C++ Application
- Q291953: BUG: Visual C++ 6.0 May Stop Responding in Devedit.pkg
- Q293911: SAMPLE: ABParam.exe Passes a BLOB Parameter with ATL
- Q287138: PRB: eVT 3.0 Setup Does Not Detect Windows 98 SE Upgrade
- Q294320: "How to" Information for Microsoft Visual C++ Beginners
- Q294704: PRB: VC ClassView Doesn’t Show Classes Defined in Header File
- Q296091: PRB: MFC AppWizard Doesn’t Show Oracle Synonyms w/MS ODBC Driver
- Q298109: SAMPLE: Create a Context Menu Handler by Using ATL
- Q298126: PRB: MFC Vertical Toolbar Buttons Missing After Customization
- Q298569: /Oxs Is Always Present in Project Options
- Q297947: INFO: Use the IADsPropertyValue2 Interface to Return an IADsSecu
- Q300606: HOWTO: Design a Resizable MFC Property Sheet
- Q301056: HOW TO: Debug a Migration DLL During a Windows 2000 Upgrade
- Q301242: HOW TO: Share Memory-Mapped Objects Between Processes in Win CE
- Q301939: HOWTO: Add MSXML Support to a C++ Application
- Q302515: HOWTO: Find all Extended Rights for a Schema Class Object
- Q304497: BUG: _wsetlocale Is Not Threadsafe
- Q304989: PRB: Debugger Cannot Read System Symbols on Windows XP
- Q303200: HOWTO: Use eVB to Debug ActiveX DLLS in eVC++
- Q307443: INFO: 16-Bit Version of Visual C++ Articles Are Archived
- Q308702: BUG: Jet VB Expression Service Changes FPU Precision to 64 Bits
- Q305586: FIX: Err Msg When You Attach Visual C++ Debugger to a Process
- Q305601: MS01-060: FIX: CRT String Format Functions May Underwrite Buffer
- Q305995: PRB: Error When You Connect to a Jet Database on a Novell Server
- Q310649: ISAPI DLLs Built w/ MFC Static Library Vulnerable to DoS Attacks
- Q310787: Visual C++ Debugger Hangs on Windows 2000
- Q313631: BUG: Debugger Does Not Expand Variable Of C Structure Type
- Q316049: PRB: Default Image Error When You Start Pocket PC 2002 Emulation
- Q316090: BUG: Fatal Error C1001 When You Compile with Global Optimizer
- Q316971: Pack Level Is Not Preserved When You Use the #import Directive
- Q315535: BUG: Problems When You Rebuild Static and Dynamic CRT Libraries
- Q315603: HOW TO: Create a Class Derived from CControlBar and Its SubClass
- Q315937: HOW TO: Trap Stack Overflow in a Visual C++ Application
- Q318677: PRB: System Hangs When You Reach Maximum Child Windows in MDI
- Q319660: COleVariant Constructor Doesn’t Correctly Initialize Its Members
- Q319797: BUG: An Access Violation Occurs When You Use the /Og Switch for
- Q320004: BUG: "Fatal Error C1001" Err Msg Compiling Code with While Loop
- Q323494: AV When You Type Mnemonic on Property Page with ActiveX Control
- Q322127: Empty Base Class/Structure Assignment Operator May Corrupt Data
- Q321329: HOWTO: Find Jet Database .mdb File Format Version