1.All Documents\ by Product Family / Doc Type (Continued) - Page 199

TP 390,172x - Modem Driver Diskette for DOS25-01-99LWIK-3ZUNTQ
TP 390,172x - Utility Diskette for DOS25-01-99LWIK-3ZSKRS
TP 390,172x - CardWizard for Windows 3.125-01-99LWIK-3ZSSK7
TP 390,172x - CardWizard for Windows NT 4.014-01-99LWIK-3ZSSX4
TP 390,172x - Modem Country Select Package for Windows 9513-01-99LWIK-3ZUQKJ
TP 390,172x - Utility Features for Windows 95/9812-01-99LWIK-3ZSKJF
TP 390,172x - Audio Features Diskette for OS/2 Warp11-01-99LWIK-3ZSQJ6
TP 390,172x - Windows 95/98 Supplement File Diskette11-01-99LWIK-3ZSTFK
TP 390,172x - APM Support Diskette for Windows NT11-01-99LWIK-3ZSL36
TP 390E - CE Utility Diskette18-03-99DSHY-464NFZ
TP 390,172x - PQA Diagnostic Diskette09-02-99DSHY-426QKC
TP 390, i Series 1720 - PC Doctor update18-01-99DSHY-449P2N
TP 390,1720 - CE Utility Diskette06-01-99DSHY-426QH3
DOS/Windows 3.x
TP General - CD-ROM Driver for DOS and Windows 3.120-05-99RMIE-38CEKN
TP 390E - CardWizard for Windows 3.123-03-99DSHY-463RW4
TP 390E - Audio Features Diskette for DOS19-03-99DSHY-4646W3
TP 390E - Video Features Diskette (NM2200) for Windows 3.119-03-99DSHY-463SJT
TP 390E - Utility Features for DOS19-03-99DSHY-463S5G
TP 390E - CardSoft PCMCIA drivers for DOS18-03-99DSHY-463QLB
TP 390E - Audio Features Diskette for Windows 3.118-03-99DSHY-4646VJ
TP 390E - Modem Driver Diskette for Windows 3.118-03-99DSHY-4646PU
TP 390E - Hibernation Utility diskette15-03-99DSHY-45ZLX7
TP 390,172x - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS)18-02-99DSHY-427MCG
TP 390,172x - Modem Driver Diskette for DOS25-01-99LWIK-3ZUNTQ
TP 390,172x - Utility Diskette for DOS25-01-99LWIK-3ZSKRS
TP 390,172x - Video Features Diskette (NM2200) for Windows 3.125-01-99LWIK-3ZSLAZ
TP 390,172x - CardSoft for DOS25-01-99LWIK-3ZSR4U
TP 390,172x - CardWizard for Windows 3.125-01-99LWIK-3ZSSK7
TP 390,172x - Modem Driver Diskette for Windows 3.125-01-99LWIK-3ZUPAS
TP 390,172x - Audio Features Diskette for Windows 3.123-01-99LWIK-3ZSP75
Installation/Removal Procedures
TP General - OS/2 Warp 4 update installation diskettes22-03-99YAST-3MARH8
TP 390,172x - Modem Driver Diskette for Windows NT11-04-99LWIK-3ZUQ4G
TP 390E - Modem Driver Diskette for OS/219-03-99DSHY-4646SL
TP 390E - Modem Driver Diskette for Windows 3.118-03-99DSHY-4646PU
TP 390,172x - Modem Driver Package for Windows 95/9801-02-99LWIK-3ZUPTZ
TP 390,172x - Modem Driver Diskette for DOS25-01-99LWIK-3ZUNTQ
TP 390,172x - Modem Driver Diskette for Windows 3.125-01-99LWIK-3ZUPAS
TP 390,172x - Modem Country Select Package for Windows 9513-01-99LWIK-3ZUQKJ
TP 390,172x - Modem Driver Diskette for OS/2 Warp12-01-99LWIK-3ZUQ9D
TP 390,172x - Modem Ring Diskette for Windows 95/9811-01-99DSHY-426QAL
TP 390E - Video Features Diskette (NM2200) for OS/2 Warp22-03-99DSHY-463SE6
TP General - OS/2 Warp 4 update installation diskettes22-03-99YAST-3MARH8
TP 390,172x - Video Features Diskette (NM2200) for OS/2 Warp21-03-99LWIK-3ZSLKJ
TP 390,600,770,172x - TrackPoint Driver Disk I for OS/220-03-99YAST-3MDRHL
TP General - PC Card Director for OS/220-03-99YAST-3MDRYE
TP 390E - Modem Driver Diskette for OS/219-03-99DSHY-4646SL
TP 390E - Audio Features Diskette for OS/2 Warp19-03-99DSHY-4646YC
