KB Articles for Microsoft Windows 3.x Retail Product
- Q40057: Identifying IBM PS/2 Displays by Model Number
- Q58383: Windows 3.0 SYSTEM.INI [386Enh] Section
- Q60874: Print Screen Features and Workarounds for Windows
- Q65661: Changing Color of Selected Text in Help and Windows
- Q68128: Troubleshooting the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT Files
- Q70467: Windows Err Msg: Cannot Find KRNLxxx.EXE
- Q72166: Mouse Inactive in MS-DOS Apps After Exiting Windows 3.0
- Q72394: Mouse Is Not Supported on COM3 or COM4
- Q74540: Windows Versions 3.0, 3.0a Share Directory Files
- Q76757: Sound Blaster: 11-Voice FM Music Feature
- Q76759: Sound Blaster: 1 Digitized Voice Channel Feature
- Q76761: WUGNET.TXT: Putting Windows on a Network
- Q76769: README.TXT: What If You Run Out of Memory?
- Q76770: README.TXT: Using the Swapfile Utility
- Q76772: README.TXT: Giving Maximum Priority to an Application
- Q76776: README.TXT: Running Specific Non-Windows Applications
- Q76777: README.TXT: Running Specific Windows Applications
- Q76805: Clicking Noises While Playing Sounds on Sound Blaster Feature
- Q76815: No Multimedia Features in Real Mode with Multimedia Windows
- Q76855: Sound Driver Plays Portion of Sound, Then Stops
- Q76856: Multimedia Windows Requires Updated IBM CD-ROM Driver
- Q76871: Support for DSP Access in Multimedia Windows
- Q76872: Multimedia Installable Driver SYSTEM.INI Entries
- Q76875: Audio Option and Windows with Multimedia Extensions Setup
- Q76880: Information Needed Before Setup of Multimedia Extensions
- Q76979: Mouse Driver 7.0 and MS-DOS Applications in Windows 3.0
- Q78016: No Animation Driver Is Supplied with Multimedia Extensions
- Q78037: Setup Does Not Show a Sound Driver Option
- Q78056: Roland Driver Does Not Play Wave Files
- Q80393: How to Rebuild the Default Windows REG.DAT File
- Q80565: Sound Blaster’s Mixer May Need an Upgrade
- Q81573: Converting Apple Sound Files to Wave Format
- Q83062: NETWORKS.WRI from Windows 3.1
- Q83063: README.WRI from Windows 3.1
- Q83110: Audio CD Stops or Skips When Common Dialog Boxes Are Activated
- Q83210: Windows 3.1 Hardware Compatibility List
- Q83254: Productivity Pack 3.1 Setup/Program Disk (5.25 HD)
- Q83433: Windows 3.1 Resource Kit WIN.INI Section Settings
- Q83435: Windows 3.1 Resource Kit SYSTEM.INI [386ENH] Section A-L
- Q83436: Windows 3.1 Resource Kit SYSTEM.INI [386ENH] Section M-Z
- Q83477: New Key Combinations for Edit Menu Commands in Windows 3.1
- Q83902: Windows 3.1 Cannot Run on a Novell Nondedicated File Server
- Q82213: Media Vision Multimedia Drivers May Have Problems Installing
- Q82224: DRIVER.SYS Incompatible with Windows File Manager
- Q82225: Removing Windows Files to Increase Disk Space
- Q82228: Use of TimerCriticalSection= in 386 Enhanced Mode Windows
- Q82229: Windows Setup Updates "DOS Prompt" to "MS-DOS Prompt"
- Q82241: README.WRI Section 11.4 No Longer Valid (Everex, EMM386.EXE)
- Q82253: Applications Appearing in Windows 3.1 APPS.HLP (A-C)
- Q82255: Visual Basic Combo Control Receives Extra "Click" Event
- Q82258: Page Color Turns Black in PageMaker 4.0
- Q82259: Windows 3.0 Paintbrush Requires Save As to Create Monochrome
- Q82260: Windows 3.1 Setup /B Switch Does Not Affect Windows Settings
- Q82262: Windows Err Msgs: Out of Memory Errors with Lotus 1-2-3
- Q82307: Bad Font or Display with PC Tools Version 7.0 or 7.1
- Q82308: Using SMARTDrive 4.0 with QuarterDecks DesqView
- Q82309: Rotated TrueType Fonts in Ami Pro Garble
- Q82310: BizWiz Context-Sensitive Help Doesn’t Work with Windows
- Q82311: Problems Using Borland’s Turbo Debugger with Windows
- Q82312: Setup Does Not Modify CONFIG.SYS when ATDOSXL.SYS Is Loaded
- Q82316: Formbase 1.1 Loads Run-Time Windows
- Q82318: Stack Overflow Can Cause Windows to Hang
- Q82321: Playing Beethoven with Windows Media Player
- Q82326: EMM386.EXE Causes Problems for Ventura 4.0 in Standard Mode
- Q82327: Saving File in Ventura 4.0 Causes Sharing Violation
- Q82328: Copying Files with Artisoft Alone and SMARTDrive 4.0
- Q82545: Serial Device Stops Working After Installing New Serial Device
- Q82616: SoundBlaster Pro Card Emits Noise Upon Windows Exit
- Q82739: SUN PC-NFS Version 3.5C and Windows 3.1
- Q82860: The WIN.INI [Compatibility] Section
- Q84006: Recording Requirements for Sound Recorder
- Q84709: How to Disable Access to Specific Control Panel Tools
- Q84782: Norton Utilities Version 6.01 and Windows 3.1
- Q85162: Forcing the Installation of Only MS-DOS 5 or Windows 3.1
- Q85163: Default CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT Files
- Q85197: Setup Runs in Black and White on 8514/a Video Systems
- Q85394: APPNOTES.TXT: Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 for IBM PS/2
- Q85418: PACKING.LST: Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 for IBM PS/2
- Q85421: NETWORKS.WRI: Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 for IBM PS/2
- Q85422: PRINTERS.WRI: Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 for IBM PS/2
- Q85423: README.WRI: Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 for IBM PS/2
- Q85424: README.TXT: Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 for IBM PS/2
- Q85425: SETUP.TXT: Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 for IBM PS/2
- Q85426: SYSINI.WRI: Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 for IBM PS/2
- Q85427: WININI.WRI: Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 for IBM PS/2
- Q85452: Windows Err Msg: Error Loading SYSTEM.DRV
- Q85551: Machine Hangs; Repeat Rate too High in Windows 3.1, MS-DOS 5
- Q85557: File Manager Shows Garbled Date for Year 2000 or Later
- Q85579: Pen Err Msg: Cannot Load Dictionary XXX.DLL…
- Q85643: Windows Msg: Your Pop-Up Program Is Ready to Run
- Q85663: Description of Windows for Pen Computing Pens
- Q85900: Attributes Step is Incorrect in Windows/MS-DOS 5.0 Guide
- Q85940: SYSADMIN.WRI Not Included with Windows & MS-DOS 5 for IBM PS/2
- Q86023: Control Panel .CPL Files and Icon Installation
- Q86294: WININI.WRI: Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 Upgrade
- Q86296: PRINTERS.WRI: Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 Upgrade
- Q86355: SETUP.TXT: Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 Upgrade
- Q86356: README.TXT: Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 Upgrade
- Q86357: README.WRI: Microsoft Windows MS-DOS 5 Upgrade (Part B)
- Q86358: NETWORKS.WRI: Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 Upgrade
- Q86359: README.WRI: Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 Upgrade (Part A)
- Q86360: NETWORKS.TXT: Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 Upgrade Part A
- Q86361: NETWORKS.TXT: Microsoft Windows & MS-DOS 5 Upgrade Part B
- Q86531: Only One or Two Icons in Control Panel
- Q86570: Mouse Systems Three-Button Mouse and Windows 3.1
- Q88100: MRU Limits for File Manager, Print Manager in WFWG
- Q88332: Windows and MS-DOS 5 for IBM PS/2 Disk Set (3.5 Inch)
- Q88535: Ports Above LPT3 Must Be Added to the WIN.INI File
- Q91000: "How To Use Help" Command in WFWG Setup Does Not Work
- Q91004: Cannot Install More than One Network Adapter of Same Type
- Q91017: Problems Upgrading Drivers When Installing WFWG on LAN Manager
- Q91019: Characters Lost or Changed and File Access Problems
- Q91020: Shared WFWG Directory on Novell NetWare Server Is Disconnected
- Q91028: TBMI2.COM Removed from AUTOEXEC.BAT in WFWG
- Q91047: QEMM LASTDRIVE Program Is Incompatible with WFWG
- Q91050: Network Setup Prompts for Disk; Doesn’t Work if Mouse Present
- Q91051: WFWG Logo Screen Has An Unexpected Blue Cursor
- Q91059: Network Dysfunctional After Removing Novell NetBIOS Support
- Q91066: Message Looks Read or Opened After Move, Copy, or Print
- Q91067: WFWG Err Msg: The Version of the SETUP.INF File on Your…
- Q91068: After Installing Novell Netware Support, NET.CFG Ignored
- Q91089: Persistent Network Connections in WIN.INI Must Be Uppercase
- Q91092: Help Button on NetWare Attach to Server Dialog Doesn’t Work
- Q91093: Quattro Pro 4.0 and NetWare Printing under WFWG
- Q91095: NET START from MS-DOS Prompt Can Hang Computer
- Q91096: Font Corruption in Ventura Publisher 4.0
- Q91099: Upgrading LAN Manager 2.1 to WFWG 3.1 with EtherExpress Card
- Q91108: PROTOCOL.INI Backup Name Same as WFWG Directory Name
- Q91114: WFWG Err Msg: NET3651: There Is No Protocol Added…
- Q91127: Write Err Msg: ‘<Filename> Could Not Be Found’ and WFWG Hangs
- Q91128: Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows GP Faults when Server Connection Lost
- Q91152: WFWG Err Msg: One or More Files Could Not Be Found that…
- Q91169: Computer Hangs After Removing Token Ring Card
- Q91182: Differences Between Windows 3.1 Setup and WFWG Setup
- Q91189: File Manager: Five Extensions Maximum
- Q91197: How To: Troubleshooting a Network DDE Link with WFWG
- Q91198: Device Error Upgrading WFWG Over Windows with CO/Session
