1.All Documents\ by Machine Type / Doc Type (Continued) - Page 19

Aptiva-PS/1 - How to automatically print date and time in a document24-03-99YAST-3FKMEU
PS/1-Aptiva - Can Works print title rows and columns at the top of every page?24-03-99MCGN-3G2KR2
PS/1-Aptiva - Font used for footnotes in Microsoft Works24-03-99MCGN-3G2P9S
PS/1-Aptiva - Dotted line displayed in place of picture24-03-99MCGN-3G8S2B
PS/1-Aptiva - Microsoft Works formatting column width for date or number to avoid #######24-03-99MCGN-3G2LM3
PS/1-Aptiva - Problem lining up text in columns in Microsoft Works24-03-99MCGN-3G8PJB
Aptiva - Cue cards reappear while Works for Windows is minimized24-03-99DJON-3G5RMG
Aptiva - Error Message: Page size too small24-03-99DJON-3G5SZB
PS/1-Aptiva - Creating or modifying an envelope in Works for Windows 3.024-03-99DJON-3G8MA6
PS/1-Aptiva - How to avoid a blank line printing in a database merge24-03-99YAST-3FSRNW
PS/1-Aptiva - How can I select a file that is not in the Works subdirectory?24-03-99DJON-3FXL33
PS/1-Aptiva - How do you sort a spreadsheet in Microsoft Works?24-03-99DSET-3G5E4G
PS/1-Aptiva - How to avoid printing page numbers on the first several pages in the Microsoft Works word processor24-03-99YAST-3FKQEX
Aptiva - Converting word processor files to DCA/RFT Format24-03-99DJON-3FJJXH
PS/1-Aptiva - How to create fields in the Microsoft Works database24-03-99YAST-3G5VPX
PS/1-Aptiva - Viewing hidden records in Microsoft Works24-03-99DJON-3G8Q9W
PS/1 - Can you ask Works to suggest another word with the same meaning?24-03-99MCGN-3G2KGJ
PS/1-Aptiva - Entering field placeholders in Works for Windows24-03-99DJON-3G5RTK
PS/1-Aptiva - Is the spell checker in Microsoft Works case sensitive?24-03-99MCGN-3G6GTJ
PS/1-Aptiva - Draw file filters supplied with Works for Windows24-03-99DJON-3G5PSZ
PS/1-Aptiva - Can I print sideways (Landscape Mode) within Works for Windows?24-03-99DSET-3FHDXD
Aptiva - Does Works for Windows offer spelling suggestions?24-03-99MCGN-3G2T4Y
PS/1-Aptiva - Microsoft Works formula to add days to a date in the spreadsheet24-03-99MCGN-3G2L7N
Aptiva - How to insert/delete a blank line between footnotes in Microsoft Works24-03-99YAST-3FKTUT
PS/1 - What is the maximum page size for Microsoft Works for Windows?24-03-99DJON-3FWRZV
PS/1-Aptiva - Formula to increment months in Microsoft Works24-03-99EMON-3JTFPB
PS/1-Aptiva - Can the Works tutorial be used from within Works as a reference?24-03-99MCGN-3G2KZQ
PS/1-Aptiva - Can I sort specific records in the database using Microsoft Works?24-03-99YAST-3FSR3T
PS/1-Aptiva - Can I select more than one font in a Works document?24-03-99DJON-3FST5G
PS/1-Aptiva - Revealing hidden columns in report view of Works24-03-99DJON-3G8PH5
PS/1-Aptiva - Entering fractions and dates in a Microsoft Works spreadsheet24-03-99DJON-3G5S37
PS/1-Aptiva - Can I scan text or graphics directly into Works?24-03-99DJON-3FYQA4
PS/1-Aptiva - Can I select specific records from my Works database to print?24-03-99DJON-3FSK93
PS/1-Aptiva - Spell checking in Works documents24-03-99MCGN-3G2QT2
PS/1-Aptiva - How to use documents created in word processors other than Works24-03-99YAST-3FSQXL
PS/1-Aptiva - Can I size my Works chart?24-03-99DJON-3FTQW5