TP 390E - Hibernation Utility diskette15-03-99DSHY-45ZLX7
TP 390,172x - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS)18-02-99DSHY-427MCG
TP 390,172x - Modem Driver Diskette for OS/2 Warp12-01-99LWIK-3ZUQ9D
TP 390,172x - Audio Features Diskette for OS/2 Warp11-01-99LWIK-3ZSQJ6
TP 390, i Series 1720 - PC Doctor update18-01-99DSHY-449P2N
TP 390E - CardWizard for Windows 3.123-03-99DSHY-463RW4
TP General - PC Card Director for OS/220-03-99YAST-3MDRYE
TP 390E - CardSoft PCMCIA drivers for DOS18-03-99DSHY-463QLB
TP 390,172x - CardWorks for Windows 9526-02-99LWIK-3ZSSQX
TP 390,172x - CardSoft for DOS25-01-99LWIK-3ZSR4U
TP 390,172x - CardWizard for Windows 3.125-01-99LWIK-3ZSSK7
TP 390,172x - CardWizard for Windows NT 4.014-01-99LWIK-3ZSSX4
Power Management
TP 390E - APM Support Diskette for Windows NT 4.021-03-99DSHY-45ZNQF
TP 390,172x - Windows 95/98 Supplement File Diskette11-01-99LWIK-3ZSTFK
TP 390/E,172x - Warm Swap Driver Package for Windows 95/9824-03-99DSHY-426QF7
TP 390,600,770,172x - TrackPoint Driver Disk I for OS/220-03-99YAST-3MDRHL
Crossbrand - REGDEL - Windows 95 fix for no logon prompt19-03-99BBOD-3KXFB2
TP 390E - Utility Features for DOS19-03-99DSHY-463S5G
TP 390E - CE Utility Diskette18-03-99DSHY-464NFZ
TP 390E - Hibernation Utility diskette15-03-99DSHY-45ZLX7
TP 390,172x - Utility Diskette for DOS25-01-99LWIK-3ZSKRS
TP 390,172x - Utility Features for Windows 95/9812-01-99LWIK-3ZSKJF
TP 390,172x - APM Support Diskette for Windows NT11-01-99LWIK-3ZSL36
TP 390,1720 - CE Utility Diskette06-01-99DSHY-426QH3
TP 390,172x - Video Features Diskette (NM2200) for Windows NT21-05-99LWIK-3ZSM7N
TP 390E - Video Features Diskette (NM2200) for OS/2 Warp22-03-99DSHY-463SE6
TP 390,172x - Video Features Diskette (NM2200) for OS/2 Warp21-03-99LWIK-3ZSLKJ
TP 390E - Video Features Diskette (NM2200) for Windows 3.119-03-99DSHY-463SJT
TP 390,172x - Video Features Package (NM2200) for Windows 95/9809-02-99LWIK-3ZSLVA
TP 390,172x - Video Features Diskette (NM2200) for Windows 3.125-01-99LWIK-3ZSLAZ
Windows 95
TP 390,172x - Audio Features for Windows 95/9814-04-99LWIK-3ZSQUP
TP 390/E,172x - Warm Swap Driver Package for Windows 95/9824-03-99DSHY-426QF7
Crossbrand - REGDEL - Windows 95 fix for no logon prompt19-03-99BBOD-3KXFB2
TP 390E - Hibernation Utility diskette15-03-99DSHY-45ZLX7
TP 390,172x - CardWorks for Windows 9526-02-99LWIK-3ZSSQX
TP 390,172x - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS)18-02-99DSHY-427MCG
TP 390,172x - Video Features Package (NM2200) for Windows 95/9809-02-99LWIK-3ZSLVA
TP 390,172x - Modem Driver Package for Windows 95/9801-02-99LWIK-3ZUPTZ
TP 390,172x - Modem Country Select Package for Windows 9513-01-99LWIK-3ZUQKJ
TP 390,172x - Utility Features for Windows 95/9812-01-99LWIK-3ZSKJF
TP 390,172x - Modem Ring Diskette for Windows 95/9811-01-99DSHY-426QAL
TP 390,172x - Windows 95/98 Supplement File Diskette11-01-99LWIK-3ZSTFK
Windows 98
TP 390,172x - Audio Features for Windows 95/9814-04-99LWIK-3ZSQUP
TP 390/E,172x - Warm Swap Driver Package for Windows 95/9824-03-99DSHY-426QF7
TP 390E - Hibernation Utility diskette15-03-99DSHY-45ZLX7
TP 390,172x - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS)18-02-99DSHY-427MCG