- Q91200: How To: Setting Up a Resource in Schedule+ with WFWG
- Q91201: WFWG Setup Does Not Warn That PC-NFS is Not Supported
- Q91694: WFWG Err Msg: Protocol Manager Reported an Incomplete Binding
- Q89073: Windows: CD-ROM Drives and LANMAN10.386
- Q89081: WFWG Err Msg: No Files Found… Using CD-ROM and NetWare
- Q89297: WFWG Err Msg: "Error Occurred While Loading VNETSUP…"
- Q89299: Disconnect Network Printer Only in Print Manager
- Q89333: Minimum System Requirements for Windows for Workgroups
- Q89353: WFWG Err Msg: Insufficient Memory Available… when Starting
- Q89354: SHIFT Key Must Be Held After Login to Disable Startup Group
- Q89356: Functionality of NET STOP /Y Command in WFWG
- Q89411: PROTMAN.DOS Hangs Computer with DR DOS Version 6.0
- Q89478: Upgrade to Windows for Workgroups Changes Printer Setting
- Q89481: Serial Network Connections Not Supported in WFWG
- Q89482: NET START WORKSTATION Command AutoStart= Switch in WFWG
- Q89483: Print Manager Status Bar Reports Share Name Information
- Q89484: GP Fault in WFWG Mail May Suppress Password
- Q89517: Accessing Microsoft LAN Manager Servers with WFWG
- Q89556: Windows for Workgroups Drivers Install in Root Directory
- Q89558: WFWG and Novell: LASTDRIVE=Z Makes [ and ] Active Drives
- Q89559: Cannot Browse LAN Manager 1.x Servers in WFWG
- Q89639: WRKs NEWIPX May Not Upgrade IPX.COM
- Q89719: WFWG Server Cannot Share Virtual Drives
- Q89781: IPX Not Listed in Available Protocols in Control Panel
- Q89782: Wang’s WINLOC Interface May Hang Windows for Workgroups
- Q89833: Zenith Znote Does Not Resume Net Operation When Paused
- Q89834: Artisoft LANtastic Network Card Support with WFWG
- Q89839: WFWG Err Msg: Memory Is Insufficient to Run KRNL386.EXE
- Q89842: System May Not Boot After Installing Intel Ether Express
- Q89880: Toolbar Buttons Extend Beyond the Toolbar in File Manager
- Q89881: WinMeter Abnormally High with Some Programs
- Q89895: Setting Up a Postoffice Across the Network
- Q89962: Toshiba T3300SL Date and Time Do Not Change on Resume
- Q89973: Net Watcher: Lines Appear in Share Name When Scrolled
- Q89975: F1 Key Dysfunctional in Customize Toolbar Dialog Box
- Q89977: Print Manager Help Error: Cannot Use CTRL+UP ARROW
- Q87565: Windows & MS-DOS 5 Upgrade Disk Set (5.25 Inch)
- Q87821: Using Gestures in Windows for Pen Computing
- Q87822: ROTATE.DRV Will Not Rotate Full-Screen MS-DOS Applications
- Q87958: README.WRI from WinLogin 1.0
- Q87979: Third-Party Pen Hardware Vendor List
- Q92406: Intel EtherExpress 16 Specifications
- Q92428: WFWG: MSDLC.EXE Needed for Attachmate’s Extra! for Windows
- Q92536: Upgrade Installation Fails, Then Setup Doesn’t Work
- Q92541: WFWG and Novell Netware Connectivity Configuration Files
- Q92555: WFWG: Null Password Bypasses Login
- Q92573: Most Recently Used (MRU) Lists of Previous Connections in WFWG
- Q92577: WFWG: GP Fault in Video Driver When Using ClipBook Viewer
- Q92578: ClipBook: Paste Link with Ami Pro May Paste Corrupt Data
- Q92579: WFWG: No Error Message If Save or Open Fails with ClipBook
- Q92587: Standard Mode Boot Process for Windows for Workgroups
- Q92588: WFWG: Password Caching and How It Affects LAN Manager Security
- Q92596: WFWG Upgrade Can’t Find Windows When Automated Setup is Used
- Q92597: Disabling an Inactive Persistent Connection
- Q92598: WFWG: Server Responds Slowly After RAS Connection is Made
- Q92603: What is a Clean Boot for WFWG 3.1 with Novell Connectivity
- Q92633: Windows Err Msg: This File Is on a Network Drive with…
- Q92642: Commonly Asked Schedule+ Questions & Answers
- Q92708: WFWG Err Msg: "Extended Error 65" or "File Manager Cannot…"
- Q92716: WFWG 3.10: 3Com EtherLink Supported Only with Sharing Disabled
- Q92717: WFWG: Windows for Workgroups 3.1 Hardware Compatibility List
- Q92771: 3Com EtherLink II Card Not Detected During Setup of WFWG
- Q92772: No Files Found with SMC 90C65 Based Arcnet Cards in WFWG
- Q92773: WFWG: Problems when Windows Express Version 3.0 Run as Shell
- Q92774: WFWG: SMARTDrive Command Line Cannot Contain Backslash
- Q92776: Setup Overwrites _DEFAULT.PIF and DOSPRMPT.PIF
- Q92778: Setup Hangs, Reboots, or Generates Errors with Racal NI6510
- Q92780: WFWG Setup Modifies Wrong Lines in CONFIG.SYS File
- Q92781: Must Use Quotation Marks if Shared Resource Names Have Spaces
- Q92782: WFWG Setup Prompts for Disk with Nonexistent Drive Letter
- Q92787: All DEC Etherworks Cards Are Detected as Etherworks MC
- Q92788: 3Com EtherLink III (3C509) in EISA Machines
- Q92789: WFWG Fails with 3Com Etherlink Plus (3C505)
- Q92790: WFWG Err Msg: Add SystemROMBreakpoint=FALSE to SYSTEM.INI
- Q92791: File Manager Does Not Allow Copying of Open Files
- Q92792: WFWG: Segment Load Failure with NCR MCA 486
- Q92793: WFWG: Exiting from Shell Does Not Exit Windows for Workgroups
- Q92870: WFWG: NETX.COM Err Msg: File Server Not Found
- Q92871: File Manager: Can’t Redirect Local Drives; Use Net Redirector
- Q92872: After Failed WFWG Setup, Not Enough Space to Setup Again
- Q92873: Windows for Workgroups Hangs at Logo Screen
- Q92875: WFWG Err Msg: Parameter Format Not Correct
- Q92876: NET.EXE Pop-up Interface Hard to Read on Monochrome Monitors
- Q92877: WFWG May Hang If TCP/IP Hasn’t Registered at Logon Time
- Q92878: WFWG NET.EXE Err Msg: MS-DOS Popup for Workgroups Could Not…
- Q92880: WFWG Mail Incorrectly Displays Bad Network Connection Icon
- Q92881: Installing WFWG over IBM Lan Server Causes Netbind Error
- Q92882: WFWG Real Mode Redirector Error Messages Caused by Low Memory
- Q92916: UB Cards Not Initialized If Memory Window Is Not Excluded
- Q92989: Persistent Connections May Not Work with Real Mode Redirector
- Q92990: Remote Access Service (RAS) 1.1 Support in WFWG
- Q92991: Gateway Communications Network Interface Cards with WFWG
- Q92992: Thomas Conrad 5043 May Not Emulate NE2000 Properly
- Q92993: WFWG Resource Kit Setup and Utilities 3.5-Inch Disk
- Q92994: Supported NICs and NDIS Drivers Included with WFWG
- Q92996: Local Printer Causes 1st Network Print Job to Disappear
- Q90011: ClipBook Viewer: Page-Sharing Problems
- Q90123: Artisoft NE3 Network Card Compatibility
- Q90197: WFWG Err Msg: Invalid or Missing COMMAND.COM
- Q90198: WFWG Setup Updates MSCDEX and adds LANMAN10.386 for CD-ROM
- Q90199: Setup May Hang with FASTOPEN.EXE Installed
- Q90200: Connect Network Drive Dialog Box Doesn’t List All Shares
- Q90201: Setup Fails to Upgrade Over Existing WFWG Installation
- Q90203: EXP16.DOS Configures Intel EtherExpress 16 in WFWG
- Q90205: WFWG with NetBEUI Runs Slowly on Large Networks
- Q90206: WFWG Setup Hangs If Cabletron E2000 Series Active
- Q90209: After Dark 2.0 Causes System Halts
- Q90210: Contents of CONNECT.DAT, <USERNAME>.PWL, and SHARES.PWL Files
- Q90211: Windows for Workgroups Fails If Installed on DoubleDisk
- Q90212: PROTOCOL.INI File Open Failure with Stacker
- Q90213: AT&T Mouse Problems with Windows for Workgroups
- Q90215: WFWG Err Msg: Error 6118: The List of Servers for This…
- Q90217: Purpose of Chat’s Custom Colors Button
- Q90218: ClipBook Page from Write Loses Formatting and Fonts
- Q90219: Cannot Edit OLE Object Linked to Another Computer
- Q90221: Cannot Preview Font in Chat
- Q90222: Printer Manager and Critical Errors Can Halt Servers
- Q90224: No Difference Between LAN Manager Domain and WFWG Workgroup
- Q90225: No Network Detection During Setup
- Q90226: Troubleshooting Lost Network Connections
- Q90227: Changes Lost or Cannot Save Changes
- Q90228: Primary File Server Suggested MS-DOS Configuration Changes
- Q90230: Load High Issues with WFWG & EMM386, 386MAX, QEMM, or Stealth
- Q90231: Central Point Backup Confidence Test Fails in WFWG
- Q90232: Shared Folder Icons May Revert to Standard Folder Icons
- Q90234: 3Com Etherlink Adapters Not Responding
- Q90235: Pop-up Message Halts Printing and Causes Bad Print Jobs
- Q90236: NET May Not Exit When You Press the Escape Key
- Q90237: After Dark AD-DOS Can Cause Suspended Print Jobs
- Q90238: WFWG System Hangs After Running Central Point Backup
- Q90239: Windows for Workgroups: How VSHARE.386 Manages File Sharing
- Q90240: No Pop-Up Dialog Box in Windows for Workgroups TSR
- Q90241: NET.EXE Does Not Save Passwords or Restore Connections
- Q90242: The NET START Memory Loader and Its Memory Usage
- Q90243: Workgroup Connection SYSTEM.INI Settings
- Q90244: The Network Card Is Unable to Access the Network
- Q90245: How to Troubleshoot Hardware Conflicts
- Q90249: Some Network DDE Connections Not Displayed in Net Watcher
- Q90251: Hearts: Cannot Detect Other Player’s Cards
- Q90252: The Sound Menu Item Dimmed (Unavailable) in Hearts
- Q90253: NetWare Tools Installs and WFWG Stops Working
- Q90254: NE2000 Clone Card Doesn’t Work with Windows for Workgroups
- Q90255: Control Panel: Network Does Not Check Hardware
- Q90257: How Does WFWG Upgrade from LAN Manager 2.1?