PS/1-Aptiva - How can I view more of my spreadsheet file on one screen?24-03-99MCGN-3G6NA9
PS/1-Aptiva - Microsoft Works: Word processor questions and answers24-03-99MCGN-3G2NEX
PS/1-Aptiva - Can I query on multiple date fields in the database?24-03-99DJON-3FTKGV
PS/1-Aptiva - How to delete a file from Works for Windows24-03-99YAST-3FTR2X
PS/1-Aptiva - Can I sort a field that contains both first and last names?24-03-99DJON-3FTQNW
PS/1-Aptiva - Entering fractions and dates in a Microsoft Works spreadsheet24-03-99DJON-3G5S37
PS/1-Aptiva - No text functionality available in formulas24-03-99DJON-3G8R54
PS/1-Aptiva - How to get a field total to display without the field name in a report with Microsoft Works23-03-99YAST-3FRLVS
PS/1-Aptiva - Using charts within Microsoft Works23-03-99MCGN-3FQMWD
Aptiva - Microsoft Works chart or drawing in word processor does not print23-03-99DJON-3G8KYX
Aptiva - Installing a printer driver for Works for Windows23-03-99DJON-3GEJMB
Aptiva - Changing print size in Microsoft Works23-03-99DJON-3G8RRS
PS/1-Aptiva - Numbering pages with a value other than one in Microsoft Works23-03-99YAST-3FKRPM
Aptiva - How to delete one page from a file in Microsoft Works without deleting the entire file23-03-99YAST-3FRLEQ
PS/1 - Information on using printer control codes in Works23-03-99YAST-3G8JEH
PS/1-Aptiva - How to edit a spell check personal dictionary23-03-99YAST-3FRLKH
PS/1-Aptiva - Calculating times within Microsoft Works23-03-99MCGN-3FQNAK
PS/1-Aptiva - Can I create a hanging indent in Works?23-03-99DJON-3F64YA
Aptiva - Does Microsoft Works support expanded memory?23-03-99YAST-3FSRVE
PS/1 - Printing sideways (Landscape Mode) in Works for DOS23-03-99MCGN-3FJU8V
PS/1-Aptiva - Can I delete all cells except those containing formulas?23-03-99DJON-3F64CX
Aptiva-PS/1 - Can I turn widow and orphan control off in Microsoft Works?23-03-99YAST-3FSRS6
PS/1-Aptiva - Can I copy a record field or cell to more than one location?23-03-99DJON-3F663W
PS/1-Aptiva - Can I create an X-Series label that is more than one line?23-03-99DJON-3F64PR
PS/1 - Top and bottom labels do not print23-03-99DJON-3G7SRY
Aptiva - Microsoft Works error message: "Footer Too Tall" on Panasonic printers23-03-99DJON-3G8P68
PS/1 - Microsoft Works label printing questions and answers23-03-99MCGN-3G2MHC
Aptiva - No TrueType Fonts available using DeskJet series printers23-03-99DJON-3G8QZH
PS/1-Aptiva - Can I create a 100% area line chart in Microsoft Works?23-03-99DJON-3F65JL
PS/1-Aptiva - Adding words to the personal Works dictionary23-03-99YAST-3FKSSE
Aptiva - Error Message: Cannot Find File or File Already Open23-03-99DJON-3G5SJG
Aptiva - Printing more than one form letter on a page in Works23-03-99MCGN-3FRM9G
Aptiva - Changing the printer in Printer Setup in Works for Windows23-03-99DJON-3G8L73
PS/1-Aptiva - Page Setup Error printing envelopes on DeskJet 50023-03-99DJON-3G7QDQ
Aptiva - Envelope problems in Works 3.0 using Canon printers23-03-99DJON-3G5S9X
Aptiva - Why don't my Works field names appear when I am trying to insert them?18-03-99MCGN-3G2QJS
Aptiva - Parity check error15-03-99MCGN-3G6MKF
Aptiva - Summary calculations in Works for Windows database report15-03-99YAST-3G8RFM
Aptiva - The "Text" option in the "File Save As" dialog box in Microsoft Works15-03-99MCGN-3FJNQQ