TP 390,172x - Video Features Package (NM2200) for Windows 95/9809-02-99LWIK-3ZSLVA
TP 390,172x - Modem Driver Package for Windows 95/9801-02-99LWIK-3ZUPTZ
TP 390,172x - Utility Features for Windows 95/9812-01-99LWIK-3ZSKJF
TP 390,172x - Modem Ring Diskette for Windows 95/9811-01-99DSHY-426QAL
Windows NT
TP 390,172x - Video Features Diskette (NM2200) for Windows NT21-05-99LWIK-3ZSM7N
TP 390,172x - Modem Driver Diskette for Windows NT11-04-99LWIK-3ZUQ4G
TP 390E - APM Support Diskette for Windows NT 4.021-03-99DSHY-45ZNQF
TP 390E - Hibernation Utility diskette15-03-99DSHY-45ZLX7
TP 390,172x - System Program Service Diskette (BIOS)18-02-99DSHY-427MCG
TP 390,172x - CardWizard for Windows NT 4.014-01-99LWIK-3ZSSX4
TP 390,172x - APM Support Diskette for Windows NT11-01-99LWIK-3ZSL36
TP 390,172x - Audio Features Diskette for Windows NT 4.011-01-99LWIK-3ZSQXL
ThinkPad 390E
Parts Information
TP 390E - FRU parts listing24-05-99AGRN-45ZPD2
TP General - Modem Options21-05-99DSTE-3QPT9E
TP General - External CD-ROM Drive Options21-05-99TJEK-3R7PDV
TP General - Keyboards/Mice Options21-05-99DSTE-3QHS2J
TP 390,172x - AC Adapters/Battery Options06-04-99LWIK-3Z7JLB
TP General - Network Adapters/Emulator Options06-04-99DSTE-3QSPHY
TP 390,172x - HDD/CD-ROM/FDD Options06-04-99LWIK-3ZUJX4
TP 390E - LCD FRU parts listing06-04-99AGRN-45ZV2W
TP 390,172x - Memory Options06-04-99LWIK-3Z7JBS
TP 390,172x - Docking Stations/Port Replicator Options06-04-99LWIK-3Z7JR8
Product Information
TP 390 - Product Information08-04-99LWIK-46RMV9
Service Hints & Tips
TP 390E - Recorded sounds not being played back properly18-05-99MIGR-47YJZV
TP General - Using an external microphone for voice type dictation06-04-99PFAN-3UFTJF
TP General - Checking the Windows 95/98 volume control settings06-04-99BMOE-43WH83
TP General - How to play a *.WAV File under Windows 3.1 and Windows 9506-04-99YAST-3JWMZL
TP General - Audio stutters during playback of MPEG or AVI files06-04-99LWIK-44JHZT
TP General - Very low or no sound although volume is turned up06-04-99DEDN-3EXM7K
TP General - BIOS File Matrix06-04-99BMOE-3VAM8Y
TP General - How to access the BIOS06-04-99YAST-3JWKJX
CD-ROM Drives
TP 390,172x - Will not boot from CD-ROM drive25-05-99MIGR-47SMXM
TP General - How to install and use CD-ROM audio support under Windows 3.1x and Windows 9511-05-99YAST-3JUQDH
TP General - How to load a CD in the CD-ROM drive06-04-99EMON-3LLR58
TP General - IBM PCMCIA CD-ROM (1969007) and Windows 95 06-04-99GSMH-39PH59
TP General - How to disable/enable Auto Insertion Detection06-04-99YAST-3JWNLN
Crossbrand - NT repair process fails when CD-ROM drive not recognized 06-04-99DSHY-438RT4
TP General - General troubleshooting tips for missing CD-ROM drive in Windows 9506-04-99PSMS-3Q3NT6
TP General - Cannot read CD-R discs06-04-99LWIK-446TFD
TP General - Unable to access CD-ROM drive in Windows 9506-04-99DEDN-3FPQ49
TP General - How to set up CD-ROM support for MS-DOS mode in Windows 95/9806-04-99DEDN-3FGQC9
TP General - Properly cleaning CD media06-04-99LWIK-3XZGJR
TP General - Out of memory errors in Dial-Up Networking07-05-99DSHY-3UFPPV
TP General - Removing IE 4.0 or 4.01 causes modem problems06-04-99PFAN-3SNST4