- Q90258: Upgrading from Workgroup Connections to WFWG with OEM Drivers
- Q90260: Running NetBIOS over DECnet Protocol
- Q90269: NetWare Printing in Windows for Workgroups
- Q90270: Does Windows for Workgroups Work with Novell TCP/IP?
- Q90271: Password Caching in Windows for Workgroups
- Q90272: Print Manager Error Indications in Windows for Workgroups
- Q90274: Managing Network Printers in Print Manager and Control Panel
- Q90275: Network Printing in Windows for Workgroups
- Q90277: Path Used for Spool Files for a Shared Printer
- Q90283: NDW 2.0 Network Disconnect Brings up WFWG Network Disconnect
- Q90284: Two-Password Shares and Password Caching
- Q90285: User Interface Differences Between WFWG and Windows 3.1
- Q90320: How To: File Handles Open When WFWG Server Is Down
- Q90321: WFWG Err Msg: No Configuration Servers Found… DCA’s Comnap
- Q90322: Persistent Connections and Windows for Workgroups
- Q90324: Workgroups Mail and Mail 3.0 Do Not Work with COMPAQ DOS 3.31
- Q90325: Intel EtherExpress (EE) 16 Network Card Configuration
- Q90326: Schedule+ Err Msg: Schedule Transport DLL Does Not Support…
- Q90327: Intel EtherExpress (EE) 16 32K Buffer
- Q90328: Conventional Memory Change with WFWG and DYNAMIC=YES Setting
- Q90329: Cannot Assign Local Drives to Network Drive in File Manager
- Q90330: WFWG May Momentarily Stop the Computer with Workgroup Mail
- Q90331: Cannot View Computer Name When Real-Mode Redirector Is Loaded
- Q90332: Cannot Change Order of First Print Job in WFWG
- Q90333: Screen Momentarily Garbled at Windows for Workgroups Startup
- Q90334: Using NET TIME Command to Set Workgroup Clocks
- Q90335: Cannot Find HOME Directory Share on IBM LAN Server
- Q90336: Real-Mode NDIS Drivers Included with Windows for Workgroups
- Q90337: Where Windows for Workgroups Setup Places Network Files
- Q90340: Client Not Notified of Remote Printer Problem
- Q90341: WFWG Err Msg: Server VM Terminated Abnormally
- Q90343: LAN Manager Logon Scripts Cause System Integrity Violations
- Q90344: NDOS Can Cause Windows to Exit Unexpectedly
- Q90349: The Difference Between Read Only and Full Access in Clipbook
- Q90361: Using SETUP /N with a Novell NetWare Server
- Q90371: NetBIOS Applications and Windows for Workgroups
- Q90373: ClipBook Viewer: Start Application on Connect
- Q90381: WFWG Server, Share, and Mail Naming Conventions
- Q90386: After WFWG Setup, Microsoft C7 Compiler Doesn’t Work
- Q90387: Information on Network Card Detection (NCD)
- Q90389: NET STOP Command from MS-DOS Command Prompt Hangs WFWG
- Q90391: Cannot Redirect LPT4 or Greater with Basic Redirector, Novell
- Q90407: WFWG Err Msg: EMM Exception Error #6… Old VNETBIOS.386
- Q90421: WFWG Err Msg: Error Loading MMTLHI.DRV… with ET 4000 Video
- Q90422: WFWG Err Msg: Application Has Violated System Integrity
- Q90423: Print Manager Continuously Ejects Separator Pages
- Q90425: Using LAN Manager Scripts with WFWG Real-Mode Redirector
- Q90439: Digitizing Technology for Pen-Based Systems
- Q90450: Windows for Workgroups File Manager and Extended Characters
- Q90451: NetWare NCOPY to Local Drive Gives Sharing Violation
- Q90452: WFWG Err Msg: The Network Software Currently…LAN Manager 2.0
- Q90453: WFWG Err Msg: Not Enough Memory Available for This Task…
- Q90467: Windows for Workgroups Stops Responding (Hangs) During Login
- Q90468: Garbled Characters and Beeping in WFWG When Starting NetBEUI
- Q90473: Which Redirector Works with Comm Server in WFWG
- Q90475: Using PING.EXE with Windows for Workgroups
- Q90481: File Manager Err Msg: An Error Occurred Reading Drive x:
- Q90482: Password Cache Not Used with UNC File Access
- Q90490: WFWG Err Msg: An Error Occurred While Trying to Reconnect…
- Q90496: 386 Enhanced Mode Boot Sequence for Windows for Workgroups
- Q90511: What Is a Clean Boot for Windows for Workgroups?
- Q90513: WFWG Err Msg: MS-DOS Error SYS0002
- Q90519: Word Hangs When Linking Bitmap from Different Display Type
- Q90524: Installing WFWG over Existing Mail 3.0 and Schedule+ 1.0
- Q90526: Cannot Set Default Appointment Time in Schedule+
- Q90528: WFWG May Not Remove All Existing Network Drivers
- Q90529: NetWatcher Shows Same User Multiple Times
- Q90549: Novell NETX.COM May Reset System Time
- Q90560: Hearts Requires EGA (or Above) and Mouse
- Q90561: New Files Included with Windows for Workgroups 3.1
- Q90710: GP Fault in WINHELP.EXE After Starting Microsoft Mail
- Q90921: WFWG Err Msg: The Specified Drive Letter or Device Is Invalid
- Q90922: Net Watcher Requires Enhanced Mode in Windows for Workgroups
- Q90923: Multimedia Development Kit Cannot Be Installed in WFWG
- Q90925: Mail Message File Size in Windows for Workgroups
- Q90926: Device Contention Errors with Parallel Port Network Cards
- Q90927: WFWG Servers Cannot Act as a Gateway, Router, or Bridge
- Q90928: MSIPX and NETX Command Line Switches with WFWG
- Q90930: Shared CD-ROM or Floppy Drives Must Contain a Disk At Startup
- Q90931: Corrupt CONNECT.DAT May Cause Invalid Errors in WFWG
- Q90932: PC Tools May Prevent WFWG From Starting in Enhanced Mode
- Q90933: Windows for Workgroups 3.1 Disk List (5.25)
- Q90944: Windows for Workgroups 3.1 Disks (3.5, 1.44 MB)
- Q90970: Setup, Network Card Settings, and Preliminary Troubleshooting
- Q90978: Setup and Control Panel: Different Recommended Swap File Size
- Q90981: Exiting Wing Commander Hangs Computer
- Q90982: No Network Services After Install Over LAN Manager 2.0
- Q90983: Real Mode Redir: No Support for LAN Manager Validated Logon
- Q90992: HP III Hangs with XLI Adapter
- Q90993: Problems Caused by Setup Changing LASTDRIVE= Statement
- Q90994: File Manager Displays Actual Total Disk Space
- Q90999: Network Problems with AMI Pro and JustWrite
- Q93018: LMLOGON=1 Is Not Recognized at the Command Line
- Q93019: No Drop Cables Allowed from Thin Ethernet T-Connector to NIC
- Q93038: Startup and Exit Sounds May Not Work with WFWG
- Q93039: Token Ring Cards and Local Addressing with WFWG
- Q93088: NCR Wavelan Requires MediaType=Ethernet_II for Novell in WFWG
- Q93092: Novell NetWare, Windows for Workgroups and ArcNet Cards
- Q93127: Changing from a Read-Only Password to a Full-Access Password
- Q93164: WFWG: Network Button Does Not Appear in Open Dialog Box
- Q93165: Intel EtherExpress Card Conflicts with Scanning Hardware
- Q93169: Using Custom IRQ and I/O Settings with Windows for Workgroups
- Q93198: Windows for Workgroups NET START Error 5736
- Q93236: Using IBM DLC with Windows for Workgroups 3.10
- Q93248: WFWG Err Msg: Error 2184: The Service Has Not Been Started
- Q93252: No Network Services if Real Mode Redirector Started
- Q93260: WFWG: Cannot Connect to Local Postoffice
- Q93284: WFWG Err Msg: Error 12: The Access Code Is Invalid
- Q93313: Windows Components Not Installed by Default SETUP.SHH File
- Q93384: Device Error Upgrading WFWG Over Windows with Intel Faxability
- Q93451: WININI.WRI from Windows for Workgroups Version 3.1
- Q93452: NETWORKS.WRI from Windows for Workgroups Version 3.1
- Q93453: PRINTERS.WRI from Windows for Workgroups Version 3.1
- Q93454: SETUP.TXT from Windows for Workgroups Version 3.1 (Part A)
- Q93455: SETUP.TXT from Windows for Workgroups Version 3.1 (Part B)
- Q93456: SYSINI.WRI from Windows for Workgroups Version 3.1 (Part B)
- Q93457: SYSINI.WRI from Windows for Workgroups Version 3.1 (Part A)
- Q93458: README.WRI from Windows for Workgroups Version 3.1 (Part A)
- Q93459: README.WRI from Windows for Workgroups Version 3.1 (Part B)