Aptiva - Does Works for Windows support color text printing?15-03-99DSET-3G5DWD
Aptiva - How to make backup files within Microsoft(R) Works15-03-99YAST-3FSSSC
Aptiva - How to get to the DOS prompt from Works without exiting15-03-99YAST-3FKN2D
Aptiva - Changing the order of database columns in list view in Microsoft Works12-03-99MCGN-3G6RFR
Aptiva - Creating and printing mailing labels in Works for Windows11-03-99IDTM-3G7JLY
Aptiva - Why does the Spell Checker ask if I want to continue from the start?11-03-99DSET-3FBL3C
Aptiva - WordPerfect v. 6.0a or 6.1 lockups11-03-99MCGN-3G2SKA
Aptiva - Adding words to the custom dictionary in Microsoft Works for Windows11-03-99DSET-3FCHQS
Aptiva - Number of dictionary/thesaurus entries in Works 3.011-03-99DJON-3G8QX3
PS/1-Aptiva - Does my diskette need to be formatted before I use Copy Disk?18-02-99DSET-3FDFXY
Aptiva - Setting up a PS/1 modem for Works 3.017-02-99DJON-3G7MEP
Aptiva - Does Works support ANSI color graphics on bulletin board systems?17-02-99DSET-3G5DZB
PS/1 - Running Preloaded Programs on PS/1 with IBM PC DOS 7.025-01-99EMON-3JTNF2
Aptiva - Double-Spacing Occurs When Using Generic/Text Only Driver25-01-99DJON-3G5PFV
Aptiva - Misaligned Data When Copying From Spreadsheet17-12-98DJON-3G6TDB
PS/1 - FastTips: Setup Questions And Answers17-12-98YAST-3FTKKC
PS/1 - Placing the Cursor at the Beginning of a Document 17-12-98EMON-3JTMYW
Aptiva - How to use dates in formulas in a Works spreadsheet17-12-98YAST-3FSS8R
Aptiva - Changing the default unit of measurement in Microsoft Works17-12-98DJON-3FZQ2B
PS/1 - How to select more than one font in a Works for DOS document17-12-98DJON-3FYRJY
Aptiva - How to specify where a new page should begin in a Works document17-12-98YAST-3FSRBL
Aptiva - FastTips for Works 2.0: General Questions and Answers.17-12-98MCGN-3G2LYP
PS/1 - Placing the Cursor at the End of a Document17-12-98EMON-3JTN49
Aptiva - Querying on Blank or Non-blank Fields in Works for Windows17-12-98DJON-3G8TRJ
Aptiva - Information On Using Macros In A Works Spreadsheet.17-12-98MCGN-3G8L2Y
Aptiva - Common Microsoft Works questions11-12-98DETR-3THLK8
Aptiva - Creating Or Modifying A Label In Works For Windows 3.011-12-98DJON-3G8MJ7
Aptiva - Searching a Works document for a specific word or phrase10-12-98DJON-3FYR44
Aptiva - Error Message: Dictionary Not Valid10-12-98DJON-3G2MJ6
Aptiva-PS/1 - Erasing formulas from fields in Microsoft Works10-12-98EMON-3JTFYZ
Aptiva - Error Message: Cannot Save Document10-12-98DJON-3G5SSY
Aptiva - Formatting present in Preview but not on printout10-12-98MCGN-3G2NVB
Aptiva-PS/1- Deselecting highlighted text in Microsoft Works10-12-98EMON-3JTFUU
Aptiva - How to chart negative values in Microsoft Works10-12-98YAST-3FKU89
PS/1 - Error Message: Speller Cannot Be Found10-12-98MCGN-3G5TZH
Aptiva - Does the Undo command reverse the changes made by the Works spell checker?10-12-98DSET-3G5B8N
Aptiva - Uneven Label Printing With Panasonic KX-P112410-12-98MCGN-3G8TPZ
Aptiva - Printing Page Numbers in Form Letters10-12-98DJON-3G8TVH
Aptiva - Selecting specific records from a Works database to print10-12-98DJON-3FYRYZ
Aptiva-PS/1 - Removing bold format after words are deleted in Microsoft Works10-12-98EMON-3JTFRZ