IBM 56K PC Card Data/Fax Modem with GSM - Dial-tone problem with 56k modem (Italy)06-04-99LWIK-45EMJ7
TP General - 3270 Emulation Credit Card Adapter - Information Guide06-04-99LWIK-3S4MZS
TP General - TDK 33.6 KBPS PCMCIA Data/Fax Modem - German Option P/N 75H8800 (EMEA only)06-04-99DJON-3MGQTN
TP General - Guidelines on how to configure COM ports06-04-99LWIK-3T4JQY
TP General - How to configure COM Ports for Terminal, HyperTerminal, and HyperAccess.06-04-99YAST-3JXM2C
TP General - MS Fax will not fax more than twice unless the computer is rebooted06-04-99LWIK-3W9FFR
TP General - How to configure the Windows Terminal program in Windows 3.106-04-99YAST-3GTTL6
TP General - How to determine if your modem is using standard resources06-04-99YAST-3JZN2E
TP General - Changing the tone/pulse dialing option in Windows 95/9806-04-99PFAN-3U6LNM
TP General - Dial tones can't be heard when using a PCMCIA modem in Windows 9506-04-99PFAN-3UFS2L
TP General - How to use and configure Windows 95 HyperTerminal06-04-99YAST-3JZL8Z
TP General - Problems connecting at 56K speeds06-04-99DSHY-424LE6
TP General - Unable to configure PC Card Modem to COM 1 in Warp 4.006-04-99DSET-3DUFNT
Communications Software
Aptiva/ThinkPad - How to reinstall Dial-Up Networking and setup TCP/IP in Windows 9504-05-99MNOK-3QHMZM
TP 390E - Considerations for DOS/Windows 3.1106-04-99AGRN-45WQDE
TP 390E - Considerations for Windows 9518-03-99AGRN-45WPYZ
TP 390E - Considerations for Windows NT18-03-99AGRN-45WREH
Diskette Drives
TP General - Diskette drive not working in DOS/Win3.X or Windows 95 after installing a Iomega Ditto tape drive06-04-99PFAN-3V6N9V
TP General - Floppy diskette drive failure under DOS/Windows 3.1x and Windows 95/9806-04-99RMIE-396BXH
TP General - External monitor configuration under Windows 9506-04-99LWIK-3NJLHZ
TP General - LCD Cleaning06-04-99RMIE-3FAF2V
Docking/Port Replicators
TP General - PC Card modem in a docking station/port replicator may not work after resumes06-04-99DSHY-3YFKD4
TP General - 3Com Combo card and CardBus Card in a docking station/port replicator may not work after suspend and resume06-04-99DSHY-3YFMKZ
TP General - The system reboots if a PC Card is inserted into a docking station or a port replicator. 06-04-99DSHY-3YFPMC
TP General - PC Cards may not be recognized after warm docking a computer to the docking station06-04-99DSHY-3YFNWQ
ThinkPad Port Replicator with Advanced EtherJet - FRU part number change06-04-99LWIK-42XPE7
TP General - SCSI or ATA cards in a docking station/port replicator may not work after suspend and resume.06-04-99DSHY-3YFMFV
DOS/Windows 3.x
CrossBrand - Operating Systems - Optimizing hard drive space through drive partitioning06-04-99YAST-3FJTR7
TP General - Problems connecting at 56K speeds06-04-99DSHY-424LE6
TP General - Floppy diskette drive failure under DOS/Windows 3.1x and Windows 95/9806-04-99RMIE-396BXH
DVD Drives
TP General - How to load a CD in the CD-ROM drive06-04-99EMON-3LLR58
TP General - Cannot read CD-R discs06-04-99LWIK-446TFD
TP General - Properly cleaning CD media06-04-99LWIK-3XZGJR
Error Messages
TP General - Shell32 error when clicking on PCMCIA icon in systray06-04-99LWIK-463FNL

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