- Q93460: README.WRI from Windows for Workgroups Version 3.1 (Part C)
- Q93476: Xircom Network Simplicity Adapters Not Supported with WFWG
- Q93477: Default Entries in WFWG SCHDPLUS.INI File
- Q93478: WFWG May Hang Loading in Enhanced Mode Without a Terminator
- Q93583: Unable to Connect to a Server Using Thomas Conrad TC6242 Card
- Q93700: WFWG: Error Attempting to Move Local Schedule+ .CAL File
- Q93704: Xircom Adapter Unable to Connect in Enhanced Mode
- Q93705: WFWG Err Msg: Local Copy of Schedule+ Cannot Be Accessed
- Q93735: WFWG Err Msg: The NetWare Shell Has Not Been Loaded…
- Q93736: Enabling the Microsoft TCP/IP Protocol with WFWG 3.1
- Q93780: Installing WinLogin with Windows for Workgroups
- Q94005: Notepad Does Not Save Margin Settings
- Q94115: PCS Host Terminal Software and Windows for Workgroups
- Q94171: WFWG: Using Lotus Notes with Novell Connectivity
- Q94196: Reinstalling Windows Without Losing Settings
- Q94213: Vegas Games Causes Error Message
- Q94302: WFWG May Hang if InDOSPolling=Yes with an Intel EtherExpress
- Q94307: FastBack Plus Windows Changes VDMAD.386 to *VDMAD with WFWG
- Q94308: WFWG Err Msg: "You Can Only Share…" Sharing a CD-ROM
- Q94309: Unable to Share Printer when SUBST Is Used for TEMP Directory
- Q94310: WFWG File Manager Shows Multiple WIN.INI Files
- Q94312: How To: Customizing the WFWG Mail and Schedule+ Chime Sound
- Q94363: SMC_ARC.DOS May Result in a POR Failure or Adapter Not Found
- Q94376: WRK Shows Incorrect Network Setting Dialog Box
- Q94382: Can’t Print from MS-DOS-Based WordPerfect with FaceLift
- Q94406: DCA’s IRMA Board Requires Updated Drivers
- Q94557: Write Restores Subscripts to Incorrect Font Size
- Q94640: NetDDE Passwords Must Be Uppercase when Using NDDEShareAdd
- Q94655: Using the HP 27247A Network Interface Card with WFWG
- Q94656: Excessive Memory Consumption in MS-DOS with WFWG
- Q94657: Upgrading WFWG Over Windows with Novell NetWare Lite
- Q94677: Cannot Start Applications from Command Line with WFWG
- Q94756: LMLogon=YES/NO is Not Recognized by Control Panel
- Q94766: Workstation Not Showing Status w/Print Mgr Minimized on Server
- Q94767: WFWG: Schedule+ May Not Print Entire Appointment Field
- Q94801: Windows for Workgroups 3.1 Retail Package Options (SKUs)
- Q94818: The 44 TrueType Fonts Offered in TrueType Font Pack 2
- Q94889: SMC Microchannel Adapter Works with SMC EtherCard Driver
- Q94896: WFWG Err Msg: "Failure: Hardware Not Found…" with Intel EE16
- Q94899: WFWG: Recovering Windows 3.1 After Installation with DR-DOS
- Q95087: WFWG Err Msg: Windows 3.x Could Not Be Located…
- Q95111: Aldus Network Setup Program May Not Operate with WFWG
- Q95112: NIC at I/O Port of 0360h May Prevent Local Printing
- Q95113: WFWG: Creating a WGPO on a Novell NetWare Server
- Q95115: WFWG: Using Two Network Cards with the SMCMAC.DOS Driver
- Q95116: WFWG: System Hangs with Novell NetWare and Token Ring
- Q95118: Windows for Workgroups Open File Handle Limits
- Q95119: WindowMagic May Not Operate Correctly with WFWG
- Q95120: Using the Intel EtherExpress 16 MCA with WFWG 3.1
- Q95159: TrueType Font Pack 2 - Font Assistant’s Database
- Q95200: Re-creating the Postoffice Initialization Procedure
- Q95331: Novell Connectivity Limited to One Network Adapter
- Q95346: Problem with Proteon 1390 and 1392 Network Interface Cards
- Q95360: WFWG: Unable to Log on to Banyan VINES
- Q95396: WFWG Err Msg: Windows File Server… with SMC3000 Series
- Q95397: DynaComm Elite Requires a DLC Provider to Function with WFWG
- Q95470: Disabling Peer-To-Peer Network Functionality with WFWG
- Q95576: WFWG: Network Card Detection Hangs Machine During Setup
- Q95630: Windows for Workgroups and NetBEUI Protocol
- Q95743: Recovering Windows 3.1 After Installing WFWG
- Q95779: WFWG Err Msg: Cannot Install Protected Mode Mapping
- Q95790: WFWG Err Msg: "Mail Could Not Connect to Your Mail Server"
- Q95874: WFWG: Network Applications Unable to Find NetBIOS
- Q95875: WFWG Err Msg: "No Response from File Server" with ROUTE.COM
- Q95877: WFWG: MS-DOS Applications May Return FCB UNAVAILABLE Error
- Q95878: WFWG: Screen Fonts May Display Incorrectly with Chat
- Q95879: VINES Err Msg: BAN: Unable to Read ‘PCCONFIG.DB’ with WFWG
- Q95880: Banyan VINES Pop-Up Application Does Not Function with WFWG
- Q95881: WFWG: Enable Sharing Must Be Selected to View a WFWG Server
- Q95883: DEC Network Interface Card Naming Conventions
- Q95884: How To: Modifying WFWG for Use with Artisoft’s LANtastic
- Q95993: WFWG: Cannot See Workstations When Using Tiara NIC
- Q95995: WFWG Err Msg with an ATI Mach 32: \DEV\MS2000$ Error…
- Q95996: Mail: Differences Between WFWG Mail and PC Mail 3.0
- Q97041: 32-Bit Disk Access Can Degrade Hard Drive Performance
- Q97487: Can’t Find "drivername=PCNIC$" in PROTOCOL.INI
- Q97727: WFWG: NET START Prompts for Logon on 80286-Based Computers
- Q97736: Paradox for Windows Cannot Access WFWG Shared Directory
- Q97737: Running Windows for Workgroups on a DEC Pathworks Network
- Q97766: Using IBM LAN Server 1.3 with Windows for Workgroups
- Q97767: Using Novell’s ODI Drivers with Windows for Workgroups
- Q97768: WFWG: Incorrect AutoStart=<Full-or-Base> Entry in SYSINI.WRI
- Q96079: WFWG: List of NCB Return Codes and Comments
- Q96092: WFWG: Printing with Banyan VINES Connectivity
- Q96131: Print Conflicts Between Remote and Local MS-DOS-Based Apps
- Q96393: Drive Letter Icons Unavailable with the FTP TCP/IP Protocol
- Q96554: WFWG: Microsoft Diagnostics (MSD) May Fail in Standard Mode
- Q96567: Setting Up WFWG on a Novell Workstation Without a Hard Disk
- Q96568: Using SQL Server over Novell NetWare with WFWG
- Q96947: How To: Using a NetWare Drive Without a Login Script in WFWG
- Q96948: WFWG: 3C509 Modem Setting May Disable Network Functionality
- Q98485: Using Windows and MS-DOS 5 Upgrade After Installing MS-DOS 6.x
- Q98551: Setting Up WFWG on a Workstation Without a Hard Disk
- Q98585: Spooling Print Jobs from MS-DOS-Based Applications in Windows
- Q100020: WFWG Err Msg: An Error Occurred While Reconnecting…[SYS0000]
- Q100656: "Error Writing to LPT1:" with Lexmark 4037/4039 Under WFWG
- Q100730: Creating a Custom Separator Page for PCL5 Printers
- Q100792: WFWG: Schedule+ Prompts to Archive and Delete Old Appointments
- Q100841: WFWG: Redirecting DIR /W to LPTx Results in Blank Page
- Q100977: No Inbox in Windows for Workgroups Mail or Microsoft Mail 3.0
- Q102216: Err Msg: "Error 50: This Request Is Not Supported by the…"
- Q102702: Invalid VxD Dynamic Link Call to Device Number 000D
- Q102807: Removing a User from a Windows for Workgroups Machine
- Q102811: WFWG Err Msg: Network Name Was Deleted
- Q102812: WFWG: Separator Page Prints First Name of User Only
- Q99108: Windows for Workgroups Mail Issues
- Q99259: Workgroup Connections Version 1.0 Disk Directory Listing
- Q99387: WFWG: Status Bar Option in Chat Shows Incorrect Shortcut Key
- Q99507: PIF Hot Key Causes Errors or Help to Appear in Mail/Schedule+
- Q99731: Windows & MS-DOS 5 Upgrade Pack May Not Upgrade MS-DOS
- Q99859: Windows for Workgroups: Avoiding Hardware Conflicts
- Q99891: How to Obtain TCP/IP-32 3.11b for Windows for Workgroups
- Q101043: Comprehensive List of WFWG Resource Kit 3.1 Doc Errs
- Q101173: Files Modified by Workgroup Connections Setup Program
- Q101175: How to Automate Logon Procedures for Workgroups Mail
- Q101177: Running PC-NFS 5.0 with Windows for Workgroups
- Q101238: WFWG Err Msg with New NETAPI.DLL: Call to Undefined Dynalink