Aptiva - Print Date/Current Date Format10-12-98YAST-3FKTZ3
Aptiva - Can I use multiple databases when printing form letters or labels?09-12-98DJON-3F6GAK
Aptiva - Why doesn't the works file I saved on diskette list in 'Your Software'?09-12-98MCGN-3FQSHT
Aptiva - Books Available For MS Works For Windows 2.009-12-98YAST-3FKQU3
Aptiva - Can I copy a column of numbers in Works without copying their formulas?09-12-98DJON-3F6FQ9
Aptiva - How can I save or copy a file to the A-Drive in Works for Windows?03-12-98DJON-3FWQSU
IBM Monitors - PS/1 Video Card Shield - Video transistors short circuiting04-06-98GSMH-38GCEL
Software Installation/Configuration
Aptiva - Setting up the Communication module in Microsoft Works for Windows 3.025-03-99DJON-3G6RT8
PS/1 - Restoring original PS/1 software on PS/1 or PS/Note24-03-99EMON-3JTNAT
Aptiva - 2144/2168 (SL-H) Adding a second hard drive causes CD-ROM programs to fail24-03-99RMIE-38KG5P
Aptiva - Retaining Windows icons when upgrading to MS-DOS 6.x23-03-99MCGN-3G6JHM
PS/1 - Restoring DOS 5.0 after installing IBM PC DOS 722-03-99EMON-3JTJ6A
Aptiva - Returning to DOS 5.0 after installing IBM PC DOS 722-03-99DJON-3GDPVK
Aptiva - Retaining Windows icons when upgrading to MS-DOS 6.2222-03-99DJON-3GEHQA
Aptiva - Installing a downloaded Windows 3.1 printer driver22-03-99DJON-3GDRAY
Aptiva - Returning to DOS 5.0 after installing MS-DOS 6.2222-03-99DJON-3GDQ5S
Aptiva - Can I add the Windows-based utilities after MS-DOS 6.x installs?22-03-99DSET-3FDBAJ
PS/1 - Retaining Windows icons when upgrading to MS-DOS 6.2222-03-99EMON-3JTNCC
Aptiva - Opening a document automatically when opening a program22-03-99YAST-3G7UDH
PS/1 - Installing a printer driver in Windows 3.022-03-99EMON-3JTQ29
Aptiva - Reconfiguring a printer when installing Windows 9522-03-99YAST-3FTQGD
PS/1-Aptiva - How to make Warp & Windows 95 & Boot Manager work 15-03-99DSET-3FH9J2
Aptiva - Why do I get an Insufficient Memory error when installing software?15-03-99DJON-3G2RQ2
Aptiva - Automatically starting applications when starting Microsoft Windows 3.109-03-99DSET-3FD9E8
Aptiva - Installing software programs on my PS/1 or Aptiva09-03-99MCGN-3FDMMW
Aptiva - Restoring a specific pre-loaded program on a PS/1 or Aptiva computer09-03-99MCGN-3G8QKH
Aptiva - Upgrading a PS/1 to IBM PC DOS 7.019-02-99DJON-3G6RZ6
Aptiva - Configuring America Online to work with internal GVC 14.4Kbps modem17-02-99MCGN-3FHLXN
Aptiva - Using Windows Terminal to access the IBM BBS17-02-99DJON-3G82L2
Aptiva - Changing the default COM port and baud rate in Windows Terminal17-02-99MCGN-3G8SAA
Aptiva - How to disable call waiting in Windows Terminal16-02-99MCGN-3FDQ3C
Aptiva - Configuring Windows Terminal to recognize the modem16-02-99YAST-3FKRWV
Aptiva - Creative Labs Sound Blaster drivers10-02-99YAST-3FTNWL
Aptiva - Installing IBM PC DOS 7.0 On A PS/125-01-99DJON-3G6SC4
PS/1-Aptiva - Can I setup my printer if it is not listed in the Windows 3.1 Control Panel?25-01-99DSET-3FG8R7
Aptiva-PS/1 - Installing IBM PC-DOS 7.025-01-99DETR-3UFMZB
Aptiva - How to install a printer driver in Windows 3.125-01-99YAST-3FPU3Q
Aptiva - Installing IBM PC-DOS 7.025-01-99DSET-3FH9YX
PS/1 - How do I install a printer driver in Windows 3.0?25-01-99DETR-3UEPLM