- Q101285: WFWG Err Msg: STOP! You Must Type a Full Path Including…
- Q101347: WFWG Err Msg: The Postoffice Is Already Being Managed By…
- Q101410: Windows/MS-DOS for PS/2 Not Supported on IBM ValuePoint
- Q101665: Adding Banyan VINES to Windows for Workgroups
- Q101846: WFWG: Where Workgroup Mail Finds the Default Account Name
- Q105040: WFWG Err: ODINSUP Requires BUFFERED Switch in NET.CFG File
- Q105138: WFWG Mail: DoubleSpace and Highest Security Options
- Q105276: Differences Between LAN Manager and WFWG WinPopup
- Q105277: Net Watcher Audit Log Shows Two Entries for Failed Password
- Q105419: Sharing Printers on Serial Ports in Windows for Workgroups
- Q105502: CAS Modem Fails to Receive Faxes with WFWG 3.11
- Q105668: Windows Err Msg: Not Enough Environment Space
- Q105732: Network-Based Installation Issues with WFWG 3.11
- Q105809: WFWG Error Message: 3653: The Protocol Manager Could Not Be…
- Q105830: GP Fault in MS Mail "Work Offline" Dialog When Exiting WFWG
- Q105926: MSD Version 2.1 Does Not Detect Gateway2000 ColorBook
- Q105940: Troubleshooting Serial Port Problems in Windows
- Q106022: Network Dialog Err Msgs Truncated with Small Fonts
- Q106023: WFWG Setup Leaves Two Sets of Mail and Schedule+ Icons
- Q106024: Windows for Workgroups Hangs at Startup with HP VxD HPVNPD.386
- Q106025: IRQ Option Includes Only IRQs 2-5 for Novell/Anthem NE2000
- Q106041: WFWG Chat Err Msg: No Connection to <Computername>
- Q106042: WFWG Err Msg: This Application Was Communicating on…Network
- Q106043: Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Hangs with 09-07-93 EXP16ODI.COM
- Q106053: Cannot Attach to NetWare Server After Installing WFWG 3.11
- Q106054: SPX-Compatible Applications and Windows for Workgroups 3.11
- Q106082: WFWG Setup May Not Detect Existing 32-Bit Disk Access Drivers
- Q106140: Cannot Run 32-Bit File Access with NE2000 ODI Driver
- Q106233: Standard Mode Video Grabber May be Deleted from WFWG 3.11
- Q106234: Mail Does Not Remember Password
- Q106235: File Manager GP Fault on BW-NFS Network
- Q106248: 32-Bit File Access Requires MS-DOS 6.2 DoubleSpace
- Q106249: WFWG 3.11 ErrMsg: Error 13: The Data Is Invalid
- Q106266: System Slows After 32-Bit File Access Is Enabled
- Q106271: WINVER.EXE Reports Incorrect Version
- Q106272: WFWG Err Msg: Network Busy
- Q106273: NE1500T Network Card Cannot Talk to Network
- Q106274: Certain Network Adapters Can Use DMA Channels 0-3 Only
- Q106275: Most Common Questions and Answers About Microsoft WFWG 3.11
- Q106276: WFWG Err Msg: The 32-Bit File System Is Incompatible…SUBST
- Q106364: The IPX/SPX Compatible Protocol Supports Only One Network Card
- Q106365: Positions of Minimized Icons Are Not Saved in File Manager
- Q106366: WFWG Hangs at Startup with Future Domain 32-Bit Disk Access
- Q106367: WinPopup Message Incorrectly States Message Was Sent
- Q106418: Cursor Remains an Hourglass When Loading Schedule+
- Q106429: WFWG Upgrade 3.11 Disk Directories (5.25 Inch, 1.2 MB)
- Q106431: WFWG Upgrade 3.11 Disk Directories (3.5 Inch, 1.44 MB)
- Q106436: SmartVu Disabled on Dell Computers with VFAT
- Q106437: The F1 Key in Chat and NetWatcher May Not Open Help
- Q106438: Windows for Workgroups 3.11: How to Disable Printer Alerts
- Q106439: Extended Characters May Be Displayed Incorrectly in WinPopup
- Q106712: Windows for Workgroups 3.11: Using the Generic IPXODI Driver
- Q106713: Incorrect I/O Address Detected on SMC Elite+ Network Adapter
- Q106714: NET Command Returns Error in VM While Network Setup Is Active
- Q104191: NCR Wavelan Cards Need the Same Network ID Number
- Q104322: How to Troubleshoot WFWG Network Connection Problems
- Q109054: Games Group Installed Even If Games Are Not Selected
- Q109055: MS-DLC Setup Err Msg: "The Network Setup Process Could…"
- Q109056: Microsoft At Work PC Fax: Top Questions and Answers
- Q109057: WFWG 3.11: The Network Group and WINSETUP /P
- Q109491: SYSINI.WRI from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 1 of 3)
- Q109492: Installing MSDLC on Windows for Workgroups Version 3.11
- Q109496: WININI.WRI from Windows for Workgroups 3.11
- Q109499: SYSINI.WRI from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 2 of 3)
- Q109500: SYSINI.WRI from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 3 of 3)
- Q109501: NETWORKS.WRI from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 2 of 4)
- Q109502: README.WRI from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 1 of 4)
- Q109503: NETWORKS.WRI from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 1 of 4)
- Q109504: README.WRI from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 3 of 4)
- Q109505: NETWORKS.WRI from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 4 of 4)
- Q109506: NETWORKS.WRI from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 3 of 4)
- Q109507: README.WRI from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 2 of 4)
- Q109510: Err Msg Changing Virtual Memory Setting: 32-Bit File Access…
- Q109511: SETUP.TXT from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 2 of 3)
- Q109512: SETUP.TXT from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 3 of 3)
- Q109514: README.WRI from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 4 of 4)
- Q109516: SETUP.TXT from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 1 of 3)
- Q109518: MAIL.WRI from Windows for Workgroups 3.11
- Q109527: 32-Bit File Access ErrMsg: Exit Windows and Run the MS-DOS…
- Q109795: Reinstalling the "Microsoft At Work PC Fax on FAX:" Driver
- Q108007: Using Wollongong TCP/IP with Windows for Workgroups 3.11
- Q108014: NET USE * /HOME Err Msg: The Syntax Is Incorrect
- Q108025: Suffix String Not Available for Microsoft At Work PC Fax
- Q108034: Installing a Banyan VINES Network with WFWG 3.11
- Q108035: WFWG Err Msg: Your Network Adapter MS$AE1 Is Not Working…
- Q108076: 3Com Etherlink 16 Network Adapter Unstable in Turbo Mode
- Q108077: WFWG Err Msg: Error 59: An Unexpected Network Error…
- Q108078: Dr. Watson Removed in Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Setup
- Q108079: 32-Bit File Access Maximum Cache Size
- Q108100: PC-NFS Error: NFS903F Missing or Invalid PROTOCOL.INI Data
- Q108109: Comprehensive List of WFWG 3.11 Resource Kit Doc Errors
- Q108152: 32-Bit File Access and Stacker 3.1 Utilities
- Q108153: WFWG Err Msg: No Domain Server Was Available to Validate…
- Q108154: Problems Accessing B&W NFS Mounted Drives in WFWG 3.11
- Q108156: WinPopup Cannot Run… Error with VREDIR.386
- Q108157: 32-Bit File Access Cache Size Is Incorrectly Displayed
- Q108421: WFWG 3.11 Err Msg: Error 1: An Internal Error Occurred
- Q108427: WFWG Err Msg: Selected Server Cannot Be Found on the Network
- Q108428: Err Msg: An Error Occurred Accessing the Security Settings…
- Q108477: ODIHLP.EXE Cannot Be Unloaded
- Q108478: After Dark AD-DOS.COM and Novell NetWare LSL.COM
- Q108479: Extended Error 53 When Accessing Network Drives from MS-DOS
- Q108494: WFWG Err Msg: The Specified Drive Letter or Device Is Invalid
- Q108700: ODIHLP.EXE Load Error Messages
- Q108749: IPX\SPX Compatible Transport Generates Error 7361
- Q108801: Loading NetBEUI or NetPopup in Conventional Memory
- Q108802: WFWG 3.11 May Fail After Upgrading (Missing SlotNumber= Entry)
- Q108807: Additional NICs Supported in Windows for Workgroups 3.11
- Q108808: Remote Access Service - Error 714: Configuration Error
- Q108818: WFWG May Hang at Startup with 32-Bit File Access & NoEmmDriver
- Q108849: Gateway Keyboard Performs Incorrectly or Doesn’t Respond
- Q108903: Using Windows for Workgroups 3.11 with Beame and Whiteside
- Q107056: File Server Hangs Network After Accessing Shared CD-ROM
- Q107058: OEM Modems May Be Supported by Windows for Workgroups
- Q107059: RAS Returns Poorly Formatted or Unreadable Error Messages
- Q107129: How to Disable 32-Bit File Access or 32-Bit Disk Access
- Q107131: WFWG: Creating a New SYSTEM.INI Without Third-Party Drivers
- Q107132: Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Retail Package Options
- Q107134: WFWG: Scrambled Display Using Generic Super VGA Driver
- Q107346: WFWG 3.11: Hardware Compatibility List - Modems for AWFAX
- Q107347: Network Card Drivers That Must Load in Conventional Memory
- Q107372: Windows for Workgroups: 32-Bit File Access Is Slow with MSIPX
- Q107373: WFWG 3.11: Hardware Compatibility List - Computers
- Q107374: WFWG 3.11: Hardware Compatibility List - Modems for RAS
- Q107375: WFWG 3.11: Hardware Compatibility List - Network Cards
- Q107376: Intel SatisFAXtion 100 & 400E Are Class 1 and CAS Compatible
- Q107393: Fax Modem Class Required for Binary File Transfers
- Q107470: Meaning of WFWShell Line in the SYSTEM.INI File
- Q107471: WFWG 3.11 Err Msg: Segment Load Failure
- Q107472: Fax Monitor Is Idle on CAS Modems While Receiving Faxes
- Q107473: WFWG 3.11 Err Msg: Access Denied
- Q107474: Setting Up a Shared Copy of WFWG on LAN Manager-Based Servers
- Q107475: Total Number of Workgroups That Can Be Displayed
- Q107476: Video Seven VRAM II Video Adapter Hangs WFWG 3.11 Setup
- Q107538: Comprehensive List of WFWG 3.11 "User’s Guide" Doc Errors
- Q107572: WFWG 3.11 Err Msg: Error 2138: The Workstation Service…
- Q107573: NetWare Directories in File Manager Look as If They Are Shared
- Q107574: Err Msg: Error Loading PROTMAN.DOS After Using SETUP /H
- Q107575: WFWG: Adapter Media Type Information Is Incorrect
- Q107576: WFWG Mail Will Not Cache a Blank Password
- Q107577: Using Novell NetWare’s RPRINTER with WFWG 3.11
- Q107578: MS-DOS Prompt Can Hang with Full Redirector and Novell Loaded
- Q107579: Novell: Direct Hosting Works on ODI Drivers Only
- Q107580: Net Watcher Event Log May Not Clear
- Q107581: NET USE in VM with NetWare Diskless Workstation
- Q107582: Mail Components Are Always Installed
- Q107583: No Servers If Real-Mode Redirector Started Before WFWG 3.11
- Q107597: Windows for Workgroups Protocol Limits
- Q107598: WFWG Err Msg: Warning: A Serious Disk Error Has Occurred…
- Q107632: Using Novell’s ODINSUP and NETx with Windows
- Q107645: How to Disable Write Caching for the 32-Bit File System
- Q107648: Using Novell’s ODINSUP with VLM.EXE and WFWG 3.11
- Q107651: 32-Bit File Access Can Cause ScanDisk to Report Harmless Error
- Q107799: Post Office Directory Name Cannot Contain Extended Characters
- Q107808: Installing Novell NetWare 3.12 and 4.0x Support for Windows
- Q107809: RAS May Not Function on a Shared Network Installation
- Q107810: Err Msg in MS-DOS Session: Cannot Write to Drive C:/Cancel…?
- Q107811: Several WFW<nn> Files in Your Windows Directory
- Q107815: NET START FULL Invokes Intel SatisFAXtion Fax Popup
- Q107816: WFWG 3.11 Setup Installs Older Logitech Mouse Driver
- Q107820: WFWG: Can’t Connect to Share That Has Multiple Passwords
- Q107840: Upgrade over IBM LAN Server Leaves Drivers in Startup Files
- Q107978: EMM Exception Error #6 Exiting Windows for Workgroups 3.11
- Q107994: "Not Enough Memory" Error Occurs When Browsing
- Q107995: NDIS2 Drivers Load but NDIS3 Drivers Don’t–Errors 6200 & 58
- Q107996: WFWG 3.11: Real-Mode Redirector and Direct Hosting
- Q107997: WFWG 3.11 PIF Editor Has Standard Mode Command
- Q110092: How to Flush 32-Bit File Access Cache (VCACHE)
- Q110162: Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Disk 8 Contains Disk 1 Files
- Q110163: Incoming Faxes Received but Never Appear in Inbox
- Q110178: Cannot Dial Automatically from Works 2.0 with WFWG 3.11
- Q110190: MoreFonts Not Supported with Windows for Workgroups
- Q110191: Cannot Find NONET.DRV with WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows
- Q110232: Error If Font Pack 2 Is Installed over Word Assistant
- Q110318: WFWG 3.11 Err Msg: General Protection Fault in WFWSETUP.DLL
- Q110552: Recovering Folders from a Corrupted Microsoft Mail File
- Q110567: At Work PC Fax ErrMsg: Attachment Type Was Not Supported
- Q110572: Deleting Fax from Outbox Does Not Remove It from the Queue
- Q110739: How to Re-Create the Network Group and Its Program Icons
- Q110741: Printer Drivers Included in WFWG 3.1 but Not WFWG 3.11
- Q110742: Faxes from Server Are Sent Before Faxes from Other Machines
- Q110923: Specifying Command-Line Parameters for NDIS 2 Drivers
- Q110924: No Master Browse Server Available with TCP/IP
- Q112025: Updated VSHARE.386 for Windows/Windows for Workgroups
- Q112089: Print Manager Does Not Allow the Movement of Documents
- Q112090: AWFAX: Err Msg or No Connection with PM14400FXSA Fax Modem
- Q112091: AWFAX: Manually Configuring for a Class 2 Modem
- Q112198: WinPopup Sends Multiple Messages to a Workgroup
- Q112293: Installing WINUP9.EXE Files During WFWG 3.11 Installation
- Q112294: Err Msg Starting WFWG: Cannot Find NWGDI.DLL
- Q112365: Explanation of NET DIAG /STATUS Information
- Q112366: No Network Drives Visible in File Manager or at MS-DOS Prompt
- Q112367: Deleted MSMAIL.INI Creates Embedded WGPO Directory
- Q112368: WFWG: Chat Text Is Pasted in the Wrong Window
- Q112370: Err Msg: The Windows for Workgroups Network Has Not Started
- Q112376: RAS: Disable Modem Speaker Works on Outgoing Calls Only
- Q112383: PreferredRedir=Full Default with NetWare 4 Secondary Network
- Q112612: Problems Sending Mail After Installing AWFAX
- Q112614: WFWG: Add/Remove Windows Components Option Unavailable
- Q112615: AWFAX: Minimum Number of Rings for Auto Answer
- Q112616: WFWG: System Error or Network Error with DEC Pathworks
- Q112617: WFWG 3.11 Err Msg: Write Timeout on Drive C:
- Q112618: How to Prevent Calling Card Numbers from Appearing on Faxes
- Q112619: Microsoft At Work PC Fax Does Not Display a Time/Date Stamp
- Q112622: WFWG Err Msg: The Compressed Disk…Is Not Set Up Correctly
- Q112623: Intel EtherExpress 16 MCA Adapter Requires Updated Files
- Q112653: WFWG 3.11 Err Msg: Network Modules Not Loaded
- Q112654: Using the BocaModem M1440IW with WFWG RAS Client
- Q112683: Keyboard Hangs After Installing WFWG on Toshiba or TI Notebook
- Q112736: WFWG Err Msg on Exit: There Are 1 User(s) Connected to Your…
- Q112738: After Logging Off Shared Installation of WFWG, GP Faults Occur
- Q112843: WFWG 3.11 Disk 1 Directory Listing (5.25 Inch, 1.2 MB)
- Q112844: WFWG 3.11 Disk 3 Directory Listing (5.25 Inch, 1.2 MB)
- Q112846: WFWG 3.11 Disk 7 Directory Listing (5.25 Inch, 1.2 MB)
- Q112847: WFWG 3.11 Disk 8 Directory Listing (5.25 Inch, 1.2 MB)
- Q112848: WFWG 3.11 Disk 9 Directory Listing (5.25 Inch, 1.2 MB)
- Q112849: WFWG 3.11 Disk 10 Directory Listing (5.25 Inch, 1.2 MB)
- Q112857: WFWG 3.11: Errors Reinstalling Fonts
- Q112990: Zoom F9624 Fax Modem Requires ROM Revision 1.15 or Later
- Q111002: Shiva Support for Windows for Workgroups 3.11
- Q111019: List of Hardware Devices and Common I/O Base Address Conflicts
- Q111292: Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Point-to-Point Server Update
- Q111332: WFWG Error Msg: This Postoffice Cannot Be Updated
- Q111333: Errors on Token Ring Network with Banyan Vines 5.52 and WFWG
- Q111428: What is a Clean Boot for WFWG 3.11 with NetWare?