Aptiva-PS/1 - Upgrading from PC-DOS 6.3 to PC-DOS 7.025-01-99DETR-3UFP7Y
Aptiva - Installing MS-DOS on a PC-DOS System25-01-99DSET-3FHA39
PS/1 - How can I restore my original PS/1 software to my PS/1 or PS/Note?14-12-98DETR-3UEPLH
PS/1 - Install message ISN0006E with a return code of 314-12-98JWOE-3QGT9G
Aptiva-PS/1 - Installing MS-DOS on a PC-DOS system10-12-98DETR-3UFMZC
Aptiva-PS/1 - Installing Windows 95 on your PS/1 or Aptiva10-12-98DETR-3UFMZ8
Aptiva - Building diskettes from the Web09-12-98MNOK-3YDKS6
Aptiva - Installing WinFax Lite08-12-98DJON-3G8MHQ
Aptiva - PS/1 and Aptiva Recovery Media for Australia22-10-98MNOK-3ZHL3B
System Boards
Aptiva - Motherboard Recognition PS/1 And Aptiva Computers17-12-98YAST-3G6PJN
Technical Specifications
PS/1 - 2123 System Information19-02-99MWER-3S2VCZ
PS/1 - 2123 - Technical specifications19-02-99GJAN-42ZLVD
PS/1 - Vintage product information (US Origin)22-01-99YAST-3FSN5Y
PS/1 - 2133 - Technical specifications (Canada)22-01-99GJAN-42ZRUW
Utility Software
Aptiva-PS/1 - What is the CHKDSK command?12-04-99DETR-3UFPEW
Aptiva - How to avoid viruses05-04-99DJON-3G8TRW
Aptiva-PS/1 - Can I start at the 4-Option Menu?23-03-99DJON-3FJLGU
PS/1-Aptiva - Creating multiple partitions on a hard drive23-03-99DSET-3FGC2K
PS/1-Aptiva - I cannot lower my "estimated" compression ratio23-03-99DSET-3FGGKP
Aptiva - How do you FORMAT a diskette for use in DOSSHELL?23-03-99DSET-3FAA9M
PS/1-Aptiva - If I accidentally save data over an existing file, what can I do?23-03-99DSET-3FGEED
Aptiva - Backup utility in IBM PC-DOS 6.323-03-99DSET-3FDARF
Aptiva - How to use the DOS Shell to copy a file from the fixed disk to diskette23-03-99YAST-3FTQQ5
Aptiva-PS/1 - Printing text files from the DOSShell file system 23-03-99EMON-3JTM4S
Aptiva-PS/1 - How to restore an original or saved desktop configuration23-03-99YAST-3FRM83
Aptiva-PS/1 - Deleting files from a hard disk23-03-99EMON-3JTHMD
PS/1-Aptiva - Can I backup specific directories and files on my fixed disk?23-03-99DSET-3FG896
Aptiva - Can I add the Windows-based utilities after MS-DOS 6.x installs?22-03-99DSET-3FDBAJ
Aptiva - Processor upgrades and HWCHECK15-03-99YAST-3G6JCG
Aptiva - Maintenance of a SuperStor compressed drive15-03-99MCGN-3FHKRN
PS/1-Aptiva - Information on avoiding backing up the Windows swap files15-03-99DSET-3FH9W6
Aptiva - Why does Paintbrush start with a black and white palette or errors?12-03-99DSET-3FBKKT
Aptiva - Using the PKZIP/PKUNZIP utilities10-03-99DJON-3G2TAK
Aptiva - Determining when to use DEFRAG09-03-99DSET-3FBQZA
Aptiva - Why does the CHKDSK or SCANDISK command tell me I have bad sectors?02-03-99DSET-3FCK7W
Aptiva - Converting to DoubleSpace or DriveSpace after using a different disk compression software22-02-99DJON-3G5NBT
Aptiva - How to sort files in the DOSSHELL file system22-02-99YAST-3G6M9Y
Aptiva - How can I select a file with the keyboard in the DOSSHELL file system?22-02-99MCGN-3G5R5N
Aptiva - How can I use a RAM Drive with the DOS "SET TEMP" variable?22-02-99MCGN-3G5QDH
Aptiva - Unable to use disk cache on specified drive error19-02-99MCGN-3G8UE2
PS/1 - Can I get a list of the files backed up?19-02-99DSET-3FA8GR
PS/1 - Creating bootable DOS diskettes18-02-99EMON-3JTQCV

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