- Q111458: Changing to EGA or Hercules Video Support in WFWG 3.11
- Q111463: Err Msg on TI 4000 with DOS 6 BATTERY.PRO & 32-Bit Disk Access
- Q111466: WFWG: Racal NI6510 Driver Doesn’t Work with Etherblaster NIC
- Q111467: Error 6101 & 6102: The String Specified by the Workgroup…
- Q111472: WFWG 3.11 and Sun PC-NFS 5.0 Err Msg: Invalid COMMAND.COM
- Q111566: Microsoft Mail Err Msg: Error: Unable to Allocate Hook…
- Q111567: WFWG Setup with HP Ethertwist Cards: No Network Installed
- Q111568: Video Display Problems with MS-DOS Prompt and Trident Card
- Q111569: Cannot See Writing with Pen Pointing Device and Super VGA
- Q111570: System Hangs Using Super VGA Driver with Compaq QVision
- Q111571: Video Corruption with Diamond Stealth and WFWG VGA Driver
- Q111572: Basic Redir Repeatedly Prompts for User Name & Password
- Q111573: Standby Mode with APM, Mail, & AWFAX May Result in a GP Fault
- Q111574: Server Problems After Extended Use w/EtherExpress & EXP16ODI
- Q111575: Security Settings File Error with Shared Windows Installation
- Q111682: How to Obtain Microsoft DLC and Microsoft TCP/IP
- Q111683: New Installation of WFWG with IPX.COM Gives Erroneous Dialog
- Q111684: After WFWG Install, Can’t Access NetWare Servers Using IPXODI
- Q111685: AWFAX: Invalid Directory Accepted in Share Fax Modem Dialog
- Q111686: Incorrect Detection of Artisoft’s NodeRunner Network Card
- Q111712: WFWG 3.11: 3C509 MLID May Cause Lost Connections and Hangs
- Q111742: PRINTERS.WRI from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 2)
- Q111743: PRINTERS.WRI from Windows for Workgroups 3.11 (Part 1)
- Q111827: Using At Work PC Fax with Other Communications Software
- Q111829: Problems Installing IBM Quietwriter Driver with WFWG 3.11
- Q111830: Problems Sending Faxes to European Numbers
- Q111844: Err Msg: BAD ERROR: A Successfully Transmitted Fax Could…
- Q111880: AWFAX Hangs When Faxing a Microsoft Works for Windows Document
- Q111881: RAS Err Msg: Error 642: One of Your NetBIOS Names Is…
- Q111882: TI MicroLaser w/EXP16ODI.COM Driver May Cause 15-Second Delay
- Q111927: WFWG 3.11 System Hangs with Shiva SREMOTE.DOS
- Q111928: Cannot Use Reply All Button with Received DCX Faxes
- Q111929: Error 58 with SMC Ethercard and ODI Drivers
- Q111930: Unable to Access Machines Other Than the RAS Server
- Q111962: M2052 or M2010 Err Msg Appears After You Install WFWG 3.11
- Q111963: Enabling Sound Events for WinPopup in WFWG 3.11
- Q111964: WinPopup Sends Global Message to Entire Workgroup in WFWG 3.11
- Q111966: WFWG WinPopup Incorrectly Reports Print Job Completed
- Q111976: Help Files on Current Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Issues
- Q113087: WFWG 3.11 Disk 2 Directory Listing (5.25 Inch, 1.2 MB)
- Q113089: WFWG 3.11 Disk 6 Directory Listing (5.25 Inch, 1.2 MB)
- Q113090: WFWG 3.11 Disk 1 Directory Listing (3.5 Inch, 1.44 MB)
- Q113091: WFWG 3.11 Disk 2 Directory Listing (3.5 Inch, 1.44 MB)
- Q113093: WFWG 3.11 Disk 4 Directory Listing (3.5 Inch, 1.44 MB)
- Q113094: WFWG 3.11 Disk 5 Directory Listing (3.5 Inch, 1.44 MB)
- Q113096: WFWG 3.11 Disk 7 Directory Listing (3.5 Inch, 1.44 MB)
- Q113097: WFWG 3.11 Disk 8 Directory Listing (3.5 Inch, 1.44 MB)
- Q113182: SMC 8000 Elite Series Network Adapters Need Driver Updates
- Q113232: Printing Problems with WPS and MS-DOS-Based Downloadable Fonts
- Q113234: Windows Hangs with SMC Ethernet 16 Elite Ultra 16T Adapter
- Q113235: Cannot Access Volume Serial Number with 32-Bit File Access
- Q113238: WFWG Err Msg: Error 58: The Network Has Responded Incorrectly
- Q113239: X.25 Support with Windows for Workgroups 3.11 RAS
- Q113282: WFWG RAS: Optional Modifiers and Dialing Strings
- Q113283: WFWG Err Msg: Schedule+ Has Not Been Installed on Your Mail…
- Q113455: AWFAX: Excel Macro File Does Not Render Correctly When Faxed
- Q113456: Problems Sending Faxes from MAPI-Enabled Applications
- Q113479: WFWG 3.11 Err Msg: Error 3: The Specified Path Was Not Found
- Q113480: WFWG AWFAX Err Msg: General Failure in EFAXPUMP
- Q113481: ISDN Support for Windows for Workgroups RAS
- Q113515: MS DLC over ODI May Cause GP Faults in WFWG 3.11
- Q113536: WFWG 3.11 Err Msg: The Password You Specified Is Incorrect…
- Q113760: 150 DPI printing with the Windows Printing System
- Q113865: NET 0101 Error Installing Microsoft TCP/IP on WFWG 3.11
- Q114112: Receiving Blank Pages or "Bad Error" Err Msg in At Work PC Fax
- Q114264: PC Tools Utilities Fail When 32-Bit Access Is Enabled
- Q114336: Missing MS At Work PC Fax Address Option in WFWG 3.11 Mail
- Q114337: WFWG: Using NetDDE with Third-Party Networks
- Q114370: WFWG Err Msg: Error 58 on Protocol 0
- Q114425: WFWG 3.11: How to Create a Boot Disk to Load Real-Mode Network
- Q114427: How AWFAX Initializes a Class 1 or Class 2 Fax Modem
- Q114477: Cannot See Files on Shared CD-ROM Drives with Corel SCSI
- Q114653: Err Msg: Failure: PROTOCOL.INI Does Not Have a DRIVERNAME=
- Q114819: How to Obtain Support for Video Seven Video Boards
- Q114839: Net Start Fails When TCP/IP is the Only Protocol
- Q115144: Cannot Print Faxes from AWFAX Fax Viewer with the HP 1200C
- Q115200: MS-DOS-Based Apps May Not Time-Slice Well Under WFWG 3.11
- Q115404: ErrMsgs After Upgrade:"Port Is Currently…" or "System Error"
- Q115593: Troubleshooting Remote Access in Windows for Workgroups 3.11
- Q115621: Err Msg: 32-Bit File System Cannot Be Used When DoubleSpace…
- Q115884: Err Msg in WFWG 3.11 w/LANtastic 5.x: RFC:SFT Not in SFT List
- Q115926: Network Driver Error 7212 Sharing a Drive in File Manager
- Q115932: Class 2.0 Modems Unsupported with At Work PC Fax
- Q116053: RAS ErrMsg: Error 692: Hardware Failure in Port or Attached…
- Q116109: Problems Using 1.0 Version of NDIS 2.0 Network Card Driver
- Q116111: Parallel and Printing Problems After Upgrading to WFWG 3.11
- Q116154: Source File Attribute Changes When Copying in Real Mode
- Q116155: Sharp Fax Machines Incompatible with Class 2 Fax Modems
- Q116156: Farallon Phone-Net Is Incompatible with 32-Bit File Access
- Q116157: TRXNET.COM ODI Driver Needs Update with SMC ArcNet PC130
- Q116158: RAS Server Resets in Answer Mode with Sportster Modem
- Q116254: System File Changes Installing Xircom CE10 Ethernet Adapter
- Q116376: Delrina WinFax Pro 3.0 for Networks and WFWG 3.11
- Q116377: WFWG 3.11: Fax Machines That Are Incompatible with AWFAX
- Q118323: WFWG Err Msg: WINFILE Caused a GP Fault at 0009:028A…
- Q118324: Choosing Network Icon Hangs System with Access 1.1 Installed
- Q118424: Schedule+ Err Msg: Mailbox Name or Password Is Incorrect…
- Q118574: Err Msg with Word or Excel Installed: Cannot Read from Drive C
- Q118963: WFWG Err Msg: Shell-332-21: Network Server Could Not Be Found
- Q117141: Err Msg Installing DeskJet 500 4.0 Driver: COMMCTRL.DLL Is…
- Q117305: Err Msg: TCP Unloaded with Madge Smart Ringnode Driver
- Q117501: Replacing RAS in Network Setup After PTP Has Been Installed
- Q117502: WFWG 3.11 RAS Error 652: Unrecognized Text Response…
- Q117602: Information About Setting Up WFWG 3.11 and Personal NetWare
- Q117668: Err Msg: Ring 0 Systems. Virtual 16550 Driver…
- Q117715: Slow Performance over IBM Software Source Routing Bridge
- Q120011: Err Msg with WinLAN Card: The Device Does Not Exist on the…
- Q120077: Files Missing in File Manager After Running Search Command
- Q120078: Cannot Connect to WGPO with Full-Access Password
- Q120118: WinLAN Network Overview
- Q120132: Installing an Unlisted RAS Modem
- Q120133: Can’t Change "Windows In Foreground" Settings in Control Panel
- Q120201: RAS Err Msg: Error 717: Serial Overrun Errors Were Detected…
- Q120228: RAS Point-to-Point: Password Conventions and Common Problems
- Q120391: Err Msg Sharing ClipBook: ClipBook Viewer Cannot Currently…
- Q120415: Net SatisFAXtion Version 2.5 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11
- Q120521: Setup Appears to Hang After You Remove Windows Components
- Q120554: Summary List: Windows for Workgroups 3.11 Confirmed Problems
- Q120576: Logon and Connection Problems using 3Com Etherlink 16 Adapters
- Q120817: How to Delete and Re-create a WFWG Post Office
- Q120818: Explanation of WFW<nn> Files in Windows for Workgroups 3.11
- Q120821: VUDP.386 Not Copied During TCP/IP-32 Install
- Q120884: Setup Using SETUP.SHH File with Windows for Workgroups 3.11
- Q119086: Windows for Workgroups Hangs w/ ArcNet Cards & Novell NetWare
- Q119106: WFWG 3.11 Does Not Pass Requests to Novell DOSNP.EXE
- Q119204: Setup Problems on NEC Docking Station When Checking for APM
- Q119208: AWFAX: CAS Modem Receives Fax with Jagged Print
- Q119247: WFWG: Pause and Resume Events Are Not Logged
- Q119268: WFWG 3.11 Print Manager Causes 3- to 5-Second Pauses
- Q119269: Printing to AWFAX Printer Driver Does Not Send Fax
- Q119445: Syntax for Addressing Faxes Using Microsoft At Work PC Fax
- Q119572: WFWG: Printer Alerts Not Received with WinPopUp
- Q119780: Using ForceMapper with Windows for Workgroups 3.11
- Q119803: Windows for Workgroups: Error 58 on Protocol 0 - (Non-ODI)
- Q121089: ErrMsg w/ArtiSoft Noderunner: 2191-You Cannot Stop the Service
- Q121090: WIN /D:T Disables Printing and Communications in WFWG 3.11
- Q121272: Can No Longer Access .CAL Filename That Includes a Space
- Q121274: Files Used for Remote Access Services (RAS)
- Q121423: WFWG Err Msg: Couldn’t Locate Windows Installation
- Q121462: Obtaining Latest Novell Client Windows Drivers and DLLs
- Q121514: Renaming File in File Manager Appears to the Delete File
- Q121548: Problems with Snap To and Focus Enabled with IntelliPoint 1.0
- Q121720: Error 6103: The String Specified by the COMPUTERNAME…
- Q122032: Troubleshooting At Work PC Fax in WFWG 3.11
- Q122053: System Hangs at Startup with Maxtor Mobile Max Hard Disk
- Q122062: Err Msg: This Version of Mail Is Too Old…
- Q122065: WFWG Mail Causes Unexpected Hard Disk Activity
- Q122119: Differences Between Schedule+ for Workgroups & Retail Version
- Q122129: Microsoft RAS & At Work PC Fax Won’t Run w/ XEMCOMM.DRV Loaded
- Q122150: Password Validation to NT Using ODI Drivers
- Q122162: SMC9000.DOS Doesn’t Activate Megahertz PCMCIA Ethernet Card
- Q122164: WFWG Doesn’t Run with Novell/Eagle NE200 PCMCIA Ethernet Card
- Q122165: Xircom PCMCIA Ethernet Card Fails to Initialize in WFWG
- Q122166: InfoMover PCMCIA Card in AST Laptop Fails to Work Under WFWG
- Q122168: WFWG Hangs with Intel EtherExpress ISA and Adaptec 2940 Cards
- Q122354: Err Msg: Your Schedule File Is Locked
- Q122414: RAS: Error 651 with the Evercom 24E+ Modem
- Q122465: Using the Microcom 14400 Deskporte ES Series with AWFAX
- Q122870: Infinite Disk Does Not Support 32-Bit File Access
- Q122928: Description of the WINSOCK.DLL File
- Q122959: Bus-Mastering SCSI Controller Problem with Etherlink 16/16TP
- Q122987: VSHARE.386 Does Not Work with Novell DOS 6.0 or 7.0
- Q123010: LAN Manager Login PIF Changes Foreground Settings
- Q123077: PING Causes Reboot If Executed Outside Windows for Workgroups
- Q123087: OLE Version 2.03
- Q123095: Windows Err Msg: Invalid VxD… Device # 0484, Service 800D…
- Q123168: RAS Error 652 with US-Robotics 14400 Sportster
- Q123367: WFWG 3.11 Hangs with the Intel EtherExpress Pro
- Q123486: Err Msg: Setup Error 110 During Installation of Microsoft DLC
- Q123490: DocErr in WFWG 3.11 SETUP.TXT Mentions TIGA Drivers
- Q124104: Primary Mouse Button+DEL Creates Drag Mode in Program Manager
- Q124124: Updated IBMTOK.DOS Corrects Error 5736 on 90 MHz Pentiums
- Q124350: WFWG Err Msg: The API Return Buffer Is Too Small
- Q124435: Windows 3.1 Resource Kit Files Available
- Q124557: WordPerfect 6 ErrMsg: The WP Draw Server Could Not Be Launched
- Q124651: Err Msg: No Domain Server Was Available to Validate Your…
- Q124728: INF: Using an NDIS 2.0 Driver with Windows for Workgroups 3.11
- Q124881: WFWG Frame Type Default Depends On Installation Source
- Q124944: Sound Blaster Cards and Windows Driver Information
- Q125021: AWFAX Using Sportster Modem Fails Group 3 Fax Connection
- Q125040: WFWG Err Msg: Setup Cannot Find or Update Your AUTOEXEC.BAT…
- Q125191: NETAPI.DLL Failure Code 02 in BOOTLOG.TXT
- Q125382: Print Manager Displays Error Status with HP LaserJet 4+
- Q125438: Network Icon in Control Panel Does Not Work
- Q125513: Cannot Log On to Domain Using Xircom Adapter in WFWG
- Q125975: Automating Remote RAS Logons Using SWITCH.INF Scripts
- Q126007: Cannot Modify Workgroup Box in Network Utility
- Q126544: NOINT Virus Causes Unusual Network Error Messages in WFWG
- Q126697: Err Msg: ERROR 3649: The IFSHLP.SYS Driver Is Not Installed
- Q126706: Err Msg: MSMAIL Caused a GP Fault in Module MSSFS.DLL
- Q126746: Windows for Workgroups Version History
- Q126747: Print Manager Does Not Start Automatically with Shared Printer
- Q126861: Mail Err Msg: The Network Path You Entered Could Not Be Found
- Q126869: DocErr: Media Player Command-Line Switches
- Q126963: Error 5123: The Computer Name You Specified Is Already in Use
- Q127135: Setup Error 402 with Ositech PCMCIA Network Card
- Q127143: SMARTMON.EXE Does Not Report Cache Information
- Q127804: Network Driver Error 7200 Changing a WFW Network Password
- Q127805: Err Msg: "Problem Loading or Executing the NetWare…"
- Q127821: Problems Using Event Viewer from Windows for Workgroups
- Q127886: Creating Multiple Schedule+ Accounts
- Q128037: TCP/IP-32 Waits on Synchronous NCBs
- Q128146: WFW Client Hangs Saving to Windows NT 3.5 Share
- Q128216: SCHDPLUS.INI File Appears in Root Directory
- Q128371: Error 5733 with InfoExpress Real-Mode Drivers
- Q128722: Windows Hangs After Installing TCP/IP with WDCDRV.386
- Q128910: WFW Does Not Prompt for a Domain Password
- Q128929: LAN Manager Logon Script Window Placement in WFW
- Q129164: Updated NET.EXE Corrects Basic Redirector Truncating Problem
- Q129426: RAS Error 652 Using MultiTech MT2834 Modem
- Q129750: Using the 3C501 Network Adapter with WFWG
- Q129988: Required Frame Types for NetBEUI and TCP/IP-32 Protocols
- Q131062: Network Connections Made From Logon Script May Fail
- Q131261: Message Finder Does Not Search Shared or Deleted Folders
- Q131520: Err Msg "The Mailbox Name or Password Is Incorrect" in Mail
- Q131547: NE2000 Network Adapter Driver Reports Incorrect MAC Address
- Q131635: Error Message: Your EFAXPUMP.INI File Has Become Too Large
- Q131638: PC WFW: Client Files for Windows for Workgroups Mail
- Q131659: RAS Err Msg Connecting a Remote Server Share: Access Denied
- Q131785: Cannot Find Home Directory Share on Windows NT Server
- Q131903: How to Set Up IBM Token Ring PCMCIA for Windows for Workgroups
- Q133255: WFWFILES.TXT: Windows for Workgroups Update Files
- Q130280: Changing Domain Password Causes Error 7210
- Q130596: WFWG Mail Password Case Sensitive Only When Changing Password
- Q130771: Cannot Use RAS or AWFAX with Hayes Accelerator Card Drivers
- Q130897: Windows for Workgroups Hangs on Dell Pentium XPS100
- Q130974: WFW Err Msg: Unable to Contact IP Driver, Error Code 0
- Q132246: Troubleshooting Windows For Workgroups and DHCP
- Q132292: At Work Fax Queue Limit
- Q135358: WfWG 3.11 Computer Hangs Trying to Access Network Using RAS
- Q135587: TCP/IP-32 3.11a May Produce IP Broadcast Storm
- Q136418: Updated Vserver.386 File for Windows for Workgroups
- Q137138: WFW 3.11 Computer with Windows NT 3.51 Update Files Hangs
- Q139016: Optimizing WFWG 3.11 for Real-Mode NetBIOS Programs
- Q139540: Windows for Workgroups Error: SMB Error (17) Working…
- Q141979: Cannot Print to Legal Paper on HP LJ IIP/IIIP with PostScript
- Q140660: Windows 3.x: How To Change the Windows Video Driver
- Q148630: Incorrect Token Ring Frame Type Causes "Request Timed Out"
- Q150335: NEC VERSA/P Hangs with Diamond Speedstar 64 Video Adapter
- Q150688: Differences Between a Workgroup Post Office and Microsoft Mail
- Q156834: Cannot Print Multiple Envelopes to HP LaserJet 5L Printer
- Q161366: Err Msg: The Password You Specified Is Incorrect…
- Q185079: Date of File Copied to a Windows NT Server and Back Is Changed